HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-08-22MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY, AUGUST 22. 1972 - Study Session COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Kerins, Porter, Boyle, Higgins COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Slates, Bazil NOTE:: A TAPE RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS ON FILE IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OFFICE. AGENDA ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED OR WITHDRAWN: CODE AMENDMENT N0. 72-17 (Continued from 8/15/72) A proposed code amendment to amend Article 976 - Sign Code by amending those sections governing sign height within the setback area of R5, Cl., C2, C3 C41 M1 and M2 Districts and establishing a twenty-five (25ft. height limitation. Also to add Section 9762.8 prohibiting flashing, moving and rotating signs. Mr. Palin, Associate Planner, reviewed with the Commission the proposed code amendment. Commissioner Porter stated that the Commission should offer the staff comments on the items listed in`the staff report. It was a consensus of the Commission to include the provision to prohibit flashing, moving, animated, spinning and rotating within this code amendment. Also, to limit maximum sign height to 25 ft. for all free standing signs anywhere on a parcel. Commissioner Higgins indicated that he would prefer that a commercial center be identified by an identification sign only. After additional discussion, the Commission directed the staff to include in a future code amendment on the sign ordi- nance provision on maximum height of roof signs, coordination of sign materials and colors and to work out identification signs only for commercial centers. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BOYLE AND SECONDED BY HIGGINS TO DIRECT THE STAFF TO RE -ADVERTISE CODE AMENDMENT NO. 72-17 AND INCORPORATE THE CHANGES AS DISCUSSED ON THIS ITEM. The chair asked for any discussion on this motion. Mr. Reynolds, Planning Director, informed the Commission that the City Council had discussed the creation of a sign committee with members from the Home Council. Commissioner Kerins indicated that the Chamber of Commerce should be involved also, but that that he wouldn't want outside groups to block the Commission's progress. Chairman Porter directed the staff to communicate with the Board of Realtors, the Home Council, and the Chamber of Commerce to request that they appoint two members to sit on an ad hoc committee for sign review. Mr. Reynolds indicated that the Planning Commission and the staff should continue in th6ir usual role but to ask these groups to participate by reactLng to stated directions and proposals. -1- 8/22/72 PC SS Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 22, 1972 Page 2 ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Kerins, Higgins, Porter, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: Slates, Bazil THE MOTION CARRIED. DISCUSSION: Interim Open Space Plan setting forth criteria and standards for future open space in Huntington Beach. Jere Murphy, Associate Planner, informed the Commission that August 1, 1972 is the deadline for approval of the Tnterim Open Space Plan and that June 30, 1973 would be the deadline for adoption of a final open space plan. Mr. Ritter, Planning Department, introduced the Interim Open Space Plan and discussed the various elements of that plan. Discussion was held on the Santa Ana deposition and the uplifted areas along the coast. Also the topography of the City and the open space inventory map along with the acreages and site characteristics for the City. The Commission held considerable discussion of the school site, open space inventory map, the natural resources, the vistas, and the earthquake faults of the city. Commissioner Porter questioned the location and identifi- cation of earthquake faults within the City. Mr. Ritter indicated that the Orange County offices have done considerable geological survey work in this area. A MOTION WAS MADE BY KERINS AND SECONDED BY BOYLE TO SET THE INTERIM OPEN SPACE PLAN FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON SEPTEMBER 19, 1972, AND THAT THE DOCUMENT BE TRANSMITTED TO THE POLICY COMMITTEE, RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSION AND ENVIRONMENTAL COUNCIL FOR THEIR COMMENTS AND THAT SUCH COMMENTS BE BROUGHT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION ON SEPTEMBER 12, 1972 FOR A STUDY SESSION. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Kerins, Porter, Higgins, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: Slates, Bazil THE MOTION CARRIED. DISCUSSION: Code Amendment No. 72-12 "Serivice Station Suffix" This item was continued from the June 27, 1972 Study Session to have the staff obtain information from other juris- dictions. Mr. Palin, Associate Planner, introduced the subject and indicated that the proposed Huntington Beach standards are probably more restrictive than most other cities. Commissioner Porter indicated I;hat the Commission should review the ordinance page by page. Commissioner Higgins indicated that he would like to see three trees in each planter along the exterior property lines and additional trees along the rear and interior side property lines approximately 45 ft. on center. -2- 8/22/72 PC SS Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 22, 1972 Page 3 Mrs. Wallin indicated that she would like to go to a 10% landscape requirement and would prefer low lights be indicated under the lighting provisions of the proposed code. Commissioner