HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-08-15MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1972 - Regular Meeting COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Slates, Kerins, Porter, Higgins Boyle, Bazil NOTE: A TAPE RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS ON FILE IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OFFICE. The chair directed the Secretary to assure that the City Clerk is present for the September 6th meeting so that Mrs. Wallin may be sworn in as Commissioner Wallin. AGENDA ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED OR WITHDRAWN: ZONE CASE NO. 72-27 - Initiated by the Planning Commission (Continued from August 1, 1972) A change of zone from R1 Single Family Residence District to RI-PD Single Family Residence District - Planned Development as initiated by the Planning Commission. The subject property consists of approximately 29 acres of land located at the northwest corner of Ellis Avenue and Newland Street. This item was continued to September 19, 1972. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 7899 Subdivider: Godfrey and Associates, Inc. In Conjunction With USE PERMIT NO. 72-35 Applicant: Godfrey and Associates, Inc. The tentative tract request is to allow 50 lots on 4.75 acres of land. The use permit is to allow the construction of a planned unit development consisting of 50 units and related facilities on a 4.75 gross acre parcel of land. The location is northwest corner of Lochlea Land and Jenny Drive in the R2 Two Family Residence District. These items were continued to September 6, 1972. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 7628 Subdivider: Classic Development Corp. In Conjunction With USE PERMIT NO. 72-28 Applicant: Classic Development Corp. The tentative tract request is to permit 179 lots on 17.52 acres of land. The use permit is to allow the construction of a Planned Residential Development consisting of 179 townhouses and related facilities on 15.7 gross acre parcel of land. Located 660 ft. south of Ellis Avenue and 660 ft. east of the intersection of Beach Boulevard. -1- 8/15/72 PC Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 15, 1972 Page 2 These items were continued to September 19, 1972. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 7888 Subdivider: Classic Development Corp. The request is to permit 83 lots on 15.96 acres of land located east of Southern Pacific Railroad, north of Taylor Avenue and west of Huntington Street. This item was continued to September 6, 1972. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 7949 Subdivider: Covington Brothers The request is to permit 13 lots on 3.6 acres of land located at the southwest corner of Edinger Avenue and Bolsa Chica Street. This item was continued to September 6, 1972. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 7950 Subdivider: Covington Brothers The request is to permit 19 lots on 5.0 + acres of land located 250 ft. east of Beach Boulevard oon the south side of Holland Drive. This item was continued to September 6, 1972. CODE AMENDMENT NO. 72-13 - Specific Plan Alternate (Continued from July 18, 1972) A proposed code amendment which will establish a specific plan procedure and application pursuant to S. 65300 through S.65360 of the Government Code of the State of California. A MOTION WAS MADE BY SLATES AND SECONDED BY HIGGINS TO TABLE THIS CODE AMENDMENT AND TO RE -ADVERTISE IT WHEN IT COMES BACK TO THE COMMISSION. Commissioner Kerins asked when this code amendment would return to the Commission. Mr. Harlow, Planning Department, responded that it should come within 60 days as this is related to the high-rise ordinance. Commissioner Porter directed the Staff to make copies of the Government Code with respect to specific plans and to return such copies with this code amendment. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Slates, Higgins, Kerins, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: Bazil, Bo),le THE MOTION CARRIED. -2- 8/15/72 PC Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 15, 1972 Page 3 MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 72-4 The proposed amendment is for a change from commercial to low density residential. The subject property consists of a 3.39 acre parcel of land located on the south side of Terry Drive approximately 315 feet east of Beach Boulevard. Said master plan proposes to amend a portion of Study Area "B". Mr. Harlow suggested that this item be considered with item number 2, Zone Case No. 72-24. ZONE CASE NO. 72-24 Applicant: Dick S. Nerio The subject property is located at the south side of Terry Drive, 417 ft. east of Beach Boulevard. The request is a change of zone from C4 Highway Commercial District to R1 Single Family Residence District. The reason given by the applicant in brief is that he proposed to develop the property as single family (R1) sub- divisions containing 18 lots. The chair opened the public hearing on Master Plan Amendment No. 72-4 and Zone Case No. 72-24. Mrs. Hazel Cook, Westmont Premier Homeowners Associa- tion, addressed the Commission and spoke in favor of the change to R1. There being no further speakers, the chair closed the public hearing. A MOTION WAS MADE BY SLATES AND SECONDED BY KERINS TO APPROVE MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 72-4 FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. It conforms with the wishes of the neighborhood. 2. It reflects good planning. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Slates, Higgins, Kerins, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: Bazil, Boyle THE MOTION CARRIED. Mrs. Wallin expressed concern with the development to the south. A MOTION WAS MADE BY S UTES AND SECONDED BY KERINS TO APPROVE ZONE CASE NO. 72-24 FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: 1. It conforms with the Master Plan Amendment No. 72-4. -3- 8/15/72 PC Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 15, 1972 Page 4 ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Kerins, Slates, Higgins, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: Bazil, Boyle THE MOTION CARRIED. It was noted that the tentative tract map that applies to this property was continued to the meeting of September 6, 1972. CODE AMENDMENT NO. 72-17 A proposed code amendment to amend Article 976 - Sign Code by amending those sections governing sigh height within the setback area of R5, C1, C2, C3, C4, M1 and M2 Districts and establishing a twenty-five (25) foot height limit. Also to add Section 9762.8 prohibiting flashing, moving and rotating signs. Mr. Harlow, Planning Department, introduced the subject and corrected lines 19 and 23 on page 1 of the proposed code amendment by inserting the word "no" in front of the word "signs" on these lines. He further indicated that it applies to the entire parcel and not just within the setback. Commissioner Higgins stated that we shouldn't restrict all signs on the entire parcel. Mrs. Wallin indicated that pole signs have been a major concern and that we should do something tonight. The chair opened the public hearing. Don Eggleston, Vice -President of Home Council, addressed the Commission and indicated that the Home Council wants to take a definite stand in favor of this code amendment. There being no further speakers, the chair closed the public hearing. A MOTION WAS MADE BY SLATES AND SECONDED BY HIGGINS TO CONTINUE THIS ITEM. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Slates, Higgins NOES: Kerins, Porter ABSENT: Bazil, Boyle THE MOTION FAILED. Commissioner Kerins asked what do we need to do to make this code amendment acceptable? Commissioner Slates indicated that it is unclear as to whether all signs or just pole signs are being restricted. Commissioner Higgins indicated that he would like to see only pole signs and that he is not really concerned with wall signs. -4- 8/15/72 PC Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 15, 1972 Page 5 There was considerable discussion on pole signs and the buildings within the setback and wall signs. A MOTION WAS MADE BY SLATES AND SECONDED BY KERINS TO APPROVE THIS CODE AMENDMENT AS ADVERTISED. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Kerins, Porter NOES: Slates, Higgins ABSENT: Boyle, Bazil THE MOTION FAILED. Commissioner Porter indicated that this is an automatic continuance to August 22, 1972 as an adjourned meeting. Commissioner Higgins indicated that he is concered with all pole signs and not concerned about wall or roof signs. Commissioner Porter indicated that signs behind the setback are a much larger question. The chair directed that the Building Department shall continue to refer all pole signs to the Planning Commission. DISCUSSION: A request for a free-standing pole sign. Applicant: Heath and Company, Inc. (Brentwood Savings) The subject property is located at the west side of Springdale Street approximately 200 ft. south of Edinger Avenue. Mr. Harlow explained the various actions and appeals. Mr. Eugene Briesemeister indicated that the company had had been denied a pole sign on Edinger Avenue and now they are requesting a pole sign on Springdale Street. There was considerable discussion as to the design, size, height of the proposed sign. Commissioner Slates asked if this was a legal sign. Mr. Harlow indicated that it did meet the ordinance. Commissioner Slates indicated that it would be difficult not to approve a sign that meets the code. Commissioner Kerins indicated that it conforms to the code but does not meet the spirit and intent of the sign code. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KERINS AND SECONDED BY PORTER TO DENY THE REQUEST. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Porter, Kerins NOES: Slates, Higgins ABSENT: Boyle, Bazil THE MOTION FAILED. -5- 8/15/72 PC Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday: August 15, 1972 Page 6 Jerry Saunders, Manager of the Brentwood Savings, addressed the Commission and indicated that many users in the area have largesigns such as the Von's "V". He further stated that the sign being requested is as per code and that the sign will face Edinger. The chair stated that the Commission has addressed many issues such as Open Space, etc. and that this has been under policy decision and not ordinance. The chair then directed the Staff to take the appropriate action necessary for this request. MISCELLANEOUS: Letter from Mansion -Hall Company requesting permission to construct a 40 ft. high free-standing tower for private T.V. and F.M. distribution within Tract No. 7155. Said tract is located on the north side of Palm Avenue between 17th Street and Golden - west Street. Mr. Harlow explained the details. Mr. Fren Vanier, Project Superintendent, indicated the details for the design, height, length and width of the proposed antenna. A MOTION WAS MADE BY SLATES AND SECONDED BY KERINS TO APPROVE THE REQUEST OF MANSION -HALL AND THAT THE SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID ANTENNA WOULD BE SUBJECT TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT'S APPROVAL. