HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-04-11MINUTES IIIJNITTNGTON BEACII BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMI?NTS A(lministi-ative 1nne\ 525 Main Street Huntington Beach, Californi.3 ��E!)N[iSllAY, APRIL 11, 1973 - 1:15 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Spencer, Gerarden, Eadie BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: None MINUTES: ON MOTION BY GERARDEN AND SECOND BY SPENCER, MINUTES WERE ACCEPTED FOR SEPTEMBER 27, OCTOBER 25, NOVEMBER 1, 8, 15, DECEMBER 6, 20, 1972, JANUARY 10, 31, AND FEBRUARY 28, 1973 WITH THE FOLLOWING AMENDMENTS BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL 1. January 31, 1973, page 11, ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-13, second line of first paragraph should reflect correct spelling of "circle". 2. February 28, 1973 minutes should be amended to reflect Eadie as Board Member rather than Palin. AYES: Spencer, Gerarden, Eadie NOES: None ABSENT: None AGENDA ITEMS CONTINUED: ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-44 - Continued Applicant: Shell Oil Company 18, VOTE: To permit installation of an In -Bay Car Wash and Storage Room within an existing service station pursuant to 9481.4(2) of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, located on the south- west corner of Brookhurst and Adams. The Acting Secretary stated that applicant had requested a continuance on his application in order to negotiate with the adjacent property owner for a possible parking agreement. ON MOTION BY EADIE AND SECOND BY SPENCER ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-44 WAS CONTINUED TO APRIL 25, 1973 BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Spencer, Gerarden, Eadie NOES: None ABSENT: None ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-56 - Continued Applicant: J. A. Stewart Construction Co., Inc. To permit the construction of two (2) industrial buildings pursuant to S. 9511 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code located on the southwest corner of McFadden Ave. and Producer Lane in a 100-M1-A-20,000 District. The Acting Secretary stated that applicant requested con- tinuance pending a request for exemption declaration before the Environmental Review Board. The applicant is also required to submit revised plans. ON MOTION BY EADIE AND SECOND BY SPENCER ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-56 WAS CONTINUED TO MAY 2; 1973 BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Spencer, Gerarden, Eadie NOES: None ABSENT: None Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, April 18, 1973 Page 2 USE PERMIT NO. 73-25 Applicant: Fox -Stanley Photo Products The Acting Secretary stated that a letter from applicant requesting continuance had been received. ON MOTION BY EADIE AND SECOND BY GERARDEN USE PERMIT NO. 73-25 WAS CONTINUED TO APRIL 18, 1973 BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Spencer, Gerarden, Eadie NOES: None ABSENT: None USE PERMIT NO. 73-27 Applicant: Bruno J. Bernauer To permit the construction of a 14 unit apartment building pursuant to S. 9202.3.1.3 of the Ordinance Code, located on the west side of Green Street approximately 130 ft. north of Warner Avenue in the R3 Medium High Density Residential District. The Acting Secretary stated that applicant requested con- tinuance pending request for exemption declaration before the Environmental Review Board. ON MOTION BY EADIE AND SECOND BY SPENCER USE PERMIT NO. 73-27 WAS CONTINUED TO MAY 2, 1973 BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Spencer, Gerarden, Eadie NOES: None ABSENT: None ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-60 Applicant: Peter J. Scalzo and Joseph J. LaParle To permit the construction of industrial buildings pursuant to S. 9530 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code, located on the southeast corner of Gothard St. and Cedar Ave. The Acting Secretary stated that applicant requested con- tinuance pending a request for exemption declaration before the Environmental Review Board. ON MOTION BY EADIE AND SECOND BY SPENCER ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-60 WAS CONTINUED TO MAY 2, 1973 BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Spencer, Gerarden, Eadie NOES: None ABSENT: None ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-28 - Continued Applicant: Bill Houle To permit the construction of 2 apartment units on the rear of an existing lot containing a single family residence pur- suant to S. 9231.6 of the Ordinance Code, located at the southwest corner of 8th Street and Olive Avenue in the R4 High Density Residential District. John King, representing the applicant, was present. -2- 4/11/73 - BZA Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, April 11, 1973 Page 3 The Board reviewed the revised plans. The Acting Secretary stated that the plan met code requirements. The Conditions of Approval were discussed. The Acting Secretary stated that architecture of the proposed plans does not exhibit progressive design characteristics. Board discussion followed. ON MOTION BY SPENCER AND SECOND BY GERARDEN ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-28 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS. 1. The revised plot plan received April 5, 1973 shall be the approved layout. 2. 8th and Olive and alley shall be dedicated to City standards at the time each parcel is developed. 