HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-02-17MINUTES OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1971 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Bazil, Higgins, Porter, Slates, Miller, Duke, Kerins. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None. ZONE CASE NO 70-20 (Continued) in conjunction with CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO 70-52 (Continued) Applicant - Mr and Mrs David Meredith Change of zone from M1 Light Industrial District to MH - Mobilehome District. Located south side of Slater Avenue, approximately 660 feet east of Gothard Street. To permit the construction of a 137 space mobilehome park on a 20 acre parcel of land in the MI Light Industrial District. The Acting Secretary read a letter submitted by Joe Evans, agent for the applicant, stating that a supplementary report is being prepared to the previous report submitted by Tri-County Engineering Co., regarding soil tests on the subject property which will contain more precise estimates based on consultation with Mr. H. V. Law - master, whose company conducted the soil test. Mr Evans asked for a continuance on Zone Case No. 70-20 and Conditional Exception No. 70-52 to the March 2, 1971, meeting in order to submit the final soils report. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DUKE AND SECONDED BY KERINS TO CONTINUE ZONE CASE NO 70-20 AND CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO 70-52 TO THE MARCH 21 1971, MEETING AT THE APPLICANT'S REQUEST. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Slates, Miller, Duke, Kerins. NOES_ None ABSENT: Fcrtor ABSTAINED: Bazil THE MOTION CARRIED. USE PERMIT NO 70-61 (a) (Referred b the Board of Zoning in conjunction with Adjustments (Continued) CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO 70-59 (Continued) Applicant - Ponderosa Homes To permit the construction of a 66 unit apartment complex on a 3.43 acre parcel of land in the R2 Two Family Residential District. To permit the construction of carports along the side and rear property lines within a 66 unit apartment complex in lieu of the required 5 ft. setbacks. Jim Palin, Associate Planner, reviewed with the Commission revisions made to the original plan, as requested by the_Commission. Mr Palin stated that the applicant has shown a one story building along the south property line. He also informed the Commission of the changes made to the elevation on the structures. -Z- 1 MINUTES: H. B. PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 February 17, 1971 John Fearnley, 9561 Landfall Lane, addressed the Commission and requested that the hearing be re -opened. Chairman Slates informed Mr. Fearnley that public hearing had been closed at the January 19, 1971, meeting. Commissioner Duke asked that the Commission be polled to determine if the public hearing should be re -opened on these two items. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Duke, Kerins NOES: Higgins, Bazil, Slates, Miller ABSENT: Porter The hearing was not re -opened to the audience. Mr. Fearnley stated that this project will depreciate the value of single family homes in surround- ing area. Commit$si.on discussion followed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KERINS AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO APPROVE USE PERMIT NO 70-61 (a) UPON THE FOLLOW- ING CONDITIONS: 1. The developer shall plant 8, 24 inch box trees along that portion of the south property line where there are no carports or driveways between the main structure and rear property line. in order to provide maximum screening, said trees shall be planted 16 ft. on center and have an average height of 16 ft. The type of trees shall be approved by the Street Tree Superintendent. 2. The end walls of the carports shall align as near as possible to the R1 lot lines on abutting properties. 3. The plot plan received February 11, 1971, shall be the approved layout. 4. Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water system. 5. Sewage disposal shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's se,4age system. 6. Fire alarm system conduit and appurtenances shall be installed by the developer at locations and to specifica- tions provided by the Fire Department. 7. A masonry wall shall be constructed along the east prop- erty line. The height of said wall shall be such that the top will be (61� feet above the highest ground sur- face within twenty (201) feet of the cotinnon property line. Except within the front 15 ft. in which case the height of said wall shall be reduced to 42 inches. 8. No structure, other than those shown on the approved plot plan, shall be constructed within the project. 9. The structural street section of all private drives shall be approved by the Department of Public Works. -2- 2/17/71 PC MINUTES: H. B. PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 3 FEBRUARY 17, 1971 10. All applicable City Ordinances shall be complied with. 11. A divison of Land application, separating this parcel from the remaining property held under the same owner- ship, shall be filed with the City, approved and recorded. 12. The wall of carports at zero side and rear setback shall be constructed of maintenance free masonry material. 