HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-03-15MINUTES Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Monday, March 15, 1971 Mayor Pro Tempore Matney called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order in the absence of the Mayor at 4:3C P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present in the Council Chamber. The Invocation was given by Reverend Thomas Overton - First Christian Church. ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: McCracken, Bartlett, Gibbs, Coen, Matney Councilmen Absent: Green, Shipley CONTRIBUTION TO AID - CITY EMPLOYEES AWARD On behalf of the employees of the City of Huntington Beach, Fire Chief Picard accepted. the Silver Crusader award from the West Orange County United Crusade in appreciation of the $7,266.00 donated to the A.I.D. program by city employees. CONSENT CALENDAR -_.(ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR_ At the request of Councilman McCracken, the Mayor Pro Tempore directed that the item pertaining to Final Tract Map No. 7265 be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate discussion. CONSENT CALENDAR - (ITEMS APPROVED) On motion by Bartlett, the following consent items were approved as recommended, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: McCracken, Bartlett, Gibbs, Coen, Matney NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Green, Shipley 1. MINUTES - Approved and adopted. minutes of the regular meeting of March 1, 1971, as written and on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. RELEASE - LABOR & MATERIAL BOND NO. 621765 - TRACT NO. 6123 Authorized the release of Labor and Materials Bond for Tract No. 6123 - Stardust Lands, Inc., as the six month hold period had been satisfied; and directed the City Clerk to notify the developer, and the City Treasurer to notify the bonding company of same. 3. RELEASE - LABOR & MATERIAL BOND NO. 621766 - TRACT NO. 6239 Authorized the release of Labor and Materials Bond for TracF No. 6239 - Stardust Lands, Inc., as the six month hold. period had been satisfied; and directed the City Clerk to notify the developer, and tht City Treasurer to notify the bonding company of same. 4. RELEASE - LABOR & MATERIAL BOND N0. 621767 - TRACT NO. 0302 Authorized the release of Labor and Materials Bond No. 217r,7 - Stardust Lands, Inc., as the six month hold. period. had be(.n satisfied; and directed the City Clerk to notify the developer, and the City Treasurer to notify the bonding company of same. 5. CLAIM NO. 71-12 - JOHN McCLURE - DENIED Approved the recommendation of the City Attorney and denied Claim No. 71-12 filed by Hennigan, Butterwick & Clepper, Attorneys, c-.z behalf of John McClure for alleged personal damages in the amount of $52,034.50, and referred same to the city's insurance carrier. KFA Page #2 - Council Minutes - 3/15/71 6. PIER LEASE RENEWALS - APPROVED Approved lease renewal agreements between the City and Ronald and Joy Smith for Ron's Live Bait and Tackle and Ronald Smith for the pier concession "Neptune's Locker", and with Carl McCullah, Jr. and Robert McCullah for the pier concessions, "Fisherman's Grotto" and "Captain's Galley", and directed the Mayor and City Clerk to execute said agree- ments on behalf of the City. 7. CLAIM NO. 71-13 - LAWRENCE D. SCHLEY - DENIED Approved the recommendation of the City Attorney and denied Claim No. 71-13 filed by Ruston and Nance, Attorney, on behalf.of Lawrence D. Schley, for alleged damages arising from a previous claim filed on the City (Claim No. 70-13) and referred same to the city's insurance carrier. 8. AGREEMENT - STATE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - APPROVED Approved the recommendation of the City Administrator for an agreement between the City and the State Department of Finance to determine the April, 1971, population figure; and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same on behalf of the City. 9. CLAIM NO. 71-14 - PATRICK FORSYTHE WILLS - DENIED Approved the recommendation of the City Attorney and denied Claim No. 71-14 .filed by Mrs. J. L Wills on behalf of Patrick Forsythe Wills, a minor, for alleged personal injuries and alleged. damages to bicycle when colliding with a police vehicle on or about February 10, 1971, and referred same to the city's insurance carrier. 