HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-08-10MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1971 - STUDY SESSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Higgins, Bazil, Porter, Slates, Duke, Kerins, Boyle COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None ZONE CASE NO. 71-20 - Area "C" (Continued) Resolution of Intent AREA "C" Change of Zone from C4 Highway Commercial District to R3 Limited Multiple Family Residence District. The subject property is located on the north side of Boardwalk Lane, west of Algonquin Street. The hearing was reopened to the audience. Don Byrnes, representing Huntington Harbour Corporation, spoke in favor. There was no other comment, the hearing was closed. Commission discussion followed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY HIGGINS AND SECONDED BY BOYLE TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF ZONE CASE NO. 71-20 AREA "C" TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. This zone change will implement amendments to the proposed Master Plan of Land Use. 2. The proposed R3 zone is compatible with adjacent existing R3 property. 3. The existing C4 zone will not be compatible with development in the area and there is sufficient commercial development existing in the area. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Bazil, Porter, Slates, Kerins, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: Duke THE MOTION CARRIED. COMMISSIONER DUKE: Commissioner Duke arrived at 2:30 P.M. and assumed his duties. ZONE CASE NO. 71-20 AREA "L" (Continued) Resolution of Intent AREA "L" Change of Zone from R2 Two Family Residence District, and R3 Limited Multiple Family Residence District to RI Single Family Residence District. The subject property is located approximately 200 f t. south of Warner Avenue and approximately 920 f t. east of Bolsa Chica Street. Commissioner Slates asked the Chairman if he may vote on this item as he was not present at the previous meeting. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BAZIL AND SECONDED BY DUKE TO ALLOW COMMISSIONER SLATES TO VOTE ON ZONE CASE NO. 71- 2 0 AREA "L" . -1- 8/10/71 - PC Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 10, 1971 Page No. 2 ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Bazil, Porter, Duke, Kerins, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAINED: Slates' THE MOTION CARRIED. The Commission reviewed the proposal and discussed the topography and soil problem on the subject property. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KERINS AND SECONDED BY BOYLE TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF ZONE CASE NO. 71-20 AREA "L" FOR AN R2 ZONE RATHER THAN R1 AS PROPOSED TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. This zone change will implement amendments to the proposed Master Plan of Land Use. 2. Topographical problems exist on the property. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Bazil, Porter, Kerins, Boyle, Slates NOES: Duke ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: There was no one present to speak 1n avor or opposition. It was the consensus of the Commission that the Board of Zoning Adjustments should not act on any applications pertaining to this area until the Commission studies the street pattern. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 7435 (Continued for landscape strip) Subdivider: Signal Landmark, Inc. 188 lots on 37.08 acres, located on the northeast corner of Adams Avenue and Newland Street. The Planning Commission reviewed the landscaped 'plan. Discussion was held. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DUKE AND SECONDED BY KERINS TO APPROVE TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 7435 UPON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The Tentative Tract Map received August 10, 1971 shall be the approved layout. 2. Provisions for ultimate dedication of the street right- of-way shall be worked out to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Works, City Attorney's office and the City Administrator. 3. The design of the wall along Adams Avenue and Newland Street shall include planters at locations and to specifications as shown on the plans received August 10, 1971. Said plan shall provide for an additional 5 feet of right-of-way on Adams Avenue. 4. The architectural design of the masonry wall, the planters and the landscaping to be installed along Adams Avenue and Newland Street shall be approved by the Planning Department and Department of Public Works. -2- 8/10/71 - PC Minutes: H.