HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-01-12MINUTES OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California It TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1971 - STUDY SESSION - COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Bazil, Higgins, Slates,'Porter, Kerins, Miller, Duke. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None.' - NOTE: A TAPE RECORDING OF -THIS MEETING IS,ON FILE IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OFFICE. DISCUSSION: POLICY F6R OFF -SITE IMPROVEMENTS RELATING TO OIL OPERATION SITE: The Acting Secretary reviewed with the Commission the requirements of Section 9730.15 and 9730.16 which require dedication and improvements of abutting streets when a parcel of land is used for any purpose. Mr. Harlow informed the Commission that it is a consensus of the staff that these sections are also applicable to oil operation sites. Bill Foster, representing Huntington Beach Company, stated that he feels Section 9730.15-and 9730.16 are ambiguous. Mr. Foster stated that the wording of said sections are not clear to him and in his mind these sections are not applicable to parcels of land used for oil operations only. COMMISSIONER MILLER: Commissioner Miller arrived at 1:45 PM and assumed his duties. - COMMISSIONER DUKE: Commissioner Duke arrived at 2:00 PM and assumed his duties. Mr. Foster further stated that he objects to dedication of streets abutting said parcels. Commissioner Bazil stated that he feels oil operations are established businesses, the same -as any other use and therefore, should be treated the same. Bill Hartge, City Engineer, stated that he would prefer that an oil committee be formed con- sisting of Planning Commissioners and the City Council to determine if dedication and improvements should be required for oil operation sites. . - Mr. Foster stated that he would be agreeable to an oil committee to determine where dedications should be made. Mr. Baxter Brown, Standard Oil Company, asked that Sections 9730.15 and 9730.16 be amended to ex- clude oil operation sites and to include such a provision in Article 968. Commission discussion followed. Chairman Slates appointed)Commissioner Duke, Higgins, Bazil to serve on an'oil committee. Commissioner Miller was appointed as an alternate. A MOTION WAS MADE BY PORTER AND SECONDED BY SLATES'TO INSTRUCT THE STAFF TO AMEND THE CODE TO INCLUDE OFF -SITE STREET DEDICATION AND IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN ARTICLE 968,.- - Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission January 12, 1971 Page 2 ROLL CALL VOTE: - AYES: Bazil, Higgins, Slates, Porter, Kerins, Miller, Duke NOES: None -- ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 70-63 Applicant - Standard Oil Company To permit the waiver of: 1) Section 9730.15 - required dedication of street abutting property used for any purpose; 2')'Section 9730.16 - required installation of improvements for any use abutting any - street; 3 ) Section' 9730.17`- -'1required separation wall between industrial and any property zoned or used for residential purposes. Said request _ is in conjunction with an oil operation site (including„ drilling and redri-lling).' Located on thesouthwest• corner of Garfield Avenue and Goldenwest Street in the M202 Heavy Industrial District combined with oil production. r The hearing was opened to the audience. - Baxter Brown, representing Standard Oil Company, addressed the Commission and stated that they are_,prpposing to redrill one oil well, on this operation site; at this time. • There being no other_ -comment the hearing was closed. Commission discussion f was held. -A MOTION WAS MADE BY BAZIL AND SECONDED BY KERINS TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 70-63 UPON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Dedication and improvements -for oil well #.224A shall be waived for a 2 year period or until a new ordinance` has been adopted requiring a review for the required dedication and.improvements under-Article_968. __ , 2. Any other drilling or redrilling on this oil operation site shall ,comply with all ordinances in effect at the time such drilling or redrilling is proposed. .AND FOR .THE FOLLOWING REASON: �= 1. An ordinance change to amend Article 968 will be pre- pared to permit review for required dedication and improvements on each operation site. - ROLL CALL VOTE: r AYES: Bazil, Kerins, Higgins, Porter, Duke _ NOES: Slates, Miller ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 70-64 Applicant- Standard Oil Company - To permit the waiver of: 1) Section 9730.15 - required dedication of street abutting property used for any purpose; 2) Section 9730.16 - required installation of improvements for any use abutting any street; 3) Section 9730.17 - required separation wall between in- dustrial and any property zoned or used for residential purposes. Located approximately 1800 feet northwest of -2- 1/12/71-PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission January 12, 1971 Page 3 Goldenwest Street and approximately 1150 feet northeast of Pacific Coast Highway in the R4-01 Limited Multiple Family Residence District combined with oil production. The -hearing -was opened to the audience. Baxter Brown, representing Standard Oil Company, displayed a map depicting the existing oil operation site on Palm Avenue. The -Acting Secretary stated that there appears to be justification to waive improvements on Palm Avenue as such improvements could be required at such time as surrounding properties are improved by the land owner. Mr. Harlow informed the Commission that the precise alignment of Palm Avenue is subject to change, also Palm Avenue is an interior street within the property owned by the applicant. There being no other comment -the hearing was closed. Commission discussion was held. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BAZIL AND SECONDED BY PORTER TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 70-64 UPON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Dedication and improvements of Palm Avenue shall be waived to permit redrilling of oil well #245B. 2. Dedication and improvements of Goldenwest Street shall be waived for oil well #245B for a 2 year period or until a new ordinance has'been adopted requiring a review for the required dedication and improvements under Article 968. 