13. If the masonry wall of the carports is over one foot in height above the existing wall, the developer shall con - construct a new wall along the entire east and south property lines. Such block wall shall be equal to the height of the carports and shall be of the same material as the existing block wall in the R1 area. 14. The developer shall comply with all applicable provisions of the apartment standards adopted by the Planning Commission on October 21, 1969. 15. The side and rear elevations shall be approved by the Planning Commission prior to issuance of building permits. 16. The units siding on the west property line, adjoining the RA district, shall set back 15 ft. 17. All carports shall be finished on the inside. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Bazil, Slates, Miller, Kerins NOES: Duke ABSENT: Porter THE MOTION CARRIED. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BAZIL AND SECONDED BY HIGGINS TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO 70-59 UPON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The developer shall plant 8, 24 inch box trees along that portion of the south property line where there are no carports or driveways between the main structure and rear property line. In order to provide maximum screen- ing, said trees shall be planted 16 feet on center and have an average height of 16 ft. The type of trees shall be approved by the Street Tree Superintendent. 2. The end walls of the carports shall align as near as possible to the R1 lot lines on abutting properties. 3. The plot plan received February 11, 1971, shall be the approved layout. 4. Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water system. 5. Sewage disposal shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's sewage system. 6. Fire alarm system conduit and appurtenances shall be installed by the developer at locations and to specifica- tions provided by the Fire Department. -3- 2/17/71 PC MINUTES: H. B. PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 4 FEBRUARY 17, 1971 7. A masonry wall shall be constructed along the east property line. The height of said wall shall be such that the top will be six (61) feet above the heighest ground surface within twenty (201) feet of the common property line. Except within the front 15 ft. in which case the height of said wall shall be reduced to 42 inches. 8. No structure, other than those shown on the approved plot plan, shall be constructed within the project. 9. The structural street section of all private drives shall be approved by the Department of Public Works. 10. All applicable City Ordinances shall be complied with. 11. A Division of Land application, separating this parcel from the remaining property held under the same ownership, shall be filed with the City, approved and recorded. 12. The wall of carports at zero side and rear setback shall be constructed of maintenance free masonry material. 13. If the masonry wall of the carports is over one foot in height above the existing wall, the developer shall con- struct a new wall along the entire east and south property lines. Such block wall shall be equal to the height of the carports and shall be of the same material as the existing block wall in the R1 area. 14. The developer shall comply with all applicable provisions of the apartment standards adopted b_v_the Planning Commis,_ sion on October 21, 1969. 15. The side and rear elevations shall be approved by the Planning Commission prior to issuance of building permits. 16. The units siding on the west property line, adjoining the RA district, shall set back 15 ft. 17. All carports shall be finished on the inside. AND FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: 1. The Planning Commission encourages this type of construc- tion to give more privacy to adjacent property owners. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, NOES: None ABSENT: Porter THE MOTION CARRIED. COMMISSIONER PORTER: Higgins, Slates, Miller, Duke, Kerins Commissioner Porter arrived at 7:30 P.M. and assumed his duties. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION No 71-3 (Continued for decision only) Applicant - Rex Reynolds To permit boarding of horses in the RA-0 Residential Agricultural District combined with oil production. Located on the south side of Taylor Avenue and west of Goldenwest Street. -4- 2/17/71 PC MINUTES: H. B. PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 5 FEBRUARY 17, 1971 The Planning Commission received a letter submitted by the Recreation and Parks Department, recommending approval of Conditional Exception No 71-3 sub- ject to conditions as previously outlined by the staff. Commission discussion followed. Commissioner Higgins stated that he feels the stables should be screened from the lake area. A video tape of the subject property was shown. Chairman Slates stated that this use should not be allowed because it will be adjacent to the future park. Commissioner Duke stated that he feels this use will be compatible with the park. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DUKE AND SECONDED BY KERINS TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO 71-3 UPON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Landscaping shall be provided along the north property line with myroporum 8 feet on center. Permission to oprate the facility shall be terminated if the land- scaping is not maintained properly. 2� The stalls shall be constructed of metal and shall be painted. 