3. Elevations of the proposed plan shall be as sub- mitted to the Board of Zoning Adjustments and dated received 4/5/73. Right side and rear elevation windows to receive wood trim to match facia. 4. The water, sewer, and fire hydrant system shall be approved by the Department of Public Works and Fire Department. 5. Soil reports as required by the Building Department and the Department of Public Works shall be submitted to the City. B. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION:, 1. 8th and Olive and alley shall be fully improved - including street trees, street signs, street lights, fire hydrants, sewer and water main extensions. Such improvement shall include the removal of the -existing curb cut and drive approach on -Olive St. 2. All utilities shall be installed underground. 3. Off-street parking facilities shall conform to Article 979. 4. There shall be no new fence, structure or landscaping constructed or maintained over 3-1/2 feet high within a 10 ft. by 10 ft. triangular area at the intersection of driveways and streets or within a 25-ft. by 25 ft. triangular area at the intersection -of streets. C. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: 1. Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water supply system. 2. Sewage disposal shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's sewage system. 3. Easements for utilities or walkways shall be pro- vided to Department of Public Works standards. 4. The property shall participate in the local drainage assessment district. S. No structures, other than those shown on the approved plot plan, shall be constructed within the project. 6. All applicable City Ordinances shall be complied with. -71- '' /77 '117Q Minutes: If. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, April 11, 1973 Page 4 AYES: Spencer, Gerarden, Eadie NOES: None ABSENT: None USE PERMIT NO. 73-24 - Continued Applicant: Robbi Bailor To permit the sale of recreational vehicles pursuant to S. 9472 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. In Conjunction With ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-47 - Continued Applicant: Robbi Bailor To permit the outdoor display of recreational vehicles located on the northwest corner of Holt Street and Beach Boulevard in the C4 Highway Commercial District. The meeting was opened to public hearing. Robbi Bailor, the applicant, was present. Revised plans submitted April 6, 1973 were discussed. Mr. Bailor stated that he is unable to utilize one area of the building, and the possibility of filing a Conditional Exception application was discussed. Mr. Gerarden stated that Sec. 9432.3(c) of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code should be complied with. Signing was discussed. Mr. Gerarden stated that sign copy for a pole sign and one wall sign was in conformance with all regulations. He pointed out that the application states pole sign is to be in landscaped area. The Board.reviewed the pro- posed pole and wall sign and approved.the signs. The Conditions of Approval were discussed. The Public Hearing was closed. ON MOTION BY GERARDEN AND SECOND BY SPENCER USE PERMIT NO. 73-24 AND ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-47 WERE APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: 1. The revised plan received April 6, 1973 shall be the approved layout. 2. Beach and Holt shall be dedicated to City and State standards at the time each parcel is developed. 3. S. 9432.3(c) shall be complied with. B. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FRAMING INSPECTION: 1. A landscaping plan shall be submitted to the Board of Zoning Adjustments for review and approval action. 2. All signs for the proposed development shall be sub- mitted to the BZA for approval. Signs shall reflect a common theme with respect to design materials and colors which are compatible with the architectural theme of the proposed project. 3. Parking compounds shall be screened with a combination of fencing and landscaping. Said plan shall be sub- mitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. Fencing and landscape plans shall include the following information: -4- 4/11/73 - BZA Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, April 11, 1973 Page 5 B. 3. a. A list including quantities and sizes for each species of plants and all ground cover material. b. Irrigation layout to include meter location, pipe sizes, sprinkler head types, etc. c. Fencing materials and detail drawing. C. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION: 1. Beach and Holt shall be fully improved including street trees, street signs, street lights, fire hydrants, sewer and water main extensions. 2. All utilities shall be installed underground. 3. Off-street parking facilities shall conform to Article 979. 4. There shall be no fence, structure or landscaping constructed or maintained over 3 1/2 feet high within a 10 ft. by 10 ft. triangular area at the intersection of driveways and streets or within a 25 ft. by 25 ft. triangular area at the inter- section of streets. 5. A lighting system shall be installed within the project equal in illumination to lighting on public streets. D. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: 1. Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water supply system. 2. Sewage disposal shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's sewage system. 3. Easements for utilities or walkways shall be pro- vided to Department of Public Works standards. 