HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-01-04MINUTES Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach California Monday, January 4, 1971 Mayor Shipley called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 4:30 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present in the Council Chamber. ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: McCracken, Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Coen, Shipley Councilmen Absent: Matney CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS APPROVED On motion by Green, the following consent item was approved as recom- mended by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: McCracken, Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Coen, Shipley NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Matney 1. MINUTES - Approved and. adopted minutes of the regular adjourned meetingof December 21, 1970, and the minutes of the regular meeting of December 21, 1970, with correction noted, as written and on file in the office of the City Clerk. RESOLUTIONS On motion by Coen, Council directed the Clerk to read Resolution Nos. 3273, 3257, 3274, 3275, 3276, and 3277 by title, waived further reading and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: McCracken, Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Coen, Shipley NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Matney RES. NO. 3273 - ADOPTED - SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS & LEGAL ACTIONS "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHOR- IZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO SETTLE CERTAIN CLAIMS AND LEGAL ACTIONS ON BEHALF OF THE CITY AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO APPROVE SOME SUCH CLAIMS." RES. NO. 3257 - ADOPTED - ESTABLISHES H.B. ENVIRONMENTAL COUNCIL "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ESTAB- LISHING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ENVIRONM11NTAL COUNCIL." RES. NO. 3274 - ADOPTED.- ESTABLISHES FEES - MUNICIPAL PARKING FACILITY "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ''HE CITY OF FUNTINGTON BEACH ESTAB- LISHING PARKING FEES IN MUNICIPAL PARKING FACILITY'." RES. NO. 3275 - ADOPTED - SEWER REIMBURSEMENT - H'R AGRMT . 70-S 1 "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHOR- IZING THE EXPENDITURE OF MONEY FROM THE SEWER FUN!)." RES. NO. 3276 - ADOPTED - PROPOSED POLICY - SCAG "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF '[HE CITY OF HUNTINGTON '3EACH URGING THAT SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS {SCAG} CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF A POLICY TO OPPOSE ANY BI2�L ON A STAT11 OF FEDEPJ.L LEVEL WHICH DOES NOT INVOLVE LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN THE DECISION -MAKING PROCESS REGARDING THE ORDERLY PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT OF A REGION." 162 Page #2 - Council Minutes - 1/4/71 1v0. .,27'( - ADOPTED - EXECUTION OF CONTRACT - OPEN SPACE PUFP0,',L,, "Il Ol{' T11E C:4TY COUNCIL 010 THE CITY OV 1JLJN''1NGTON BEACII APPROVING AND PROVIDING YOR THE EXECUTION OF A CONTIi.ACT UGH GliANT 'J.'U ACQUIRE AND/OR DEVELOP LAND FOR OPEN -SPACE PURPOSES NO. CALIF-OSD-464(G) BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA . " RES. NO. 3262 - DEFERRED - CONSTRUCTION OF ROUTE 39 FREEWAY The Clerk presented Resolution No. 3262 for Council's consideration - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH RE- QUESTING THE STATE DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS, DISTRICT VII, TO PLACE A HIGH PRIORITY ON CONSTRUCTION OF THE ROUTE 39 FREEWAY." Following discussion, on motion by Green, Council directed that adoption of Resolution No. 3262 be deferred until such time as the report regard- ing a possible change in route is received from staff and the Urban Land Institute - Citizens Steering Committee on Highways, and further directed that such report be presented to Council at the February 1, 1971 meeting. Motion carried. REQUEST - H,B. YOUTH COALITION COUNCIL Miss Barbara Nelson, President of the Huntington Beach Youth Coalition Council, addressed Council and requested aid in locating a suitable building in which to hold. their meetings. She stated that the Youth Coalition Council was interested in the