HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-08-16MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS Administrative Annex 523 Main Street Huntington Beach, Calif. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1972 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Lipps, Vasquez, Lovejoy None AGENDA ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED OR WITHDRAWN: USE PERMIT NO. 72-48 Applicant: Standard Oil Company of Calif. To permit drilling and operation for the discovery or I roduction of oil, gas, hydrocarbons, and/or kindred substances in their natural state, including the installation and use of equipment, structures, tools, and other facilities incidental, necessary and accessory to the drilling, pro- duction, repressuring and processing of substances produced by such wells for shipment to pipeline. The subject property is in the general vicinity of Bar Harbor Lane and Island Bay Lane in the R4-01 High Density Residential District combined with oil production. A letter.was received from Mr. Dick Buhr, a representative of Standard Oil Company, requesting withdrawal of their application. -- A MOTION WAS MADE BY VASQUEZ AND SECONDED BY LOVEJOY TO ACCEPT THE APPLICANT'S REQUEST FOR WITHDRAWAL. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Lipps, Vasquez, Lovejoy NOES: None ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. USE PERMIT NO. 72-47 Applicant: Adrian 0. Hubbell To permit the construction of retail stores and business and professional offices as required by S. 9472, 9472.1, and 9471.4. The subject property is located 135 ft. northwest of Goldenwest Street and Edinger Avenue in the C4 Highway Commercial District. A letter submitted by the applicant requesting continuance was presented to the Board. t -1- 8/16/72 - BZA Minutes: H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, August 16, 1972 Page 2 A MOTION WAS MADE BY VASQUEZ AND SECONDED BY LIPPS TO CONTINUE USE PERMIT NO. 72-47 TO AUGUST 23, 1972, AT THE APPLICANT'S REQUEST. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Lipps, Vasquez, Lovejoy NOES: None ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS FOR PUBLIC HEARING: ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-64 Applicant: Robert C. Harvey - Jack -in -the -Box To permit remodeling of a portion of an existing restaurant facility located'150 ft. southeast of the intersection of Springdale Street and Edinger Avenue in the C2 Community Business District. Robert Harvey, applicant, addressed the Board and presented revised plot plans. The Board discussed the parking layout with the applicant and followed with considerable deliberation on code re- quirements and interpretation on landscaping provisions for the subject property: Whether or not a major change was being proposed for the existing building which might require up- grading of the property was discussed. Mr. Vasquez indicated he felt a sufficient change was taking place and the area to the northeast of the property is lacking in attractiveness due to the lack of landscaping. Mr. Lipps stated that he thought the planter would create a hardship on the applicant as he would have to run new water- lines. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LOVEJOY AND SECONDED BY LIPPS TO APPROVE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-64 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The applicant shall provide channelization of driveways where necessary. 2. The parking lot shall be restriped. 3. The applicant shall eliminate three parking stalls ad- jacent to the driveway in the southeast corner. -2- 8/16/72 - BZA Minutes: H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, August 16, 1972 Page 3 ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Lipps, Lovejoy NOES: Vasquez THE MOTION CARRIED. MINORITY REPORT: Robert -Joe Vasquez Approval of this application is in violation of Sec.9792.1 with respect to screening of the parking lot at the north- east corner of the subject property. It is also in violation of S. 9792.1.1 with respect to the 3 ft. landscaped planter to be provided across from a commercial zone, and S. 9792.2 with the intent to have landscaping evenly distributed_, throughout the parking facility. DIVISION OF LAND NO. 72-19 - Continued Applicant: Brentwood Savings and Loan Assoc. To permit the adjustment of lot lines of Lots 23, 23A, 24, 24A; 25, 25A, 26, and 26A of Tract No. 6874. The subject property is located on Remora Drive between Bayview Drive and Intrepid Way in the R1 Low Density Residential District. There was no one present to represent the applicant. The Board reviewed the revised plot plan and the City Council's Resolution No. 3540 for vacation of the property. J A MOTION WAS MADE BY VASQUEZ AND SECONDED BY LOVEJOY TO APPROVE DIVISION OF LAND NO. 72-19 WITH THE FOLLOWING CON- DITIONS: 1. The plot plan received August 10, 1972, shall be the approved layout. 2. All applicable City Ordinances shall be complied with. 3. A Parcel Map shall be filed with the City and recorded prior to framing inspection of any structures on -any parcel. 4. The Division of Lend shall not be effective until.an agreement is signed and recorded agreeing to the con- ditions listed above. 5. Property shall dedicate the necessary right of way to the City for bulkhead as required by the Department of Public Works. 