10. FINAL TRACT MAP NO. 7352 - PALOS VERDES CORP. - APPROVED Accepted offers of dedication as shown on Final Tract Map No. 7352 - located south of Heil Avenue approximately 1320 feet west of Bolsa Chica Street; Acreage: 3.95; Lots: 8; Developer: Palos Verdes Corporation, 1825 W. Lomita Boulevard, Lomita, California; and adopted. the map subject to standard conditions set forth by the Department of Public Works and Planning Department in Resolution No. 3056, adopted October 20, 1969, with an additional stipulation that the final map shall be recorded prior to November 3, 1971. Further instructed the City Clerk that he may affix his signature to the map and deposit same with any licensed title company after receipt of writing from such company stating that it will cause preliminary processing of such map by the County, but will not record said map or cause it to be recorded until the completion of all conditions, and receipt by such title company of prior written consent to record said map from the City Clerk. 11. CLAIM NO. 71-15 - DENNY PLANY TERRY - DENIED Approved recommendation of the City Attorney and. denied Claim No. 71-15 filed by Donald Klein, Attorney, on behalf of Denny Plany Terry, for alleged personal damages on or about December 18, 1970, in the amount of $138,512.00, and referred same to the City's insurance carrier. 12. CLAIM NO. 71-16 - JOAN KIMPTON - DENIED Approved recommendation of the City Attorney and denied Claim No. 71-16 filed by Mrs. Joan Kimpton for alleged. damages to her automobile on or about March 9, 1971, in the amount of $73.30, and referred same to the City's insurance carrier. FINAL TRACT MAP NO. 7265 - P.B.S. CORPORATION - APPROVED The Clerk presented a transmittal from the Planning Director subr-fitting final form of Tract Map No. 7265, which had. been deleted from the Con- sent Calendar portion of the agenda for adoption as follows: Developer: P.B.S. Corporation, 2700 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar, California; Location: the northwest corner of Atlanta Avenue and Bushard Sti.•eet; Acreage: 11.01; Lots: 50. A Page #3 - Council Minutes - 3/15/71 Councilman McCracken requested and was granted permission to abstain from voting on this matter due to a possible conflict of interest. On motion by Gibbs, Council accepted offers of dedication as shown on Fi-nal Tract Map No. 7265, and adopted the map subject to standard. con- ditions set forth by the Department of Public Works and Planning Depart- ment in Resolution No. 3056, adopted October 20, 1969; with an additional stipulation that the final map shall be recorded prior to the expiration date of Tentative Tract Map No. 6954; further instructed the City Clerk that he may affix his signature to the map and deposit same with any licensed title company after receipt of writing from such company stating that it will cause preliminary processing of such map by the County, but will not record said map or cause it to be recorded until the completion of all conditions, and receipt by such title company of prior written consent to record said map from the City Clerk. The motion carried with Coun.cil,man McCracken abstaining from the vote. RESOLUTIONS On motion by Bartlett, Council directed the Clerk to read Resolution I+C. 3299, 3300, 3301, 3302, and 3303 by title, waived further reading and passed and adopted same by the following unanimous roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: McCracken, Bartlett, Gibbs, Coen, Matney NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Green, Shipley RES. NO. 3299 - ADOPTED - EXPENDITURE - REIMB. AGRMT. 7O-S2 "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHOR- IZING THE EXPENDITURE OF MONEY FROM THE SEWER FUND." RES. NO. 3300 - ADOPTED - EXPENDITURE - R.EIMB. AGRMT. 70-Dl "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF MONEY FROM THE DRAINAGE DISTRICT 6C FUND." RES. NO. J301 - ADOPTED - EXPENDITURE - REIMB. AGRMT. #145 "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHOR- IZING T1E EXPENDITURE OF MONEY FROM THE DRAINAGE DISTRICT 6C FUND." PES. NO. � 02 - ADOPTED - IMPLEMENTATION OF "TOPICS" PROGRAM "A RESOLUTION Oi THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AND THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND ALSO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A SECOND AGREEMENT BETWEEN SAID CITY AND A CONSULTANT FOR THE PURPOSE OF IMPLEMENTING THAT CERTAIN TRAFFIC OPERATIONS IMPROVE- MENT PROGRAM KNOWN AS 'TOPICS'." RES. NO. 3303 - ADOPTED PURCHASE OF PROPERTY - PARK PURPOSES "A RESOLUTION OF TI'IE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 7-,ELATING TO PURCHASE OF' CERTAIN LANDS . " CIVIL DEFENSE & DISASTER PLAN - RECEIVED AND FIL�;D The City Administrator presented a transmittal o" additions to the Huntington .Beach Civil Defense and Disaster Plan prepared b,r the Ci-,Til