possibility of meeting at the Pyles Boys Camp building located at Beach Boulevard and Indianapolis. During the discussion held on the matter, the Director of Harbors, Beaches, and Development stated that a small meeting room in the Junior Lifeguard Headquarters was available for use by their group. Mayor Shipley suggested. that the Youth Coalition Council contact Mr. Moorhouse to make further arrangements in this matter. MASS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM Mr. Rodney Jones add.ressed Council and requested permission to work with the staff in an effort to establish an agency which would be eligible to receive Federal funds for the financing of community projects including a transportation system. The Council granted permission to Mr. Jones for this project and informed him that the staff would be available to lend. assistance in this effort. EMPLOYMENT OF PROJECT MANAGER - APPROVED The City Administrator addressed Council regarding his recommendation concurred in by the Director of Public Works, that a Project Manager be employed during the course of construction of the Civic Center and Library facilities. The Director of Public Works stated that the decision -10 employ a Project Manager was made after several months of consideration, and compared to other alternatives, would. prove to be the most practic,l and ecor..Dmical means of protecting the City's interest during construction. Discusslon was held by Council on the matter. On motion by Bartlett, Council approved the recommend.ac,ion of the Admin- istrator and Director of Public Works to employ a Project Manager to represent the City, during the course of construction )f the Civic Center and. Library facilities. Motion carried. On motion by Green, Council directed that the Personnel Board, ix. cooper- ation with the staff and Councilman McCracken, prepare a job des(:ription for the employment of a Project Manager. Motion carried.. Page #3 -- Council Minutes - 1/4/71 Councilman Coen stated that as Chairman of the Systems Analysis committee, he would interpret this action to supercede previous Council direction to the Systems Analysis Committee pertaining to their responsibilities for making recommendations in this area. EMPLOYMENT OF CONSULTANT FOR TOPICS STUDY - LAMPMAN & ASSOCIATES The City Administrator informed. Council of a recommendation by the Director of Public Works that the city employ a consulting firm familiar with the work involved in performing the TOPICS study, which will enable the city to expend. the federal funds available for traffic operation improvements. He stated. that Mr. Wheeler was present to speak further on the matter. Mr. Wheeler informed. Council that his office had. asked for and received proposals from three qualified. firms, and recommended that the firm of Lampman & Associates, Pomona, California, be employed as consultants to perform the TOPICS study, and. requested. that Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a contract with this firm for this service. On motion by Green, Council approved the selection of the firm of Lampman & Associates to perform the TOPICS study, and. directed the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement with said firm on behalf of the City. Motion carried.. CONSTRUCTION OF ADDITION TO OVERMYER RESERVOIR The Director of Public Works informed Council of the imminent construc- tion of an addition to the Overmyer Reservoir, and explained thene�es- sity of removing from the site construction materials stored thereon. He stated that arrangements for a new location for storage have been made with Sully Miller Construction Company at their Gothard and Ellis Yard for a 90 day period.. Councilman McCracken requested and was granted permission to abstain from voting on this matter. On motion by Bartlett, Council authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute on behalf of the City, an informal agreement with the firm of Sully Miller for the lease, at no cost to the City, of two acres of property located at Ellis Avenue and Gothard. Street from January 4, 1971 to April 8, 1971 to store construction materials temporarily. Motion carried, with Councilman McCracken abstaining from the vote. On motion by Bartlett, Council authorized. the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement with the successful bidder for the excavation of dirt from the Overmeyer reservoir. Motion carried with Councilman McCracken abstaining from the vote. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION On motion by Green, Council directed the Clerk to read. Ordinance No. 1621 by title, waived further reading and. passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Gibbs, Bartlett, McCracken, Green, Cc;en, Shipley NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Matney ORD. NO. 1621 - ADOPTED - ZONE CASE NO. 70-6 "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE FUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF TO PRGVIDE FOR CHANGE OF ZONING ON REAL PROPERTY LOCATED WEST OF BROOKHURS':' STREET AND SOUTH OF GARFIELD AVENUE (ZONE CHANGE CASE NO. 70-6),11 ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION Mr. Neil Thomas, Acting Secretary of the Southeast Huntington Beach Property Owners Association requested and. was granted permission to address Council regarding Ordinance No. 1622. Page ?:r1 - Council Minutes - 1/4/71 Mr. 'Thomas informed Council of the organization's opposition to the adoption of Ordinance No. 1622, as they believe the proposed use of the property deviates considerably from the Master Plan of the area. Discussion was held between Mr. Thomas and Council on the matter, however, no action was taken. On motion by Bartlett, Council directed the Clerk to read Ordinance No. 1622 and Ordinance No. 1623 by title, and waived further reading by the following unanimous roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Gibbs, Bartlett, McCracken, Green, Coen, Shipley NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT. Councilmen: Matney ORD. NO. 1622 - FIRST READING - ZONE CASE NO. 70- 2 "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF TO. PROVIDE FOR CHANGE OF ZONING ON REAL PROPERTY LOCATED ON SOUTH SIDE OF HAMILTQN AVENUE AND EAST OF BUSHARD STREET (ZONE CHANGE CASE NO. 70-25). ORD. NO. 1623 - FIRST READING - FEES - MUNICIPAL PARKING FACILITIES "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY REPEALING SECTIONS 7531.6.2 AND 7531.6.3 PERTAINING TO FEES CHARGED IN MUNICIPAL PARKING FACILITIES." REPORTS - COUNCIL COMMITTEES Oil Committee Councilman Green stated that the Oil Committee has been workir4 on a proposed ordinance which will make sections of the oil code rel,tive to site beautification, safety standards and cleanup requirements more restrictive:, arid. that a draft of this proposed ordinance will be pre- sented for Council's consideration at the 1i'ebruary 1, 1971 meeting. COMMENTS FROM COUNCIL Councilwoman Gibbs informed. Council that she had received a communica- tion from the American Association of Unive-rsity Women urging the :amity to consider the establishment of an Industrial Development Commission under City Charter, which would work with the City's Economic Develop- ment Officer in advising and proposing plans to the Council for the attraction of industrial and commercial development in the city. Mr. Ralph Kiser, Manager of the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce, was asked by Council if he had any comment on the matter, and stated that he would present the Chamber's recommendations at the next Council meeting. No action on the matter was taken by Council at this time. SLAG General Assembly Meeting Councilman Green stated that the General A,ssembl;y meet ng of t4e rojutharn California Association of Governments would be held Ja.r,),axy fit' afiil 1.1, 1971 in the Newporter Trui in Newport Beach, at which t � m they wi tl. hold a joint meeting with the "SCAG Tomorrow" Committee to < eterrrii.ne t le future role of SCAG in regional planning rrLLtters, and (.=xtended an invita- tion to all councilmen to attend said. meet-_ng. RECESS Mayor Shipley cared a r.cess of the Counc:__1 at 6.00 I.M. Counc' 1 was reconvened at 7:30 P.M. 'Dy the Mayor. Page S5 - Council Minutes - 1/4-/77_ APPEAL - TD_. E UELL -- EARCO OIL COMPANY - ':HAR11NG SIi�`f ` he Clerk read a letter of appea.,]_ from Charles E,: Cather, representing Catl'ier & Cree oil Cornpanyr, 2P92 Long, Beach Blvd., Long Beach, to the Oil Field Superintendent's dec-:sign ftat their we11 "B20wn'' 1, locat,eci on the north side of Memphis A.veiiue approximately BOCI east of Delaware Street, is are idle well under Section 2331.27 of the Euntingtor, Beach Ordinance Code, and that within 90 days the owner shall clean and restore the drill site in conform.