HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-01-16MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California JANUARY 16, 1973 - 7:00 P.M. - REGULAR MEETING COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Geiger, Bazil, Kerins, Porter, Wallin, Boyle Higgins NOTE: A TAPE RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS ON FILE IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OFFICE. CITY CLERK PAUL C. JONES ADMINISTERED THE OATH OF OFFICE TO MR. WILLIAM GEIGER, NEWLY APPOINTED MEMBER OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION. ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES ON MOTION BY KERINS SECOND BY WALLIN, MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF DECEMBER 5, 1972 AND DECEMBER 12, 1972 WERE ACCEPTED AS TRANSCRIBED, BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Kerins! Porter, Wallin, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: Higgins AGENDA ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED OR WITHDRAWN TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 8039 (Cont. from 12/5/72) In conjunction with USE PERMIT NO. 72-64 (Cont. from 12/5/72) Subdivider: Huntington Harbour Corp. Tentative Tract No. 8039 covers two lots, 186 units on 11.626 acres of land located 300 ft. north of Warner Avenue and 300 ft. northeast -of Pacific Coast Highway. Use Permit No. 72-64 is to allow the construction of a planned resi- dential development in the R2 Medium Density Residential District and R3 Medium High Density Residential District. The property is Master Planned Medium High Density. ON MOTION BY BOYLE, SECOND BY KERINS, TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 8039 AND USE PERMIT NO. 72-64 WERE CONTINUED TO FEBRUARY 219 1973 WITH THE CONCURRENCE OF THE APPLICANT, BY THE FOLLOW- ING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Kerins, Porter, Wallin, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: Higgins TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 8040 (Cont. from 12/5/72) Subdivider: La Solana Corp. Tentative Tract No. 8040 covers 129 lots on 46.12 acres of land located 300 ft. northeast of Pacific Coast Highway and approximately 700 ft. north of Warner Avenue. The property is zoned R1 and Master Planned Low Density. ON MOTION BY BOYLE, SECOND BY WALLIN, TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 8040 WAS CONTINUED TO FEBRUARY 21, 1973 WITH THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: - l - PC 1/16/73 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission January 16, 1973 AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Kerins, Porter, Wallin, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: Higgins TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 8139 (Cont. from 12/5/72) Subdivider: Robert Stellrecht Tentative Tract No. 8139 covers 19 lots on 4.76 acres of land located north of Talbert Avenue, 1320 ft. west of Beach Boulevard. The property is zoned R2 and Master Planned Medium Density. ON MOTION BY BOYLE SECOND BY WALLIN, TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 8139 WAS CONTINUED TO MARCH 6, 1973 WITH THE CONCURRENCE OF THE APPLICANT, BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Kerins, Porter, Wallin, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: Higgins ZONE CASE NO. 72-38 (Cont. from 12/19/72) Applicant: Donald E. Goodell Zone Case No. 72-38 is a prezone on 6.2 acres of land from Al General Agricultural District to C2 Community Business District with a 50 ft. setback from the ultimate right of way line on property located east of Bolsa Chica Street, 523 ft. south of Los Patos. The property is located out- side the city limits. The reason given by the applicant for the request is to convert an underground command head- quarters into a restaurant and bar. The feeling is that this would be of historical value and an asset to attract customers. The Acting Secretary, Mr. Jim Palin, stated that a letter has been received from the applicant requesting that the zone case be tabled indefinitely to allow the applicant to prepare an environmental impact statement. Mr. Palin stated that the appplicant has verbally requested a continuance to April 17, 1973. Mr. Darrell Boyer, representing the applicant was present. Commissioner Kerins stated that he doesn't want the appli- cant to spend money for an environmental impact statement, if it is the consensus of the commission that proposed pro- ject would not be favorably considered. Mr. Kerins sug- gested that the Commission discuss the matter further at a study session to be held January 30, 1973. The Acting Secretary stated that no public hearing or re- view by the Planning Commission has been conducted on the study of the Bolsa Chica area and the plan for arterial highways. Commissioner Bazil agreed that if there was some opposition to the proposed use, it should be resolved. The Acting Secretary stated that there were a number of studies the