HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-08-16MINUTES Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington death, California Monday, August 16, 1971 Councilman Coen called the regular meeting; oI' the City Council o.[' the City of Huntington Beach to order at 4:30 P.M., in the absence of the Mayor and Mayor Pro-Tempore. The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present in the Council Chambers. The Invocation was given by Reverend. Harvey Anderson - King of Glory Lutheran Church. ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Shipley, Bartlett, Green, Coen (McCracken arrived. at 7:30 P.M.) Councilmen Absent: Gibbs, Matney APPOINTMENTS - OCEAN & SHORELINE PLANNING COMMITTEE The Development Coordinator recommended that Council approve the appointment of Mayor McCracken as the Council representative to the Ocean and Shoreline Planning Committee with Mrs. Margaret Carlberg, Chairman of the Environmental Council, to serve as al- ternate representative. On motion by Green, Council appointed Mayor McCracken to serve as Council Representative to the Ocean and Shoreline Planning Committee and Mrs. Margaret Carlberg, Chairman of the Environ- mental Council, as alternate representative, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, Green, Coen NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Gibbs, Matney, McCracken The City Clerk was directed by Council to forward a copy of this action to the Ocean and Shoreline Planning Committee. EXECUTIVE SESSION CALLED Councilman Coen called an Executive Session of the Council to discuss pending litigation and personnel matters. RECESS Councilman Coen called a recess of the Council at 4:42 P.M. RF: f`. nWAT '. T1 P Mayor McCracken reconvened the meeting at 7:37 P.M. in the Council Chamber. REQUEST TO BE ABSENT FROM STATE - COUNCILMAN MATNEY - GRANTED Mayor McCracken informed Council that Councilman Matney had requested permission to be absent from the State for approx- imately three weeks. On motion by McCracken, Council approved Councilman Matney's request for permission to be absent from the State, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, Green, Coen, McCracken NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Gibbs, Matney 57 Page #2 - Council Minutes - 8/16/71 LITIGATION PROCEEDINGS - COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT A motion was made by Councilman Coen that the City Attorney be di- rected to defend ,litigation presently pending between the County Sanitation District and the City regarding Project I-8 - Brookhurst Street Sewer Construction Project. The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, Green., Coen, McCracken NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Gibbs, Matney CONSENT CALENDER - (ITEMS APPROVED) On motion by Coen, the following consent items were approved as. recommended, by roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, Green, Coen, McCracken NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Gibbs, Matney 1. MINUTES - Approved and adopted minutes of the regular meeting of ugusT_2, 1971, as written and on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. NOTICE OF COMPLETION - MURDY & GOTHARD FIRE STATIONS - CC-145 Acce e workon e ur y an o ar ire Stations - project CC--145, completed by Julian-Waterfield for a final contract amount of $561,443.62, and directed the Clerk to file a Notice of Completion with the Orange County Recorder. 3. SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT -(TRACT NO.7289-WM. LYON DEV. Co. -APPROVED Accep ed-Monument Bond No. BND 1 3- 9-00, Improvemen Bond No.l 3- ?9-00, (Fireman's Insurance Company of Newark, New Jersey) - approved and authorized execution of the Subdivision Agreement as recommended by the Director of Public Works. /0Y 4. SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT - TRACT 6626 - AVIATION FINANCE INC.-APPROVED Accepted Improvement Bond No. S 70- 1 - Indus rial Indemnr y Company) - approved and authorized execution of the Subdivision Agreement as recommended by the Director of Public Works. 5. CLAIM NO. 71-45 �- THOMAS R. WURFL - DENIED Denied Claim No. 71-45 filed by Thomas R. urf 1, 470 Walnut Street, Apt. E. La Habra, for alleged loss of ring on or about August 1, 1971, and referred same to the City's insurance carrier. 6. CLAIM NO. 71-46 -- CODY W4.4 WHITE - DENIED Denied Claim No. 71-46 filedy Cody W. WHI-te, 13852 La Pat, Apt.4, Westminster, for alleged damages to vehicle by newly spread tar street sealer on or about August 1, 1971, and referred same to the City's insurance carrier. 