~ ty Uo t�:.e Ai=tington Beach Ordinance Code. On m.otiun by Green, Coi.i:e.cil directed. -that a i;=i;.bl.iu hearing an this m '-ter be set for the meeting of Jan-imry 1.8_, 1971. Motion .tarried . APPEAL - -LD]_E WELL - CATz�rR, ROti^��-;.11 c O PA.1--- z1EARING SET The Clerk read a let ter of appeal from Cha°, les E . Cather representing; Cather, Rowan & Barnes Company, 2292 Long Beach Blvd.., bong Beach, to the Oil_ Field Superintendent's decision that; their well D.B. Located on Lot 2 in Block 14 of Tract 86, Is an idle well under Section 2331.2'r of the Huntington Beach O.r°dlr,ance Code, and that witili ri 90 da.ys the owner shall. clean and restore the drill. site in conformity to the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code;. 0-. motion b-y! Coen, Co-i-n,2il directed Iiealcing on this be set for he i:zeeti.ng of -. a.nizar"y- 1 , i �'; 1 '.ati-in ca.rri sd = ED ti CtV t1IGE SCHOOL C014,11 ,I.:NFUE"'.7 C . T.F. F' .?T-P_A.,:LL Mayor Shipley introduced. r. ie r✓t,aff o y' School and congratulated them ori. ,f l ,C InF. t;''1'e Cali fr:=icy 11'cdex<wf,a_e}n Soatl.c.ri Secc;:z.., r Aki. I1'c.c;t�L IJ.l C,'haY.p.ior-ship. Th:- 1�^yor t i�� i read Readl'.?.tion 1\10ink ,ham :; c ;'i', fOC' t1ij_.� i ,_- t�..ndi :. accomplish lent . REQUEST k IJ 1Z i1.C'��:OG�`. .l..f _I lj Tl,i -- NUN! C_�.-ir',L"J.€ _71-C _.,~:]lira lS Tne %C Ler lk I.rc:se;nt 'd a commi.�r�� f =:'r,rr! the c t3C I7 ecale t s th.r t ti1 ;7. r.'L z r >.r,.p7_oyer7 �'_sscc:i_r�, r- s �_1�� � :- �rz :i. ate -._i b,� as an of.°f'I-c:ial. ernplr�y o:-gasiizatic�:��., 1' ly itAdm7]11St7'c,t[)L' z] f ( LF;i C Cot:.L1 =h. ,t he C'J"I:-'M.- "v of ,he Pe rs,cnnol Ot'y is er t I.,,..t t,1ie City tin gage theof Tho 1 elf fcvn7_ci, S't,_;,te Col,c il. I j-at.I.on Se:clJice to (7.on`al.t[_'tan deteliii_ri.: i,he rajOri.ty �--eprese;.-t,atl.ve c,._ all nOn- afe.ty cempJ.c:;ye,-, iCi the City: He stated t1t.,,t, the ti.c.ads of Drti_ tr.e Associ��tion and the City Employ es' A.ssoc_aF.e>n have indicated this is acceptable to their or aniz L,,t:ions . Mayor Shl-pley stated t-h.at tie CorL7ci.l tiTci.lc accc:ct. the �ecwor:c: _.----- of t:t7e Pe somiel Officer Gnd City Pr_d c]rJered defef_e:d orr this matter 'ritil. t1ie e1ectioa,_ is he la to deter :ir,v t majority representative of the noii--safety city employees. 11C 1i Pl - OUTDOORvONS The C,I_erk presented a C i by T. ivtunicipal Sign Code Vly.jeiz per ai nuiri ;i_ blllbo .rd's T:, 1s it . �.i<,n r .... ,p. _ k _ r t, i.1_'. req-aest and the City Att,o-ney } adoption of a similar ord_f_nancv by f;Ii'_, City. CL. " n iT1Q - 0 ]. r l r` _ r jT ,C)" , ,. t��i ��':�.0 -{ r -:rC C ?;� �I Attorney' o"f' i_ e c-f +,J'-�e A-,. rci7,,J 1) �fi: .. 1.C; 7 Motion ,.-. is - _ t} I'he C:l r`?1. i) C 'c t: G %?. l: i4_ - 1_c.. €. " i mend i_zig the f t t1" :r I'ar'S_ iff Coo,ar!c,, 1 de -c-'E � t;''C, t fii:,t � at oth�,,!'d Strc'tit. Page #6 - Council Minutes - 1/4/71 On motion by Coen, Council accepted the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approved the adoption of Alignment "D" of Talbert Avenue between Gothard. and Edwards Streets. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING - ZONE CASE NO. 70-23 - APPEAL - LA CUESTA - GRANTED Mayor Shipley announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing on an appeal filed by Donald B. Ayres, Jr. on behalf of La Cuesta, Newport Beach, to the denial by the Planning Commission of a request for a change of zone from RA-0 Residential Agricultural District, com- bined with oil production, to R5 Office Professional District, on property located, at the northwest corner of-Brookhurst Street and. Atlanta Avenue. The. Clerk informed Council that all legal requirements for notification, publication and. posting on said public hearing had been met and that he had received. no communications or written protests to Zone Case No. 70-23 other than the letter of appeal. Mayor Shipley declared the hearing open. Mr. Donald Ayres, Jr., representing Frank Ayres and. Son, addressed Council and. requested approval of the requested. zone