Defense Director, ['or the information of Council. On motion by McCracken, Council ordered the additions to th- Huntirigtor, Beach Civil Defense and Disaster Plan received and filed. ''notion carried. SO . CALIF' . EDISON COMPANY - ELLIS SUBSTATION - Pc)LE INSTALL1T10N The City Administrator informed Council of a request from the Southern California Edison Company for permission from the City to install two new streamlined metal poles at the Ellis Substation located at the inter- section of Garfield Avenue and the Santa Ana Riv,.r, for a tLe-in with a new 220 KV transmission line from the San Onofre plant, to Several exist - in=:' substations. He further stated that this proposed construction would involve only a few hundred feet of property within the extreme northeast corner of the city, and as it will help alleviate'future power shortages in the City he would recommend that Council approve said request AV Page ,ffM - Council Minutes - 3/15/71 On motion by Gibbs, Council approved the installation of two new stream- line metal poles at the Ellis Substation located at the intersection of _Tarfield Avenue and the Santa Ana Fiver on recommencdati.on of the City Administrator, and authorized the Administrator to prepare a ,;riten statement concerning said construction for transmittal to the Public utilities Commission. Motion carried. OE-L:j1IIAT•10ES. FOR ADOPTION On mot -ion by McCracken, Council directed the Clerk to read Ordinance No:;. 16, 1640, and 1641 by title, waived further reading and passed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: McCracken, Bartlett, Gibbs, Coen, Matney NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Green, Shipley ORD. NO. 1639 - ADOPTED - ZONE CASE NO. 70-28 11Aj ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION g061 THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR CHI ,-,GE OF ZONING ON REAL PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF FLORIDA UTF,EjET BETWEEN UTICA AND ADAMS AVENUE, EXCEPT THE NORTH 150 FEET AND THE SOUTH 275 FEET TO A DEPTH OF 300 FEET (Z01VE CHANGE NO. 70-28) . " I m . 1640 - ADOPTED -- USE & OCCUPANCY OF BUILDING STRUCTURES f1:'JiIIAiICF; OIi I'iIE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON FsF,IICI rDu-,Di .IANCE CODE DY ADDING TO ARTICLE 811, SECTIONS 8115, 8115.1, 811�.2 AP.JJ 8115.F." ORL. No. 1641 - ADOPTED - DISCHARGE OF FIREARMS "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING ARTICLE 401 RE- LATIF,IG TO 'SMOTING' BY ADDING (c), (d) AND (e) TO SECTION 4011 AND SECTIOT�S 4012 AND 4013 . " RETORTS - CO JI''CIL COJVJ,ITTTEES Council Iibrary Sub -Committee response to an inquiry by Councilwoman Gibbs concerning the recent meeting of tkie Library Board, the Development Coordinator informed that they had been provided with a report pertaining to the 1_.Y1ra,r.;J :.ite �.nd project expansion, and that further report and recom- rrLF,r,rJrj.tJnn or: the matter would be presented at the April 5, 1971 Council :rye e t I n . ADOPTED - EXPLORATION OF OIL & GAS RESOURCES Councilwoman Gibbs spoke regarding the hearing which is to be held March 18, 1D71, before the State Lands Commission concerning procedures for the issuance of permits for the exploration or exploitation of oil and gas resources. She requested that consideration be given to adopt- ing a resolution petitioning the State Lands Commission to require that the public hearings be held within the City for which such activity is planned. 1'he Clerk was directed to read Resolution No. 3305 by title - "A E.F,,';,0L[JJ'I0N Ole' THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 01" HUNTINGTON BEACH P!MTTOI;- I ff, ")TATE LANDS COMMISSION TO HOLD :PUBLIC HEARINGS WITHIN TH', L I'M'I T S OF THE CITY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF FER1\=S FOR THT" I-;X l'1,0]3AT J ON OIz EXPLOITATION OF OIL AND GAS RESOURCES." On rriot:lon 'by Gibbs, Council waived further reading of Resolution I o. "3;05, andpassed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AY} : Councilmen: NOES: Councilmen: ABSE>,T: Councilmen: McCracken, Bartlett, Gibbs, Coen, Matney None Green, Shipley Page #5 - Council. Minutes - VW71 Bicycle Ridin J Trails Councilwoman Gibbs asked il' a report had been p�-epar•ed �,oncetthi.tlg (Ile installation or bicycle riding route s i.,;ns on C i. ,y hi.,ilways and the possibility of a trails system connnection. w th Newport, Leach and Sunset Beach for bike riding, hiking and horseback riding. The City Administrator informed Council that a report has been completed for presentation to Council in the near future. Pier Tram