HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-01-09MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California' TUESDAY, JANUARY 91 1973 - 1:30 P.M. STUDY SESSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Kerir.s, Porter, Wallin, Boyle, Higgins COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Bazil NOTE: A TAPE RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS ON FILE IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OFFICE. OPEN SPACE PLAN . Mr. Fred Ritter, Planning Department, introduced the Open Space Plan, stating that the deadline for adoption established by State law is June 30, 1973. The Interim Plan was,adopted by the Planning Commission as Master Plan Amendment No. 72-6 on October 3, 1972 and by the City Council on November 6, 1972. Phase I of the Open Space Plan added designations for vistas, areas on the bluffs and natural areas within Bolsa Bay. Phase II updates the Master Plan for Open Space, Parks, Schools and Recreation. A map designating open spaces was pro- vided each Commissioner. Phase I when completed was forwarded to the appropriate: State Agency. That phase is now being implemented into the master plan element. Special studies which have been reviewed and where appropriate, the Dillingham Report on Bolsa Bay (three volumes) and the Archaeological Research, Inc. study and map are being incorporated into the plan. These reports are available for Commission review. Vu-graphs were used in the presentation. Commissioner Kerins felt the symbol for open space on -the map should be more precise. It was explained by Mr. Ritter that the map designations are symbols only and -that the report itself clarifies the symbols. There was discussion concerning the use of symbol designations by Mr. Ken Reynolds, Planning Director, and the need for�non-specific location designation to preclude the requirement for the city of purchasing specific sites. Chairman Porter suggested using section district°maps for more precise locations, possibly cross -hatching such locations as the beach front. Mr. Ritter stated that environmental impact reports have been reviewed and pertinent information has-been in- corporated into the plan. Items covered.in the report include topography, physical characteristics of,each site, existing and proposed park locations, -archaeological and historical sites, trails element, zoning and existing land use, the City's long range capital improvements program as it relates to mair.tenance,,design, landscaping, conservation and ecology and compatibility with policy as to when to develop, and so forth. Mr. Ritter reviewed total acreage of the various elements. Total parks acquired is 370 ac. plus 54 ac.,leased, 400 ac. of beaches, 230 ac. golf courses - totalling 7 ac.;per 1000 of existing population. In addition there is.such secondary open space as,Edison right,of way,'flood control channels, and Huntington Harbour waterways, -totalling 1600 acres. Further there will be a'530 ac.-wildlife refuge in the Bolsa Bay area, 350 ac. along the,bluff lines, 300 ac. proposed parks not yet acquired. School sites and other types of :open space such as -streets - 1 " , PC 1 1/9/73 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission January 9, 1973 and ocean area are not included in these figures. Other open space not in the city but located nearby include the Sunset Aquatic Park, Mile Square park, Santa Ana_ River trail, Anaheim Bay and other regional facilities. Commissioner Wallin inquired as to whether alternate methods of acquisition of property for open space have been investigated. Mr. Ritter used as an example the acquisition of the midden and grove of trees being pre- served through efforts of the city in the area of the pending development at Ellis, Talbert and Newland Streets. Commissioner Wallin inquired if it wa' possible to zone areas as archaeological sites. Mr. Reynolds stated that here is a good history of preserving historical sites through zoning controls but that fee ownership is really the best protection of archaeological sites. There was discussion of requiring dedication of develop- ment rights as a means of preserving archaeological sites. Mr. Reynolds stated that he didn't see any way to zone open space without the city buying it. Mrs. Wallin inquired if other cities had been contacted to see what they are doing. Mr. Ritter stated that nearby cities are exchanging open space plans. The Acting Secretary, Jim Palin, stated that no action is required by the Commission at this time concerning the Open Space Plan. The symbols, maps, and open space element will be brought back to the Commission once again prior to setting a public hearing. Mr. Ritter stated that the staff is working concurrently on the Conservation Element of the Master Plan. PRELIMINARY HOUSING PLAN Mrs. Maureen Wild, Planning Department, introduced the Preliminary Housing Plan and gave an overview of the text. Vu-graphs were used in the presentation. Follow- ing review by Mrs. Wild, Commission discussed the Plan. Commissioner Boyle felt the report should address itself to the percentage of residents within the City who can afford to purchase new housing presently being constructed within the City. Inasmuch as the staff recommends that problems in the area of housing within the City be addressed through the Orange County Housing Authority, Commissioner Wallin sug- gested that Dr. Henry S. Kaufman, a member of the Orange County Housing Authority, be invited to address the Com- mission to discuss the Housing Authority and the progress being made. Mr. Ken Reynolds, Planning Director, suggested that a recent report by the Bank of America would help answer Commissioner Boyle's question concerning the percentage of population who can afford to purchase new housing. Commissioner Kerins suggested that the first sentence of the section on Conclusions, Page 2, be reworded. Com- missioner Boyle asked that his comments be included. Commissioners complimented Mrs. Wild on her presentation. 