HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-02-211 MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1973 - 7 P.M. - REGULAR MEETING COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Bazil, Porter, Wallin, Boyle COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Geiger, Kerins, Higgins NOTE: A TAPE RECORDNING OF THIS MEETING IS ON FILE IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OFFICE. MINUTES: ON MOTION BY WALLIN SECOND BY BOYLE, MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 9, 16 AND 23, 1973 MEETINGS WERE APPROVED AS TRANSCRIBED, BY THE FOLLOW- ING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Porter, Wallin, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: Geiger, Kerins, Higgins ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED, WITHDRAWN OR TIME EXTENSION - CONSFNT CALENDAR ON MOTION BY BOYLE SECOND BY WALLIN, THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WERE APPROVED AS RECOMMENDED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Porter, Wallin, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: Geiger, Kerins, Higgins CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 73-5 - EXXON CO. Continued to March 6, 1973 with the concurrence of the applicant. ZONE CASE NO. 73-3 pglicant: Covington Bros. Withdrawn at the request of the applicant with refund of the filing fee authorized. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 8039 in conjunction with USE PERMIT N0. 72-64 Applicant,Huntington Harbour Corp. Continued to March 6, 1973 with the concurrence of the applicant. 1. PC 2/21/73 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Wednesday, February 21, 1973 " x` Page 2 TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 8040 Applicant: La S61ana Corp. Continued to March 6, 1973 with the concurrence,of,the applicant. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 8183 Applicant: Covington Bros. Continued to March 20, 1973 at the request of the applicant. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 7771 (Continued from 2/6/73) in conjunction with USE PERMIT NO. 7Z-91 (Continued from 2/6/73) Applicant: Meadow Homes No. 12, %Alpine Civil Engineers The Acting Secretary, Mr. Jim Palin, stated that Commission has received copies of the recommendations from the Environmental Review Board, Recreation and Parks Commission and Environmental Council. A vu-graph of the property was shown and a plan of the development was posted. In response to a question by Comiissioner Wallin, the Acting Sec- retary stated that an environmental impact report will be required on the extension of Newland St -meet. City Engineer Bill Hartge reported that it will be necessary to remove some trees at the time Newland Street is extended. Survey and aerial work has been done but no precise determination on the alignment has been made at this time. He stated that because of the topography, there is very little latitude on the alignment. Newland Street is scheduled as an Arterial Highway Financing Program project during 1973, and the project will be funded coop- eratively with Fountian Valley. Mr. Hart"ge stated that the tenta- tive tract can proceed at this time and the street alignment can be determined at a later date.' Commissioner Wallin inquired as to whether Fountain Valley has made a commitment on the purchase of park'property in the area. Staff was asked to get this information. The Chairman opened the public hearing onsUse:Permi No. 72-91. Mr. Tom Shelton, Alpine Civil Engineers, was present and stated that the economics Iof°the project -was basod'on'the city of Hunting- 1 2• PC 2/21/73 Minutes: II.B. Planning Commission Wednesday, I�ebruary 21, 1973 Page 3 ton Beach purchasing the 2-1/2 to 3-1/2 acre area including the archaeological site and the trees. It was Mr. Shelton's feeling that the City Council had made a commitment to make this purchase. Mr. Shelton explained the proposed grading operation and the amount of soil to be redistributed. Mr. Jerry Shea, a local resident, addressed the Commission and, raised questions concerning possible liability of the city in connection with inverse condemnation and severence damages in the proposed requirement for public access and dedication of the tree and midden area. Assistant City Attorney Willis Mevis stated that whether or not a possible liability exists depends on who owns the property and the Acting Secretary Jim Palin stated that there has not been a determination as to the ownership at this time. Mr. Russ Walker, a resident in the area, addressed the Commission and raised numerous questions concerning the environmental aspects particularly with regard to drainage problems that would be created in the area of Talbert and Hartlund Streets and Talbert and Gulf Lane, the location of fire pits to adjacent dwellings and type of fencing materials. City Engineer Bill Hartge stated that drainage problems do exist and will be compounded by the proposed development. Through the collection of drainage fees on the proposed project and future development in the downstream area, these problems will eventually be corrected but he was unable to give an estimate as to how long it might take to complete a drainage system in the downstream area that will fully solve the drainage problems in the area. Mr. Rubin Dobkins, owner of the property, addressed the Commission speaking in favor of the proposed project. There being no one further present to speak, the Chairman closed the public hearing. ON MOTION BY BAZIL SECOND BY BOYLE, TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 7771 WAS APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS AS AMENDED AS FOLLOWS BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: 1. Tentative Tract Map received January 23, 1973 shall be the approved layout. 