Councilwoman Gibbs asked the Director of Harbors, Beaches and Develop- ment if consideration had been given to reinstating tram service on the Municipal Pier. Mr. 1,400rhouse, Director of Harbors, Beaches and Development informed Council that the tram operations conducted in past years had failed, and that studies on the matter indicate that a tram service operation could not be operated profitably. Filing of Appeal - Rejected - Conditional Exception No. 71-7 T,e City Clerk informed Council that on March 15, 1971, the Planning Commission received an appeal filed by A. L. Gindling, addressed to their department appealing their denial of Conditional Exception No. 71-7, and that the required appeal fee of $75.00 had been hand delivered sLortly thereafter. He stated that the appeal had not been filed accord- ing to the requirements set forth in Article 988 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, as the deadline for filing such appeal was 5:00 P.M., Friday, March 12, 1971.. T'rie Clerk stated that he proposed to reject such appeal, as acceptance of same could possibly set a precedent which would affect all future appeals filed under this section of the ordinance code. The City Attorney and Planning Director informed Council that they con- curred with the City Clerk's decision to deny said appeal. On motion by Matney, Council directed that the appeal riled by A. L. Gindling to the denial by the Planning Commission of Conditional. Excep- tion No. 71-7, be rejected, as the appellant had failed to meet the requirements for filing same. Motion carried. ADDTTIOTdAl, CONSTRtiCTION COST - PARK DEVELOPNTENT -- APPROVED Mr. Thomas Severns, Development Coordinator informed Council that it was the recommendation of the Director of Public Works, the Recreation and Parks Director and himself that additional work in the amount of $29,445 be authorized for the construction of Arevalos, Bushard and Gisler Parks, on which bids were awarded March 1, 1971; the additional construction creating an added cost of approximately 19+ % to be derived from the Park Bond fund. He further informed Council that the work would be completed by the present contractor United Sprinkler - J. E. Slover, based on the original unit bid costs and would provide the following: 1. As a requirement of the Edison lease, s:,_dewal.ks and subsurface decomposed granite support for roads will have to be reinforced and re -designed to accommodate 40 ton equipment. 2. Completion of Arevalos park to finish p'_ay areas and game courts. 3. A visitor's parking lot at Gisler Park ,Tith roads and walks reinforced to accommodate heavy equipment us d by the Southern California Edison Company on their right-of-way. Page #6 - Council Minutes - 3/15/71 A motion was made by Co Linoil.woman t, i.11bs tlta,t Oout �c i t al2 expenditure of' $29,445 Cor th.e additional al. ArevaloO , Bushard and Gisler Parks, to be completed by Ui�i.ted Opr•inkler - J. L. Slo-ler, eased on the original unit costs. The motion was passed by tyre following roll call vote: -_� Councilmen: McCracken, Bartlett, Gibbs, Coen, Matney :CD• Councilmen: None D. EITT Col<nc ilmen: Green, Shipley Joint '�`eetinp� - Council and Recreation & Parks Commission The City Administrator informed Council of the dates which are available for the point meeting to be held between Council and the Recreation and Parks Commission regarding the City's current park naming policy. Mayor Pro Tempore Matney directed that the joint meeting between the Council and Pecreation and Parks Commission be scheduled for Monday, March 29, 1971, at 7:00 P.M. in the Council. Chamber. Tree: Col,ncilvtoman c,,ibbs informed Council that the Sanitation Board had r� ered I-e city a sine selection of trees at no cost, provided that hey be removed by the city. =he Director of Public Works stated that his department was in the process of digging up the trees for transfer to the city's tree holding yard. Certificates of �11eri.t Mr. Norm Wortl-iy, Recreation and Parks Director, informed Council that the varsity basketball teams of Goldenwest College, Marina High School and Huntington Beach High School had won their respective basketball leagues and that the high school teams had entered the Southern California Tnte.r•scholastic Federation and that Goldenwest College had participated in the `Mate Championship Playoffs. on motion by (.Tibbs, Council directed that Certificates of Merit be pre- pares] for presentation to the varsity basketball teams of Goldenwest College, Marina High School and Aunti.ngton Beach High School in recog- nition of