Planning Commission will have to look at before the Signal Corporation can proceed with their development in the Bolsa Chica area. ON MOTION BY BOYLE SECOND BY BAZIL, ZONE CASE NO. 72-38 WAS CONTINUED TO APRIL 17, 1973 WITH THE CONCURRENCE OF THE APPLICANT, BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: - 2 - PC 1/16/73 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission January 16, 1973 AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Kerins, Porter, Wallin, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: Higgins The Acting Secretary was directed to inform the applicant that the Planning Commission will discuss studies relative to development of the area at a study session to be held January 30, 1973, and that if the applicant proceeds with the preparation of an environmental impact statement prior to that date, it is at his own risk. MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 72-7 (Cont. from 12/19/72) In conjunction with ZONE CASE NO. 72-39 (Cont. from 12/19/72) Applicant: Huntington Beach Co. Zone Case No. 72-39 is a request for a change on approxi- mately 90 acres of land from R1-0, R3-0, R4-0, R1-01, R3-01, and R4-01 combined with oil production to R2-PD-0 and R2-PD-01 Medium Residential District Planned Development Suffix combined with oil production. The Master Plan for consideration, initiated by the Planning Commission, would change the Master Plan from Low -High Density to Medium Density Residential District. The Acting Secretary stated that the City Council, at a meeting held January 15, 1973, did not reinstate Exclusion No. 14, (Exclusion from requirement to submit an environ- mental impact statement). A letter has been reqquested from the Huntington Beach Company concurring with a 60 day con- tinuance to allow the preparation of an environmental impact statement. The latter has not yet been received. The staff recommends a continuance at this time to March 20, 1973 subject to receipt of a letter of concurrence from the applicant. ON MOTION BY KERINS SECOND BY WALLIN MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 72-7 AND ZONE CASE NO. 72-39 WERE CONTINUED TO MARCH 209 1973 SUBJECT TO RECEIPT OF A LETTER OF CONCURRENCE FROM THE APPLICANT, BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Kerins, Porter, Wallin, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: Higgins TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 7743 (Cont. from 1/3/73) In conjunction with USE PERMIT NO. 72-82 Applicant: J.M.C. Construction Company Tentative Tract No. 7743 covers 16 lots, 15 units on 2.616 acres of,land located west of Marina View Drive, north of Los Patos, southeast of Warner Avenue. Use Permit No. 72-82 is to permit a planned residential development. The property is zoned R1 and Master Planned Low Density. The Acting Secretary stated that the applicant has submitted a letter requesting a continuance to February 6, 1973. The staff concurs with the request. ON MOTION BY BAZIL SECOND BY BOYLE, TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 7743 AND USE PERMIT NO. 72-82 WERE CONTINUED TO FEB- RUARY 6, 1973 AT THE REQUEST OF THE APPLICANT, BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Kerins, Porter, Wallin, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: Higgins - 3 - PC 1/16/73 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission January 16, 1973 The Acting Secretary was directed by the Chairman to re- mind the applicant of the recommendations of the Subdivision Committee. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 8192 Subdivider: Classic Development Corporation Tentative Tract No. 8192 is a request for a multiple family development on 28 lots, 8.93 acres of land located south of Ellis Avenue, between Huntington and Delaware Streets. The Acting Secretary stated that a letter has been re- ceived from the applicant requesting withdrawal of Tent- ative Tract No. 8192. ON MOTION BY BOYLE SECOND BY KERINS, WITHDRAWAL OF TEN- TATIVE TRACT NO. 8192 AT THE REQUEST OF THE APPLICANT WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Kerins, Porter, Wallin, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: Higgins TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 7771 In conjunction with USE PERMIT NO. 72-91 Subdivider: Meadow Homes No. 12 Tentative Tract No. 7771 covers 158 units on 29.3 acres of land located at the northwest corner of Newland and Ellis. Use Permit No. 72-91 is to permit development of a single family Planned Residential development in the RI-PD Zone. The Acting Secretary stated that a letter has been re- ceived from the applicant requesting a continuance to allow the 30 day public input period on the environmental impact report. ON MOTION BY KERINS SECOND BY BOYLE, TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 7771 AND USE PERMIT NO. 72-91 WERE CONTINUED TO FEBRUARY 6, 1973 AT THE REQUEST OF THE APPLICANT, BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Kerins, Porter, Wallin, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: Higgins For the information of those persons in the audience, the Acting Secretary stated that plans for the development are available for examination in the Planning Department office and the environmental impact report is on file in the City Clerk's office. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 8197 Subdivider: Covington Brothers Tentative Tract No. 8197 covers 4-plexes on 22 lots on 6.5 acres of land located north of Taylor Avenue, 791 ft. west of Beach Boulevard. The property is zoned RA and the Master Plan use is undesignated. The Acting Secretary stated that this property is within the area the Planning Commission discussed at the study session on January 9, 1973. The Commission directed the staff to request the applicant to withdraw the appli- cation. The applicant has submitted a letter requesting - 4 - PC 1/16/73 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission January 16, 1973 withdrawal of Zone Case No. 72-47 and Tentative Tract No. 8197, and refund of fees paid. Commissioner Bazil inquired as to whether the school district has been contacted to determine their continued need for the school site in the area. The Acting Secretary stated that Norm Worthy, Director of Recreation and Parks, reported at the Subdivision Committee meeting that the school district does require the site to accommodate students on the west side of Beach Boulevard. ON MOTION BY WALLIN SECOND BY BOYLE, WITHDRAWAL OF TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 8197 WAS APPROVED AND REFUND OF FEES TO THE APPLI- CANT WAS AUTHORIZED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Kerins, Porter, Wallins, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: Higgins TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 5419 Subdivider: Signal Landmark CorRoration Tentative Tract No. 5419 covers a private adult community and commercial development on 122 acres of land, one com- mercial lot and nine residential lots located at the north- east corner of Atlanta Avenue and Newland Street. The Acting Secretary stated that the developer had requested an extension of time. The staff has discussed the filing of a new use permit to include the ten acre school site. Assistant City Attorney Willis Mevis stated that if the requested extension of time is not granted, the applicant will have to file a new map. ON MOTION BY KERINS SECOND BY BOYLE, AN EXTENSION OF TIME ON TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 5419 WAS GRANTED, NOT TO EXCEED 120 DAYS OR UNTIL A NEW USE PERMIT IS FILED, WHICHEVER IS SOONER, BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Kerins, Porter, Wallin, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: Higgins ZONE CASE NO. 72-48 Applicant: Daniel/Webb Construction Company, Inc. Zone Case No. 72-48 is a request for a change of zone on 4 lots, 3.58 acres of land from R5 Office Professional District to R1-PD Low Density Residential District (Planned Development). The property is located on the south side of Holland Drive approximately 260 ft. east of Beach Boulevard. The property is Master --Planned Office/Commercial. The Acting Secretary stated that the zone case was inadvertent- ly scheduled for public hearing before the master plan amend- ment was initiated. The staff recommends continuance to allow the zone case to be heard concurrently with the master plan amendment. ON MOTION BY BOYLE SECOND BY BAZIL, ZONE CASE NO. 72-48 WAS CONTINUED TO FEBRUARY 6, 1973 TO BE HEARD CONCURRENTLY WITH THE MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT, BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Kerins, Porter, Wallin, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: Higgins - 5 - PC 1/16/73 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission January 16, 1973 CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 72-18 (Cont. from 1/3/73) In conjunction with DIVISION OF LAND NO. 72-42 Applicant: Kenneth K. Rogers Conditional Exception No. 72-18 and Division of Land No. 72-42 covers a redivision of three 60 ft. wide lots to three 50 ft. lots. The reason given by the applicant for the request is that the dedication of 30 ft. on Warner Avenue destroys the usefulness of one lot. The division enables a profitable use of the land. The Acting Secretary stated that a continuance is requested to allow the submission of a revised plot plan. ON MOTION BY KERINS SECOND BY BAZIL, CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 72-18 AND DIVISION OF LAND NO. 72-42 WERE CONTINUED TO FEBRUARY 6, 1973 AT THE REQUEST OF THE APPLICANT, BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Kerins, Porter, Wallin, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: Higgins REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS FOR ACTION: MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 72-9 Initiated by the Huntington Beach Planning