change and gave reasons why he believed. the proposed development would. not be detrimental to the adjacent residential property. Mr. Kenneth West, 10101 Stoneybrook Drive, City, addressed Council in opposition to the zone change; stating that he believed. there is presently a sufficient amount of commercial property in the area. There being no one further to speak on the matter and. there being no further protests filed either oral or written the hearing was closed by the Mayor. On motion by McCracken, Council overruled the decision of the Planning Commission; approved Zone Case No. 70-23 and, directed the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance effecting the change of zone. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING - ZONE CASE NO. 70-24 - APPEAL - LUTHERAN'CHURCi - DEFER-M Mayor Shipley announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing on an appeal filed by Roger D. Slates, agent for the Southern California District Lutheran Church, to the denial by the Planning Commission of a request for a change of zone from R1 Single Family Residence District to C4 Highway Commercial District, with a 50 foot setback from the ultimate right-of-way line, on property located on the west side of Springdale Street, approximately 192 feet north of Heil Avenue. The Clerk informed Council that all legal requirements for notification, publication and posting on said. public hearing hadbeen met, and that he had received no communications or written protests to Zone Case No. 70-24 other than the letter of appeal. Councilman Green requested. and. was granted permission to abstain from consideration of this matter due to a possible conflict of interest. Mayor Shipley declared the hearing open. Mr. Roger Slates, 1701 Main Street, City, ,7epresenting the applicant, addressed Council and requested approval of the zone change and gave reasons why he believes a commercial use of the property is justified. Councilman Coen asked. if the Traffic Department had. been consulted regarding the ingress and egress to the property and the Public Works Director replied that to date, no study had been made. Discussion was held between the Council and Mr. Slates. Mr. Edward Schaad., 16542 Los Verdes Lane, City, addressed Council in favor of the zone change. 1 Page #7 - Council Minutes -- 1/4/71 Mr. Vard W. Welch, 16412 Fairway Lane, adjacent property owner, addresse, Council and stated that he opposed the requested change of zone as he believed there was no justification for allowing commercial zoning to abut the residential property in this area. Mrs. D. J. Armstrong, 16372 Fairway Lane, adjacent property owner, addressed Council in opposition to the proposed change of zone as she believed it was entirely incompatible with the surrounding area. Mr. Bob Sutake, 6012 Annette Circle, addressed Council and. urged them to reaffirm their previous decisions and deny a change of zoning on this property. Mr. Henry Duke, 16372 Fairway Lane, City, Planning Commissioner, and resident of the area, stated that he believed commercial zoning was unsuitable to the area. Mr. W. P. Burkness, 16342 Fairway Lane, adjacent property owner addressee Council in opposition to the change of zone as he believed the proposed use was incompatible with the surrounding area. There being no one further to speak on the matter and there being no further protests filed either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. A motion was made by Councilman Bartlett to overrule the Plariring Com- mission and grant Zone Case No. 70-24. When put to a vote the motion, with Councilman Green abstaining from the vote, failed to pass. On motion by Coen, Council deferred decision on Zone Case No. 70-24 and referred the matter to the Planning Commission to consider `he rezoning of a parcel 100' long on Springdale and 150' deep with the iroosition of those conditions permitted by law to preserve the integrity of the strip of property lying behind the subject property as it relates to the existing R1 development. Motion carried, with Councilman Breen abstaining from the vote. PUBLIC HEARING - CE 70-44 (BZA) - APPEAL - RICHARD M. PARR.t" - DENIED Mayor Shipley announced that this was the day and. hour set for w pclic hearing on an appeal filed by Richard