their athletic accomplishments. Motion carried. _FEC '_'S - EXECUTIVE SESSTON Mayor Pro Tempore Matney called an Executive Session of the Council. to discuss.pending litigation. The Mayor Pro Tempore then called a recess of Council at 5:18 P.M. COUNCIL RECONVETTED Mayor Pro Tempore Matney reconvened the Council at 7:35 P.M. AWARD PRESENTATION - ALL AMERICA CITY HONORS The City Administrator presented an honorable mention citation to the Council on behalf of the National Municipal League and Look Magazine, honoring the City for being one of 22 cities in the United States cited I'or• "All America City" honors. He stated that Huntington Beach aas at,c orded honorable mention in the contest for its beach beautification and Top-oI'--the -Pier projects. W3.,yor :Pro Tempore Matney accepted the award on behalf of the citizens oi'Iluritington Beach, and stated that the work done by the Urban Land lnstitute-Citi7en's Steering Committee contributed greatly to winning this award. Page #7 - Council. Minutes - 3/15/71 STUDENT GOVERNMENT DAY 'Rayon Pro Tempore Matney read a communication from Rene' Orton, Student Government Day Chairman and Darrell Stillwagon, Director of Activities, expressing the students' appreciation for the opportunity of participat- ing in the City -sponsored Student Government Day. EJ7Q,TJEST FOR RECOGNITION - IH.B.M.E.A. - GRANTED The City Administrator presented a transmittal from the Huntington Beach Municipal Employees Association requesting that they be recognized as the 'officially recognized employee organization" for the City of Huntington Beach. The Personnel Officer addressed Council regarding this matter. On motion by Bartlett, Council granted recognition to the Huntington Beach Municipal Employee's Association on their petition, and the unit of employees they would represent shall be determined by the City's Personnel Board. Motion carried. APPLTCATLON FOR BUSINESS LICENSE - RICEARD BAUMANN - APPROVED The Clerk informed Council of an application for business license filed by >>ir_lard Lee Baumann, 310 Third Street, City, to conduct a leather goods business at 414 Pacific Coast IIighway, City, to be known as "Leather ]Tor The Cause". He informed Council that they had received copies of the Police Report concerning Mr. Baumann's application for business license. On motion by Coen, Council approved the application for business license filed by Mr. Richard Baumann to conduct a leather goods business to be known as "Leather For The Cause" at 414 Pacific Coast Highway, City, and directed the City Clerk to issue a business license for same. Motion carried. REQUEST - PERMISSION TO ADDRESS COUNCIL - H.B. CITIZENS FOR PURE WATER The Clerk presented a communication from Gerald N. Bogart, Chairman of the Huntington Beach Citizen's for Pure Water, requesting permission to address Council regarding the fluoridation of city water. Mr. Gerald Bogart, 16642 Simonne Lane, City, addressed Council regarding he initiative petition circulated by the organization, opposing the 'luoridation of the city's water supply. Iie stated that the required niarfiber of signatures had been obtained; however, that inadvertantly the organization dial .not comply with Section 4006 of the State Elections Code which states that the petition, together with all sections thereof, shall be filed within 180 days from the date of publication or posting or both, of the notice of intention and statement. The Mayor Pro Tempore informed Mr. Bogart that action .regarding water fluoridation could not be taken at this time, however, the Council would take the views of the'�Iuntington Beach Citizens For Pure Water" into consideration when a report from the Environmental Council is received. REQUEST FOR DELAY OF WATER FLUORIDATION - ENVIRONMENTAL COUNCIL The Clerks presented a communication from the Executive Board of the Environmental Council requesting that Council. delay funding for the implementation of the fluoridation of city water until the water Quality and Resources Committee of the Environmental Council can present informa- tion to Council which has been obtained from Dr. Jack McKee, environ- mental health engineer, with the California Institute of Technology Environmental Quality Laboratory. On motion. by Coen, Council continued action on the implemention of fluoridation of the city's water supply pending a report from the Envi- ronmental Council. Motion carried. Page #8 - Council Minutes - 3/15/71 H.D. SAFETY COUNCIL - REQUEST FOR FUNDS - DEFERRED the Clerk presented a communication from the Huntington Beach Safety Co.:_ncil requesting