3. No more than 70 horses shall be boarded on the premises at any time. 4. A plot plan and landscape plan shall be reviewed by the Board of Zoning Adjustments to establish conditions of approval as deemed necessary. 5. Conditional Exception shall become null and void on January 1, 1975, or at the time Talbert Avenue is constructed whichever is sooner. 6. Horse rentals shall not be allowed. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, NOES: Slates ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. Higgins, Porter, Miller, Duke, Kerins CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO 71-2 Applicant - Klaus G. Ahlers To permit the construction of 3 new additional dwell- ing units on a 7650 sq. ft. lot. This conditional exception will result in an increase in density from one unit for each 2000 sq. ft. of lot area to one unit for each 1912.5 sq. ft. of lot area. Located at northeast corner of Geneva Street and Alabama Street in the R2 Two Family Residence District. The hearing was opened to the audience, there being no comment the hearing was closed. Commission discussion followed. The Acting Secretary stated that the Commission has indicated their approval for this kind of request where 3/4 of the required land area for the additional unit has been provided. Mr. Harlow sta►:ed that in this case, the applicant is only 150 sq. ft. shy of meeting the requirement for the additional unit. -5- 2/17/71 PC MINUTES: H. B. PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 6 FEBRUARY 17, 1971 A MOTION WAS MADE BY HIGGINS AND SECONDED BY PORTER TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO 71-2 FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: 1. Approval of this conditional exception is based on city policy, and that all other requirements of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code be complied with. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Higgins, Porter, Slates, Miller, Duke, Kerins NOES: None ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO 71-4 in conjunction with USE PERMIT NO 71-2 (Referred by the Board of Zoning Adjust- ments) Applicant: Tom Nelson To permit automobile storage within a building and a body shop in the M1 Light Industrial District. Located at northeast corner of Goldenwest Street and Ellis Avenue. To permit the followin : 1) An auto storage yard; 2) Auto repair and dismantling; 3� A used car dealership; and, 4) To allow all of the aforementioned uses to be established without on -site improvements for a period of one (1) year following completion of the required street improvements. Video tape was shown of subject property and surrounding area. The hearing was opened to the audience. William Gilbert, abutting property owner to the north, stated that this use, if granted will be detrimental to the surrounding area. Tom Nelson, applicant, stated that the disma:,-ling operation is very necessary to dispose more efficiently of vehicieb -7hich are abandoned on city streets and acquired by his business during the month he is authorized to impound such vehicles. Also, that said dismantling would allow a much cleaner and neater operation. There being no other comment the hearing was closed. Commission discussion followed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY PORTER AND SECONDED BY KERINS TO DENY CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO 71-4 FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. The applicant failed to demonstrate a hardship for the subject property. 2. This use will be detrimental to the surrounding area. -6- 2/17/71 PC MLNUTES: H. 11. NL,ANNING COMMISSION PUCE 7 FEBRUARY 17, 1971 • ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Higgins, Porter, Slates, Duke, Kerins NOES: Miller ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. A MOTION WAS MADE BY PORTER AND SECONDED BY BAZIL TO APPROVE USE PERMIT NO 71-2 UPON THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: 1. Use Permit No 71-2 shall be referred to the Board of Zoning Adjustments for review to establish conditions as deemed necessary. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Higgins, Kerins NOES: None ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. Porter, Slates, Miller, -Duke, CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO 71-5 Applicant - Tropical Enterprises To permit the construction of a 146 space mobilehome park having 30 ft. wide streets in lieu of the required 33 ft. width. Also, to permit a portion of required open space to be provided within the Edison Company right-of-way. Located on west side of Brookhurst Street, 795 ft. south of Garfield Avenue in the MH Mobilehome District. The hearing was opened to the audience. Jim Nix, developer for Tropical Enterprises, offered to answer questions. There being no other comment the hearing was closed. Commission discussion followed. Commissioner Higgins stated that he feels the developer is not providing suffi- cient open space. A MOTION WAS MADE BY HIGGINS AND SECONDED BY BAZIL TO DENY CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO 71-5 FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. The streets within the proposed development are sub- standard. 2. The Edison right-of-way easement is planned to be used by the City as a part of the trails system. 