7. AGREEMEhTS - COUNTY OF ORANGE - LIFEGUARD SERVICES - APPROVED Appproved reimbursemen for lifeguard service; on Ci y beaches- $40,504.00 - (2) Reimbursement for lifeguard services in unincor- porated areas - $46,767.00 - Fiscal Year 1971-72, as recommended by the Director of Harbors, Beaches and Development, and directed the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same on behalf of the City. 8. REIMBURSEMENT - PHILIP L. GABRIEL - AUTHORIZED Approved the recommendation oT Ehe Director of Public Works and authorized a final reimbursement in the amount cf $2,341.41 to Philip L. Gabriel for the construction of an off'site water main at Bolsa Chica Street and Heil Avenue, per Reimbursement Agree- ment dated October 25, 1962. Iss Page #3 - Council Minutes - 8/16/71 BID AWARD -- BOLSA CHICA STREET IMPROVEMENTS - CC-178 - O.E. HENDERSON The Clerk read a communication from the Public Works Department stating that bids for Project CC-178 - Bolsa Chica Street Improve- ments had been opened at 10:00 A.M. on Monday, August 16, 1971, in the Council Chamber, by the City Clerk, City Attorney, and the Director of Public.Works, and that the firm of O.E. Henderson, Santa Ana, California, was the low bidder with a bid in the amount of $202,156.88. The Director of Public Works recommended that Council award the bid to O.E. Henderson, Santa Ana, and reject all other bids. The bids submitted were as follows: O.E. Henderson -Santa Ana 202,156.88 John Ewles -Westminster 203,125.35 Frank M. Barden -Tustin 203,785.90 Sully Miller -Orange 207,845.37 K & E Construction -Santa Ana 209,765.52 R.J. Noble Company -Orange 210,451.68 M & S Contracting -Santa Ana 2171889. 5 E.L. White -Orange 218,055..8 Griffith Company -Santa Ana 223,432.22 A.C. Paving Company -Los Angeles 239,115.38 A motion was made by Councilman Green, to award the contract for .Project CC-178 to D.E. Henderson, Santa Ana, California., the lowest responsible bidder, for a bid amount of $202,156.88; reject all other bids and direct the City Clerk to notify the unsuccessful bidders and -return their bid bonds. The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, Green, Coen, McCracken NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Gibbs, Matney REQUEST - COMMUNITY CENTER - DEFERRED TO LATER PORTION OF MEETING The City Administrator informed Council of a request from the Com- munity Center of Huntington Beach Inc., for an increase in City participation from $100.00 per month to $700.00 per month.. He further informed Council that participation in the amount of $100.00 per month has been budgeted. The City Administrator recommended that Council approve the contin- uance of City participation in the amount of $100.00 per month, but deny the request for increased funding. A motion was made by Councilman Coen that Council order the request from the Community Center of Huntington Beach Inc., received and filed, but was withdrawn before being voted. upon. Mayor McCracken directed that action on this matter be deferred until the representative from the Community Center of Huntington Beach Inc. is present to speak. sc, REPORT - PEDESTRIAN CROSSING - PACIFIC COAST HWY. & NEWLAND STREET The City Administrator reported that traffic signals and a pedestrian crosswalk would be installed at the intersection of Pacific Coast Highway and Newland Street in approximately four to six months under city administration and subject to State and Federal approval. REPORTS - COUNCIL COMMITTEES Library Committee Councilman Shipley reported that the planning and design of the Central City Library was progressing satisfactorily. He invited all interested citizens to join the Friends of the Library Com- mittee as considerable fund raising is necessary to provide books for the new library. 