Commission In conjunction with TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 4419 Subdivider: Robert Stellrecht Tentative Tract No. 4419 covers 27 lots on 5.5 acres of land. Master Plan Amendment No. 72-9 is a change from Institutional Use (designated as a church site) to Low Density Residential District. The property is located on the west side of Spring- dale Street, 295.24 ft. south of Heil Avenue. The Acting Secretary stated that the City Council met on January 15, 1973 to consider the recommendations of the Airport Committee regarding Meadowlark Airport and Golf Course, however no decision was made by the Council. A vu-graph of the property was shown. Mr. Ron Winterburn, Valley Consultants, representing the subdivider on Tentative Tract No. 4419 was present. Mr. Winterburn stated that there was no problem with the escrow on the property at this time. ON MOTION BY KERINS SECOND BY BOYLE, TENTATIVE TRACT NO., 4419 AND MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 72-9 WERE CONTINUED TO FEBRUARY 21, 1973 BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Kerins, Porter, Wallin, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: Higgins Staff was directed to transmit a letter to the City Council requesting a decision on the question of Meadowlark Airport and Golf Course and, if the recommendations of the Airport Committee are implemented, whether the property covered by Tentative Tract No. 4419 would be acquired by the city or county to preserve a clear zone under the flight paths. - 6 - PC 1/16/73 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission January 16, 1973 ZONE CASE NO. 72-44 (Cont. from 1/3/73) Applicant: Mark C. Bloome Company Zone Case No. 72-44 is a request for a change of zone on 2.05 acres of land from C4 Highway Commercial District to R3 Medium High Density Residential District located on the north side of Ellis Avenue, 348 ft. west of Beach Boulevard. The property is Master Planned medium/ high density. Commissioner Boyle stated that he had reviewed the tape recording of the January 3, 1973 meeting and was prepared to vote on the question. A vu-graph of the property was shown. Commissioner Wallin raised a question concerning the present actual zone of the property and it appears that there is an error in the publication of C4; that in fact, the property is presently zoned RA. ON MOTION BY BAZIL SECOND BY KERINS, ZONE CASE NO. 72-44 WAS CONTINUED TO FEBRUARY 69 1973 AND STAFF WAS DIRECTED TO READVERTISE THE ZONE CASE IF IT IS FOUND THAT THE PROPERTY IS PRESENTLY ZONED RA, BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Kerins, Porter, Wallin, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: Higgins CODE AMENDMENT NO. 72-29 - FIRST DRAFT Code Amendment No. 72-29 proposes to delete oil operations in the Al Agricultural District as a permitted use because this use no longer applies in the Al District and to delete the prohibition of produce stalling stands in the Al Agri- cultural District because of the conflict with Section 9730.15 which permits agricultural stands subject to the criteria provided therein and the approval of an adminis- trative review application by the Board of Zoning Adjust- ments. The Chairman opened the public hearing on Code Amendment No. 72-29. There being no one present t4 speak, either for or against, the chairman closed the public hearing. ON MOTION BY KERINS SECOND BY BOYLE CODE AMENDMENT NO. 72-29 WAS ADOPTED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Kerins, Porter, Wallin, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: Higgins Commissioner Kerins inquired of Mr. Dan McFarland, Building Department, as to the city's policy on agri- cultural truck sales. Mr. McFarland explained the present procedure of issuing business licenses for this type sales. A discussion followed concerning the undesirability of this type sales activity and the weakness of the present codes in regulating this type operation along street rights of way and on vacant property. - 7 - PC 1/16/73 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission January 16, 1973 ON MOTION BY KERINS SECOND BY BAZIL, STAFF WAS DIRECTED TO PREPARE A COMMUNICATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL TO ACCOMPANY THE TRANSMITTAL OF CODE AMENDMENT NO. 72-29 BRINGING THE PROBLEM AS OUTLINED BY MR. MCFARLAND TO THE ATTENTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL, BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Kerins, Porter, Wallin, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: Higgins Mr. McFarland will prepare a report for the Council's information. CODE AMENDMENT NO. 72-31 First Draft The Purpose of Code Amendment No. 72-31 is to amend Article 984 from a Use Permit Proecedure to a Conditional Use Permit Procedure for approval of planned residential developments. The Acting Secretary stated that there was a meeting with the City Attorney concerning the legality of allowing ex- ceptions