4. The prpperty shall participate in the local drainage assessment district. S. No structures, other than those shown on the approved plot plan, shall be constructed within the project. 6. All applicable City Ordinances shall be complied with. AYES: Spencer, Gerarden, Eadie NOES: None ABSENT: None USE PERMIT NO. 73-26 Applicant: Joe Evans To permit the addition of a den to one apartment unit of a 27 unit apartment development under construction located on the north side of Heil Avenue approximately 300 ft. east of Algonquin Street in the R2 Medium Density Residential District. The hearing was open to the public. The applicant was not present. The Board discussed the Conditions of Approval. The public hearing was closed. -5- 4/11/73 - BZA Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, April 11, 1973 Pa g,e 6 ON MOTION BY EAD I li AND SECOND BY SPENCER USE' I' LA011 T NO. 7 3 - 2 6 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND BY 'rn- FOLLOW- ING ROLL CALL VOTE: 1. All conditions of Use Permit No. 72-62 shall be complied with. 2. Architectural treatment of the addition shall be the same as the development. 3. All applicable City Ordinances shall be complied with. 4. Plot plan dated March 22 shall be the approved layout. AYES: Spencer, Gerarden, Eadie NOES: None ABSENT: None ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-55 Applicant: B. G. Williams To permit the construction of two (2) two unit -apartment complexes pursuant to S. 9161.2 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code lo- cated on the southeast corner of 15th Street and Acacia Ave. Mr. B. G. Williams, applicant, was present. There was a discussion about dedication. Plot Plan dated March 21, 1973 was approved as amended. Conditions of approval were discussed. ON MOTION BY EADIE AND SECOND BY SPENCER ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-55 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: 1. The plot plan received March 21, 1973 shall be the approved layout as amended. 2. 15th St. and Acacia Ave. and alley shall be dedicated to City standards at the time each parcel is developed. 3. The water, sewer, and fire hydrant system shall be approved by the Department of Public Works and Fire Department. 4. Soil reports as required by the B•silding Department and the Department of Public Works shall be submitted to the City. B. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FRAMING INSPECTION. 1. Fire alarm system conduit and appurtenances shall be installed by the developer at locations and to speci- fications provided by the Fire Department. C. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION: 1. 15th, Acacia, and alley shall be fully improved including street trees, street signs, street lights, fire hydrants, sewer and water main extensions. 2. All utilities shall be installed underground. 3. Off-street parking facilities shall conform to Article 979. 4. There shall be no fence, structure or landscaping con- structed or maintained over 3 1/2 feet high within a 10 ft. by 10 ft. triangular area at the intersection of driveways and streets or within a 25 ft. by 25 ft. triangular area at the intersection of streets. -6- 4/11/73 - BZA Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, April 11, 1973 Page 7 D. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: 1. Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water supply system. 2. Sewage disposal shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's sewage system. , 3. Easements for utilities or walkways shall be pro- vided to Department of Public Works standards. 4. The property shall participate in the local drainage assessment district. 5. No structures, other than those shown on the approved plot plan, shall be constructed within the project. 6. All applicable City Ordinances shall be complied with. AYES: Spencer, Gerarden, Eadie NOES: None ABSENT: None ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-58 Applicant: B. G. Williams To permit the construction of a 2 unit apartment unit pursuant to S. 9161.2 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code, located on the southwest corner of 15th St. and Acacia Avenue in an R2 medium density residential district. The applicant, Mr. B. G. Williams, was present. The Chairman stated that dedication had been made by the property owner across the alley of the above described property. The Conditions of Approval were discussed. ON MOTION BY GERARDEN AND SECOND BY SPENCER ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-58 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: 1. The plot plan received 3/21/73 shall be the approved layout as amended. 2. 15th, Acacia, and alley shall be dedicated to City standards at the time each parcel is, developed. 3. The water, sewer, and fire hydrant system shall be approved by the Department of Public Works and Fire Department. 4. Soil reports as required by the Building Department and the Department of Public Works shall be sub- mitted to the City. B. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FRAMING INSPECTION: 1. Fire alarm system conduit and appurtenances shall be installed by the developer at locations and to specifications provided by the Fire Department. C. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION: 1. 