HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-11-01 (6)Page hlo - Council Minutes - ll/l/71
Discussion on the matter was held between the Council and Mr. Ferreri.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Gibbs that Council support the
creation of an Orange County Housing Authority, and was passed by the
following vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett; Gibbs, Matney,,Coen, McCracken
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Green
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The Clerk presented a communication from Huntington Beach Industrial
Park requesting elimination of zoning phases reached in an informal
understanding between their firm and the City Council during 1969;
that 36 acres located on the northwest corner of Edinger Avenue and
Graham Street be committed to R3 - Zoning to be completed in phases
as the adjoining industrial property was developed, as they have filed
a request for zoning from Ml-A to R3-PD with a.density of 15 units
per acre subject to a precise plan.
The Clerk then informed Council that he had received a request by
phone from Mr. John Lusk, Chairman of the Board of Huntington Beach
Industrial Park, requesting a postponement of.this matter to the
November 15, 1971, meeting.
Mayor McCracken ordered consideration of the request from Huntington
Beach Industrial Park deferred to the next regular meeting.
The Clerk informed Council of a recommendation from the Acting City
Administrator that Council take action approving an application now
before the Federal Communications Commission for a license to op-
erate a radio station in Huntington Beach.
On motion by Gibbs, Council directed that, having been informed ,of
the pendency of an application for a license for a radio station to
be operated in this City, it hereby declares its support for the
issuance of such a license; and further finds and declares that a
radio broadcasting station would be a most useful, welcome, and
desirable addition to this community.
The motion was passed by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, Gibbs, Matney, Coen, McCracken
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Green
Report - Council Sub -Committee on Proposed Hi -Rise Development
Councilman Matney stated that there had been a Council Sub -committee
meeting with downtown property owners and developers, and that the
outlook appears favorable. He further stated tha!; the downtown
property owners were urged to combine their properties into larger
areas to further encourage such proposed development.
Mayor McCracken announced that this was the day and hour set for the
continuance of a public hearing from the,meeting of September 23, .1.971,
on Zone Case No.`71-18, located on property bounded by Clay Avenue
on the north, Adams Avenue on the south, Huntington Street on the �.!ast
and Goldenwe'st Street on the west for a.change of zone.as.follows:
R1 Single Family Residence District to R1-CD SinF;le.Family Residence
District Civic District; I11-0 Single Family Residence District, con-
bined with oil production,. to Rl-O-CD Single Fam:.ly Residence Dis-
trict, combined with oil production, Civic Dist.r:i.ct; P,l-01 Single
Family Residence District,.combined.with oil proouction, to Rl-Ol
CD Single Family Residence. District,.combined wilh,oil production,'
Civic District; R2 Two Family Residence District, to R2-CD Two Family
Residence District Civic District; R2-0 Two Fami.i.y Residence District,
combined with oil production, to R2-0-Ct) Two Faml.ly Residence District,
combined with oil production Civic District;