HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-09-20MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS Administrative Annex 523 Main Street Huntington Beach, Calif. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1972 - 1:15 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Spencer, McFarland, Palin None AGENDA ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED OR WITHDRAWN: USE PERMIT NO. 72-47 - Continued Applicant: Adrian 0. Hubbell To permit the construction of retail stores and business and professional offices as required by S.9472, 9472.1, and 9471.4 and is located 135 ft. northwest of Goldenwest Street and Edinger Avenue in the C4 Highway Commercial District. It was noted by the Board that the applicant had submitted a letter requesting a continuance to the October 25, 1972 meeting to revise his plot plans pursuant to the Board's request. A MOTION WAS MADE BY PALIN AND SECONDED BY SPENCER TO CONTINUE USE PERMIT NO. 72-47 TO THE OCTOBER 25, 1972 MEETING AT THE APPLICANT'S REQUEST. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McFarland, Spencer, Palin NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-85 Applicant: Harold D. McClard To permit the construction of a real estate office with facilities for parking. IN CONJUNCTION WITH DIVISION OF LAND NO. 72-27 Applicant: Harold D. McClard The creating of two lots from two existing lots by readjustment of property lines located on the southeast corner of Springdale Street and Bolsa Avenue. It was noted by the Board that the applicant had requested a con- tinuance to revise his plot plans to include all future structures and parking. A MOTION WAS MADE BY PALIN AND SECONDED BY SPENCER TO CONTINUE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-85 AND DIVISION OF LAND NO. 72-27 TO SEPTEMBER 27, 1972 AT THE APPLICANT'S REQUEST. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McFarland, Spencer, Palin NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. -1- 9/20/72 - BZA Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments September 20, 1972 Page 2 ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-73 - Continued Applicant: Golden West Partnership To permit an adjustment of the approved plot plan for parking requirements as per S.9106, which is located on the southwest corner of Clay and Goldenwest Avenue in the R1 Low Density Residence District. It was noted that the staff had contacted Baker Guthrie, a representative of the applicant and Mr. Guthrie had conformed with the requirement of the Planning Commission for additional parking on site for this flag lot. A MOTION WAS MADE BY PALIN AND SECONDED BY MCFARLAND TO APPROVE THE PARKING LAYOUT FOR LOT 38 FOR TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 7421 AS SUBMITTED. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McFarland, Spencer, Palin NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. USE PERMIT NO. 72-60 Applicant: Regent Enterprises To permit the construction of a light auto repair shop pursuant to S.9472.1 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code and is located on the southwest corner of Beach Boulevard and Utica Street in the C4 Highway Commercial District. The hearing was opened to the audience. Mr. George McCracken, representing the applicant, addressed the Board and explained the request. The conditions of approval were reviewed with the applicant and Ordinance Code requirements for parking and driveways. Signing, fencing and landscaping, were then discussed with the applicant. The Board went on to explain to Mr. McCracken that the only type of auto repair allowed in the C4 zone would be of a minor nature. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MCFARLAND AND SECONDED BY PALIN TO APPROVE USE PERMIT NO. 72-60 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The plot plan received September 5, 1972 shall be the approved layout. 2. Beach Boulevard and Utica Avenue shall be dedicated and fully improved to City and/or State standards at the time each parcel is developed. Improvements shall include street trees, street signs, street lights, fire hydrants, sewer and water main extensions. 3. Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water system. 4. Sewage disposal shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's sewage system. -2- 9/20/72 - BZA Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments September 20, 1972 Page 3 5. The water, sewer, and fire hydrant system shall be approved by the Department of Public Works and Fire Department. 6. The property shall participate in the local drainage assessment district. 7. Soil reports as required by the Building Department and the Department of Public Works shall be submitted to the City prior to issuance of building permits. 8. All utilities shall be installed underground. 9. Fire alarm system conduit and appurtenances shall be installed by the developer at locations and to specifications provided by the Fire Department. 