15th, Acacia, and alley shall be fully improved including street trees, street signs, street lights, fire hydrants, sewer and water main extensions. -7- 4/11/73 - BZA Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, April 11, 1973 Page 8 C. 2. All utilities shall be installed underground. 3. Off-street parking facilities shall conform to Article 979. 4. There shall be no fence, structure or landscaping con- structed or maintained over 3 1/2 feet high within a 10 ft. by 10 ft. triangular area at the intersection of driveways and streets or within a 25 ft. by 25 ft. tri- angular area at the intersection of streets. D. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: 1. Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water supply system. 2. Sewage disposal shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's sewage system. 3. Easements for utilities or walkways shall be provided to Department of Public Works standards. 4. The property shall participate in the local drainage assessment district. S. No structures, other than those shown on the approved plot plan, shall be constructed within the project. 6. All applicable City Ordinances shall be complied with. AYES: Spencer, Gerarden, Eadie NOES: None ABSENT: None ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-61 Applicant: El -Don Development, Inc. To permit the construction of a four (4) unit apartment building in an R3 Medium High Density Residential District pursuant to S. 9201.2 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code, located on the east side of 19th St. approximately 100 ft. south of Orange Ave. Mr. Larry Russell and Mr. Richard Donner, representing the applicant, were present. The Board stated that a plan check revealed open space 168 sq. ft. short in area, not counting sidewalks that go through the open space. They further stated"that the plan provides six off-street parking spaces where seven spaces are required. It was suggested that the application be continued so that applicant could work with the City Building Department on changing plans to meet the code requirements. Fencing was discussed, and it was stated that the architect could contact either the Planning Department or Building Department for assistance. It was stated that revised plans showing the trash collection area and corrections as discussed should -be submitted by Friday, April 13, 1973 to the Planning Department for discussion. ON MOTION BY GERARDEN AND SECOND BY EADIE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-61 WAS CONTINUED TO APRIL 18, 1973 FOR REVISED PLANS TO BE SUBMITTED REFLECTING THE FOLLOWING CHANGES AND BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: 1. Direct access to private open space for Unit #1. 2. Redistribution of active recreation area. 3. Resolve the shortness of parking. 4. Show trash area. -8- 4/11/73 - BZA Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, April 11, 1973 Page 9 AYES: Spencer, Gerarden, Eadie NOES: None ABSENT: None ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-62 Applicant: William Sterling Buck To permit the construction of a 4 unit apartment building in an R3 Medium High Density Residential District, pursuant to S. 9201.2 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code, located on the west side of 18th St. approximately 100 ft. north of Olive Ave. Mr. G. Yanik, representative of the applicant, and Mr. Wm. Buck, applicant, were present. The Board reviewed the plans. It was stated that the plan would have to come back to Planning Department to show usage of recreation area. The Conditions of Approval were dis- cussed and it was stated that prior to issuance of building permits precise plans have to be submitted on the open area. ON MOTION BY GERARDEN AND SECOND BY SPENCER ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-62 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: 1. A revised Plot Plan indicating active use of open space in rear shall be submitted to the Planning Department for approval. Such plan shall indicate enclosure with lawn furniture, tot lot, or similar treatment. 2. 18th St. and alley shall be dedicated to City standards at the time each parcel is developed. 3. Elevations of the proposed plan as submitted to the Board of Zoning Adjustments for review and approval action on April 3, 1973 are approved.. 4. The water, sewer, and fire hydrant system shall be approved by the Department of Public Works and Fire Department. 5. Soil reports as required by the Building Department and the Department of Public Works shall be sub- mitted to the City. B. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION: 1. 18th St. and alley shall be fully improved including street trees, street signs, street lights, fire hydrants, sewer and water main extensions. 2. All utilities shall be installed underground. 3. Off-street parking facilities shall conform to Article 979. 4. There shall be no fence, structure or landscaping constructed or maintained over 3 1/2 feet high within a 10 ft. by 10 ft. triangular area at the intersection of driveways and streets or within a 25 ft. by 25 ft. triangular area at the inter- section of streets. C. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: 1. Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water supply system. -9- 4/11/73 - BZA Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, April 11, 1973 Page 10 C. 2. Sewage disposal shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's sewage system. 3. Easements for utilities or walkways shall be provided to Department of Public Works standards. 