HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-09-13MINUTES •HUNTINGTON BEACH BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS Administrative Annex 523 Main Street Huntington Beach, Calif. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1972 - 1:15 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Spencer, Lipps, Palin BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: None REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS FOR PUBLIC HEARING: ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 71-55 - Continued Applicant: William S. Rader To permit the care of five (5) handicapped, non - related persons. The subject property is located 180 ft. north of the centerline of Springfield Street on the west side of Lake Street in the R2-0 Medium Density Residence District combined with oil production. The hearing was opened to the audience. There was no one present to represent the applicant. It was noted that the planning staff had been in contact with Mr. Rader and that his state license is pending because they have not yet established a procedure for this type of use. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY PALIN AND SECONDED BY SPENCER TO APPROVE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW N.O. 71-55 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The placement .of persons shall be' -the same as originally submitted to the Planning Commission. 2. The applicant shall comply with S.9730.26 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. 3. Upon receipt of a license from the county agency, the applicant shall forward said license for the records. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Spencer, Lipps, Palin NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-78 Applicant: Elden Bainbridge To permit a boat display and•storage in the 50 ft. setback pursuant to S.9432.1 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. In Conjunction With USE PERMIT NO. 72-55 Applicant: Elden Bainbridge To permit the retail sale of boats, boating equipment and marine supplies, with incidental repairs and service pursuant to S. 9472.1 of -the Ordinance Code. -1- 9-13-72 BZA Minutes: H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, September 13, 1972 Page 2 The subject property is located on the west side of Beach Boulevard approximately 150 ft. south of Utica Street in the C4 Highway Commercial District. The hearing was opened on Use Permit No,,,72-28. Mr. Bainbridge, the applicant, addressed the Board and explained the layout of his plans. The Board reviewed S. 9432 of the Ordinance Code for display and storage of merchandise with the applicant. They further discussed curb cuts, driveways and reciprocal easements with the property to the west. The Board expressed a desire for materials to be used on the block walls along Beach Boulevard to be compat- ible with the proposed building. The conditions of approval were reviewed with the applicant concurrently with discussion of signing for the use. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY PALIN AND SECONDED BY SPENCER TO APPROVE USE PERMIT NO. 72-55. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Spencer, Lipps, Palin NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. A FURTHER MOTION WAS MADE BY SPENCER AND SECONDED BY PALIN TO CONTINUE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-78. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Spencer, Lipps, Palin NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. t ANOTHER MOTION WAS MADE BY PALIN AND SECONDED BY -SPENCER TO RECONSIDER THE MOTION FOR APPROVAL OF USE PERMIT NO. 72-55 FOR 'THE PURPOSE OF AMENDING THE CONDITIONS. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Spencer, Lipps, Palin NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. A FINAL.MOTION WAS MADE BY PALIN AND SECONDED BY SPENCER TO APPROVE USE PERMIT NO. 72-55 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. A revised plot plan shall be submitted prior to issuance of building permits to indicate the display area delineating the placement of the ground identification sign. 2. Beach Boulevard shall be dedicated and fully improved to City and/or State standards at the time said parcel is developed. Improvements shall include street trees, street signs, street lights, fire hydrants, sewer and water main extensions. 3. Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water system. 4. Sewage disposal shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's sewage system. S. The water, sewer, and fire hydrant system shall be approved by the Department of Public Works and Fire Department. -2- 9-13-72 BZA Minutes: H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, September 13, 1972 Page 3 6. The property shall participate in the local drainage assessment district. 7. Soil reports as required by the Building Department and the Department of Public Works shall be submitted to the City prior to issuance of building permits. 8. All utilities shall be installed underground. 9. Off-street parking facilities shall conform to Article 979. 10. Parking compounds shall be screened with a combination'of fencing and landscaping. Said plan shall be approved by the Board of Zoning Adjustments. 11. A masonry wall shall be constructed along the west property line. The height of said wall shall be such that the top will be six (6) ft. above the highest ground surface with twenty (20) ft. of common property line. 12. No strucutres, other than those 'shown on the approved plot plan, shall be constructed within the project. 13. All applicable City Ordinances shall be complied with. 14. All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be screened from view and a plan designating such shall be submitted to the Board of Zoning Adjustments. 15. All signs shall be submitted to the Board of Zoning Adjust- ments for approval action. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Spencer, Lipps, Palin NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-82 Applicant: Ronald D. Tuffnell/Lusk Homes To permit courtyard walls pursuant to S.9104.5.1 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. The subject property is located southwest of Clay Avenue and Goldenwest Street in the R1-0 Low Density Residential District combined with oil production. Mr. Ronald Tuffnell, the applicant, addressed the Board and explained the request. The Board discussed the street tree planting plan with the applicant, and reviewed the setbacks as required by the Ordinance Code. A MOTION WAS MADE BY PALIN AND SECONDED BY LIPPS TO APPROVE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-82 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The applicant shall comply with S.9104.5.1 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. 