59 Page #4 - Council Minutes -- 8/16/71 %I. -S� �;rJ Jl;ri.1 f,orrmittee on iloute 39 Free I,r� ar.._i l"r;a,r, rarF��sr. r(.,pori, rf3 t;Iat the f,'r,t).r,�,:�.]n Va,:Lley C. i t;y Cour,.c i_1 wa,s oj�rr,:.erl to thF,, -alternate, route ,,el cfJorl f'or. the IlIp, ay �'� T�'reeway a:�; _,ubmitte d by the State Division o 1_' Ughway:3 , and that the 10ounta:i.n Valley School District also opposed the route. On motion by Green, Council reaffirmed their selection of the alter- nate route to the Route 39 Freeway as submitted by the State Division of Highways, and directed the Route 39 Freeway Council Committee to continue further study of this mattes. The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, Green, Coen, McCracken NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Gibbs, Matney COMMENTS FROM COUNCIL Regulation of Horses & Stables On motion by Bartlett, Council directed that a high priority be given to the preparation of an ordinance regulating horses and stables within the City. Discussion was held by Council. When put to a vote, the motion was passed as follows: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, McCracken NOES: Councilmen: Green, Coen ABSENT: Councilmen: Gibbs, Matney Addendum - Project I-8 - B ookhurst Street Sewer Project Councilman Coen spoke regarding the propposed addendum to the Brook- hurst Street Sewer Project - Project I-� Specifications, and stated that the addendum would be a necessary requirement should the Court rule in favor of the Sanitation District. V- AL, Coast Community College Dis riot -Council Committee Appointed Mayor McCracken appointed Councilmen Bartlett and Shipley to serve on a Council Committee chaired by Councilman Coen to establish communication between the City and cities of Newport Beach, Costa Mesa and Fountain Valley regarding the proposed Orange Coast College Assessment District. 'T 7 Mayor's Committee --Orange County League of Cities -Defense Fund Mayor McCracken informed Council that he had received a communi- cation from the Chairman of the Orange County Mayor's Committee of the County League of Cities, requesting that each City indicate their willingness to share in the cost of defending the committee in litigation being brought by certain mambers of the Orange County Board of Supervisors. The Mayor indicated that the amount requirEd was not known at this time, but that the cities are being requestE,d to take action in the underwriting of any expenses so incurred. On motion by Shipley, Council approved the expenditure of a reaso3L- able sum, not to exceed $250.00, for defense of the Orange County Mayor's Committee in lit E_gation being brought by certain members of the Orange County Board of Supervisors, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, Green, Coen, McCracken NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Gibbs, Matney GO Page #5 - Council Minutes - 8f16/71 Council Communication -- Oran e Count Board of Supervisors On motion by Shipley, Council directed that a document be sent to the Orange County Board of Supervisors censuring certain members of the Local Agency Formation Commission in their manner of con- ducting the business.of. the Commission, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, Green, Coen, McCracken NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Gibbs, Matney Ernst & Ernst. Financial Report Mayor McCracken informed Council that he had received a communication from the Chamber of Commerce requesting that Council schedule a study session for the presentation of the final report from the firm of Ernst & Ernst regarding the city's present financial pos- ition and their proposal for a five to ten year financial plan. Council directed that a study session on this matter be deferred until such time as a full Council is able to attend. Introduction - Mexican Government Tourist Officer The Mayor introduced Mr. Jose' Luis Lamas Briseno, visiting the United States as a representative of the Federal.Mexican Govern- ment Tourist Department, State of Jalisco. Mr. Lamas addressed Council briefly regarding the efforts being made by the Mexican Government to increase tourism to their Country. Recreation and Parks Department _ Surfing Contest Mayor McCracken read a communication from the Recreation and Parks Director informing Council that a summer surfing championship would be head August 21-22, 1971, prior to the United States.Surfin'g Con- test to satisfy the interest of many local surfers who do not have enough Western Surfing Association points to qualify for the U.S. Championships. He stated that twelve finalists would be selected from this meet to.participate in the U.S. Championships,. Request - Community Center - Decision Deferred The Mayor informed Council that Mr. Robert Rivas, Board President of the Community Center of Huntington Beach Inc., was present.to address Council concerning the organization's.request for increased funding, on which action had been deferred from the earlier portion of the meeting. Mr. Rivas presented the Board's proposal requesting an increase in City participation from $100.00 per