3. The applicant failed to demonstrate sufficient hardship. ROLL CALL VOTE: AY —ES: Bazil, Higgins, Porter, Slates, Miller, Duke, Kerins NOES: None ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. -7- PC 2/17/71 MINUTES: H. B. PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 8 FEBRUARY 17, 1971 Additional Information: It was the consensus of the Commission that this action will not preclude the developer from filing a use permit for a mobilehome park on subject property for one year, if said application complies with all applicable provisions of the MH District. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION No 71-6 Applicant - Huntington Harbour Corp. To permit relocation of sales office build- ing approximately 13 ft. x 29 ft. upon a portion of the Huntington Harbour Beach Club property to serve as a "Yacht Club" facility. Located on north side of Warner Avenue in the R1 Single Family Residence District. The hearing was opened to the audience. Don Byrnes, represent- ing Huntington Harbour Corp., offered to answer questions. There being no other comment the hearing was closed. Commission discussion followed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY SLATES AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO 71-6 UPON THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: 1. When the City of Huntington Beach creates a zone for this type of use, the property owner shall apply for a zone change. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Higgins, Porter, Slates, Miller, Duke, Kerins. NOES: None ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO 70-40 (Review of plan er City Applicant - William Blurock Council request The Acting Secretary informed the Commission that this application was before them because the City Council referred the application back to the Planning Commission for the purpose of establishing conditions of approval. Bob Hench, represent- ing the applicant, explained the proposal. Rod McGraw, also associated with Wm. Blurock, informed the Commission that the proposed tower will have 2 elevators, and the first floor will primarily consist of club room and lounge area. Mr. McGraw opposed condition #9 requiring 100 cubic feet of fully enclosed storage space to be provided for each unit. He stated that there are approximately 35 similar towers constructed throughout the states and the requirement of storage space per unit is 20 cubic feet. -8- 2/17/71 PC MINUTES: 11. R. PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 9 FEBRUARY 17, L971 Commission discussion followed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BAZIL AND SECONDED BY MILLER TO ESTABLISH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO 70-40. 1. The plot plan received January 27, 1971, shall be the approved layout. 2. The use of the building shall be limited to a retirement tower for persons over 62 years of age. In the event the owner or future owners of the property or building desire to change the proposed use, a new conditional exception application shall be filed for consideration by the City. 3. The Articles of Incorporation shall contain a provision limiting the use of this building to persons over 62 years of age. The City Attorney's office shall review the Articles of Incorporation to assure compliance with this requirement. 4. The Planning Commission shall review the parking situation two years from the date the building is completed to determine whether or not additional parking is needed. If additional parking is needed the property owner shall provide parking at a ratio required by the Planning Commission. 5. Provisions shall be made for a transportation system to shopping facilities. A plan for the transportation system and tentative time schedules shall be submitted to the Planning Department for approval prior to issuance of building permits. 6. The applicant shall enter into an agreement with the City agreeing to pay an annual "in lieu" fee for such services rendered by the City. The amount of such fee shall be negotiated prior to June 1st of each and every year. The basis of such negotiations shall be agreed to by the City and property owner prior to -issuance of build- ing oermits. Arrangements for these negoti�--.tions shall be with--the-,City-Administrator-or his appointee representatives. 7. Home occupations shall be limited to those occupations which are cocapatible with the proposed structure. 8. A 6 ft. high masonry wall shall be constructed along that portion of the southerly property line abutting the school site prior to final inspection of the retirement tower, or a satisfactory arrangement for separating the school from this parcel shall be agreed to by the Huntington Beach Elementary School District. 9. 17th Street shall be fully improved to Department of Public Works requirements and Adams Avenue shall be dedicated and fully improved to City standards. Improve- ment shall include street trees, street lights, street signs, fire hydrants and sewer and water main extensions. 10. Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water system. 11. Sewage disposal shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's sewage system. -9- 2/17/71 PC MINUTES: H. B. PLANNING COMMISSION Page 10 FEBRUARY 172 1971 12. The water, sewer, and fire hydrant system shall be approved by the Department of Public Works and Fire Department. 13. Easements for utilities or walkways shall be provided to Department of Public Works standards. 14. Soil reports as required by the Building Department and the Department of Public Works shall be submitted to the City prior to issuance of building permits. 