2. A masonry block wall shall be constructed along the north and west property lines at a point north of Kiner Avenue. Fencing material along the west property line south of Kiner shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission prior to the recordation of a map on Phase 2. 3. PC 2/21/73 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission, Wednesday, February 21, 1973 Page 4 3. all applicable provisions of Article 931 shall be complied with. 4, a detailed plan for landscaping berm along Ellis Avenue and Newland Street shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for review and approval action. 5. The building elevations shall comply with the plans presented to the Planning Commission for review at the February 21 meet- ing. 6. The total number of votes allocated to rental units in the Homeownership Association shall not exceed 49% of the total vote of the Association. 7. The parking compound on Newland Street shall be revised to afford parallel parking within a modified street section. Such area shall provide a minimum of 10 parking spaces. 8. Leaf fall from the presentved eucalyptus trees shall be left undisturbed if possible. 9.' All exterior walls of the units constructed within Phase 2 bordering Ellis Avenue shall be soundproofed with an insula- tion approved by the Huntington Beach Building Department. Special attention shall be given the earthen berm and type and placement of landscaping to buffer the noise levels. Attic and roof vents shall be placed on the sides of the houses away from the highway. 10. Any and all modifications to the original landscape plan and/ or tree removal shall be presented to the Recreation and Parks Commission for recommendation to the Planning Commission. 11. Fencing shall be placed around the midden area during con- struction. 12. That area south of the "midden area" (Lots 98 thru 153) shall not be developed, with exception of grading, until an agree- ment is reached regarding the method of constructing major drainage facilities for this area. 13. The CC&R's shall contain a requirement that permanent main- tenance of the proposed identification sign such as letter replacement shall be provided by the homeowners association upon request by the city. 14. The final Subdivision report shall contain a provision to inform prospective buyers of the units that a portion of Tract No. 7771 is within the adopted alignment of the Route 39 Freeway, and of the problems within the Ocean View School District overcrowding which is expected to be resolved when the saturation reaches a point necessitating construction of School Site 010. 4. PC 2/21/73 1 1 1 1 1 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Wednesday, February 21, 1973 Page 5 15. The bluff and midden areas shall be retained in its natural state with all tree removal, modification or change of grade requiring prior approval of the City of Huntington Beach. To accomplish this the development rights shall be dedicated to the City with access easements over the trail system to the midden area. 16. A determination of public access to the archaeological site shall be resolved prior to recordation of the final tract map. 17. A revised plot plan shall be submitted amending the location or removing the fire pit from along the west property line. 18. The extension of Newland Avenue shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission prior to street construction. 19. All conditions of the standard conditions of approval for tentative maps dated May 23, 1972, that are applicalbe shall be complied with. AYES: Bazil, Porter, Wallin, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: Geiger, Kerins, Higgins ON MOTION BY WALLIN SECOND BY BAZIL, USE PERMIT NO. 72=91 WAS APPROVED SUBJECT TO ALL CONDITIONS AS AMENDED IMPOSED ON TENTATIVE TRACT N0.7771 BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, NOES: None ABSENT: Geiger, Porter, Wallin, Boyle Kerins, Higgins TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 4419 (Continued from 1/16/73) Subdivider: Robert Stellrecht Tentative Tract No. 4419 is a request for 27 lots on 5.5 acres located 295.24 ft. south of Heil Avenue, west of Springdale Street. The property is zoned R1 and'Master Planned Institutional Use - Designated as a church site. Mr. Ron Winterburn, representing the applicant, was present to answer any questions. The Chairman noted that the existing wall bordering the proposed tract on the north and south is in a deteriorating condition. Following discussion, the recommended conditions of approval were amended to include a requirement for a 6 ft. high block wall to be constructed on the north and south property line of the tract. S. PC 2/21/73 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Wednesday, February 21, 1973 Page 6 ON MOTION BY BOYLE SECOND BY BAZIL, TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 4419 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING AMENDED CONDITIONS BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: 1. The tentative map received November 10, 1972 shall be the approved layout. 2. All standard conditions of approval for tentative tracts that are applicable shall be complied with. 3. The concrete wall bordering the proposed tract along Spring- dale Street shall have the same architectural treatment as the exterior walls bordering the tracts to the north and south. 