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Slates, Kerins, Porter, Higgins NOES: None ABSENT: Boyle, Bazil THE MOTION CARRIED. DISCUSSION: Clearinghouse No. 7850. Report prepared by Moffatt and Nichol Engineers for Huntington Harbour Corporation regarding State letter of June 9, 1972 regarding Tentative Tract Commissioner Kerins indicated that this is an excellent report and that it answers the necessary questions. Further, that this development is not a detriment to the area. Mr. Hartge, City Engineer, indicated that the discharge from the lagoon will improve the circulation in the harbor. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KERINS AND SECONDED BY HIGGINS TO APPROVE AND ACCEPT THE REPORT OF MOFFATT AND NICHOL. IT WAS INDICATED THAT 'PHIS WILL SATISFY THE PLANNING COMMISSION REQUIRE- MENT UNLESS THE CORPS. OF ENGINEERS REQUIRES THAT AN ENVIRON- MENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT BE PREPARED. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Kerins, Higgins, Slates, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: Boyle, Bazil THE MOTION CARRIED. -6- 8/15/72 PC Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 15, 1972 Page 7 CODE AMENDMENT NO. 72-16 - Special Event Permit The intent being to establish a "Special Event Permit" which is to be reviewed by the Board of Zoning Adjustments with their recommendation being transmitted to the City Administrator prior to his final action. Concern in this area has been expressed by a serious accident that occurred at a carnival that was held within the city limits. Commissioner SiaLes indicated LhaL much of this proposed code amendment is covered under the Police Permit Procedures and that the Staff should check with the Department requirements so that we have no duplication. Discussion was held as to the list of items to be considered. The Staff was directed to have the City Administrator work out the problems as to this code amendment and that the City Administrator's comments come back to the Planning Commission. This item was continued pending response from the City Administrator. POLE SIGN REVIEW The subject property is located at the northwest corner of Yorktown Avenue and Brookhurst Street. Commissioner Porter indicated that there should be just one sign to serve the center. There was considerable discussion as to the amount of signs that should be permitted on this parcel also as to consoli- dation of other signs. Mr. Ted King addressed the Commission and indicated that the sign would violate a sign requirement of one sq. ft. per each lineal foot of frontage. Considerable discussion was held as'to all of the signs on the subject property. A MOTION WAS MADE BY SLATES AND SECONDED BY KERINS TO APPROVE THE REQUEST FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: 1. There is some consolidation of signing. AND WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: 1. That the letters be df the same style and same color in the panel. This would exclude the 7-11 portion of the sign. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Slates, Kerins, Higgins NOES: Porter ABSENT: Boyle, Bazil THE MOTION CARRIED. -7- 8/15/72 PC Minutes; H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 15, 1972 Page 8 Commissioner Porter indicated that the City has rezoned the property and it has bent over backwards to assist the developer yet the developer has not consolidated his signs. MISCELLANEOUS: PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURES Commissioner Slates stated that these public hearing procedures should be reviewed with the by-laws to see that there are no conflicts. Commissioner Kerins indicated that the public should know that they have the right to address the Planning Commission at ae oral section of the agenda. Commissioner Porter indicated that in all cases that the Planning Commission By-laws and Roberts Rules of Order shall preclude the list of procedures. Mrs. Wallin indicated that we should include an "oral comments" section in the agenda. A MOTION WAS MADE BY SLATES AND SECONDED BY HIGGINS TO TAKE MINUTE ACTIONTOREQUIRE THE ZONE CHANGE BE FILED IN ON NNCISOEOMPATIBLETATIVE TRACT MAPS WHEN NECESSARY SO THAT THE ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Slates, Higgins, Kerins, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: Boyle, Bazil THE MOTION CARRIED. NON -CONFORMING SHOPPING CENTERS Mrs. Wallin asked what. kind of ordinance is needed to attain the goal of upgrading shopping centers under the sign permit request. Mr. Willis Mevis, City Attorney, indicated that an amortization provision could be added. Mr. Reynolds, Planning Director, indicated that we can include provisions to include or require shopping centers to come up to new standards as long as standards are applied equally to all centers. He further indicated that the emphasis is to improve the existing shopping centers with a mix of tenants and new standards. The (-hair direeLed thr Ctty Attorney to research court c.abe% as to non-Lonforming uses and up -grading provisions and prepare a preliminary report. -8- 8/15/72 PC Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 15, 1972 Page 9 THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, THE MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:50 P.M. TO A STUDY SESSION ON AUGUST 22, 1972 AT 7:00 P.M. K. A. Reynolds Secretary M. M. Porter Chairman -9- 8/15/72 PC