an allocation of $500 for the current year 1971 in order to continue and expand services to the citizens in the Huntington Beach area. On motion by Matney, Council tabled this matter pending further recom- mendation from the City Administrator. Motion carried. APPEAL - USE PERMIT 70-61(a) & CE 70-59 - COUNCILMAN MATNEY Mayor Pro Tempore Matney announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing on an appeal filed by Councilman Matney to the approval by the Planning Commission of Conditional Exception No. 70-59 and Use Permit No. 70-61 (a), with conditions as follows: 1. A conditional exception to permit the construction of carports along the side and rear property lines within a 66 unit apartment complex in lieu of the required 5 foot setback; 2. A use permit to permit the construction of a 66 unit apart- ment complex on a 3.06 acre parcel of land in the R2 Two Family Residence District. The subject property is located on the south side of Hamilton Avenue approximately 600 feet east of Bushard Street. The Clerk informed Council publication and posting on had received communications and Use Permit No. 70-61(a) City, Raymond J. Friss, Jr. 9592 Hightide Drive, City, and Mrs. Ruth Greenwood. that all legal requirements for notification, said public hearing had been met and that he protesting Conditional Exception No. 70-59 from Evelyn C. McNeilly, 9321 Tahiti Circle, 9532 Hightide Drive, City, Joanne Stevens, Robert F. Rooney, 9552 Hightide Drive, City, Mayor Pro Tempore Matney declared the hearing open. Mr. John Fearnley, 9561 Landfall Drive, addressed Council and submitted an informal petition listing approximately 232 signatures of residents in the area protesting the planned development. He also submitted written data and information regarding Use Permit 70-61(a) and Conditional Exception 70-59, for Council's review. Mr. E. W. Bonnett, 21921 Oceanview Lane, City, addressed Council in opposition to the development as he does not believe the installation of carports should be allowed in lieu of the required 5 foot setback. Mr. Tom L. Davis, 19766 Coventry Lane, City, addressed Council and stated his objections to multiple dwellings being constructed in this area due to the increased density. Mr. John Anderson, 9761 Clearbrook Drive, City, addressed Council in opposition to the development as the increased density would be detri- mental to the single family dwellings in the area. Mr. Robert Dingwall, 19791 Estuary Lane, City, President of the Tome Council, addressed Council and stated the organization's opposition to the proposed development. Mr. Douglas Simpson, representing Ponderosa Homes, apilicant add essed Council and presented drawings of the proposed development for C(,uncil's information. He stated that the proposed development was consistent with the property's zoning and that he believed the development i•iould be compatible to the surrounding area. Mr. John Philip Anshut�,, 3830 Key Bay, Corona del Mar, addressed Council in favor of the proposed development. Mr. Robert Taube, and gave reasons tional exception 2622 Circle Drive, why he believed the should be approved. Newport Beach, addressed Colancil request for use De rmit and .ond i- 444 Page #9 - Council Minutes - 3/15/71 Mr. Robert Dingwall again addressed Council and requested denial of said use permit and conditional exception. .'r. 'led Denney, 20191 Tanbark Circle, addressed Council in opposition to the development because of the increased density that would result. Mr. William Cooper, 21611 Zamora Lane, City, addressed Council and stated his opposition to the proposed development because of the addi- tional burden which he believes would be placed on the schools in the area. Mr. Douglas Simpson, representative of Ponderosa Homes, applicant, again addressed Council and stated that his company had complied with all requirements of the City regarding the proposed development and requested that Council approve this matter. Mr. Conway Nielson, representing the owners of the property, addressed Council regarding the use of the property for multiple dwelling units. There being no one further present to speak on the matter, and there being no further protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor Pro Tempore. The Planning Director presented a resume' of the Planning Commission's reasons for recommending approval of Use Permit 70-61(a) and Conditional Exception 70-59, with conditions. Considerable discussion was held by Council on the matter and Council- woman Gibbs requested and was granted permission to abstain from voting on the matter as she was not present during discussion of same. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tempore Matney to overrule the decision of the Planning Commission and deny Use Permit No. 70-61(a) and Conditional Exception No. 70-59, but when voted upon, the motion Failed to pass by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: NOES: Councilmen: ABSTAIN: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: Matney McCracken., Bartlett, Coen. Gibbs Shipley, Green Councilwoman Gibbs stated that she believed Council reconsideration of Use Permit No. 70-61(a) and Conditional Exception 70-59 was in order, inasmuch as there were three Council members unable to vote on the matter. A motion was made by Councilman Bartlett that the action taken on Use Per- mit No. 70-61(a) and Conditional Exception No. 70-59 be reconsidered and entered in the minutes. The City Attorney advised the Council that this is a privileged motion which has the effect of deferring further consideration of the matter to be reconsidered until the next regular meeting, and the motion to reconsider cannot be brought to a vote at this meeting. in response to a question by the City Clerk regarding notifi-cation to the applicant of this action, the City Attorney advised the representa- tive of the applicant as follows: "You are put on notice not to take any steps or actions in reliance upon Conditional._ Exception No. 70-59 or Use Permit No. 70-61(a) and you are put on notice that if you do take such steps in reliance there upon, that no rights shall accrue which will create an estoppel based upon any theory of vested rights." PUBLIC HEARING - MASTER PLAN OF STREETS & HWYS. (1-1 - APPROVED Mayor Pro Tempore Matney announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing on an amendment to the Master Plan of Arterial Streets and Highways to reclassify Mansion and Yorktown Avenues from secondary to primary highways from Main Street to Beach Boulevard. The Clerk informed Council that all legal requirements for publication and posting on said public hearing had been met and that he received no communications or protests to Master Plan of Streets and Hid-;hways Amendment 71-1, or to the recommendation of approval of the Planning Commission. Page #10 - Council Minutes - 3f15/71 The Planning Director presented a resume' of the Planning Commission's reasons for recommending approval of Master Plan of Streets and Highways Amendment No. 71-1. Mayor Pro Tempore Matney declared the hearing open. There being no one present to speak on the matter and there being no. protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor Pro Tempore. On motion by Bartlett, Council sustained the decision of the Planning Commission; approved Master Plan of Streets and Highways Amendment No. 71-1, and directed the City Attorney to prepare a resolution effecting the change in the Master Plan. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING - PRECISE PLAN OF STREET ALIGNMENT NO. 71-2 - APPROVED Mayor Pro Tempore Matney announced that this was the day and hour set _or a public hearing on Precise Plan of Street Alignment No. 71-2 which proposes to realign Mansion Avenue to tie in with Yorktown Avenue, between Main Street and Delaware Street. The Clerk informed Council, that all legal requirements for publication and posting on said public hearing had been met and that he had received no communications or written protests to Precise Plan of Street Align- ment No. 71-2 or to the recommendation of approval by the Planning Com- mission. The Planning Director presented a resume' of the Planning Commission's reasons for recommending approval of Precise Plan of Street Alignment No. 71-2. Mayor Pro Tempore Matney declared the hearing open. There being no one present to speak on the matter and. there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed. by the Mayor Pro Tempore. On motion by Bartlett, Council sustained the decision of the Planning Commission; approved Precise Plan of Street Alignment No. 71-2, and directed the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance to effect the realign- ment of Mansion Avenue. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING - CODE AMENDMENT NO. 71-1 - APPROVED Mayor Pro Tempore Matney announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing on Code Amendment No. 71-1 which proposes to amend Section 9783 (Resolution Recommending Setback) to allow the Planning Commission to make recommendation on any setback line or amendment thereof, by the affirmative vote of not less than four (4) of its total voting members. The Clerk informed Council that all legal requirements for publication and posting had been met and that he had received no communications or written protests to Code Amendment No. 71-1 or to the recommendation of approval by the Planning Commission. The Planning Director presented a resume' of the Planning Commission's reasons for recommending approval of Code Amendment No. 71-1. Mayor Pro Tempore Matney declared the hearing open. There being no one present to speak on the matter and there bein,,; no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed b;- the Mayor Pro Tempore. On motion by Gibbs, Council sustained the decision of the PlannL!.g Commission; approved Code Amendment No. 71-1, and directed the C?.ty Attorney to prepare an ordinance effecting the Huntinton Beach Ordinance Code to effect same. Motion carried. 46. Page #11 - Council Minutes - 3/15/71 PUBLIC HEARING - CODE AMENDMENT NO. 71-3 - APPROVED Mayor Pro Tempore Matney announced that this was the day and. hour set for a public hearing on Code Amendment No. 71-3 which proposes to amend Section 9251 - R5 District. Uses Permitted: To require approval of an Administrative Review application by the Board of Zoning Adjustments for all uses. The Clerk informed Council that all legal requirements for publication and posting on said public hearing had been met and that he had received no communications or written protests to Code Amendment No. 71-3 or to the recommendation of approval by the Planning Commission. The Planning Director presented a resume' of the Planning Commission's reasons for recommending approval. of Code Amendment No. 71-3. Mayor Pro Tempore Matney declared the hearing open. There being no one present to speak on the matter and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor Pro Tempore. On motion by Gibbs, Council sustained. the decision of the Planning Com- mission; approved Code Amendment No. 71-3 and directed the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance amending the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code to effect same. Motion carried.. INQUIRY REGARDING APPRAISERS - ROBERT DINGWALL Mr. Robert Dingwall, 19791 Estuary Lane, City, addressed Council and asked if the city employed a real estate appraiser and. if not, what the procedure the city followed in this matter. The City Administrator stated. that the city employes the services of independent registered certified public appraisers and does not employ a real estate appraiser on staff. Mr. Dingwall then inquired as to the feasibility of the city expending funds to employ a real estate appraiser when necessary, for the purpose of determining the effect that the granting of Conditional Exceptions or Use Variances have upon surrounding properties. The City Attorney informed Council that action of this nature would set a preced.ent whereas the City Council would be expending funds illegally. No Further action was taken by the Council. PARKING OF CAMPERS Mr. Ed Dochity, 8312 Friesland. Drive, City, addressed Council regarding the citations issued. to him by the Police Department for storing his camper body in his driveway. Considerable discussion was held between Mr. Dochity and the Council in an effort to find a solution to his problem. No action was taken by Council on this matter. PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT Mr. William Petzel, 9471 Mokihana Drive, City, addressed Council and requested that every consideration be given to individuals aho want to develop their property in the manner they believ{) most suitable, as long as it does not conflict with City ordinances. DEADLINE FOR AGENDA ITEMS The City Clerk informed Council that there is a provision Li Resolution No. 2520 adopted on March 6, 1967, setting a deadline for items to appear on the Council agenda and that he intends to omit tYa-,, reading of any late arriving communications, providing that Council has no objections thereto. 4, 271 Page #12 - Council Minutes - 3/15/71 Council concurred. with the recommendation of the City Clerk, that late arriving communications pertaining to agenda items shall not be read orally for Council's consideration. AL J(-) TJRNME I`TT On motion by Coen, the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned at 9:45 P.M. to Monday, March 22, 1971, at 7:30 P.M., Edison High School Cafeteria, corner of Magnolia Street and Atlanta Avenue. Motion carried. es City Clerk and. -officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California rry A. Matney M yor Pro Tempore ATTEST: 65P Paul C . es City le rk