HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-09-26MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26. 1972 - Study Session COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Slates, Kerins, Porter, Wallin, Boyle, Higgins, Bazil COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None NOTE: A TAPE RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS ON FILE IN THE PLANNING CEPARTMENT OFFICE. MINUTES: It was noted that the July 5, 1972 minutes "election of officers" indicates that Mr. Kerins had been nominated as Vice Chairman. The minutes are to be corrected to indicate that Mr. Kerins was nominated as chairman. ON MOTION BY SLATES SECOND BY KERINS, THE COMMISSION MOVED TO ACCEPT THE JULY 5, 1972 MINUTES AS CORRECTED. VOTE: =-. Slates, Kerins, Porter, Wallin, Boyle, Higgins NOES: None ABSENT: Bazil FORMAT OF MINUTES: Commissioner Wallin requested that all subject headings be typed in capital letters and underscored. Commissioner Bazil arrived at 2:20 p.m. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 7495 - Extension of Time (Cont. 9/19/72) Subdivider! Siana.l Timt1mark 'Inn_ The request is to allow 960 Rl lots on 392 acres located south- west of the Huntington Beach boundary from Ellis Avenue, north- west to Bolsa Chica Street and north of the adopted route of — --- _ Pacific Coast Freeway_._ In Conjunction With DISCUSSION - PRELIMINARY PLAN OF BOLSA CHICA PREPARED BY SIGNAL PROPERTIES Mr. Harlow, Secretary informed the Commission that action on Tentative Tract No. 7495 had been continued to this meeting to allow for a review of Signal Oil Company Preliminary Master Plan of the Bolsa Chica area prior to an extension of time on the tentative tract map. Mr. Harlow stated that Mr George Stringer, Signal representative, and Mr. Charles Palmer, Huntington Beach School District, were present to address themdi:lves to the Staff comments which would be reviewed by Mr. Jere Murphy. Mr. Jere Murphy, Associate Planner, indicated to the Commission that the Staff had made the following observations and points of concern on the Signal Preliminary Master Plan for the Bolsa Chica area. Mr. Murphy stated that the M.W.D. utility corridor or switnhyard was not shown; that the commercial area should be enlarged to facilitate a regional shopping center; traffic study should be up -dated to incorporate all changes in the area; archaeological sites along the bluff should be shown and protected; a re-evaluation is needed of the location and configuration of parks within the plan; and an elementary school should be planned for the area south of Talbert Avenue, east of Springdale Street. -1- 9/26/72 PC SS ---- -- - - - Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, September 26, 1972 Page 2 Commissioner Kerins asked if the Commission should just look at the extension of time or consider the entire area at this time. Commission Slates questioned the configuration of the wildlife marsh. He indicated that the wildlife marsh is of key import tance and that the California Department of Fish and Game repre- en�atives-Piave- indicated thaX Pacific Coast-Higfif4Yy will stop -at Warner, Chairman Porter asked Mr. Stringer to comment. Mr. Stringer addressed the Commission and stated that much of the operating oil field would remain and that the plan before the Commission is a general plan; not a specific plan. He indicated that the decision to terminate Pacific Coast Highway may not be made for a period of years whereas the bluff is ready to develop. Mr. Stringer indicated that they are requesting an extension of one year on the map. Commissioner Kerins asked if the map assumes that the freeway will go through. Mr. Harlow indicated that the submitted map had been designed to apply with or without the freeway. ON MOTION BY KERINS SECOND BY BAZIL THE COMMISSION MOVED TO APPROVE THE EXTENSION OF ONE YEAR FOR TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 7495 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. All previous "Conditions of Approval" that are applicable shall be complied with. 2. The archaeological site is to be excavated in accordance with city requirements prior to development of the site. 3. All prospective purchasers of homes within 300 ft. of the MWD area are to be advised of MWD►s right of eminent domain. 4. Extension of time was approved on the R1 area of said map only. Commissioner Slates stated that too many questions were unresolved on this map and he would like a new map submitted. Mr. Stringer indicated that this is as good a map as Huntington Beach will ever see. Commissioner Kerins indicated that the Commission had worked a long time on the map. VOTE: AYES: Kerins, Porter, Wallin, Boyle, Higgins, Bazil NOES: Slates ABSENT: None ON MOTION BY BOYLE SECOND BY KERINS THE COMMISSION MOVED TO DIRECT THE STAFF TO ASSURE THAT THE SCHOOL DISTRICT BOUNDARIES DO NOT BISECT HOUSES ON FUTURE MAPS. V T AYES: Slates, Kerins, Porter, Wallin, Boyle, Higgins, Bazil NOES: None ABSENT: None In response to a question by Commissioner Kerins, Mr. Stringer indicated that an Environmental Impact