•B. Pl.anning,Commission' Tuesday,AAugust-10;R1971` _ Page -Not. 3 1 f 5 ; Ail' "Standard Conditions= of Approval' for- Tentative Tract" that -are' appli EAU- shall' be' complied=with`.- t R0iL"CALL VOTES' AYES,: Higgins, Batil;ti Porter,, Boyle;K'er'ins- NOESi'TSlates' ABSENT -None THE MOTION'CARRIED: Cominissionbr--" Slates requested that - thd'staffr- tiinsmitrx letter to7 the^ City Council informing them" of -this action:The'Conimiisidn=concurred-by roll call vote`; ROLL;. CAI,'L�` VOTE:' AYES: Iiiggihs;, Bazi1�,, Porter; Sl t"es=,r Duke, Kerins,, Boyle NOES:., 'None'- ^ z ABSENT,- v None, , _ Y_ THE'- MOT IOW CARRIED.- TENTATIVE TRACT MAP' N0:- 74911' (Continued` for" landscape strip) Sub'aiyide"rr- _Eugene ,H6iddck 263 lots on 53 acres of land, located at -the southwest corder of Adams Avenue and Newland Street. - Ron Poell, Standard Pacific Corporation,° expl'aine the" proposal.- The Commission reviewed the propo's`e-dy development. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KERINS AND SECONDEDx_BY BOYLE_TO APNPROVE5t_„ TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 7491 UPON THE- POii;OWING" CONDYTIONS i r. fie' Tentative Map' feceived August 10, 19710 shall be the appYo''ed layouf xw 2.• A11 oil' 1e44ipmeiii A ,ali b'e feinoved and all oil wells shall lie ibarid6ae4 and removed accofding to Division of Oil and Gael and City regiilatidfis. i; "H"e Lane shaii b'e' extended iht6dgh Lot #178 or said street shall termingie ai_L-at 0176 in a manner approved by the Department of Public Works and Planning Department. 4: TlYedesigri Of the wail along Adams Avenue and Newland Street sliti I include, planters at locations and. to specifications as shown on _the plans received August 10, 1971. Said plan shall provide for an additional 5 feet of right-of-way on Adir- s Avenue . 5. The architectural design of the masonry wall, the planters And the landscaping -to be installed along Adams Avenue and Newland Street shall be approved by the Planning Department and the Department of Public Works. 6. A Division of Land application separating that parcel of land designated as "Not A Part" from the remaining property held _Wider.the same ownership shall be filed prior to a final niap�beingr &bibftted _to the City Council for acceptance. A condition df approval of such division of land shall ie4iiire dedication Arid full street improvements of Dublin Lane: A =3- 8/10/71 - PC Minutes: H. B. Planning Commissionf.s`. w Tuesday, August 10, 1971 ` Page No. 4 7. The park site shall -be' included as..a lettered= lot within the subdivision. S. All "Standard Conditions of Approval,for Tentative Tracts" that are applicable shall be complied with. ROLL CALL VOTE: ; AYES: Higgins, Bazil, Porter, Duke, Kerins, Boyle.; NOES: Slates ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. Commissioner Slates requested that the staff transmit a letter to the City Council informing them of this action. The Commission concurred by roll call vote.' r` ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Bazil, Porter, Duke, Kerins, Boyle, Slates , NOES: None ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. } A MOTION WAS MADE BY DUKE AND SECONDED BY SLATES TO INSTRUCT THE'STAFF•TO SEND A LETTER TO THE CITY COUNCIL ADVISING THE CITY COUNCIL OF THIS ACTION, BECAUSE OF THE POSSIBLE LONG RANGE EFFECT ON THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUDGET FOR MAINTAINING STREET TREES AND LANDSCAPING. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Bazil, Porter, Duke, Kerins, Boyle, Slates NOES: None ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. PLANNING COMMISSION POLICY ON FRONTAGE ROADS' AND/OR LANDSCAPING ALONG ARTERIAL HIGHWAYS. ' Discussion was held regarding the method:of -selecting arterial highways which would have special landscaping. It was the consensus of the -Commission that the staff amend the present standards for tentative tract maps to require additional right-of-way width for landscaping and resubmit to.the`Commission for review. COMMUNICATION FROM ENVIRONMENTAL COUNCIL RE: BLOCK WALL ,TREATMENT The Commission.received a letter submitted -by the Environmental Council regarding block wall treatment within the city. The Commission discussed the proposal: A MOTION WAS MADE BY BOYLE AND SECONDED BY KERINS TO TRANSMIT A LETTER TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL COUNCIL ASKING THEM TO STUDY;THE EFFECT OF MASONRY WALLS ON ARTERIAL HIGHWAYS AND TO LIST THE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF SUCH WALLS. r ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES; Higgins, Porter-, Duke, Ker ns,i_ Boyle, NOES: Bazil, Slates' ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED., -4- 8/10/71 -PC Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 10, 1971 Page No. 5 ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 71-33 (Contined for revised plot plan) Applicant: Peterson -Meek -Rhea $ Associates To permit the construction of a major market and miscellaneous shops in the C2 Community 'Business District. The subject property is located on the west side of Brookhurst Street and the north side of Hamilton (Intersection). The Acting Secretary informed the Commission that this case was continued from the August ,3rd meeting in order that the applicant submit a revised plot ,plan to eliminatq the parking in front of the commercial shops. Ranny Draper, applicant, explained the revised plan. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KERINS AND SECONDED BY BAZIL TO APPROVE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 71-33 UPON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The Plot Plan received June 9, 1971 shall be the approved layout. 2. Brookhurst Street and Hamilton Avenue shall be dedicated and fully improved to City standards at the time each parcel is developed. Improvements shall include street trees, street signs, street lights, fire hydrants, sewer and water main extensions. ;3. Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water system. 4. Sewage disposal shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's sewage system. ,5. The water, sewer and fire hydrant system shall be approved by the Department of Public Works and Fire Department. ,6. The property shall participate in the local drainage assess- ment district. 7. Soil reports as required by the Building Department and the Department of Public Works shall be submitted to the City prior -to issuance of building permits. 8. All utilities shall be installed underground. 9. Off-street parking facilities shall conform to Article 979. Where 90° parking stalls occur said stalls shall be 10 ft. 11 in width with double striping at 24 inch spacing and limited to 18 ft. in length. In addition, a 27 ft. turning radius shall be provided for all 900 parking spaces. 10. Parking compounds shall be screened with a combination of fencing and landscaping. Said plan shall be approved by the Planning Department. 11. "A masonry wall shall be constructed along the north and east property line. The height of said wall shall be such that the top will be six (6) ft. above the highest ground surface within twenty (20) ft. of the common property line. 12. There shall be no fence, structure or landscaping constructed or maintained over 3 1/2 ft. high within a 10 ft. by 10 ft. triangular area at the intersection of driveways and streets or within a 25 ft. by 25 ft. triangular area at the inter- section of streets. -5- 8/10/71 - PC Minutes: H. B. Tuesday, August Page No. 6 Planning Commission 10, 1971 13. No structures, other than those shown on the approved plot plan, shall be constructed within the project. 14. All applicable City Ordinances shall be complied with. 15. Driveway location and widths shall be approved by the Traffic Engineer. 5' 16. Elevations shall be submitted to the Board of Zoning Adjustments for approval. 17. Parking along the northerly structure shall be moved to the opposite side of driveways. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Bazil, Porter, Slates, Duke, Kerins, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. TOW_V LOT STUDY - Circulation Plan and Development Standards Edward Selich, Planning Aide, made a presentation on the proposed land use intensity system for the town lot area. It was the consensus of the Commission to continue said discussion to the study session On August 24, 1971, and that the staff advised the Commission on the status of the development standards. DISCUSSION REGARDING RECONSIDERATION OF PREVIOUS MOTION FOR APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 5257 The Acting Secretary stated that one of the conditions of approval for Tentative Tract Map No. 5257 was that the applicant submits a plan showing the elevation as viewed from Warner Avenue. Elevations for said ,project were reviewed by the Commission. Commissioner Higgins stated that he feels that the tract is not in accordance with the landscaping previously required of the tract located on Adams Avenue. COMMISSIONER KERINS: Commissioner Kerins was excused from further participation at 4:00 P.M. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BOYLE AND SECONDED BY HIGGINS TO APPROVE TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 5257 UPON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The Tentative Map received July 23, 1971, shall be the approved layout. 