HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-09-23MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS Administrative Annex 523 Main.Street Huntington Beach, California WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1970 BOARD MEMBERS: McFarland, Spencer, Palin ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES: On motion by McFarland and second by Palin the minutes of July 29, 1970, were accepted as transcribed by the secretary. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 70-44 - Continued Applicant: Richard D. Parry To permit the following: 1) two [2], 24 sq. ft. in area, secondary pole signs on front and exterior side property lines located at a distance less than 100 ft. from the corner pole sign; 2) two [2] tire displays having more than the ten [10] tires permitted by the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code; 3) a number of pennants to be used as a permanent display from light standards to main structure in lieu of such signs being used as temporary signs for special events such as grand opening, change of ownership, etc. The subject property is located on the northwest corner of Beach Blvd. and Warner Avenue. The hearing was opened to the audience. Mr. Parry, applicant, was present. The Acting Secretary informed the Board that the Planning Commission, at their September 22, 1970, Study Session, discussed_ methods of outside display of tires and_ further discussion will be held at their September Study Session. There being no -further comment, the hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY PALIN AND SECONDED BY MCFARLAND TO CONTINUE CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 70-44 TO THE SEPTEMBER 30, 1970, MEETING. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McFarland, Spencer, Palin NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. The applicant was notified of the date and time of the Planning Commission Study Session and was encouraged to attend. -1- 9/23/70 - BZA Minutes: Huntington Beach Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, September 23, 1970 Page No. 2 CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 70-46 - Continued Applicant: Richard D. Parry To permit the following: 1) two [2] sq. ft. in area, secondary pole signs on front and exterior side property lines located at a distance less than 100 ft. from the corner pole sign; 2) two [2] tire displays having more than the ten (10) tires permitted by the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. The subject property is located on the southeast corner of Beach Blvd. and Ellis Ave. The hearing was opened to the audience. As in the previous hearing, the Acting Secretary informed the Board of the Planning Commission's intent to discuss methods of outside display of tires at their September 29, 1970, Study Session. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY PALIN AND SECONDED BY MCFARLAND TO CONTINUE CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 70-46 TO THE SEPTEMBER 30, 1970, MEETING. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McFarland, Spencer, Palin NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 70-44 - Continued Applicant: Sea Breeze 66 To permit the outside storage and/or display of tires within storage structures at three locations. The subject property is located on the northeast corner of Brookhurst St. and Adams Ave. The Acting Secretary informed the Board of the Planning Commission's intent to discuss the outside storage and/or display of tires at their September 29, 1970, Study Session. A MOTION WAS MADE BY PALIN AND SECONDED BY SPENCER TO CONTINUE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 70-44 TO THE SEPTEMBER 301, 1970, MEETING. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McFarland, Spencer, Palin NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 70-15 - Continued Applicant: Bill H. Schultz To permit the outside display and/or storage of U-Haul utility trailers and trucks at a service station in the C2 - Community Business District. The subject property is located on the southeast corner of Adams Avenue and Magnolia Street. The Acting Secretary informed the Board of the Planning Commission's intent to discuss the outside dinplay and/or storage of rental equipment at the September 29, 1970 Study Session. -2- 9/23/70 - BZA Minutes; Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, September 23, 1970 Page No. 3 THE CHAIR CAST A UNANIMOUS VOTE TO CONTINUE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 70-15 TO THE SEPTEMBER 30, 1970, MEETING. ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 70-18 - Continued Applicant: Thompson's Texaco To permit the outside storage and/or display of rental equipment in the C4-Highway Commercial District. The subject property is located on the southwest corner of Brookhurst St. and Hamilton Avenue. The Acting Secretary informed the Board of the Planning Commission's intent to discuss the outside storage and/or display of rental equipment at their September 29, 1970, Study Session. THE CHAIR CAST A UNANIMOUS VOTE TO CONTINUE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 70-15 TO THE SEPTEMBER 30, 1970, MEETING. DIVISION OF LAND NO. 70-24 Applicant: Lowell D. Zehnder The division of five, 25' X 117 1/2' lots into two legal building sites. The subject property is located on the east side of 15th Street, approximately 100 ft. north of Walnut Avenue. The Chairman read the request. Mr. Zehnder, applicant, addressed the Board and answered various questions. The suggested conditions of approval were discussed. The Acting Secretary advised that the Oil Field Superintendent feels that a 6 ft. high masonry wall should be constructed between the two parcels as the well does not meet the requirements of the code and should be separated from the residential development for safety purposes. Discussion was held. It was the consensus of the Board that investigation should be made as to what would be requirec�o make the well _conform to the Oil Code. A MOTION WAS MADE BY PALIN AND SECONDED BY SPENCER TO CONTINUE DIVISION OF LAND NO. 70-24 TO THE SEPTEMBER 30, 1970, MEETING, WITH THE APPLICANT'S CONSENT FOR THE AFOREMENTIONED REASON. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McFarland, Spencer, Palin NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, THE MEETING ADJOURNED. James W. Palin Acting Secretary Charles P. Spencer Chairman -3- 9/23/70 - BZA