3. Any other drilling or redrilling on this oil operation site shall comply with all ordinances in effect at the time such drilling or redrilling is proposed. AND FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: J 1. An ordinance change to amend Article 968 will be prepared to permit review for required dedication and improvements on each operation site. ROLL CALL VOTE: - AYES: Bazil, Kerins, Higgins, Porter, Duke NOES: Slates, Miller ABSENT: None - - THE MOTION CARRIED. - ZONE CASE NO. 70-24 - Reconsideration Applicant - Southern California District Lutheran Church A change of zone from R1 Single Family Residence District to C4 Highway Commercial District with a 50 ft. setback from the ultimate right-of-way line. Located on the west side of Springdale'Street, approximately 192 feet north of Heil Avenue. Chairman-Slatds'abstained from parti- cipating on this item due to a -possible conflict of interest. The Acting Secretary informed the Commission that this item was referred back to them by the City Council for reconsideration. Mr. Harlow submitted and reviewed with the Commission, several plans showing how the property could be developed. -3- 1/12/71-PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission January 12, 1971 Page 4 The Commission reviewed the proposal.* Commissioner Bazil stated that the parcel to the north, fronting on Springdale Street, would be better suited for, commercial use. Commissioner Kerins stated that if this zone change is granted, it will create - strip commercial zoning. Mr. Slates, representing -the landowner, informed the Commission that -the church wants to rezone a 200 ft. by 150 ft. parcel C4 and the remaining property will be -used by the church. - The Commission held a discussion. A MOTION WAS'MADE BY MILLER AND SECONDED BY PORTER TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF ZONE CASE NO. 70-24 TO THE CITY COUNCIL._ - , ROLL CALL -VOTE: AYES: Miller, Porter _ NOES: Higgins, Bazil, Kerins, Duke ABSENT: .None . ABSTAINED: Slates THE MOTION WAS DENIED. ! -• - A FURTHER MOTION -WAS MADE BY KERINS AND SECONDED BY BAZIL TO RECOMMEND DENIAL OF ZONE CASE NO. 70-24 TO -THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. The proposed zone change does not conform to the Master Plan of Land Use.-, 2. There is no need for additional commercial -zoning at this location. - - , , 3. Granting of said zone -case would create strip commercial zoning. - i - 4. If there is a need for additional commercial zoning in the area, the vagant,parcel to the north fronting on Springdale street would be better suited for commercial use. 5. To grant commercial use on this parcel -would -create further restrictions on the remaining portion of the parcel making it difficult to develop. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Higgins, Kerins, Duke NOES: Porter, Miller ABSENT: None ABSTAINED: Slates _ COMMUNICATION: The Commission received a communication sub- r mitted by Standard Oil Company, requesting waiver of a separation wall at Goldenwest Street and Garfield Avenue. —The Commission reviewed the request. COMMISSIONER -PORTER:. Commissioner Porter was excused from urt er participation at 3:40 PM. -4 1/12/71-PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission _ January 12, 1971 - Page 5 _ A -MOTION WAS MADE BY SLATES AND SECONDED BY BAZIL TO APPROVE.THE REQUESTrUPON THE,FOLLOWING _ CONDITIONS: 1. Requirements" of= said- wall- shall be waived, for a 3 year. period.- 2. The easterly 200 ft. on Garfield-, Avenue (shall- be land,-,.---, scaped to provide screening of the oil operation site from Goldenwest Street, _ ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: ° , Bazi(l,- Higgins, S lates $ Kerins, Miller, Duke _ NOES: None ABSENT: Porter THE MOTION CARRIED. ,DISCUSSION.-, Policy for requirements of horse stables. - (riding and boarding) It was the consensus of the Commission to review said item at a future -meeting. DISCUSSION: Parking court concept in town lot portion of City. The Acting Secretary informed the Commission that this item was prompted by several applications in downtown area. Mr. Harlow stated that the staff feels guest parking has -to be provided or access to all parking should -be taken from alleys to maxamize-the amount_ of curb parking.- Ed Selich, Planning Aide, made a --- presentation on a temporary measure to facilitate the parking court concept. Mr. Selich-also informed the-Commission,that 6 units could be built on a 50 foot lot within this area and reviewed with the Commission a layout which would provide required parking and 6 units on said lots. Bill Hartge, City Engineer, informed the Commission -that there is a definite drainage problem - in this area. Dan McFarland, Building Department, discussed with the Commission possible alternate for develop- ment of a 50 foot wide lot. Ed Selich displayed three different layouts of parking. A. 450 parking on one side of the street and parallel parking on the other side. B. 900 parking on one side of the street and none on the other side. C. 900 staggered parking on both sides of the street. COMMISSIONER BAZIL: Commissioner Bazil was excused from further participation at 4:00 PM. Mary Reynolds, realtor, submitted a letter from Leonard Lindborg, realtor, requesting that the Commission allow curb cuts in the downtown section. Mrs. Reynolds further stated that the Commission should allow curb cuts to prevent a building slump in the area. -5- - 1/12/71-PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission„ January 12, 1971 Page 6 • The Acting Secretary stated that this item was -for discussion only. - _ - ' - • - Chairman Slates suggested that the Board of Zoning Adjustments consider-applications--to- allow a portion of carports to be constructed along the sides and rear property line if a 6 ft. high masonry wall is con- structedito screen the automobile. - - DISCUSSION: Planning Commission Goals for 1971 It was the consensus" of the Commission to deter; this. item to the_next:,Study, Session. DISCUSSION: Job Priorities _ It was the consensus of the Commission to defer- this item to -next -Study -Session. _ COMMUNICATION:- The Acting Secretary read a letter submitted y the Fountain Valley Planning Commission regarding an ex- tension of time for Use Variance 54--in order -to maintain a- - driving range along the north side of Garfield Avenue,_33O feet west- of Brookhu:rs•t=- Street.= - _ 'The Commission reviewed the request. It '*as' the consensus of the"" - Commission that full street improvement`s be" installed'along" - Garfield Avenue and that the Acting Secretary inform the Fountain Valley Planning Commission of said recommendation. - THERE -BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS;- THE MEETING ADJOURNED AT 5:00 PM.-- K.A. Reynol- s - Secretary -6- 1/12/71-PC