HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-07-25MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY, JULY 25, 1972 - STUDY SESSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Bazil, Porter, Boyle, Higgins. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Slates, Kerins. AGENDA ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED: DISCUSSION: An Ordinance of the City of Huntington Beach Amending the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code by Repealing Article 965 and adding a new Article 965 entitled, "Beach Recreational District". The Acting Secretary suggested that continuance of this matter be to a later date, pending a futher study and consideration by the Administrator's office. It was the consensus of the Commission to postpone this discussion to a later date for the aforementioned reason. DISCUSSION: Letter from Mansion -Hall Company, requesting permission to construct a 40 foot free standing tower for private T.V. and F.M. distribution system within Tract No. 7155. Mr. Palin, Associate Planner, informed the Commission that a letter was received from the applicant requesting a continuance on this matter due to the illness of their representative. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BOYLE AND SECONDED BY HIGGINS TO CONTINUE THIS MATTER TO AUGUST 19 1972, FOR THE AFOREMENTIONED REASON. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Porter, Boyle, Higgins. NOES: None. ABSENT: Slates, Kerins. THE MOTION CARRIED. TENTATIVE TRACT NO.7930 Subdivider: William I. Rousey The request is to allow 18 lots on 3.38 acres of land. The subject property is located 315 feet east of Beach Boulevard and south of Terry Drive. The Acting Secretary informed the Commission that the staff recommends continuance of Tentative Map No. 7930 to September 6, 1972, because the Commission is without authority to approve said map until -1- 7/25/72 PC Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, July 25, 1972 Page 2 a Master Plan Amendment has been approved. Mr. Harlow stated that this continuance will allow time for the City Council to hold a public hearing on the Master Plan Amendment which is scheduled for August 15th and same time a resolution effecting said Master Plan will be adopted. Mr. Rousey, developer, addressed the Commission and stated that they would be constructing a 7 ft. high separation wall between their property and the adjacent Lincoln Mercury property with a 30 ft. setback. Discussion followed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BOYLE AND SECONDED BY HIGGINS TO CONTINUE TENTATIVE TRACT MAP N0.7930 TO SEPTEMBER 6TH FOR THE AFOREMENTIONED REASONS. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Porter, Boyle, Higgins. NOES: None. ABSENT: Slates, Kerins. THE MOTION CARRIED. A FURTHER MOTION WAS MADE BY BOYLE AND SECONDED BY BAZIL TO INSTRUCT THE SECRETARY TO SET A MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT FOR PUBLIC HEARING FROM COMMERCIAL TO LOW DENSITY RESI- DENTIAL. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Porter, Boyle, Higgins. NOES: None. ABSENT: Slates, Kerins. THE MOTION CARRIED. REVIEW: An approximate 15 minute presentation on a proposed Planned Residential Development within Huntington Harbour. Mr. Ed Hom, architect, addressed the Commission and showed view -graphs of the proposed project in Huntington Harbour. Mr. Hom informed the Commission that the proposed planned residential development will consist of approximately 31 acres of living area out of 47 acres of gross area. He further explained the recreational areas, green belts, etc. Mr. Ed Hom informed the Commission that they are proposing to construct two 9 story buildings that will be processed by a use permit application. It was noted that Section 931 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code allows such exceptions, thus can consider tall buildings by that section of the code. No action was taken at phis time. DISCUSSION: Tentative Tract No.5613 - Alternate plot plan for final Map No. 7313 recorded Narch 29, 1972, within this subdivision which depicts four 2 bedroom units and four 3 bedroom units per lot in lieu of the eight 2 bedroom units per lot previously approved for this subdivision. Jim Palin, Associate Planner, reviewed the alternate plan as submitted by the developer. Mr Palin explained -2- 7/25/72 PC Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, July 25, 1972 Page 3 the separation between units, calculations of phase I and II for open space, percentage of ground floor areas and parking spaces. Paul Miller, representing Sunbeam Homes, gave a brief background of the previously approved map by the City of Huntington Beach. He stated that purpose of this meeting was for the Commission to approve this proposal for an additional bedroom. Eli Miller, also representing Sunbeam Homes, further gave reasons for the request. Hi C. Tan, architect, explained the coverage of the building stating that more open space will be provided if the alternate plan is approved. Discussion followed. Commissioner Bazil stated that he feels the developer should comply with the previously approved plan. Commissioner Higgins stated that the developer should continue with the project as originally approved or start from scratch and comply with all require- ments. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BAZIL AND SECONDED BY BOYLE THAT THE DEVELOPER CONTINUE WITH THE PLAN AS ORIGINALLY APPROVED OR SUBMIT A REVISED PLAN UNDER THE USE PERMIT PROCEDURE. AND FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. Substantial changes were made in the alternate plot plan regarding open space within the project. 2. Building permits have expired. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Porter, Boyle Higgins. NOES: None. ABSENT: Slates, Kerins. THE MOTION CARRIED. REVIEW AND DISCUSSION: Central Industrial Area - Master Plan Study Area "B" Portion. Discussion,of alternative land use plans and economics. Ron Brown, Planning Aide, made a presentation of the lower portion of the Central In- dustrial Study - Alternate 4A, 4B and 4C. The Commission discussed the realignment of Ellis Avenue. It was the consensus of the Commission to continue this item to a study session in August. RESOLUTION N061095 A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach, California recommending to the City Council creation of tax relief provision for industrial zoned property. -3- 7/25/72 PC Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday. July 25, 1972 Page 4 The Acting Secretary suggested that this item be postponed to the August 1st meeting in order that a new draft be submitted. DISCUSSION: Ken Reynolds, Punning Director, discussed with the Commission the possibility of amending the code to permit planned developments in the R4 District. John Clark, representing Cedric Sanders Development, addressed the Commission and requested that the R4 be amended to allow Planned Development zone. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BOYLE AND SECONDED'BY HIGGINS TO INSTRUCT THE STAFF TO AMEND THE CODE TO PERMIT PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS IN THE R4 DISTRICT. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Porter, Boyle, Higgins. NOES: None. ABSENT: Slates, Kerins. THE MOTION CARRIED. DISCUSSION: Ken Reynolds, Planning Director, commented on non -conforming use in the C3 zone. Mr. Reynolds pointed out that Mr. Kiralla, applicant, requested permission to construct an addition to a non -conforming residence in the C3 zone, located at 1010 Ocean Avenue which exceeded the limits of the code; therefore, the Commission could not act on the request. The Commission instructed the staff to advise the City Council of the situation and perhaps they could take some action to allow the addition. Mr. Reynolds advised the Commission that after researching the matter it was determined that the Council was without authority to act on the request. Mr. Kiralla stated that he should revise the plan to meet the code. Discussion followed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BAZIL AND SECONDED BY BOYLE TO INSTRUCT THE STAFF NOT TO TRANSMIT THEIR PREVIOUS ACTION ON THIS MATTER TO THE CITY COUNCIL BECAUSE THE COUNCIL WAS WITHOUT AUTHORITY TO TAKE ANY ACTION. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Porter, Boyle, Higgins. NOES: None ABSENT: Slates, Kerins. THE MOTION CARRIED. DISCUSSION: POLE SIGN REQUESTS Commissioner Boyle requested that all pole sign requests are to be submitted to the Commission in their packets prior to the meeting, in order that the Commission will have a chance to review all requests. -4- 7/25/72 PC Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, July 25, 1972 Page 5 A MOTION WAS MADE BY BOYLE AND SECONDED BY HIGGINS TO ESTABLISH A POLICY THAT ALL APPLICATIONS FOR POLE SIGNS BE SUBMITTED TO THE COMMISSION FOR REVIEW IN THE PACKET PRIOR TO THE MEETING AND THAT SUCH REQUESTS ARE NOT TO BE PRESENTED AS A MISCELLANEOUS ITEM WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Porter, Boyle, Higgins. NOES: None ABSENT: Slates, Kerins. THE MOTION CARRIED. SERVICE STATION ORDINANCE: The Commission instructed the staff to contact the Irvine Company to obtain a copy of their deed restrictions regarding service station development. DISCUSSION: Jim Palin, Associate Planner, discussed with the Commission the construction of a sign for the Yamaha at 19721 Beach Boulevard, (AR #72-4) and that the applicant would like to install a helmet on top of the existing sign. It was the consensus of the Commission that the helmet should be located below the main sign between the poles. The applicant agreed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BOYLE AND SECONDED BY HIGGINS THAT THE APPLICANT SHALL INSTALL THE HELMET BELOW THE EXISTING SIGN BETWEEN THE TWO POLES. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Porter, Boyle, Higgins. NOES: None. ABSENT: Slates, Kerins. THE MOTION CARRIED. COMMUNICATION: The Commission received a letter submitted by Mr. Marius Pape, requesting to change the zone on parcel #6 and #7 on the north side of Ellis Avenue and east of Huntington Street. The Commission considered Mr. Pape's proposal and directed the staff to consider subject parcels with the Master Plan Study which is currently under way. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BOYLE AND SECONDED BY BAZIL TO INCLUDE PARCELS #6 AND #7 WITH THE MASTER PLAN STUDY AND TO RECEIVE AND FILE THE LETTER. COMMISSIONER BOYLE: Commissioner Boyle was excused from the August 8th and August 15th meeting by the Chairman. -5- 7/25/72 PC Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, July 25, 1972. Page 6 THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, THE MEETING ADJOURNED. Ge.. K. A. Reynolds Secretary Marcus M. Porter Chairman -6- 7/25/72 PC