M. Parry, 18544 Beach City, to the denial by the Planning Commission of Conditional Exception No. 70-44 (Board of Zoning Adjustments) to permit the follow:-r_ two 24 square feet in area secondary pole signs on front and exterior side property lines located. at a distance less than 100 feet FrLry the corner pole sign; (2) tire displays having more than the ten t :rev -er- mitted by the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code; (3) a number of pen?nant,s to be used as a permanent display from light standards to ma—r structure in lieu of such signs being used as temporary signs for special e-rents such as grand opening, change of ownership, etc. The subject roperty is located on the northwest corner of Beach Boulevard and Warner Avenue in the C4 Highway Commercial District. The Clerk informed Council that all legal requirements for publication and posting on said publ?c hearing had been met 3LnT t,Ar he had received no communications or written protests to Co ditirr�l Exception No. 70-44 (Board of Zoning ;adjustments) other thar. fi letf:fir of appeal. Mayor Shipley declared the hearing op,.n. There being no one present to speak of the :ratter and there being no protests filed either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. On motion by Gibbs, Council sustained the decision of the Planning Com- mission and denied Conditional Except Lon No. 70-4-4 (BZA) . 110tior carried. Page #8 - Council Minutes - 1/4/71 PUBLIC HEARING - MEADOWLARK AIRPORT - CE 70-50 - APPEAL - GRANTED Mayor Shipley announced that this was the day and. hour set for a public hearing for the purpose of considering an appeal filed by Councilman McCracken to the decision of the Planning Commission to revoke and. declare Conditional Exception No. 70-50 null and void. Said. Conditional Exception would permit a 500 foot expansion to an existing runway at the Meadowlark Airport, and allow two existing trailers to be used for temporary office and. flight school, on property located on the north side of Warner Avenue, east of Bolsa Chica Street in the Rl Single Family Residence District. The Clerk informed Council that all legal requirements for notification, publication and posting on said public hearing had been met and that he had received written protests to the Planning Commission's decision to revoke and declare Conditional. Exception No. 70-50 null and void. He read a communication from residents of the area requesting that the decision of the Planning Commission, declaring Conditional Exception No. 70-50 null and void, be upheld by the Council. Councilman McCracken stated that Conditional Exception 70-50 was approved. by the Planning Commission on October 20, 1970 and modified on October 28, 1970, with conditions which were required to be completed within 60 days. He stated that because there was general confusion and disagreement regarding these conditions, the Board of Zoning Adjust- ments was not able to act on the matter until November 18, but the deadline for completion remained. December 15, 1970. Councilman McCracken further stated that, as the applicant did not have control of the elapsed time loss, together with other factors, he believed that the action of the Planning Commission should be reconsidered. Mayor Shipley declared the hearing open. Mr. Tom Livengood, 5461 Meadowlark Drive, City, Residents Against Airport Hazards Committee member, addressed Council and stated that he believed the decision of the Planning Commission should be upheld due to the lack of co-operation which he believes has been demonstrated by the airport management. Mr. Albert H. Ward, 5421 Heil Avenue, City. ad.d.ressed. Council and stated that he believed that if the applicant had complied with the requirements at the time they were imposed by the Planning Commission, that the time factor would. have proved to be of no consequence. Mrs. Linda Whitman, resident of the area, addressed Council and stater her opposition to Conditional Exception 70--50 as she believes the a_r- port management is making no effort to comely with the safety conditiono, imposed by the city. Mr. Kenneth Hauk, 5331 Heil Avenue, City, addressed Council and state,-'* his opposition to Conditional Exception 70-50, due to the airport an- agement's lack of compliance with the conditions imposed by the Planning Commission and City Council. Mr. Martin S latta, 5421 Dunbar Street, City, addressed Council and stated he opposed Conditional Exception No. 70-,50 as the cond.iticn which prohibits night flying has repeatedly been violated by pilc:t with no effort being made by the airport rr:.