10. Off-street parking facilities shall conform to Article 979. 11. Parking compounds shall be screened with a combination�of fencing and landscaping. Said plan shall be approved by the Board of Zoning Adjustments. 12. No structures other than those shown on the approved plot plan, shall be constructed within the project. 13. All applicable City Ordinances shall be complied with. 14. Reciprocal easements shall be provided on access and driveways over each of the two parcels. 15. Signing for the use shall be referred to the Board of Zoning Adjustments for approval action. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McFarland, Spencer, Palin NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 72-80 Applicant: Jim & Gloria Hemsley To permit an attached patio cover to encroach 3 ft. 6 in. into the required 5 ft. rear yard setback in lieu of S.9103.3.3 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. Subject property is located at 6902 Seaway Circle in the R1 Low Density Residence District. The hearing was opened to the audience. 1 Mrs. Hemsley, the applicant, addressed the Board and explained her request. Mr. Hemsley explained that the actual part of the encroachment was the support column for the patio and that the patio was built to create a sound buffer for the bedrooms off Goldenwest Street. Mrs. Hemsley further explained that the patio was already con- structed and she would have to remove the cement around the supporting column to comply with the code. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. -3- 9/20/72 - BZA Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments September 20, 1972 Page 4 A MOTION WAS MADE BY MCFARLAND AND SECONDED BY SPENCER TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 72-80 FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. The subject property is an irregularly shaped lot causing by a reduced rear yard and the house is within 12 ft. of the rear property line. 2. A noise problem is created by the close proximity to an arterial highway. 3. The patio structure has already been built and would require removal of the cement block around the supporting columns to conform to Code requirements. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McFarland, Spencer, Palin NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. USE PERMIT NO. 72-58 Applicant: William & Carol Ann Stapleton To permit the construction of a photo kiosk to be located within an existing shopping center pursuant to S.9472.1 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code and is located approximately 450 ft. east of the northeast corner of Magnolia Street and Atlanta Avenue in the C4 Highway Commercial District. The hearing was opened to the audience. Mrs. Stapleton, the applicant, addressed the Board and presented additional plans for her request. The Board reviewed the plans with the applicant and found the circulation patterns were in conflict with one another. It was suggested that the applicant integrate the same masonry materials into or around the proposed structure as were in the existing shopping center. The Board expressed a desire to have the plans reviewed by the City traffic engineer for circulation and driveways. Mrs. Stapleton stated that she would agree to a continuance for the aforementioned purpose. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY P:ALIN AND SECONDED BY SPENCER TO CONTINUE USE PERMIT NO. 72-58 TO SEPTEMBER 27, 1972 TO ALLOW THE CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER TIME TO REVIEW THE APPLICANT'S PLANS FOR CIRCULATION. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McFarland, Spencer, Palin NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. USE PERMIT NO. 72-57 Applicant: Lanny E. Ludwick To permit the construction of eight apartment units pursuant to S.9162.3.1 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code and is -4- 9/20/72 - BZA Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments September 20, 1972 Page 5 located on the west side of Florida Street approximately 225 ft. north of Garfield Avenue in the R2 Medium Density District. The hearing was opened to the audience. Mr. Ludwick, applicant, addressed the Board, explained his request, and presented elevation plans for the apartment units. The Board reviewed open space requirements with Mr. Ludwick and explained that a new code amendment would be in effect on October 5, 1972 which would entail new requirements. They further explained that the open space would be increased but that the balconies on the proposed apartments would be considered open space. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. The Board discussed the request, and decided they would need more detailed plans. A MOTION WAS MADE BY PALIN AND SECONDED BY SPENCER TO CONTINUE USE PERMIT NO. 72-57 TO OCTOBER 49 1972 TO ALLOW THE APPLICANT TIME TO SUBMIT MORE DETAILED PLANS. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McFarland, Spencer, Palin NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. USE PERMIT NO. 72-59 Applicant: Saul Sher To permit the construction of a storage room and to permit ex- pansion of an existing restaurant within an existing shopping center, which is located on the northeast corner of Edinger Avenue and Springdale Street in the C2 Community Business District. The hearing was opened to the audience. Mr. Sher, applicant, addressed the Board and explained the request. It was noted that because of the minor nature of the construction as opposed to the overall center, upgrading of the existing center would not be required. There being no further comment, the hearing was closed. The Board discussed the proposal and the City Attorney's opinion stating that amortization of improvements shall be defined by the value of the addition to the buildings in a center or on a parcel on a ratio for addition to existing structures. A MOTION WAS MADE BY PALIN AND SECONDED BY MCFARLAND TO APPROVE USE PERMIT NO. 72-59 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: 1. The applicant shall comply with all applicable City Ordinances. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McFarland, Spencer, Palin NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. -5- 9/20/72 - BZA Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments September 20, 1972 Page 6 ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-84 Applicant: Jesse T. Jones To permit the construction of an 8,856 sq. ft. building on Lot 21 Tract 7090 pursuant to S.9511 of the Ordinance Code which is located on the northeast corner of Research and Commerce Streets. Mrs. Jones, applicant, addressed the Board and explained the request. The Board suggested the applicant relocate the trash area to the northeast corner of the property and screen it from view. They further recommended a chain link fence be erected along the property line and screening of the parking area. A MOTION WAS MADE BY MCFARLAND AND SECONDED BY PALIN TO APPROVE ADMINISTRATIVE NO. 72-84 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The plot plan received September 7, 1972 shall be the approved plot plan. 2. All applicable conditions of approval for Tentative Tract Map No. 6948 for Final Map No. 7090 shall be complied with. 3. Soil reports as required by the Building Department and the Department of Public Works shall be submitted to the City prior to issuance of building permits. 4. All utilities shall be installed underground. 5. Off-street parking facilities shall conform to Article 979. 6. Parking compounds shall be screened with a combination of fencing and landscaping. Said plan shall be approved by the Board of Zoning Adjustments. 7. No structures, other than those shown on the approved plot plan shall be constructed within the project. 8. Elevations of the main structure shall be constructed as shown on the plans submitted to the Board of Zoning Adjustments. 9. Rooftop mechanical equipment shall be screened from view and a plan depicting such construction shall be submitted to the Board of Zoning Adjustments prior to issuance of building permits. 10. The applicant shall provide screening of the trash area. 11. All applicable City Ordinances shall be complied with. 12. If parking area is to be screened, a revised plan shall be submitted to the Board of Zoning Adjustments for approval on material of the wall. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McFarland, Spencer, Palin NOES: None THE MOTION CARRIED. MISCELLANEOUS: Special Events The Board discussed and established a procedure for special -6- 9/20/72 - BZA Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments September 20, 1972 Page 7 event request. The following is the new procedure: Until Code Amendment No. 72-16 has been adopted to establish a procedure for reviewing special events that the Board should only review those special events that pertain to the use of property and that all requests for house -to -house fund raising events be referred to the Police Department for review and recommendation. Also, the following recommendations will be made on special events in the future: 1. The Fire Department suggests that emergency vehicular access be provided around any carnival areas. 2. The Building Department requests that all operators be notified to obtain proper electrical permits. 3. Prior to issuance of a business license, there should be an inspection made of the site by the Fire, Building, and Public Works Departments for final approval of the layout and operation. The Board further suggested that ka the future, carnivals should be required to submit a plot plan delineating locations and uses proposed. SIGN REVIEW: The Chairman directed the Board to review sign permits concurrently with the review of the agenda prior to any formal action. THERE BEING NO FURTHER COMMENT, THE HEARING WAS CLOSED. James W. Palin Charles P. Spencer Acting Secretary Chairman -7- 9/20/72 - BZA