under the use permit procedure. The City AttornepIs office will prepare an opinion. The intent and purpose of the code amendment was to be redrafted and this has not been completed. The staff recommends the public hearing be opened and continued to February 6, 1973. ON MOTION BY BOYLE SECOND BY WALLIN, CODE AMENDMENT NO. 72-31 WAS CONTINUED TO FEBRUARY 6, 1973 BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Kerins, Porter, Wallin, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: Higgins DISCUSSION Steverson Brothers Metal Salvage Yard 18062 Gothard Street A letter has been received from Steverson Brothers Metal Salvage Yard requesting an office addition of 336 sq. ft. to a non -conforming salvage yard in the M1-CD District. The yard presently operates under County Use Variance No. 3154 approved August 28, 1965. A vu-graph of the site was shown. The Acting Secretary stated that the plans have been sub- mitted and that the Planning Commission must make a finding that the proposed addition does not e2,ceed 10% of the floor area and that it enhances the area. The Chairman stated that he was reluctant to approve any addition until the existing operation is cleaned up and certain improvements made. Mr. Joe Steverson, applicant, was present. Following discussion, the Acting Secretary suggested a committee of the Commission be appointed to make an on site inspection and meet with the applicant to review the proposal and possible addition of fencing and landscaping to the present operation. Commissioners Bazil, Boyle and Wallin and staff members Dan McFarland, Jim Palin and Bob Vasquez will meet with the applicant as suggested by the Acting Secretary. 8 - PC 1/16/73 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission January 16, 1973 CODE AMENDMENT NO. 72-32 - Unclassified Uses, First Draft Code Amendment No. 72-32 proposes to establish a pro- cedure to authorize certain uses that possess unique characteristics and special form as to make impractical their being included automatically within any classes of use as set forth in the various districts. The draft was reviewed and a number of amendments were suggested by the Commission because it was felt that as drafted, the code amendment was too permissive. Staff will amend the document and have a second draft available for Commission review on January 30, 1973. MISCELLANEOUS Planning Commission Goals - 1973 The listing of Planning Commission Goals for 1973 was submitted.to the Planning Commission with an estimate of the completion date by staff. The Planning Commission Committee on Goals and Objectives will meet January 21, 1973 to review the status of the various projects. Resolution No. 1105 ON MOTION BY KERINS SECOND BY BOYLE PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1105, A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 72-10 WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Kerins, NOES: None ABSTAIN: Geiger ABSENT: Higgins Porter, Wallin, Boyle It was requested that in the future resolutions the location of the property be set forth. Huntington Arbour Mobile Home Park i Chairman Porter requested a copy of the conditions of the Use Permit for the Huntington Arbour Mobilehome Park. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 7850 - Huntington Harbour Corporation Commissioner Wallin will prepare a draft of a letter to be forwarded to the Corps of Engineers from the Planning Commission requesting a complete environmental impact statement on the Huntington Harbour area. Cul-de-sac - Pine and Park Streets Commissioner Bazil inquired of the City Engineer the status of the cul-de-sacing of Pine and Park Streets. Mr. Bill Hartge, City Engineer, reported that these streets are a part of a study area and the study is not yet complete. Mr. Hartge indicated that it would be possible to isolate these two streets from the study and bring back a report in the near future. - 9 - PC 1/16/73 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission January 16, 1973 Building Department Presentation to Planning Commission Mr. Dan McFarland will prepare a short presentation for the Commission on the Building Department activities to be presented in the near future. Bank of America - Atlanta/Beach Chairman Porter requested copies of the Conditional Ex- ception conditions of approval and minute action on the Bank of America, Atlanta and Beach. Light Standards - North side of Adams Avenue and east of Newland treet Chairman Porter asked for a feasibility report, including cost, on mounting lamps on the high tension poles on the north side of Adams Avenue east of Newland Street. ON MOTION BY BOYLE SECOND BY BAZIL, THE MEETING WAS AD- JOURNED AT 11:00 P.M. TO A STUDY SESSION TO BE HELD AT 7:00 P.M., JANUARY 23, 1973 BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Kerins, Porter, Wallin, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: Higgins Reynolds' Marcus M. Porter Secretary Chairman . - 10 - PC 1/16/73