�,na ement to come yt abuse. Mr. John Turner, 5141 Warner Avenue, addressed Council and expressed his the residents have encountered due t stated. that he has endeavored to cote by the Planning Commission and. Counc Meadowlark Airport. In response to by Councilman Green, Mr. Turner stat instructors and pilots of the stipul the airport. City, Manager of Meadowlark Airport concena regarding the probletrs which o airp,,)rt operations. He further ply with all requirements iml used _l for the safe operation of �Ln inq -.iry regarding night flying �d thathe had. in�ormed all i'light 3.tion against night operations at Page #9 - Council Minutes - 1/4/71 Mr. R. D. Dickson, 7211 Siena Avenue, City, addressed Council and stated that it should be remembered that Mr. Turner originally installed the runway extension for the purpose of providing for safer aircraft depar- ture thereby increasing the safety factor for the homes adjacent the runway. Mr. B. L. Hoffman, 5402 Caliente Drive, City, addressed Council and stated. that she believed that the airport management was totally ignorinc the condition requiring that might flying be eliminated at the airport. There being no one further present to speak on the matter and there being no further protests filed., either oral or written, the hearing was closed. by the Mayor. On motion by McCracken, Council overruled the decision of the Planning Commission and approved Conditional Exception 70-50 with conditions as imposed by the Planning Commission together with the following additional conditions: (1) that until the State issues a permit to allow night flying, night flying be prohibited and runway lights turned. off from sunset to sunrise; (2) that, after the State issues a permit to allow night Flying, night flying be prohibited and runway lights turned off from two hours after sunset or 10:00 P.M., whichever first occurs, to sunrise; (3) that any violation of any condition set forth by this Con- ditional Exception, including the two above conditions, will be grounds for suspension or revocation of sa-d con- ditional Exception, on previous notice to applicant and hearing by the City Council. Motion carried. The Clerk was directed by Council to forward a certified copy of this action to the appropriate State Agency. PUBLIC HEAPING -- RES. OF INTENTION '�245 - UNDERGROUND U ILI3-j DIST. Mayor Shipley announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing to ascertain whether the public necessity, health, safety or welfare requires the removal of poles, overhead wires and a4�ociated overhead. structures and the underground installation of wires and facil- ities for supplying electric, communication, or other assocated services in the District hereinabove described. The Clerk informed. Council that all legal requirements for notification, publication and posting on said public hearing had been met a_rd that he had received. no communications or written protests against the forma- tion of said underground utility district. Mayor Shipley declared. the hearing open. There being no one present to speak of the matter and. there ig no protests filed either for or against the hearing Eras cJ.osed ;! the Ma.y€ r The Clerk was directed to read Resol-a tion No. 3272 by title - "A RESOLU- TION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTGN BEACH ES` 'ABLISHING UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 71-" On motion by Coen, Council waived further readinL. of Resolu.,ion No. 3272I and passed and adopted. same by the following roll call vote: 1 AYES: Councilmen: McCracken, Bartlett, Gibb.rv, Green, C;-)en, Shipley NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Matney Page #10 - Council Minutes - 1/4/71 ADJOURNMENT :. On motion by Gibbs, the regular meeting of the Ci-t.y Council adjourned. at 10:45 P.M. Motion carried.. au 1 C. es City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California R a 8 wm'� WIN- -- •`1 el s ATTEST: Paul C. ones City Clerk