Statement has been prepared. -2- 9/26/72 PC SS Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, September 26, 1972 Page 3 ON MOTION BY KERINS SECOND BY BOYLE THE COMMISSION MOVED TO REQUIRE THAT AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT BE PREPARED AND SUBMITTED TO THE CITY WITH ANY FUTURE DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE BOLSA CHICA AREA. Mr. Reynolds, Planning Director informed the Commission that there is a communication from the City Attorney's office indicating that a new ordinance is going before the Council relative to the requirement of environmental impact statements on all tentative tract maps. Chairman Porter asked if an environmental impact statement could be required without the enabling legislation. Mr. Willis Mevis, Deputy City Attorney, indicated that it could be required as a general condition. Commissioner Boyle indicated that the Commission could not single out one developer under the 14th amendment and with- drew his second to the motion. Commissioner Bazil seconded the motion because the area is of a unique nature. Commissioner Higgins asked if in clarification, the intent is to require an environmental impact statement on all future developments with the Bolsa Chica area. The chairman responded that that is the motion. VOTE: AYES: Slates, Kerins, Porter, Wallin,, Higgins, Bazil NOES: Boyle ABSENT: None Mr. Boyle indicated that the Commission is going about this improperly and that a general statement should be made first. DISCUSSION - LOCATION FOR MULTISTORY STRUCTURE Mr. Harlow, Secretary, informed the Commission that the need to establish an ordinance for multi -story development is a high priority and will be presented to the Commission in several phases because each phase is a complex subject and will require considerable study. He stated that the map which depicts areas of potential multi -story development is before the Commission to generate discussion that may lead to an amendment of the Master Plan and is not intended to be con- sidered as a staff recommendation on such area within the City. Mr. Harlow then requested that the Commission address itself to the question "Does the City want multi -story development?" It was a consensus of the Commission to allow multi -story developments in the City. The Chairman indicated that this item should be deferred until criteria is considered and further, that the Council has appointed an ad hoc High Rise Committee to work with the staff. Mr. Reynolds indicated that the staff would compile the infor- mation and the committee would react to the information. The chairman indicated that the staff should consider outside input. Mr. Reynolds indicated that the staff shouldn't act as.secre- tary to an ad -hoc citizens committee. -3- 9/26/72 PC Ss Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, September 26, 1972 Page 4 Mr. Jack Horn addressed the Commission. Mr. Horn was appointed by the City Council to the High Rise Committee. He indicated to the Commission that he was in attendance in order to find out what his role is to be. The chairman directed the staff to prepare seven maps indicating the multi -story areas for the High Rise Committee's review. Mr. Jerry Saunders, a member of the High Rise Committee indicated that he concurred with Ken Reynolds that the Committee should meet with the Commission and offer input. Commissioner Wallin indicated that we had to be concerned with open space. Commissioner Boyle indicated that another concern is population and density. Mr. Harlow is to present a complete package on the multi -story question to the Planning Commission for their consideration. REPORT FROM ENVIRONMENTAL COUNCIL AND THE RECREATION AND PARK COMMISSION REGARDING INTERIM OPEN SPACE PLAN The Planning Commission discussed the proposal. ON MOTION BY BOYLE SECOND BY KERINS THE COMMISSION MOVED TO INCLUDE THREE CHANGES IN THE ENVIRONMENTAL COUNCIL'S REPORT WHICH WOULD BE ADDED TO THE INTERIM OPEN SPACE REPORT. 1. Definition of open space. 2. Reword oxygen supply. 3. Change proposed to existing freeways. VOTE: AYES: Slates, Kerins, Porter, Wallin, Higgins, Bazil, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: None The -.chairman directed the staff to prepare a highlights' pre- sentation on the interim open space plan for the public hearing. DISCUSSION - OCEAN ORIENTED APARTMENT STANDARDS Jim Palin, Associate Planner, outlined the staff report and problems the staff feels should be resolved to facilitate the administration of apartment standards. He stated that the staffs intent is to reduce the complexity of standards by applying one set of "development standards".for the entire City. Commissioner Kerins indicated that this is appropriate and that the proposal be brought to the Planning Commission at a study session. Further, that the proposal is to exclude the townlot area. Commissioner Wallin asked why the townlot area should be excluded. Mr. Palin indicated the area should be excluded because of the land -use intensity system and the comprehensive study that has been made for the townlot area. ON