HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-10-18Palle�'� - Counc:i.:L Discussion was held by Council concern.i.ni, the e.l.'l'ect which the o['f'- shore airport might have on the Ci.ty's beaches and general welfare. On motion by Shipley, Council directed the City Attorney to prepare a resolution opposing the construction of the proposed offshore air- port, to be forwarded to the appropriate agencies, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, Gibbs, Matney, Coen, McCracken NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Green Flood Control Meeting The Director of Public Works informed Council that he had been con- tacted by the Assistant Flood Control Engineer for the County of Orange concerning a meeting which is scheduled for November 17, 1971, regarding a flood control program for the lower Santa Ana River. lie stated that the Council members would be apprised of the meeting place and urged their attendance at this meeting, if possible. Atlanta Avenue Improvements - Street Closure The Director of Public Works informed Council that, due to safety factors involved, he had determined that it would be necessary to close Atlanta Avenue between Magnolia and Bushard Streets for a period of three weeks, commencing November 1, 1971,for completion of a construction project. City Report - Re o p y Attorney - ather & Cree Oil Co. vs City The City Attorney reported on the litigation proceedings relative to the Cather & Cree Oil Company suit against the City, stating that the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code was sustained and held constitutional and enforceable. ss a. Report - City Attorney - Top -of -the -Pier Initiative Petition The City Attorney ini.'ormed Council that they had been provided with copies of City Attorney Opinion No. 71-21 regarding the Top-o1'-the- Pier Initiative Petition, per Council direction at the meeting of October 4, 1971. RESOLUTIONS On motion by Bartlett, Council directed the Clerk to read Resolution Nos. 3375, 3376, 3378, 3379 and 3380 by title; waived i'ur•ther read - and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, Gibbs, Matney, Coen, McCracken NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Green RES. N0. 3375 - ADO '":PED!(9EMINIMUM AC.I,' 1`Ni;;QUlRIi:MEA1TS - TRACT N ). 7341 "A RESOLUTION OF' TI-I': CITY COUNCIL OF `L'Hl.i: CITY OG' HUNTINGTON CACH ES- TABLISHING THE MINIiIUM AGE FOR RESIDENTS Of TRACT NO. 7341." ' 3376 ADO:''I'EDsa - SUNSET BEACH SAN: TARY D7:ST. - DE`.ITV,'11M1;NT "A RESOLUTION OF TILE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C �.TY OF HUNT'INGTON BEACll 11ROP(!SING A CHANGE OF ORGANIZATION IN THAT DISTRICT KNOWN A: 'Pit[;" SUN - SE'].' TIC:ACII SANITARY DIS`l'RIC':1' BY 1111: DI; L'ACIIM ;N':L' 01i' C -:R`PA:I'N PE: C',R 1 1 I-;I1 REAL PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN SAID DISTRICT WHICH REAL PROPEI`I'Y IS ALSO LOCATED IN A COUNTY AREA IMMEDIATELY . ,I)JACEN`.I' TO THE B( I)NDARIL:3 OF Till,; CITY OF HUN'.1'INGTON BEACH." RES. :JO. 3375 - ADCPTED-"�REIMB - WM. LYON DEV. CO. - DRA:I:NP._E It RE:;OLUTION OF Tl;r3 CITY COUNCIL OF TIIR, CII'Y 01,' IIUN'.l'].N(I'.I'ON RIEACII AUT110RIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF MONEY FROM THE' DEA.I:NAGL: DIS'11 :I Cl' `A) FUND. "