month to $700.00 per month. He asked that Council defer a decision on the matter until they have had an opportunity to observe the work being done at the center. Mayor McCracken directed that a decision on this matter be deferred for 30 days. Beach Boulevard Median laving The Director of Public Works reported that his department had studied the feasibility of leaving the Beach Boulevard medians in dirt to facilitate future landscaping plans, rather than installing asphalt, and that it was his recommendation that it would not be to the City's advantage to delete the blacktopping of the medians. He recommended that the plans for paving proceed, with trees to be planted at intervals along the median. Discussion was held by Council, however, no action was taken. 1 (;I Page #G - Council Minutes - 8/16/71 ' V Truck Traffic - Liberty Street _rp Director of Public Works informed Council than, his department is posting weight limit signs on Liberty Street to prohibit heavy truck traffic on the street between Beach Boulevard and Jacquelyn Lane. 10?, •j d$ Adams Avenue Landscaping - Tentative Tract Nos. 7435 & 7491 The Assistant Planning Director read a communication from the Plan- ning Commission regarding their approval of Tentative Tract Nos. 7435 and 7491 on the southwest corner of Adams Avenue and Newland Street, and the northeast corner of Adams Avenue and Newland Street, respectively. He informed Council that the conditions of approval imposed by the Commission would cause an increase in maintenance costs requiring an additional five (5) feet of right-of-way on Adams Avenue with an eight (8) foot wide planter strip along the entire Adams Avenue frontage and additional planters on Newland Street; and that it was the Planning Commission's request that Council be advised of this action due to the possible long range effect on the Department of Public Work's budget for the maintenance of street trees and landscaping. He further stated that if the Council concurred with this action, the Planning Commission would amend their standards to require similar treatment along selected arterial highways. Councilman Green informed the Council that he had. filed an appeal to the approval by the Planning Commission of Tentative Tract No. 7435 and 7491. Considerable discussion was held by Council, however, no action was taken. Golden West College Ex-Conv3-ct Rehabilitation Program The Assistant City Administrator stated that the Golden West College Committee concerned with Ex -Convict Rehabilitation had requested that an alternate Council representative be appointed to attend the meetings during Councilman Matney's absence. Mayor 'McCracken appointed Councilman Shipley to attend the Committee's meetings during the absence of Councilman Matney. Signal Bolsa #1 Annexation The City Clerk informed Council that the matter of the Signal Bolsa #1 Annexation was on the agenda of the Local Agency Formation Commission at their meeting on August 11, 1971. The Clerk reported that, since he was concerned that the Commission at that time might not be legally constituted and their actions invalidated at a later date, he had. discussed the matter with the representatives of Signal Properties Inc., and they had jointly decided to request a deferment of the hearing until August 25, 1971. When the matter was brought before the Commission they granted the requested deferment. AuDlication for Federal Grant The City Administrator reported on a meeting held earlier in the afternoon in the County Administrator's office concerning the administration of funds made available to cities and counties through the Emergency Employment Act. He stated that the City of Hunting --;on Beach was eligible to re%ieive $478,000.00, which would be shared with Districts located w:'.thin the city; said funds to be used to offset the costs of salaries for people employee under the Act. Considerable discussion Eras held on the matter. 