4. A six foot high block wall shall be constructed on the north and south property line of the tract. AYES: Bazil, Porter, Wallin, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: Geiger, Kerins, Higgins MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 72-9 Initiated by the Planning Commission Master Plan Amendment No. 72-9 proposes a change from Institutional Use (Church) to Low Density Residential on 5.5 acres located 295.24 ft. south of Heil Avenue, west of Springdale Street. The Chairman opened the public hearing on Master Plan Amendment No. 72-9. Commissioner Wallin stated that because of the institutional desig- nation being made as the result of a specific request, she no longer objects to the proposed change since the residential designation relates better to the surrounding community. There being no one present to speak, the Chairman closed the public hearing on Master Plan Amendment No. 72-9. There being a Mr. Kurt Stack, 16571 Greenview Lane, Huntington Beach, present representing Meadowlark Homeowners Association and desiring to address the Commission, the Chairman reopened the public hearing on Master Plan Amendment No. 72-9. Mr. Kurt Stack, representing Meadowlark Homeowners Association, addressed the Commission speaking in favor of Master Plan Amend- ment No. 72-9. Mr. Ron iVinterburn, representing the applicant on Tentative Tract No. 4419 was present to answer any Questions. 6. PC 2/21/73 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Wednesday, February 21, 1973 Page 7 The Chairman closed the public hearing on Master Plan Amend- ment No. 72-9. ON MOTION BY BAZIL SECOND BY BOYLE, MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 72-9 WAS APPROVED FOR THE REASON THAT THE CHANGE CONFORMS WITH THE EXISTING ZONING AND THE PROPOSED USE OF THE PROPERTY, BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Porter, Wallin, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: Geiger, Kerins, Higgins Commission directed that the transmittal to -the City Council on Master Plan Amendment No. 72-9 reflect the fact that the master plan designation of institutional use was the result of a specific conditional exception and that in the opinion of the Planning Commission, the airport does not have a significant effect on the proposed development. RESCHEDULE AGENDA ITEMS Staff was directed to reschedule the following items to a future study session, possibly on February 27, 1973: 1. Work Program - Bolsa Chica Master Plan - Discussion 2. Existing Conflicts Between Zoning and Master Plan Study Areas "A", "B" and "C" - Discussion 3. Work Program and Area Maps - Master Plan Study Area "D" Discussion MISCELLANEOUS ON MOTION BY BOYLE SECOND BY BAZIL A DRAFT OF A TRANSMITTAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL REQUESTING ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING FURTHER STUDIES OF THE DELETED ROUTE 1 FREEWAY WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Porter, Wallin, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: Geiger, Kerins, Higgins RESOLUTION NO. 1109 ON MOTION BY BOYLE SECOND BY BAZIL, RESOLUTION NO. 1109, A RESOLU- TION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 73-1, WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: 7. PC 2/21/73 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Wednesday, February 21, 1973 Page 8 AYES: Bazil, Porter, Wallin, Boyle NOES: Lone ABSENT: Geiger, Kerins, Higgins RESOLUTION NO. 1110 A MOTION WAS MADE BY BOYLE SECOND BY BAZIL TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 1110 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 73-2. THE MOTION FAILED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Porter, Boyle NOES: Wallin ABSENT: Geiger, Kerins, Higgins Staff was directed to place Resolution No. 1110 on the next regular agenda. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS TOPPER'S RESTAURANT - SIGN Mr. Lawrence A. Mason, Topper's Restaurant, was present and addressed the Commission concerning the revocation of a sign permit to allow erection of a pole sign. The issuance of the building permit has been challenged by Commissioner Wallin, Mr. Mason requested to know the basis for the challenge. Commissioner Wallin stated that she had challenged the issuance because it had taken place prior to receiving approval action on an administrative review application. Mr. Jerry Shea, representing the landlord, addressed the Commission stating that all legal requirements had been met and that the sign permit is not conditioned upon approval action on an administrative review. Mr. Gunnar Johnson, Huntington Beach Company architect for the landlord, addressed the Commission and gave information concerning the sign. Following discussion Mr. Mason agreed to lower the sign to 18 feet in height. Following further discussion, it was deter."Abed by the Commission that to lower the sign to 18 ft. would be undesirable considering the size and design of the sign. 8. PC 2/21/73 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Wednesday, February 21, 1973 Page 9 ON MOTION BY BAZIL SECOND BY PORTER, COMMISSION DIRECTED THE DIRECTOR OF BUILDING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TO ISSUE THE SIGN PERMIT, BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Porter, Boyle NOES: None ABSTAIN: Wallin ABSENT: Geiger, Kerins, Higgins CIVIC DISTRICT SUFFIX The Chairman directed the staff to prepare a proposal for a Civic District Suffix on the area of Pacific Coast Highway from Highway 39 northerly to either dity limits or Main Street, which- ever is determined to be advisable. PROPOSED HIGH RISE DEVELOPMENT Messrs. Oscar Taylor, Orange Coast Specialties; Arch Coutris, Balboa Structural Industries, Inc.; and George R. Graves, archi- tect, displayed plans and discussed a 17-story project proposed for construction on Pacific Coast Highway between 9th and loth Streets. The presentation was for information only and no action was taken. COMMISSIONER BOYLE EXCUSED FROM MEETING Commissioner Boyle requested that he be excused from attendance at the February 27, 1973 study session. ADJOURN AT 11:55 P.M. ON MOTION BY BOYLE SECOND BY BAZIL, COMMISSION ADJOURNED TO A STUDY SESSION WITH THE CITY COUNCIL AT 7:00 P.M., FEBRUARY 26, 1973 IN THE ADMINISTRATIVE ANNEX AND TO A STUDY SESSION AT 1:30 P.M. FEBRUARY 27, 1973 BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Porter, Wallin, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: Geiger, Kerins, Boyle K.A. Reynolds Marcus R. Porte Secretary Chairman 9. PC 2/21/73