4. The property shall participate in the local drainage assessment district. 5. No structures, other than those shown on the approved plot plan, shall be constructed within the project. 6. All applicable City Ordinances shall be complied with. AYES: Spencer, Gerarden, Eadie NOES: None ABSENT: None MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS ON AGENDA USE PERMIT NO. 72-76 - Landscape Plans Applicant: St. Wilfrid's Episcopal Church ON MOTION BY GERARDEN AND SECOND BY SPENCER, BY STAFF REQUEST, USE PERMIT NO. 72-76 WAS CONTINUED TO APRIL 18, 1973, BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Spencer, Gerarden, Eadie NOES: None ABSENT: None USE PERMIT NO. 72-34 - Landscape Plans Applicant: Reginald de la Cuesta Mr. Reginald de la Cuesta, the applicant, was present. There was a discussion on fencing and landscaping. The Board stated that the fencing or screening material must be 32" high. The Board felt that inasmuch as several minor revisions were required on the landscape and screening plan, referral of these plans to the Staff would expedite matters. ON MOTION BY SPENCER AND SECOND BY WERE REFERRED TO STAFF FOR APPROVAL ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Spencer, Gerarden, Eadie NOES: None ABSENT: None GERARDEN THE LANDSCAPE PLANS ACTION BY THE FOLLOWING ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-53 - Revised Plot Plans Applicant: B. G. Williams and P. omas To permit the construction of two (2) apartment dwelling units pursuant to S. 9161.2 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code (conditionally approved 4/4/73) located on southeast corner of 13th St. in an R2 medium density residential district. ON MOTION BY GERARDEN AND SECOND BY EADIE REVISED PLOT PLANS DATED APRIL 11, 1973 WERE APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Spencer, Gerarden, Eadie NOES: None ABSENT: None ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-57 - Revised Plot Plans Applicant: B. G. Williams To permit the construction of a duplex pursuant to S. 9161.2 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code (conditionally approved 4/4/73) located on the southwest corner of 12th St. and Palm Ave. in an R2 medium density residential district. -10- 4/11/73 - BZA Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, April 11, 1973 Page 11 ON MOTION BY GERARDEN AND SECOND BY EADIE Till: REVISlill ['LOT PLANS DATED APRIL 111 1973 WERE APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Spencer, Gerarden, Eadie NOES: None ABSENT: None SIGNS Diversified Shopping Center New Pole Sign Brookhurst-Hamilton 270 sq. ft. Huntington Beach, Calif. 18' Wide 15' High Total Height 25' ON MOTION BY EADIE AND SECOND BY SPENCER NO ACTION WAS TAKEN ON POLE SIGN, PURSUANT TO THE FACT THAT IN PREVIOUS DISCUSSIONS WITH THE DEVELOPER IT WAS INDICATED THAT THERE WOULD BE NO SIGNING ON HAMILTON. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Spencer, Gerarden, Eadie NOES: None ABSENT: None Downey Savings Real Estate Sign 20002 Brookhurst 20 Sq. Ft. Huntington Beach, Calif. 4' High 5' Wide Total Height 1S' ON MOTION BY GERARDEN AND SECOND BY SPENCER NO ACTION WAS TAKEN ON POLE SIGN DUE TO INSUFFICIENT INFORMATION BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Spencer, Gerarden, Eadie NOES: None ABSENT: None NORTH AMERICAN VAN LINES New Wall Sign 15671 Commerce 60 Sq. Ft. Huntington Beach, Calif. 20' Long 3' High ON MOTION BY GERARDEN AND SECOND BY SPENCER APPLICATION WAS CONTINUED TO APRIL 18, 1973 TO ALLOW THE APPLICANT, OPERATORS OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH INDUSTRIAL PARK, AND AGENT FOR LUSK DEVELOPMENT TO CONTACT CITY PLANNING STAFF TO WORK OUT COMMON SIGNING FOR THE INDUSTRIAL PARK AND BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Spencer, Gerarden, Eadie NOES: None ABSENT: None Downey Savings New Wall Sign (Public Finance) 48 Sq. Ft. 10038 Adams 16' Long 3' High Huntington Beach, Calif. ON MOTION BY GERARDEN AND SECOND BY SPENCER THE APPLICATION WAS CONTINUED TO APRIL 18, 1973 TO ALLOW THE APPLICANT TO CONTACT CITY PLANNING STAFF TO WORK OUT COMMON THEME FOR SIGNING FOR THEIR DEVELOPMENT, AND BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Spencer, Gerarden, Eadie NOES: None ABSENT: None -11- 4/11/73 - BZA Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, April 11, 1973 Page 12 MINUTE ACTION RECOMMEND CODE AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE 979 REQUIRING SPRINKLER SYSTEMS WITHIN ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS BE INITIATED. (ITEM B.S. OF BOARD OF ZONING CONDITIONS STANDARD CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL REQUIRES SPRINKLER SYSTEMS.) ORAL COMMUNICATIONS The Acting Secretary informed the Board that Use Permit No. 73-28 Richard L. Tom, Applicant, was approved on April 4, 1973. The approved plan indicated a five (5) foot interior side yard setback. However, the code requirement is 10 feet for three story buildings. The Acting.Secretary stated -that as -this"', .requirement was overlooked -at the time of -approval, the°applicant would either have to revise his plans. to, meet .all code =requir'a- ments or submit a-. Conditional.'Exception to -the "Board. THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS,TO CONDUCT, THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED. Dave Eadie Marles P. Spencer Acting Secretary Chairman = 0 -12- 4/11/73 - BZA