6 Page #7 - Council Minutes - 8/16/71 On motion by McCracken, Council instructed the C]Lty Adin_i.rr_i„traG-or t;o make application to the Federal rove rrrinel7t for 'c) off' the c i t;y' portion of funds to participate in this program, by the L'ollow.in , roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, Green, Coen, McCracken NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Gibbs, Matney Complaint - Noise Nuisance - Air Conditioner Councilman Coen informed Council that he had been contacted by a citizen complaining about her neighbor's air conditioner, which she believed to be a noise nuisance. The Director of Building and Safety advised Council that following inspection of the air conditioner, a permit had been issued by his department, and that in his opinion the conditioner did not con- stitute a noise nuisance. Discussion was held between the Council and the Director of Building and Safety; however, no action was taken. AMERICAN ASSN. OF RETIRED7PERSONS-CHAPTER 857-REQUEST FOR FACILITIES The Clerk informed Council that he had received a communication from Mrs. George Kirchoff, President of the American Association of Retired. Persons, Inc., Chapter #857, requesting permission to address Council concerning the possibility of obtaining facilities for the Huntington Beach Chapter. Mrs. Kirchoff addressed Council to explain the purpose of the organ- ization and the Chapter's need for facilities, and introduced Mr. Michael Rodgers, representative of the American Association of Retired Persons. Mr. Rodgers addressed Council and requested that a Council member be appointed to -serve as a liason officer between their organization and the City. Mayor McCracken appointed Councilman Bartlett to serve as liason officer between the Council and Chapter #857 of the American Assoc- iation of Retired Persons, Inc. RECESS Mayor McCracken called a recess of the Council at 9:00 P.M. Council was reconvened at 9:15 P.M. by the Mayor. PUBLIC HEARING-ORD. NO. 1653-REGULATION OF OIL OPERATIONS -CONTINUED Mayor McCracken announced that this was the day and hour set for the continuance from June 21, 1971 of a public hearing on proposed. Ordinance No. 1653 entitled - 'AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH REPEALING CHAPTER 23 OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE AND ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 23 PROVIDING FOR THE REGULATION OF OIL OPERATIONS IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH." Mayor McCracken declared the hearing reopened. On motion by Green, Council continued the public hearing on Ordinance No. 1653 to the meeting of September 20, 1971, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, Green, Coen, McCracken NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Gibbs, Matney The Deputy City Attorney and Oil Field Superintendent were directed by Council to arrange a meeting between the Oil Committee and the Oil Operators in an effort to clarify matters relating to the pro- posed. Ordinance. '6 //d, -- Council Minutes - f,'/1�;/71 RES OLUT I OIdS The City Clerk informed Council of a minor change in Resolution No. 3-�50 whereby the wording portions of Phase Il and IIA 'be included rather than only IIA. On motion by Coen, Council directed the Clerk to read Resolution Nos. 3349, 3350 as corrected, and 3351 by title; waived further reading, andpassed and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, Green, Coen, McCracken NOES: Councilmen: ;,done ABSENT: Councilmen: Gibbs, Matney RES. NO. 3349 - ADOPTED - U.S. DISTRICT COURTRCONI FACILITY "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0Y HUN'T`TNGTON DEACH URGING THE CREATION OF A UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTROOM FACTLITY IN THE PROUECTED SANTA ANA FEDERAL BUILDING." TIES. NO. :3: 50 - ADOPTED - PROPERTY ACO.UTS.T_TION - CENTRAL CITY PART' "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF IIUNTINGTON BEACH DECLARING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND FECES ST`T'Y RFQUIRF THE ACQUI- SITION OF CERTAIN REAI, PROPERTY FOR Th_"E CENTRAL CITE` PARK ( Portions of Phases II and IIA), AND AUTHORIZING TILT CONDEMNATION OF SAID PROPERTY OR NEGOTIATION FOR ACQUISTTTON, AND DIRECTING ITS ATTORNEY TO PROCEED WITH SUCH ACTION." R - RES . NO. 3351 - ADOPTED- REMBURSE1,T jlT - SEWER FUND - GABRTEL "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF IIUNTTNGTON BEACA AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF MONEY FIRC-'1 THE SEWER FUNID. " ORDINANCES FOIR ADOPT'I011 On motion by Green, Council directed the Clerk to read Ordinance Nos. 1652, 1662, 1663, 1665, 1666, 1667 and 1668 by title; waived further reading, and passed and adopted. same by the followv7_ng roll call vote: AYE'S: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, Green, Coen, McCracken NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Gibbs, Matney 74-�L ORD. NO. 1652 -- ADOPTED - OIL BTJSINESS L C7NSE TAX "AIl ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTTiVGTON REACIT ANENTTNG TIIE IIUNTING'T ON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY ADDING SECTION 2114.2.15.1 -PERTAINING TO OIL BUSINESS NON -PRODUCTION LICENSE TAX, AND ADDING ARTICLE 215 TO CHAPTER 21 PERTAINING TO OIL PRODUCTTON BUS! N�SS LICENSE TAX." 04 ORD. NO. 1662 - ADOPTED - ZONE: CASE AO. 71-14 "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTTIdCITON BEAC.7T A!41'NDTNG T.