2 PC 1/9/73 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission January 9, 1973 AREA "B" MASTER PLAN Mr. Ron Brown, Planning Department, reviewed Study Area "B" of the Master Plan of Land Use, using maps and vu-graphs. Special attention was devoted to the area of Beach and Taylor discussing various alternatives with regard to industrial zoning, the school and park sites and freeway possible alignment. The Acting Secretary stated that with reference to this particular section, as requested by the Commission on December 19, City Engineer Bill Hartge has written to the property owner in the area with reference to temporary access to certain landlocked properties being considered for possible industrial development. To date, Mr. Hartge has not had a response to his inquiry. ON MOTION BY WALLIN SECOND BY BOYLE, THE PREFERRED CON- FIGURATION OF THE AREA NORTH OF TAYLOR, SOUTH OF TALBERT AND WEST OF BEACH BLVD. IS THAT THE TEN ACRE SCHOOL SITE BE LOCATED EASTERLY OF THE PRESENT LOCATION AND THE 2-1/2 ACRE PARK SITE BE LOCATED WESTERLY OF THE SCHOOL SITE, BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Kerins, Porter, Wallin, Boyle, Higgins NOES: None ABSENT: Bazil There was a lengthy discussion of the affect of the Route 39 Freeway in its presently adopted alignment, the proposed realignment to the west of Beach Boulevard, its terminus, on and off rams and other factors. A Vu-graph of Study Area 4-D Alternate, the lower portion of the Central Industrial SVidy was discussed. It was determined that Study Area "B", as presented with the modifications in the area of Beach, Talbert and Taylor, was tentatively established and should be tabled at this time. Staff should pproceed with Study Area "D". Further, the study requested by Mr. Robert Zinngrabe of the area bounded by Florida, Delaware, Garfield and Main Streets be considered prior to finalization of the Study Area. DISCUSSION - GOLF COURSE STUDY Discussion concerning the establishment of special desig- nations in the master plan for such special uses as golf courses and airports was discussed. A copy of a memo- randum from the Assistant City Attorney discussing irrevocable land use designations was reviewed. Commissioner Kerins stated that it was not the intent of the Commission that such designations be irrevocable and requested that attention be given to special designations for such uses. FOLLOWING DISCUSSION, ON MOTION BY KERINS, SECOND BY BOYLE, STAFF WAS DIRECTED TO PREPARE A CODE AMENDMENT ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL RECREATIONAL DISTRICT DESIGNATION OR ZONE, BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Kerins, Porter, Wallin, Boyle, Higgins NOES: None ABSENT: Bazil After January 15, 1973 meeting of the City Council with the Study Committee on Meadowlark Airport, the Commission will consider the establishment of a special zone desig- nation for airports, depending on whether or not the need for such special designation still exists. - 3 - PC 1/9/73 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission January 9, 1973 MISCELLANEOUS Zone Case No. 72-47 and Tentative Tract No. 8197 Staff was directed to inform the developer that the Planning Commission is in the process of rezoning and recommends to the developer that he withdraw his appli- cations. Commission further directed that in the event of the withdrawal of the applications, filing fees be refunded to the developer. ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-151 DIVISION OF LAND NO. 72-43 The Acting Secretary stated that the Board of Zoning Ad- justments has reviewed this proposal to establish an auto- mobile dismantling yard on the south side of Talbert Avenue, west of Beach Blvd. The Board of Zoning Adjustments has de- ferred action on the matter to allow an opportunity for the Planning Commission to review the plan should the Commission desire to do so. The Acting Secretary reviewed the proposal. It was the con- sensus of the Commission that the particular location is less than ideal for a dismantling yard xid requested staff to pursue another location for the proposed operation with the applicant. Staff was requested to obtain an opinion from the City Attorney relative to requiring a use permit for the storage portion of the proposed operation. Ad- ditional information from the applicant was requested in- cluding the length of time vehicles are stored, whether the applicant operates any other similar facilities and other information which would be helpful in evaluating the project. ON MOTION BY BOYLE SECOND BY WALLIN, THE BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS WAS REQUESTED TO REFER ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-151 TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE FEBRUARY 69 1973 MEETING, BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Kerins, Porter, Wallin, Boyle, Higgins NOES: None ABSENT: Bazil Commissioner Kerins was excused and left the meeting at 5:30 P. M. Commissioner Wallin requested a staff report on January 23, 1973 as to the feasibility of applying the M1-A zone to parcels along Talbert Avenue. The Acting Secretary stated that a report and map of arterials will be prepared, extending the study to Gothard and Golden - west, and indicating the existing Civic District -Suffix along these arterial highways. VALLEY CONSULTANTS - MASTER PLAN STUDY AREA _"B" There being no one present from Valley Consultants to discuss the letter received, the letter was received for file. Staff was directed to notify Valley Consultants when -the study area is scheduled for public hearing. PETALUMA ORDINANCE Staff was directed to obtain information from the City of Petaluma concerning development and population growth controls. 4 - PC 1/9/73 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission January 9, 1973 SHERATON BEACH INN LEASE NEGOTIATIONS Pursuant to an inquiry by the Commission as to the status of the Sherpton lease negotiations, a memorandum from the Planning Director was distributed to Commissioners outlining the status of negotiations. ON MOTION BY BOYLE SECOND BY HIGGINS, THE MEETING AD- JOURNED AT 6:25 P.M. BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Porter, Wallin, Boyle, Higgins NOES: None ABSENT: Bazil, Kerins , Z' -�'' , /1-,- 2 Reynolds Secretary - 5 - Marcus or er Chairman 0 PC 1/9/73