6. Approval shall be subject to final adoption of City's vacation. -3- 8/16/72 - BZA Minutes: H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, August-1 6, 1972 Page 4 n ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Lipps, Vasquez, Lovejoy NOES: None ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 72-68 - Continued Applicant: Charles Hermansen To permit a 5 ft. encroachment into the required 10 ft. ex- terior side yard setback as per code Section 9233.2.2, in a 9 unit apartment located at the southeast corner of 15th Street and Walnut Avenue in the R4-0 High Density Residential District combined with oil production. Mr. Hermansen, applicant, presented himself to the Board for questioning. The hearing was opened to the audience. ;" It was noted that a field check had been made and indicated there were other properties in the vicinity enjoying the same privilege as requested by the applicant. The -Board discussed changing the 5 ft. encroachment to. a 7 ft. encroachment with the applicant and S. 9811.1.1 of the Ord- inance Code as it applied to this application. A MOTION WAS MADE BY VASQUEZ AND SECONDED BY LOVEJOY TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 72-68 FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: 1. This application meets the intent and spirit of the Code Section 9811.1.1. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES:- ..Lipps, Vasquez, Lovejoy NOES: None ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. A MOTION WAS MADE BY VASQUEZ AND SECONDED BY LOVEJOY TO RESQIND THE PREVIOUS MOTION. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Lipps, Vasquez, Lovejoy NOES: None ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. -4- 8/16/72 - BZA Minutes: H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, August 16, 1972 Page 5 A FURTHER MOTION WAS MADE BY VASQUEZ AND SECONDED BY LOVEJOY TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 72-68 WITH THE FOLLOW- ING CONDITIONS: 1. The plot plan received July 24, 1972, shall be the approved layout. 2. The alley abutting the -subject property shall be dedicated to City standards. 3. Walnut Avenue and 15th Street shall be dedicated and fully improved to City Standards -at the time said, parcel is developed. Improvements shall include street trees, street signs, street lights, fire hydrants, sewer and water main extensions. 4. Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water system at the time said parcel is developed. 5. Sewage disposal shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's sewage system at the time said parcel is developed. 6. The water, sewer, and fire hydrant system shall be subject to the approval of the Department of Public Works and Fire Department. 7." The property shall participate in the local drainage assessment district at the time said district is formed. 8. Soil reports as required by the Building Department and the Department of Public Works shall be submitted to the City prior to issuance of building permits. 9. All utilities shall be installed underground at the time said parcel.is developed. 10. Off-street parking facilities shall conform to Article 979. 11. There shall be no fence, structure or landscaping con- structed or maintained over A ft. high within a 10 ft. by 10 ft. triangular area at the intersection of drive- ways and streets or within a 25 ft. by 25 ft. triangular area at the intersection of streets. 12. No structures, other than those shown on the approved plot plan, shall be constructed within the project. 13. All applicable City Ordinances shall be complied with. -5- 8/16/72 - BZA Minutes: H. B. Board of -Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, August 16, 1972 page 6 ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Lipps, Vasquez, "Lovejoy NOES: None ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW N0. 72-69 Applicant: Elden Bainbridke In Conjunction with DIVISION OF LAND NO. 72-23 Applicant:, Elden Bainbridge To permit the construction of a two story office building pursuant to Section 9471.4 and to allow a division of land into'two separate parcels located 475 ft. southeast of the intersection of Beach Blvd., and Talbert Avenue. Mr. Bainbridge,applicant, addressed the Board and explained his request. Circulation and parking was discussed with the applicant along with -reciprocal driveways, parking and easements. Further. discourse continued on adjustment of.the building to allow"for additional landscaping needed in the rear parking" lot. - The Board suggested,the applicant recalculate the parking- re-quirements for removal of one space to provide additional landscaping and study the parking lot for circulation. A MOTION WAS MADE BY VASQUEZ AND SECONDED BY LIPPS TO CON- TINUE.ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-69 TO AUGUST 23, 1972 TO ALLOW"THE APPLICANT TIME TO REVISE THE PLOT.PLAN. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES:­Lipps, Vasquez, Lovejoy NOES:" None ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. A FURTHER MOTION WAS MADE BY VASQUEZ AND SECONDED BY LIPPS TO CONTINUE -DIVISION OF LAND NO. 72-23 TO AUGUST 23, 19721, TO ALLOW THE APPLICANT TIME TO REVISE THE PLOT PLAN.- -6- 8/16/72 - BZA Minutes: H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, August 16, 1972 Page 7 ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Lipps, Vasquez, Lovejoy NOES: None ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-71 Applicant: Irving J. Snyder To permit a driveway for drive-thru food service for Taco Si Drive-in located at the northwest corner of Magnolia Street and Adams Avenue. Mr. Sturtz, representing the applicant, addressed the Board and presented revised plot plans. The Board discussed circulation and parking spaces on the plan. Mr. Vasquez indicated landscaping would be required as provided by code as the plans were deficient. Code requirements for landscaping were discussed with the applicant. A MOTION WAS MADE BY VASQUEZ AND SECONDED BY LIPPS TO CONTINUE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-71 TO AUGUST 23, 1972, TO ALLOW TIME FOR THE APPLICANT TO REVISE THE PLOT PLAN. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Lipps, Vasquez, Lovejoy NOES: None ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED MISCELLANEOUS: CARNIVAL: The Board reviewed plans for a carnival to be located at the southwest corner of Warner Avenue and Springdale Street. Mr. Johm Taggart, Fairtime Shows, and Mrs. Pound, Huntington Beach Woman's Club, addressed the Board for questioning and discussion of the proposed carnival. The plot plan, submitted by Mr. Taggart, and parking were discussed. The Board reviewed a previous transmittal to the City Administrator for Carnivals and possible requirements. Also Mr. Taggart -7- 8/16/72 - BZA Minutes: H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday', August 16, 1972 Page 8 provided the Board with pictures of the various rides that would be used. The Board directed the Acting Secretary to submit a transmittal of recommendation to the City Administrator that the Carnival be allowed to operate at the subject location on August 24, 25, 26,-and 27, 1972, with the following condition: 1. The,Traffic Engineer shall review the layout: and an electrical incpector shall'inspe,--t the carnival to assure safety. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 72-63 - Request for reconsideration Applicant: Mary Hickman It was noted by the Board that a letter had been submitted by Mrs. Hickman requesting reconsideration of her conditional exception application due to new evidence of justification. The new evidence as submitted was reviewed by the Board and found to"be insufficient for justification. The Board also indicated they could not legally reconsider an application at that time which was already been acted upon without re advertising and there could be no basis for such reconsideration as Conditional Exception No. 72-7 which was cited by Mrs. Hickman as being similar to her request for justification was granted in error. A MOTION WAS MADE BY LIPPS AND SECONDED BY VASQUEZ TO DENY THE REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 72-63 FOR'THE AFOREMENTIONED REASONS. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Lipps, Vasquez, Lovejoy NOES: None ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. GULF OIL IDENTIFICATION SIGN - Request for reconsideration. The Board reviewed the Gulf sign located on the west side of Newland Street and the north side of Hamilton Avenue. The Board -found that :the sign's status had not changed: it continues -to be "advertising" as opposed to "identification". A MOTION WAS MADE BY VASQUEZ AND SECONDED BY LOVEJOY TO DECLINE RECONSIDERATION OF THE GULF SIGN. -8- 8/16/72 - BZA Minutes: H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, August 16, 1972 Page 9 ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Vasquez, Lovejoy NOES: Lipps ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED MINORITY REPORT: -Walter Lipps 'The',identification sign does meet the intent of the Code Section 9761.9.3 as it pertains to an identification sign. DIVISION OF LAND NO. 72-22 Applicant: VTN Orange County This item was continued until Ordinance 1637 goes into effect. It was the consensus of the Board to continue Division of Land No.72r22 to August 23, 1972, and to notify the applicant of such action. ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO 72-68 - Review of revised plot plans. Applicant: Reading Development Center The'Board reviewed the revised plans as submitted by the applicant pursuant to condition of approval No. 1. A MOTION WAS MADE BY-LIPPS AND SECONDED BY LOVEJOY TO APPROVE THE REVISED PLOT PLAN FOR ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-68. ROLL CALL VOTE:, AYES: Lipps, Vasquez, Lovejoy NOES: None ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO 72-66 - Review of revised plot_ plans. Applicant: Huntington Beach Industrial Park The Board reviewed the revised plans as submitted by the applicant pursuant to condition of approval No. 1. A MOTION WAS MADE BY VASQUEZ AND SECONDED BY LOVEJOY TO.APPROVE THE REVISED PLANS SUBMITTED ON AUGUST 14, 1972, PURSUANT TO CONDITION NO. 1 OF THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR ADMINISTRATIVE' REVIEW NO. 72-66. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Lipps, Vasquez, Lovejoy NOES: None ABSENT: None THE MOTION CARRIED. -9- 1 8/16/72 - BZA Minutes: fi. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments, Wednesday, August 16, 1972 Page 10 CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 72-69 Applicant: Marinacci This,item was referred to the Planning Commission on August 9, 1972. The staff suggested the Board continue subject re- quest until action by the City Council is taken on Code Amend- ment No. 71-23 and Code Amendment No. 71-4. It was the consensus of the Board that Conditional Exception No. 72-69 be readvertised for the August 30, 1972 meeting due to procedural restrictions. USE PERMIT NO. 70-6 - Review of Elevations Applicant: Huntington Shorecliffs The Board reviewed plans for tree 19cations, wall materials and elevations. The Board requested the applicant submit an elevation showing stepdown details for the full length of the wall on Delaware Street. USE PERMTT NO 72-33 Applicant: Santa Anita Dev. Co. The Board reviewed an addition to the plot plan for this application for future construction. The Board directed the staff to notify the applicant that his plans dated 8/10/72 had been accepted as they do not materially change the original plot plan. THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, THE MEETING ADJOURNED. [ od L' Walter Lipps Acting Chairman Robert -Joe Vasquez Acting Secretary -10- 8/16/72 - BZA