HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-01-261 MINII[I', HUN1 ING1 ON III ACH PLANNING COMM110,1 UN Council Chant) cars, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1971 - STUDY SESSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Higgins, Slates, Miller, Kerins, Bazil COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Porter, Duke NOTE: A TAPE RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS ON FILE IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OFFICE.' DISCUSSION: PLANNING COMMISSION'S GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The Planning Commission reviewed their proposed goals and objectives for 1971, as submitted by Commissioner Kerins. The Acting Secretary stated that all items seem to be very well covered but the staff is concerned with the number of items listed. Keq Reynolds, Planning Director, suggested that the Commission should come up with 10 to 12 priorities from these goals and objectives, from which the staff could establish their work for the year. COMMISSIONER BAZIL: Commissioner Bazil was excused at 2:30 P. M. from further participation. It was further pointed out by Chairman Slates that projects should be separated from the policy plan. Commissioner Kerins stated that he will reduce the list of priorities to approximately 10 to 12 items. POLICY PLAN - DISCUSSION: Edward Selich, Planning Aide, made a presenta- tion regarding a proposed Policy Plan. Mr. Selich informed the Commission that this first draft was an inventory of existing policies with some suggestions of new policies. He further stated that the first draft is to be reviewed by the Commission and recognized as a statement of existing policy and then be transmitted to the City Council for their review. Mr. Selich stated that after the City Council gives its recognition to this preliminary plan, a base will then be established for a citizen participation program which would lead to the adoption of the Final Policy Plan. It was the consensus of the Commission to review said proposal and discuss it at the February 2, 1971, meeting. REVIEW: SINGLE FAMILY DEVELOPMENT - Southeast corner of Talbert Avenue and Edwards Street Jim Palin, Associate Planner, informed the Commission that an application for Administrative Review, submitted by Wm Lyon Develop- ment is pending before the Board of Zoning Adjustments which proposes a 7 f t. 6 in. setback for garages entered directly from the street. Mr. Palin stated that a prior application, Conditional Exception No 70-31 was approved by the Commission on June 16, 1970, for a single family development, but the applicant revised the plans. He stated that because a new application was filed, the staff felt the Planning Commission should be made aware of these changes. The Commission reviewed the proposal. Commissioner Kerins stated that he feels this development should have special treat- ment since it faces the lake within the Central City Park. Also, that the roofing material, elevation and color should be carefully considered. MINTUES: H. B. PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 JANUARY 26, 1971 - STUDY SESSION It was the consensus of the Commission that the Board of Zoning Adjustments should require wood roofing material for said tract. MODIFICATION TO DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS IN TOWN LOT AREA OF CITY: The Acting Secretary made a presentation regarding proposed changes to development standards in the town lot area such as: 3 stories in the R4 district, zero side yards for covered parking on the rear 50% of the lot, averaging front yard setbacks to 10 feet with a minimum of 5 feet for R3 and R4 districts and change to the open space requirement. COMMISSIONER BAZIL: Commissioner Bazil arrived at 3:30 P. M. and assumed his duties. The Commission reviewed,the suggested changes. Commissioner Bazil stated that a proper turning radius should be provided in the R3 zone where cars enter garages from the alley. Chairman Slates stated that he feels more flexibility should be allowed in the downtown lots. A MOTION WAS MADE BY SLATES AND SECONDED BY BAZIL FOR THE STAFF TO PREPARE A CODE AMENDMENT ON THE ABOVE ITEMS FOR THE TOWN LOT AREA SUBJECT TO AN ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW APPROVAL BY THE BOARD OF ZONING ADJUST- MENTS AND SET SAID AMENDMENT FOR PUBLIC HEARING. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Slates, Miller, Kerins, Bazil NOES: None ABSENT: Porter, Duke THE MOTION CARRIED. Chairman Slates adjourned the meeting at 2:45 P. M. to take a field trip to inspect Mr. Lindborg's apartment project at 415-15th Street. The Commission reconvened at 3:15 P. M. in the Council Chambers. MEMO FROM BUILDING DEPARTMENT: Dan McFarland, Building Department, submitted to the Commission a survey which listed all temporary subdivision directional signs within the city and the condition of these signs. Mr. McFarland stated that the question before the Building Department is what method to use to bring these signs up to code or how to have them removed under the provision of the city ordinance code. Commissioner Kerins requested the City Attorney to have an answer within two weeks as to the action that can be taken by the City to remove these illegal signs. THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS THE MEE NG ADJ RNED K. A. Reynolds Rog e'rq4 Sla es Secretary Chairman -2- 1/26/71 PC