Porter indicated tnat the Commission should not allow pole lighting at the extremities of the parcel except at the rear of the parcel, in hopes to deter placing of signs on the pole lights. There was considerable discussion on outside display, display of tire, outside storage, and the requirement of 32 in. high walls between a service station and abutting com- mercial shopping center. The Commission discussed the question of non -conforming and whether the adoption of this proposed code amendment would, in effect, make all existing service stations non -conforming. The chair directed that this item be placed on the September 12, 1972 Study Session agenda and that this proposed code amendment be reworded and the question of non -conforming be studied by the staff. DISCUSSION: Fencing around the Standard Oil Company's oil field on Edwardt Street and Garfield Avenue. Mr. Palin outlined the type of fencing material as proposed by Standard Oil Company. Mr. Buhr, representative of Standard Oil, indicated that they would not like to relocate the fence at this time. He indicated that he was concerned with dedication as per the proposed code amendment to be discussed on September 6, 1972 and would not like to obliterate the view of the existing area. Commissioner Porter indicated that he would like to see a 4 ft. high berm being 12 ft. at the base with landscaping the full length of Edwards Street. He would like to see a schematic of such improvement. This item was continued until September 6, 1972. The staff indicated that they should work with Mr. Buhr. DISCUSSION: Precise Plan of Street Alignment north of Garfield Avenue 600 ft. each of Beach Boulevard. Jere Murphy, Associate Planner, presented the vu-Sraphs depicting the area and discussed the alternate street i ign- ments for the area. He further indicated that there were no objections to the proposed alignment by the Fire, Police, or Public Works Departments. The Commission held considerable discussion as to the children's access to school. Mr. Bill Richardson, representative of Classic Development, indicated that they would not like to see the street go through because they would like to divorce themselves from the northern tract. He indicated that the northern tract was worth $203000 per unit whereas their homes are:.0drth $30,000 per unit. Bill Hartge, City Engineer, indicated that the cul-de-sac for Hoyt Street could be moved further to the north to service a large parcel that is fronting on Beach Boulevard. -3- 8/22/72 PC SS Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 22, 1972 Page 4 A MOTION WAS MADE BY KERINS AND SECONDED BY 130YLE TO SET THE PRECISE PLAN OF STREET ALIGNMENT FOR PUBLIC HEARING AND TO MOVE THE CUL-DE-SAC FURTHER TO THE NORTH. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Kerins, Porter, Higgins, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: Bazil, Slates THE MOTION CARRIED. DISCUSSION: Detached pole sign at 16672 Beach Boulevard - formerly the Leonard's Store. Walter Lipps, Building Department, p_esented the subject and indicated that the poles were at 50 ft. and would be lowered to 35 ft. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BOYLE AND SECONDED BY PORTER TO APPROVE THE REQUEST AND TO ENCOURAGE THE REMOVAL OF THE "OPEN TO THE PUBLIC" SIGN. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Kerins, Porter, Higgins, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: Bazil, Slates THE MOTION CARRIED. DISCUSSION: Letter from Leadership Housing Systems, Inc. This letter is regarding numbers on the "Apple" apart- ment project located south of Warner Avenue 600 ft. east of of Edwards Street. Commissioner Kerins indicated that the owner stated that he would cover the numbers. Mr. Palin, Associate Planner, indicated that covering the numbers would cost $1,600 and that the applicant is now suggesting that he use a different color of paint. Commissioner Kerins is to draft a letter for the Planning Commission review which will be addressed to Leadership Housing Systems, Inc. with regard to the numbering of the "Apple" project. DISCUSSION: Upgrading of single and multiple user commercial centers with reference to structural additions. This is in reference to Administrative Review No. 72-64, the Jack -in -the -Box which is located at the southeast corner of Springdale Street and Edinger Avenue and Administrative Review No. 72-71, the Taco Si which is at the northwest corner of Adams Avenue and Magnolia Street. After considerable discussion, it was concluded that the Administrative Review application was an improper application for these uses and that both users would be required to file use permit applications before the Board of Zoning Adjustments. A MOT10N WAS MADE BY PORTER AND SECONDED BY ITIGGTNS TO APPLY THE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW FEE TO THE USE PERMIT WHEN IT IS FILED. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Kerins, Porter, Higgins, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: Slates, Bazil THE"MOTION CARRIED. -4- 8/22/72 PC SS Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 22, 1972 Page 5 MISCELLANEOUS: Sign at Farrell's Ice Cream Parlow A MOTION WAS MADE BY HIGGINS AND SECONDED BY KERINS TO APPROVE THE FARRELL'S REQUEST FOR A SIGN PERMIT. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Kerins, Higgins, Boyle NOES: Porter ABSENT: Slates, Bazil THE MOTION CARRIED. THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 12:30 A.M. K. A. Reyno ds Secretary I*i - -- M. M. Porter Cha i rnlan -5- 8/22/72 PC SS