[IE IIUNTINGTONI BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY A` d; [' DING SEC'T'TO d Q1061 TO P'ROVIrF, Tt OR CHANGE OF ZONING ON DEAL .PROPERTY LOC�'�TL'D 01%,' THE v,ECT 01DE 01-0 BEACH BOULEVARD SOUTH OF TALBERT AVENUE (ZONE CIIANG-E No. 71-14) . " ORE). NO. 1(}6) - ADOPTED -- ZONES CASE NO. 71--19 "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CTT`.` OF HUNTING TON BEACH AMENDING TIIE KUNTINC TON BEACH ORDIE`tiA110E CODE BY APECi I_DING SEC "_1011; ' 'c)6'1 'T,1.JF'REOF 10. PROVIDE s'OR. CHANGE OF ;'ONTNG ON REAL PROPERTY LOCATED OCATED ON EST STD-Ep A 07 BUSHARD STREET, 170 FEET ,SOUTH Gi,; 11AMILTON AVENUE (ZOAE CHANGE NO. 71-19) To ORD. NO. 1665 - ADOPTED - AMENDS DIVISION 9 "AN ORDINANCE 01' THE OTC' HUNTINGTOH BEACH Ai�-E'ND-NG TIE TIliNTTNGTOI'd BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY ADDING THERETO SECTIONS 9166.6.1, 9206.6.J.- AND 9236.6.1." W Pate #9 - Council Minute,: - 8/16/'(1 ?v ORD. NO. 166� - ADOPTE:f) - AMENDS �SECT10N 9251 "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9251." ORD. NO. 1667 - ADOPTED7- AMENDS SECTION 9783 "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9783." 7o.,,q ORD. NO. 1668 - ADOPTED - RUBBISH ABATEMENT "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY ADDING THERETO NEW ARTICLE 558 ENTITLED "RUB- BISH ABATEMENT . " ORD. NO. 1664 - ADOP4 - ZONE CASE NO. 71-13 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 1664 a second reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR CHANGE OF ZONING ON REAL PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN STUDY AREA "A", SOUTH OF INDIANAPOLIS AVENUE (ZONE CHANGE NO. 71-13)." On motion by Bartlett, Council waved further reading of Ordinance No. 1664 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, Green, Coen, McCracken NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Gibbs, Matney On motion by Bartlett, Council passed and adopted Ordinance No. 1664, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, Green, Coen NOES: Councilmen: McCracken ABSENT: Councilmen: Gibbs, Matney ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION On motion by Green, Council directed the City Clerk to read Ord- inance Nos. 1669, and 1670 by title, and waived further reading by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, Green, Coen, McCracken NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Gibbs, Matney ORD. NO. 1669 - FIRST READING - ZONE CASE NO. 71-21 "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR CHANGE OF ZONING ON REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEASTERLY SIDE OF PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY, APPROXIMATELY 400 FEET NORTH OF ANDERSON STREET." 70 ORD. NO. 1670 - FIRST READING - CARE OF NON -RELATED PERSONS "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY ADDING THERETO SECTIONS 9730.26 THROUGH 9730.26.9 CONCERNING CARE OF NON -RELATED PERSONS." 70 - dU ORD. NO. 1671 - FIRST READING DEFERRED - PARKING LOT REGULATIONS The Clerk presented Ordinance No. 1671 for a first reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY ADDING SECTION 7531.9 PERTAINING TO BEACH PARKING LOT REGULATIONS." A motion was made by Mayor McCracken that Ordinance No. 1673 be amended to include private parking lots. 65 Page #10 - Council Minutes - 8/16/71 Considerable discussion was held by Council concerning the legal ram- ifications presented by the proposed amendment. Mayor McCracken then withdrew his motion. On motion by McCracken, Council deferred action on Ordinance No. 1571 pending a report from the Police Department and the Director of Harbors, Beaches and Development, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, Green, Coen, McCracken NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Gibbs, Matney j(1- j01 .PETITION - SIGNAL LIGHTS - GOLDENWEST STREET - DEFERRED TO 9/7/71 The Clerk informed Council of a petition listing approximately 125 signatures requesting the installation of signal lights and cross- walks on Goldenwest Street at the Palm Avenue and Mansion Avenue intersections, and also that the speed limit on Goldenwest Street, southwest of Garfield