15. All utilities shall be installed underground. 16. Fire protection features of the building shall be designed consistent with nationally recognized good fire protection practices; and, shall meet the approval of the Fire Department. These features shall include such items as fire protection systems and appurtenances, communica- tion, ventilation and transportation systems within the building. 17. If a division of land is recorded separating the Tower from the church facility, reciprocal easements for,park- ing use of open space shall be recorded. 18. The existing oil well shall be abandoned and all equip- ment removed in accordance with State Division of Oil and Gas and City Oil Field Department requirements. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Miller, Kerins NOES: Porter, Slates, Duke ABSENT: None ABSTAINED: Higgins THE MOTION FAILED. A FURTHER MOTION WAS MADE BY PORTER AND SECONDED BY KERINS TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO 70-40 UPON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The plot plan received January 27, 1971 shall be the approved layout. 2. The use of the building shall be limited to a retirement tower for persons over 62 years of age. In the event the owner or future owners of the property or building desire to change the proposed use a new conditional exception application shall be filed for consideration by the City. 3. The Articles of Incorporation shall contain a provision limiting the use of this building to persons over 62 years of age. The City Attorney's office shall review the Articles of Incorporation to assure compliance with this requirement. 4. The Planning Commission shall review the parkin; situation two years from the date the building is complete to determ_ne whether or not additional parking is needed. If additional -10- 2/17/71, PC i A MINUTES: H. B. PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 11 FEBRUARY 17, 1971 parking is needed the property owner shall provide parking at a ratio required by the Planning Commission. 5. Provisions shall be made for a transportation system to shopping facilities. A plan for the transportation sys- tem and tentative time schedules shall be submitted to the Planning Department for approval prior to issuance of building permits. 6. The applicant shall enter into an agreement with the City agreeing to pay an annual "in Lieu" fee for services rendered by the City. The amount of such fee shall be negotiated prior to June 1st of each and every year. The basis of such negotiations shall be agreed to by the City and property owner prior to issuance of building permits. Arrangements for these negotiations shall be with the City Administrator or his appointed representatives. 7. Home occupations shall be limited to those occupations which are compatible with the proposed structure. 8. A 6 ft. high masonry wall shall be constructed along that portion of the southerly property line abutting the school site prior to final inspection of the retirement tower, or a satisfactory arrangement for separating the school from this parcel shall be agreed to by the Huntington Beach Elementary School District. 9. One hundred (100) cubic feet of fully enclosed storage space shall be provided for each unit. Storage within the residential units shall not be used to satisfy this requirement. 10. 17th Street shall be fully improved to Department of Public Works requirements and Adams Avenue shall be dedicated and fully improved to City standards. Im- provement Qhall include street trees, street lights, street signs, fire hydrants and sewer and water main extensions. 11. Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water system. 12. Sewage disposal shall be through the City of 'iuntington Beach's sewage system. 13. The water, sewer, and fire hydrant system shall be approved by the Department of Public Works and Fire Department. 14. Easements for utilities or walkway] shall be 7rovided to Department of Public Works standards. -11- 2/17/71 PC MINUTES: H. B. PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 12 FEBRUARY 17, 1971 15. Soil reports as required by the Building Department and the Department of Public Works shall be submitted to the City prior to issuance of building permits. 16. All utilities shall be installed underground. 17. Fire protection features of the building shall be designed consistent with nationally recognized good fire protection practices; and, shall meet the approval of the Fire Depart- ment. These features shall include such items as fire protection systems and appurtenances, communication, ventilation and transportation systems within the building. 18. If a division of land is recorded separating the Tower from the church facility, reciprocal easements for park- ing use of open space shall be recorded. 19. The existing oil well shall be abandoned and all equip- ment removed in accordance with State Division of Oil and Gas and City Oil Field Department requirements. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Porter, Kerins, Bazil, Slates NOES: Miller, Duke ABSENT: None ABSTAINED: Higgins THE MOTION CARRIED. CHAIRMAN SLATES: Chairman Slates was excused from further participation at 9:10 P. M. CODE AMENDMENT. NO 71-1 Said amendment proposes to amend Section 9783 (Resolution Recommending Setback) to allow the Planning Commission to make recommendation on any setback line or amendment thereof, by the affirmative vote of not less than four (4) of its total voting members. The hearing was opened to the aud- ience, there being no comment the hearing was closed. Commission discussion followed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DUKE AND SECONDED _B_Y_ MILLER TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF CODE AMENDMENT NO 71-1 TO THE CITY COUNCIL. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Higgins, Porter, Miller, Duke, Kerins NOES: None ABSENT: Slates THE MOTION CARRIED. -12- 2/17/71 PC MINUTES: H. B. PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 13 FEBRUARY 17, 1971 CODE AMENDMENT NO 71-3 Said amendment proposes to amend Section 9251 R5 District. Uses Permitted: To require approval of an Administrative Review application by the Board of Zoning Adjustments for all uses. (1108) The hearing was opened to the audience, there being no comment the hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KERINS AND SECONDED BY DUKE TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF CODE AMENDMENT NO 71-3 TO THE CITY COUNCIL ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Higgins, Porter, Miller, Duke, Kerins NOES: None ABSENT: Slates THE MOTION CARRIED. A PRECISE PLAN OF STREET ALIGNMENT NO 71-2 Said plan proposes to realign Mansion Avenue to tie in with Yorktown Avenue, between Main Street and Delaware Street. The hearing was opened to the audience, there being no comment the hearing was closed. Commission discussion followed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MILLER AND SECONDED BY BAZIL TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PRECISE PLAN OF STREET ALIGNMENT NO 71-2 TO THE CITY COUNCIL. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Higgins, Porter, Miller, Duke, Kerins NOr S : None ABSENT: Slates THE MOTION CARRIED. MASTER PLAN OF ARTERIAL STREETS AND HIGHWAYS AMENDMENT NO 71-1 Said plan proposes to reclassify Mansion and Yorktown Avenues from secondary to-pr-imary high- ways from Main Street to Beach Blvd. The hearing was opened to the audience, there being no comment the hearing was closed. Commission discussion followed. -13- 2/17/71 PC MINUTES: H. B. PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 14 FEBRUARY 17, 1971 A MOTION WAS MADE BY BAZIL AND SECONDED BY HIGGINS TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF MASTER PLAN OF ARTERIAL STREETS AND HIGHWAYS - AMENDMENT NO 71-1 TO THE CITY COUNCIL. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Higgins, Porter, Miller, Duke, Kerins NOES: None ABSENT: Slates THE MOTION CARRIED. USE PERMIT NO 69-9 Applicant - Assoc. Southern Investment Jim Palin, Associate Planner made a presentation regarding landscape area and the construction of a perimeter wall for the mobilehome park located at Yorktown Avenue and Ward Street. Mr. Palin stated that the developer has proposed the wall to be beige slump stone block with 5 foot block outs for landscaping. George Marsh, represent- ing the applicant, stated that the slump stone block along Ward Street frontage would be acceptable with an increase of one block at recessed areas for a variation in height. The Commission reviewed the plan. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DUKE AND SECONDED BY BAZIL TO APPROVE THE WALL AND STREET TREE PLAN FOR USE PERMIT NO 69-9 UPON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Street tree placement shall be approved by the Depart- ment of Public Works. 2. The plant material in planter areas shall be approved by the Department of Public Works. 3. The landscaped area along Ward Street shall be provided with proper irrigation system and shall be permanently maintained in an attractive manner by the owner of said mobilehome park. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Higgins, NOES: None ABSENT: Slates THE MOTION CARRIED. Porter Miller,RDuke, Kerins -14- 2/17/71 PC 0 MINUTES: H. B. PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 15 FEBRUARY 17, 1971 DISCUSSION: Jim Palin, Associate Planner, informed the Commission that there have been a number of inquiries from various developers asking where motorhome and/or recreational vehicles could be located overnight. It was the Planning Commission consensus that a developer should file a specific request as there seems to be a need for this type of use. Commissioner Duke requested that all Commis- sioners submit their comments pertaining to apartment stand- ards to the Secretary. ZONE -CASE NO 70-20 Applicant - David Meredith Commissioner Higgins requested that the staff study the indus- trial area between Warner, Ellis, Goldenwest and Beach Blvd. to determine alternative land uses. A MOTION WAS MADE BY HIGGINS AND SECONDED BY DUKE TO INSTRUCT THE STAFF TO STUDY THE SUBJECT AREA FOR ALTERNATIVE LAND USES. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Higgins, Porter, Miller, Duke, Kerins NOES: None ABSENT: Slates THE MOTION CARRIED. INFORMATION: The Planning Director informed the Commission that a joint meeting will be held with the City Council, Design Review Board and the Planning Commission regarding the "Civic District Suffix" on March 29, 1971, at 7:30 P. M. in the Council Chambers. THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED TO FEBRUARY 23, 1971, STUDY SESSION. K. A. Reynold rcus M. Porter Secretary Vice Chairman