MOTION BE SLATES SECOND BY KERINS THE COMMISSION DIRECTED THE STAFF TO PROCEED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE INTENT OF THE STAFF REPORT. -4- 9/26/72 PC SS Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, September 26, 1972 Page 5 Commissioner Kerins indicated that Los Angeles County has upgraded apartment standards to suppress noise. , The chairman directed that a noise factor provision be included in the apartment standards. VOTE: : AYES: Slates, Kerins, Porter, Wallin, Higgins, Bazil, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: None DISCUSSION - ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT Mr. Jere Murphy, Associate Planner, submitted a memorandum prepared by the Planning Department concerning the environmental impact statements and indicated that the staff would like the Planning Commission to offer comments at this time. The chairman indicated that the City Atto rney's office has prepared an ordinance on environmental impact statement requirements with reference to S. 65801 for City Council consideration. Commissioner Wallin asked if a developer could be required to post a bond for an environmental impact statement. The Staff would use the bond to retain a consultant if the applicant does not. Mr. Mevis mentioned a proposed ordinance by the Atto rney's office with reference to Public Resources Code Section 21100. Mr. Reynolds, Planning Director, indicated that the evaluation of an environmental impact statement is an important area to be considered. Mr. Mevis indicated that the Mammoth case used the phrase "significant impact" and asked how this can be determined without an environmental impact statement. Commissioner Kerins indicated that the phrase "non -trivial" was used in a Los Angeles Times editorial. ON MOTION BY BOYLE SECOND BY PORTER THE COMMISSION MOVED TO REQUIRE AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT ON ALL TENTATIVE TRACTS. Commissioner Boyle stated that this is inconsistent as the Bolsa Chica is the only area to be considered for an environ- mental impact statement. Mr. Bazil concurred that this would be inconsistent. Commissioner Higgins stated that the Commission shouldn't single out tentative tracts. VOTE: AYES: Slates, Kerins, Porter, Wallin, Higgins, Boyle NOES: Bazil ABSENT: None MISCELLANEOUS WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS DISTRIBUTED (1) Project 21 letter; (2) California Regional Water Quality Control Board letter; and (3) Huntington Beach High School District letter. STUDY - STREET REALIGNMENT AND TRAFFIC STUDY - CIVIC CENTER AR] Commissioner Bazil discussed the residential streets that flow into the civic center area and discussed the possibility of -5- 9/26/72 PC SS Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, September 26, 1972 Page 6 cul-de-sating them. ON MOTION BY BAZIL SECOND BY SLATES THE COMMISSION MOVED TO DIRECT THE STAFF TO PREPARE A PRECISE PLAN OF STREET ALIGN- MENT TO CUL-DE-SAC THE STREETS LEADING INTO THE CIVIC CENTER AND TO INCLUDE AN EXIT ONLY FOR THE ALLEYS IN THAT AREA. VOTE: AYES: Slates, Kerins, Porter, Wallin, Higgins, Boyle, Bazil NOES: None ABSENT: None Commissioner Bazil indicated that there was a need to research the inflow of traffic at 17th Street and Main Street and , possibly to create a turnaround street. ON MOTION BY BAZIL SECOND BY BOYLE THE COMMISSION MOVED TO DIRECT THE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT TO CONDUCT A TRAFFIC STUDY IN AND AROUND THE RESIDENTIAL AREAS ADJACENT TO THE CIVIC CENTER. VOTE: AYES: Slates, Kerins, Porter, Wallin, Higgins, Boyle, Bazil NOES: None ABSENT: None EDISON EXPANSION Commissioner Wallin asked that the staff keep a file on the pros and cons of the expansion of the Edison plant on Pacific Coast Highway. Commissioner Slates indicated that the Orange County Air Pollution Control District has stated that the Edison plant meets Rule 67 and that Edison will prepare an environmental impact statement. Mr. Mevis indicated that the Public: Utilities Commission required Edison to file an environmental impact statement. BOLSA CHICA DEVELOPMENT PLAN Commissioner Wallin asked if the staff is going to review the Bolsa Chica Preliminary Master Plan and whether the staff is going to react to the proposal. Mr. Reynolds indicated that it is too early to get into details on the plan and that it is Signal's responsibility to propose the necessary regional centers and traffic studies. It was noted that Signal has a report on rile that discusses the Bolsa Chica area. ON MOTION BY BOYLE SECOND BY KERINLS THE COMMISSION DIRECTED THE STAFF TO ATTEMPT TO OBTAIN A COPY OF THE $200,000 ENVIRON- MENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT ON THE BOLS)A CHICA AREA FROM SIGNAL AND THAT'THIS REPORT BE MADE AVAILABLE TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. VOTE' AYES: Slates, Kerins, Porter, Wallin, Higgins, Boyle, Bazil NOES: None ABSENT: None THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, THE MEETING ADJOURNED AT 5:38 P.M. GC . K. A. Reynolds Secretary M. M. Porter Chairman -6- 9/26/72 PC SS