2. All street widths shall conform to City Standards for this type of development. 3. The rear elevations on lots 7 - 12 shall have special architectural treatment and shall be approved by the Planning Commission. 4. The design of the block wall along Warner Avenue shall include planter at locations and to specifications as approved by a Sub -committee of the Planning Commission and Planning Department. Street trees on Warner Avenue -6- 8/10/71 - PC Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 10, 1971 Page No. 7 shall be plated at 45 ft. on center as approved by the Department 'of Public Works and Planning Department. 5. The architectural design of the masonry wall, the planters and the landscaping to be installed along Warner Avenue and shall be approved by the Department of Public Works and Planning Department. 6. There shall be a 6 inch wide, 6 ft. high masonry wall constructed along the alley at the west property line. 7. All "Standard conditions of Approval for tentative tracts" that are applicable shall be complied with. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Duke, Porter, NOES: Bazil ABSENT: Kerins ABSTAINED: Slates THE MOTION CARRIED. COMMISSIONER BAZIL: Boyle, Higgins Commissioner Bazil was excused from further participation at 4:30 P.M. A FURTHER MOTION WAS MADE BY BOYLE AND SECONDED BY HIGGINS TO APPROVE THE ELEVATIONS AS SUBMITTED BY THE APPLICANT ON TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 5257 DATED AUGUST 10, 1971. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Boyle, Higgins, Porter, Slates NOES: Duke ABSENT: Kerins, Bazil THE MOTION CARRIED. ZONE CASE NO. 71-12 - Referred back by the City Council for restudy and recommendation The Acting Secretary informed the Commission that this zone case was approved by the Planning Commission at the May 18, 1971 meeting and transmitted to the City Council for acceptance. The City Council referred said zone case back to the Commission for restudy and recommendation for possible RI-0 rather than R1. A MOTION WAS MADE BY SLATES AND SECONDED BY BAZIL TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF ZONE CASE NO. 71-12 TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR R1-01, R1-0,and R1. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Boyle, Higgins, Porter, Slates, Duke NOES: None ABSENT: Kerins, Bazil THE MOTION CARRIED. DISCUSSION: PRECISE PLAN OF ALLEY ALIGNMENT AND REQUIRED SETBACK The subject property is located on the southeast corner of Beach Boulevard and Warner Avenue. It was the consensus of the - Commission to continue this item to Study Session on August 24th at 7:00 P.M. -7- 8/10/71 - PC lvI11ILAt-%. ). aI. 11. Tuesday, August 10, 1971 Page No. 8 PROPOSED CODE AMENDMENT NO. 71-20 Construction of an additional unit, in multiple residential districts, if three, fourths (3/4) of the required net land area for such unit -have been met. The Acting Secretary informed the Commission that this item is set for public hearing on August 17, 1971. PROPOSED CODE AMENDMENT NO. 71-21 Construction of a portion of a two story dwelling over a garage or carport abutting an alley to set back ten (10) feet from the property line of such alley. PROPOSED CODE AMENDMENT NO. 71-22 Reduction in densities - Planned Residential Developments The Acting Secretary informed the Commission that Code Amendment No. 71-21 and 71-22 are also set for public hearing on August 17, 1971. DISCUSSION: Intent and uses permitted by the Special Use Permit It was the consensus of the Commission to continue this item to the September 24th Study Session at 7:00 P.M. DISCUSSION: Proposed Field Trip Larwin's Tanglewood (Cypress) and Tiburon Projects (Fountain Valley) Ken Reynolds, Planning Director discussed with the Commission the possibility of a field trip to review Larwin's Tanglewood and Tiburon project. -Ili It Was the consensus of the Commission to set said field trip for` September 14th Study Session meeting at 3:00 P.M. DISCUSSION: Commissioner Slates suggested that the property on 17th sfreet be rezoned to coincide with zoning across the alley. The Commission discussed the proposal. A MOTION WAS MADE BY SLATES AND SECONDED BY HIGGINS TO INSTRUCT THE S:iCRETARY TO SET A RESOLUTION OF INTENT FOR REZONING THE PROPI',RTY ON 17th STREET TO COINCIDE WITH ZONING ACROSS THE ALLEY FOR PUBLIC HEARING. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Porter, Slates, Duke NOES: Boyle ABSENT: Bazil, Kerins rn ,InT i ON C4RR I FD arcus orter Chairman THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, THE MEETING ADJOURNED. A( 3) Pam' es '. PaIin ing Secretary -8- 8/10/71 - PC