HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-09-28MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1971 - STUDY SESSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Higgins, Bazil, Slates, Boyle, Duke, Kerins COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Porter NOTE: A TAPE RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS ON FILE IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OFFICE. PRECISE PLAN NO. 71-3 (Referred back to the Planning Commission by City Council for traffic study) Lochlea Lane, Banff Lane, Cupar Lane and a street parallel to and approximately 660 ft. south of Atlanta Avenue. Jim Palin, Associate, showed vu-graphs and made a presentation of three alternate alignments for this area pointing out advantages and disadvantages of each plan. Commission discussion followed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KERINS AND SECONDED BY BAZIL TO ADOPT PRECISE PLAN NO. 71-3 "C". ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Kerins, Boyle, Duke, NOES: None ABSENT: Bazil, Porter, Slates THE MOTION CARRIED. A FURTHER MOTION WAS MADE BY KERINS AND SECONDED BY BOYLE TO INSTRUCT THE STAFF TO PREPARE A RESOLUTION TO BE BROUGHT BACK TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR ADOPTION ON OTHER ALTERNATES DISCUSSED BY THE COMMISSION. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Boyle, Duke, Kerins NOES: None ABSENT: Bazil, Porter, Slates THE MOTION CARRIED. COMMISSIONER BAZIL: Commissioner Bazil arrived at 7:15 P.M. and resumed his duties. TOWN LOT STUDY - Densities Intensity of uses and people generated) Ed Selich, Planning Aide, made a presentation on alternative development projections for the Town Lot Study Area. Land Use Intensities and height of buildings were discussed. COMMISSIONER SLATES: Commissioner Slates arrived at 8:30 P.M. and resumed his duties. The Commissioners were polled in three areas; L.U.I. rating, parking and height limits of buildings. -1- 9/28/71 - PC Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, September 28, 1971 Page No. 2 It was the consensus of the Commission that an intensity of 6.4 rating would be the maximum with no lot size stipulation attached and that the parking requirements used in the rest of the City should - be in effect in the town lot area. Also,_ that the height limit should be four stories with any structure over four stories subject to approval of a Special Use Permit. CODE AMENDMENT NO. 71-22 (Public Hearing continued) A proposed Code Amendment to decrease the density provisions in Article 931 (Planned Residential Development) and not permit an exception thereto. Planned Residential Developments are, also, to be subject to the minimum standards as set forth in the apartment standards. It was noted that this item had been continued to allow the Commission time to review some existing P.R.D.'s. The hearing was opened to the audience. Mr. A. J. Hall, developer, addressed the Commission and made a presentation of the planned residential development to be constructed on the Huntington Beach Country Club which was previously approved by the Planning Commission. He stressed the importance of utilizing the site to preserve the character and natural features of the site. This flexibility allows the developer to deal with the details of the terrain. Mr. Hall stated that to restrict the density would discourage the desired use of the Planned Residental Development Ordinance. This restriction would limit the flexibility of design, and would limit the Commission's control and discretion. Mr. Hall opposed the adoption of this Code Amendment limiting the density in the R1 zone too.25 units per acre. Jerry Shay, Huntington Beach Company, addressed the Commission, opposing this code amendment. Richard Updahl, Home Council Planned Residential Development Committee, addressed the Commission and presented a report of the findings of the Home Council. Mr. Updahl requested that the Commission approve Code Amendment No. 71-22. John Murphy, Huntington Harbour Property Owners Association, spoke in favor of the Code Amendment. Rhoda Martin addressed the Commission and stated her preference was to have planned residential developments in R2, R3 zones, but not in the R1 zone. comment, the hearing was closed. polled on density preference. There being no further -The Commissioners were -2- 9/28/71 - PC Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, September 28, 1971 Page No. 3 It was the consensus of the Commission not -to reduce the density in the R1 PRD to 6.25. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KERINSU AND SECONDED BY HIGGINS TO CONTINUE CODE AMENDMENT NO. 71-22 TO THE REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF OCTOBER 5, 1971, FOR DECISION ONLY. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Slates, Bazil, Higgins, Kerins, Duke, Boyle ° NOES: None ABSENT: Porter THE MOTION CARRIED. COMMISSIONER SLATES: Commissioner Slates was excused from his duties at 10:30 P.M. DISCUSSION: Master Plan of Use Study Area "B" Jere Murphy, Associate Planner, made a presentation of the area south of Talbert Avenue, west of Beach Boulevard around the Taylor Avenue School. He indicated that industrial or low density residential use appeared best surrounding the school. The area is presently Master Planned for medium density. It was the consensus of the Commission that the best use for the area was industrial and medium density residential. The staff was instructed to investigate a precise plan of street alignment in the area northwest of Ellis Avenue and Beach Boulevard. DISCUSSION: Proposed ordinance which would establish by suffix a Beach Recreation and Development District "BRD" A MOTION WAS MADE BY KERINS AND SECONDED BY BAZIL TO CONTINUE THIS ITEM TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION STUDY SESSION MEETING OF OCTOBER 12, 1971. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Kerins, Higgins, Boyle, Duke NOES: None " ABSENT: Porter, Slates THE MOTION CARRIED. Vice Chairman Duke asked if the Planning Commission wished to adopt a policy to review all apartment projects having more than 50 units. It was the consensus of the Planning Commission that the present policy should continue where the Board of Zoning Adjustments acts on all applications for apartment projects unless the application is referred to the Planning Commission by the Board or if a Com- missioner asks that the aDDlication be referred to for a decison. BEAUTIFICATION AWARD: Commissioner Higgins, Chairman of the Beautification Awar Committee presented a list of those projects to receive an Award of Merit. The following was adopted by the Planning Commission: Presented to B. A. BERKUS & ASSOC. for Tiburon Bay OUTSTANDING ARCHITECTURE Single Family Presented to LINCOLN PROPERTY for Harbour Lights Apartments OUTSTANDING ARCHITECTURE Multiple Family -3- 9/28/71 - PC Minutes: H.'B. Planning Commission _ Tuesday,; September 28, 1971 Page No. 4, —Presented to,, Presented to HUNTINGTON HARBOUR SALES CORPORATION GEORGE NEISHI for for OUTSTAN_DING ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPING AVISTA MEDICAL CENTER Commercial OUTSTANDING ARCHITECTURE Office -Medical Presented to Presented to MC.DONNELL DOUGLAS ASTRONAUTICS CO. ST. BONAVENTURE CHURCH for - for' PLANNING AND LANDSCAPING OUTSTANDING ARCHITECTURE _OUTSTANDING Industrial Religious Presented to - Presented to VERNON &'CLIFFORD HOUSER SO. CALIF. EDISON HAMILTON SUBSTATION for for Rancho Del Rey OUTSTANDING LANDSCAPING OUTSTANDING PLANNING AND LANDSCAPING Public Utility Mobile Home Park Presented to Presented to HUNTINGTON SEACLIFF COUNTRY CLUB GOLDENWEST COMMUNITY COLLEGE for for - OUTSTANDING DEVELOPMENT OUTSTANDING ARCHITECTURE' Commercial Education THERE BEING NO.FURTHER BUSINESS, THE,MEETING WAS ADJOURNED TO THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING. ar A. -Harlow Henry u ce Acting Secretary, Vice Chairman • Y i . -4- 9/28/71 - PC