HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-08-03- Couricil Minutes - 8/-1,/70 ,?.3 k WNI I IN I T Y, I.: 1,'V I (,I,::! 1T0,1 1,:(:, 1 pr-(_�erkted a. 1'rom the Orange County I)epartment- recommending the establishment of' a county -wide "Community Services Project" with individual cities participating and L'urnishing manpower, funds, equipment and. supplies. He further in- formed Council that they had received. copies of the Police Chief's report, recommending against participation at this time. Following discussion, on motion by McCracken, -Council referred this matter to the City Administrator for further analysis and report to Council at the meeting of August 17, 1970, and further d1rected. that the County be informed that the Council is considering their request. Motion carried. W PETITION - TREE MAINTENANCE - TRACT NO. 5755 The Clerk presented, &-petition from approximately 114 residents of Tract No. 5755 - Dean Gard.enhomes Associates, located on Bushard Street, south of Adams Avenue, requesting that the city assume.the responsibility for street tree maintenance. Due to a provision in the covenants, conditions and restrictions approved. as part of Variance No. 66-69 and. Dv 66-6, homeowners must provide street tree maintenance at their own expense. The Clerk then read a report from the City Engineer regard.ing this matter. Mr. Jack Graves, 20322 Eastwood Circle, City, ad.d,ressed Council and. gave reasons why the residents of the area believed their request to be justified. Following discussion by Council, this matter was referred. to the City Administrator and staff to try to determine a solution to the, problem. FORMATION 6� "ENSEIV03LE THEATRE" The Clerk presented. a communication from Mr. Michael Frym, one of the founders of the "Ensemble Theatre", requesting that the city make an allowance to the new theatre group, and. submitting a budget of funds which would. be -required. together with a request that an empty building be furnished to the group. Mr. Michael Frym., 21861 Colima Lane, City, ad.d.ressed Council and. gave reasons why he believed this particular kind. of theatre would. be successful in the community. Mr. David E. Maiville, a founder of the "Ensemble Theatre," addressed Council and informed Council of the requirements which must be met to insure the success of a new theatre. Considerable discussion was held. by Council on the matter. On motion by Green, Council directed. that the communication from the founders of the "Ensemble Theatre", r * equesting assistance in the for- mation of a new theatre group, be received and filed. Motion carried.. PERMISSIO�'TO ATTE14D CONFERENCE - CITY ATTORNEY The Clerk presenteo. a communication.from the City Administrator re- questing authorization for Mr. Don P. Bonfa, City Attorney, to attend the thirty-fifth annual conference of the National Institute of Muni- cipal Law Officers in Boston, Massachusetts, from October 11-14, 1970. On motion by Coen, Council authorized. the City Attorney to al;tend the thirty-fifth annual conference of the National Institute of Municipal Law Officers in Boston, Massachusetts, on said. date, with reasonable expenses allowed. Motion carried. 'V- �' DOWNTOWN PROPERTY OWNERS - PROGRESS REPORT The Administrator presented. a communication from Mr. Bob Terry, Chair- man of the Downtown Property Owners Association, informing Council that their July 1, 1970, objective of 40% of the five blocks committed. to private d.evelopment had been reached. and. that they were moving toward their previously agreed. upon goal of 75% committment by October 1, 1970. The Administrator further stated that consideration of this matter was continued by Coun-2il from the meeting of July 6, 1970 Mr. Bob Terry addressed Council and. spoke regarding the avenues the Association is endeavoring to explore in an effort to develop the downtown area through private means. Considerable discussion was held between the City Attorney, Mr. Terry and the Council regarding this matter, however no action was taken at this time. REVISED FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS - PROPOSED PARKING AUTHORITY EXPANSION The City Administrator presented a report and. recommendation re- garding the expansion of the Parking authority. He stated. that it was his recommendation that the Parking Authority expansion project go forward. in accordance with the Master Plan in a manner that will serve the community. Mr. Monte Nitzkowski, Chairman of the Urban Land Institue-Citizens Steering Committee, addressed Council and gave reasons why he fully endorsed the recommendation of the City Administrator. Mrs. Bernard O'Loughlin, 216 Crest Avenue, City, representing the League of Women Voters, ad.d.ressed. Council and urged implementation of the Top of the Pier Plan. Mr. Robert Dingwall, 19791 Estuary Lane, City, President of the Home Council addressed. Council and. gave reasons why he believed the recommendations of the City Administrator should be acted. upon. Considerable discussion was held by Council. Mr. Ralph Kiser, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce addressed Council regarding the development of the downtown area. Mr. William Foster, President of the Huntington Beach Company, addressed Council regarding the proposed. Parking Authority expansiDn. A motion was made by Councilman Green, to instruct the staff to proceed immediately with negotiations and acquisition; that engi..'Ieering for the project be started.; that bond. consultants and. legal consultants prepare the necessary prospectus and. that bonds be sold. and, construction com- menced. at the earliest opportunity. When put to a vote, the motion failed to pass on a tie vote. On motion by Coen, Council deferred. action on this matter to the adjourned meeting of August 5, 1970. Motion carried.. The City Clerk then read. a communication from the Home Council per- taining to this matter. S-k PUBLIC HEARING - INTENTION TO GRANT FRANCHISE - PACIFIC LIGHTING Mayor Pro Tempore Matney announced. that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing to consider the granting of a gas franchise to lay and use pipes and. appurtenances for transmitting and distributing gas for any and all purposes under, along, across or upo�--1 the public streets, ways, alleys or places, as the same now or may hereafter exist within the City. The term for which said franchise is proposed. to be granted is forty (40) years pursuant to Article XIV of the Charter of the City of Huntington Beach; the grantee of said. franchise, and. its successors and. assigns, will, during the life of said. franchise, pay to the City of Huntington Beach, two percent of the gross annual re- ceipts of the grantee and its successors and assigns arising from the use, operation or possession of said. franchise; provided, however, that such payment shall in no event be less than one percent of the gross annual receipts of the grantee, its successors and assigns, de- rived. from the sale of gas within the limits of the City under said. - gas franchise. Said, percentage will be paid annually from the date of the granting of said. franchise, and in the event such payment shall not be made, said. franchise will be forfeited. The Clerk informed Council that all legal requirements for notification and. posting on said, public hearing had. been met and thE,t he had. received. no communications or written protests to the matter. Mayor Pro Tempore Matney declared the hearing open. 2 1 11 �I. Z10 .