2. The applicant shall submit an amended street tree planting plan indicating the location of the courtyard walls as covered by this application. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Spencer, Lipps, Palin- NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. -3- 9-13-72 BZA Minutes: H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, September 13, 1972 Page 4 CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 72-76 Applicant: John Bozanic To permit a four (4) ft. encroachment into the required ten (10) ft. rear yard setback (S. 9103.3 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code), in order to construct a room addition to an existing room located at 6462 Ringo Circle in the R1-Low Density Residential District. The hearing was opened to the audience. Mr. Bozoanic, the applicant, addressed the Board and submitted a floor plan of the existing and proposed dwelling. The Board discussed the overlap of the proposed building and the encroachment of the first and second floor of the structure. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. The Board discussed the hardship, open space, and the roof lines. A MOTION WAS MADE BY SPENCER AND SECONDED BY PALIN TO APPROVED CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 72-76 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. .The applicant shall submit revised plot plan, floor plan, and elevations to the Board of Zoning Adjustments. 2. All applicable City Ordinances shall be complied with. 3. The existing architecture and materials shall be carried through and copipatible with other models in the tract. AND FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. The property abuts permanent open space and is not a detrimental use. 2. Subject proposal conforms with S. 9104.2 of the Ordinance Code. 3. The open space exceeds the minimum requirements and the encroachment is for only a portion of the proposed addition. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Spencer, Palin NOES: Lipps THE MOTION CARRIED. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION N0. 72-79 Applicant: Kenneth Ray Ricks To permit a five (5) ft. encroachment into the required ten (10) ft. rear yard setback (S. 9103.3, of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code) in order to construct a room addition to an existing residence located on the west side of Manessa Circle 100 ft. north of Dana Drive in the R1 Low Density Residential District. The hearing was opened to she audience. -4- 9-13-72 BZA Minutes: 11. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, September 13, 1972 Page 5 Mr. Ricks, the applicant, addressed the Board and explained the request. The Board and the applicant discussed the use of the room, and the roofline and gable of the proposed -structure. It was noted that the same roof and building material should be used in construction of the addition. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY PALIN AND SECONDED BY SPENCER TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 72-79 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: 1. The applicant shall use the same building and roof material as on the existing structure. AND FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. The room addition satisfies a portion of the need for recreational purposes. 2. The room is to be added within an area essentially unusable as open space. 3. Subject proposal abuts commercial property. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Palin, Spencer NOES: Lipps THE MOTION CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-86 Applicant: Holzgang Company To permit the J. G. Holzgang Co, Inc. to manufacture hand blown and machine made glassware primarily for use in lighting fixtures and giftware. The property is located on the north side of Slater Avenue 496 ft. from intersection of Gothard Street. Mr. Holzgang, the applicant, addressed the Board and explained the complete layout and production of glass, furnaces, and various safety provisions. Mr. Bill Newton, representing the Fire Department, reviewed installation of fire walls with the applicant and recommended the gas insulation in the existing building be corrected. Mr. Holzgang and the Board continued discuss- ing the operation of the tanks for the production of glass, park- ing in relation to the shipping area, and landscaping along the front of the property. A MOTION WAS MADE BY PALIN AND SECONDED BY SPENCER TO APPROVE PHASE I OF ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-86 AS SHOWN ON THE PLOT PLAN WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The landscaping plan shall be submitted to the Board of Zoning Adjustments for approval action. 2. All applicable City Ordinances shall be complied with. -5- 9-13-72 BZA Minutes: H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, September 13, 1972 Page 6 3. This approval action is for Phase I of the approved plot plan. Therefore, at the time each subsequent phase is to be built, subject plans shall be submitted to the Board of Zoning Adjustments for review of the plans with regard to parking. ROLL CALL -VOTE: AYES: Spencer, Palin, Lipps NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. REVIEW: Special Event: Rummage Sale The Board reviewed a letter from Mrs. F. H. Shaver, 15051 Kingston Lane, Huntington Beach, reglYesting permission to conduct a rummage sale in the Market Basket shopping center located on Edinger Avenue and Sher Lane. It was a consensus of the Board to recommend approval of the rummage sale with the following condition: 1. The subject use shall not block vehicular and pedestrian traffic. SPECIAL EVENT PROCEDURE: The Board members were directed to review the special event letters they had recently received in order for a procedure to be established on the type of special events to be reviewed by the Board of Zoning Adjustments. REVIEW: A request for banners throught the Alpha Beta chain was reviewed by the Board. A MOTION WAS MADE BY PALIN AND SECONDED BY LIPPS TO APPROVE THE REQUEST FOR BANNERS WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The applicant shall comply with S. 9763.1. 2. Banners shall be approved for a period of 30 days only. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Spencer, Palin, Lipps NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. Charles P. Spencer Chairman James W. Palin Acting Secretary -6- 9-13-72 BZA