Avenue, be reduced to 35 miles per hour. The Director of Public Works presented a report on this matter for Council's information. Mrs. Pat Shackleford., 19831 Sea Canyon Circle, Huntington Beach, addressed Council and gave reasons why the residents of the area have made the request for signals and crosswalks at these inter- sections and stressed the importance of lowering the speed limit on that portion of Goldenwest Street. Discussion was held by Council, and. the Mayor directed the Police Chief to insure the strict enforcement of present speed limits on Goldenwest Street, and further directed that this matter be resched- uled on the Agenda for September 7, 1971. Is PROPOSED ELECTION RESOLUTIONS The Clerk informed Council of a transmittal From the City Attorney's office of a proposed resolution to order and call a special municipal election, and a proposed resolution to request the County Board of Supervisors to consolidate such special municipal election with the Statewide Primary to be held June 6, 1972. He further informed Council that these proposed election resolutions were being trans- mitted to Council for language review only. A motion was made by Councilman Green, that Counci) arrr°ove the lang- uage of said resolutions and direct the City Clerk to file the reso- lutions, to be presented to Council at the meeting of March 20, 1972. The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, Green, Coen, McCracken NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Gabbs, Matney APPLICATION FOR BUSINESS LICENSE - NATIONAL KIDYEY CLINIC.- DENIED The Clerk informed Council of an application for business license 2 -1.;-d on behalf of the National Kidney Clinic Foundation by Mrs. 1. ­111.t:.-1 en E��,stridge, Assi,;tant Executive Coordinator, 12701 Ade11e y t, Garden Grove, to administer Hemodialysis Treatments at ?'7('y,5 Newland Street, Huntington Beach. was made by Councilman Green to deny ti-).e request for -`)ub- �..nass license filed oa behalf of the Nationa:!_ Kidney Clinic by .'j:s . Cathleen Eastridge, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, Green Coen, McCracken NOE,''; Councilmen: hone ABSENT: Councilmen: Cibbs, Matney 2M Paige # 11 -,Council Minutes 8/16/71 RE i • NO. 3352 `- ADOPTED �7l.EAGUE OP CYllrI QRIY A :i.1Tjrj ., s, ANNUAL 4i0lYT4i.'#VYfil - The Clerk p.reuenteo a transmittal departiniants wt1joh w31l.'6 holding meetings at the Vague oL' Cali['orra st C.i_tieu Annual (,unrer-Wicy, in San Francisco on September 26 through 29, 1971, together:with a . proposed resolution which would authorize the attendance of officials and department heads per Council direction. A motion was made by Mayor McCracken to direct the.City Clerk to read` Resolution No. 3352 by title and adopt same: "A RESOLUTION. OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING THE:.ATTENDANCE OF OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS OF THE CITY AT THE.SEVENTY-THIRD ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES . !+ k A motion was made by Councilman Coen to amend Resolution No. 3352 by deleting the authorization for the attendance of the City.Treasr urer, but failed by the following vote: AYES.: Councilmen: Bartlett, Coen NOES: Councilmen: Shipley, Green, McCracken ABSENT:. Councilmen; Gibbs, Matney A vote was then taken on the. motion made by CouncilmanMcCracken to waive further reading of Resolution No. 3352 and pass and adopt same. The motion was passed by the following roll call vote: AYES; Councilmen; Shipley, Bartlett, Coen, McCracken NOES: Councilmen; Green ABSENT Councilmen: Gibbs, Matney BOY SCOUT OPERATED PARKING LOTS The Clerk presented a communication from Mr. Randolph-W. Richardson requesting permission to address Council regarding the operation by the Boy Scouts of parking lots at 8th Street and Pacific Coast Highway and.9th Street to loth Street on Pacific Coast Highway, which is in conflict with the parking lot ordinance recently adopted by the City. Mr.. Richardson addressed Council and stated that the Boy Scouts are. presently operating the parking lots on a non-profit basis and that compliance with terms.of the ordinance code would.eliminate such operation, leaving the organization without their only source of revenue Following discussion by Council, the Mayor directed that this matter be referred to the City Administrator to handle. NEWLAND #5 ANC ION -- AUTHORIZATION TO FILE GRANTED The Clerk resubmitted a communication from Conine,.Julian.and Donna Lecri.vain, legal owners of the parcel of land located on the 'north- west corner of Talbert Avenue and Newland Street requesting that the ,. City proceed with the annexation of same, said annexation to be designated as Newland #5. He reported that the requested annexation now covers the entire 10 acres owned by the Lecrivains, and would' eliminate a County island at that.point between.Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley. On motion by'Coen, Council tentatively approved Newland#5 Annexation, and directed the City Clerk to file same with the Local Agency Formation COMM,gsion, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen; Shipley, Bartlett, Green, Coen, McCracken NOES; Councilmen; N64; ABSENT: Councilmen: Gibbs, Matney 67. Page #12 - Council Minutes - 8/16f71 pq CANCELLATION OF WEED ABATEMENT CHARGES ON CITY PROPERTY On motion by Bartlett, Council directed that the Weed Abatement Charges on city -owned lots as presented by the City Clerk be can- celled, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, Green, Coen, �TcCracken NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Gibbs, Matney 03 PROTEST - CLOSING OF 1EDZAN-9!f6WN & COUNTRY CENT'R The Clerk presented a communication from Herbert Marshak, M.D., one of the owners of Town & Country Center, 18582 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach, requesting permission to address Council to protest the clos- ing of the median in front of the Center. Dr. Marshak addressed Council and gave reasons why he believed the median should remain open, stating that the closure would cause a financial, hardship to the tenants in the Center. The Director of Public Works stated that from a safety standpoint, the median opening was located too close to the intersection of Main Street and Beach Boulevard for safety of cars making a left turn. Councilman Coen requested and. was granted permission to abstain from consideration of the matter due to a possible conflict of interest. On motion by Green, Council denied the request from Dr. Herbert Marshak for the reopening of median on Beach Boulevard located in front of Town and Country Center, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, Green, McCracken NOES: Councilmen: Shipley ABSTAIN: Councilmen: Coen ABSENT: Councilmen: Gibbs, Matney ZONE CASE NO. 71-15 -- P.C. RESOLUTION OF INTENT - PUBLIC HEARING SET The Clerk presented Zone Case No. 71-15 - Planning Commission Reso- lution of Intent which proposes a change of zone from R1 Single Family Residence District, M1 Light Industrial District and. RA Residential Agricultural District to MH Mobilehome District, on 18.63 acres of land on property located at the northeast corner of Slater Avenue and Goldenwest Street. The Assistant Planning Director informed Council of the Planning Commission's recommendation of denial. on motion by Green, Council directed that Zone Case No. 71-15 -- Planning Commission Resoiution of Intent,be set for public hearing on September 7, 1971, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, Green, Caen, McCracken NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: GI_bbs, Matney 4[1- i S Joint Powers Fire Communications Agreement Councilman Coen requested information concerning; the transmittal from Fire Chief Picard. pertaining to the proposed Joint Powers Fire Communications Agreement between the cit e: of Seal Beach, Fountain i'_, _?..ey, Westminster and Huntington Bea(-h, any was informed by the Adrii;.,.r1-. -trator that a report on this matter would be pre- sented at 'I adjourned meeting of August 23, 1`)71. fi Page # 13 - Council Minutes - 8/16/71 3ncf�� -Permit Ordinaev In response to an inquiry from Councilman Coen concerning the pro- posed Permit Ordinance, the City Administrator informed Council that this matter was scheduled for the adjourned meeting of August 23, 1971. t Bicycle Impound Station Councilman Green spoke regarding the need for a bicycle impound station on the beach, due to the increase of bicycle thefts. Council directed that a temporary bicycle impound area be established on the city beach for a trial period. ADJOURNMENT On motion by Shipley, the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned at 10:35 P.M. to Monday, August 23, 1971, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chamber. Motion carried. (?'_ , (5-P 0,-, �_� .. - - Paul C. ones City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California Q Geforge C. McCrac en Mayor ATTEST: .(?, - , , (:;� a,.G. Paul es City C1 rk W