HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-05-23MINUTES Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Wednesday, May 23, 1973 Mayor.Matney called the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:00 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present in the Council Chamber. ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Bartlett, Gibbs, Coen, Duke, Matney Green - (arrived 7:30 P.M.) Councilmen Absent: Shipley PUBLIC HEARING - 1973-74 CITY BUDGET - REVENUE SHARING ALLOCATIONS - SIX YEAR OPERATING & CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN - CONTINUED TO 5 29 73 Mayor Matney announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing on the Budget for .the Fiscal Year 1973-.74, Revenue Sharing Allocations, and the Six Year Operating and Capital Improvement Plan, and directed the City.Clerk to read the legal notice. The City Clerk read the notice of public hearing as published'in the Huntington Beach News on May 10, 1973,.and May 17, 1973, setting the hour of 7::00 P.M., or as soon thereafter-as..possible; on Wednesday, May 23, 1973, in the Council Chamber of the Civic Center,Huntington Beach, California, as the time and place for a public hearing on a Preliminary Budget for the City of Huntington Beach for the fiscal . year 1973-74 Revenue Sharing Allocations and the Six Year Operating and Capital Improvement han. Mayor Matney declared the hearing open. Preliminary 1973-74 City Budget The City Administrator presented.the 1973-74 Preliminary Budget to Council and stated that there was a contingency of at least $200,000 and unexpended.:appropriations of approximately $680,000. He presented a brief summary of the preliminary budget and stated that the recommended total budget was $30,529,875. The Administrator informed Council that most of the increase over the previous year's budget was due to the major changes which will be occurrig•in the City during the coming year. He stated that the.major factor in the increase was the additional personnel neces- sitated by the new Civic.Center, the Police, Command and Control System, the Central City:,Park and the additional parks and recreational areas which are planned. He, then reported on the Revenue Summary for Council's information and called on the Finance Director�to address.Council on the matter. The Finance Director addressed Council-relative"to the surpluses in the proposed budget. Cotweilnum Green arrived at, the meeting at 7:30 P.M. I11w C 1 t y Adut- ni st� rattor present ed the Personnel Comparison portion of the budget nIld pax}t,ltsln�+ti =t}iw� s�I.]«ctxt'tktng;t.o Oach department:,. 1 (Scuselon was held hretween the Council and City Administrator relative to the City's PEP Progrem. k' �I 795 Page #2 - Council Minutes - 5/23/73 Presentations were then made to Council from the following City Departments: Finance Department , The Finance Director reported on the reasons for the increase in personnel allocations in his department and spoke regarding the role which is played by the programmers in the City's data processing program, the anticipated increase in revenue relative to the licensing program, and a proposed central service operation. Discussion was also held regarding the contractual services for maintenance.. Planning Department The Planning Director reported on the reasons for the requested personnel increases In his department stating that his department performs a considerable amount of graphics work for other City departments. Discussion was held regarding the budgeted clerical equipment in the department and the increased work load due to the recent emphasis on environmental concerns. Library The City Librarian reported on the increase in personnel for his department stating that additional personnel had been necessitated because of the increased film usage the library is enjoying through cooperation with the City schools and Golden West College. Discussion was held between the Council and City Librarian concerning various aspects of the Library's anticipated budget. Recreation and Parks Department The Recreation and Parks Director addressed Council regarding the maintenance costs of the City parks and the reasons for the increase in part time employees. The Recreation and Parks Director was requested to transmit a report to Council on the recreational trails system. DISCUSSION ON DEPARTMENT BUDGETS TO BE CONTINUED TO 5129/73 Mayor Matney stated that further discussion of the department head's budgets would be held at an adjourned meeting of Council to be called for Tuesday, May 29, 1973, at 5:00 P.M. in the Council Chamber. REVENUE SHARING Mr. Dave Fredenburg, representing the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce, addressed Council and stated that Council had been provided with copies of a conzmication from the Chamber of Commerce regarding the Preliminary Budget and Revenue Sharing and that a representative would be;present at the next meeting to address Council on the matter. Councilman Duke stated that he believed Revenue Sharing Funds -should not be spent on recurring items which could cause a deficit to the City at a later tins. Mayor Matney stated that many good suggestions for the initiation of projects, that the City might otherwise not realize, had been presented by. Administration. In response to a question by Council, the Director of Rarbors,.Beaches and Development, addressed Council regarding the function of the Spectrophotometer recommended for purchase by his department. ;'96 C Page #3 - Council Minutes - 5/23/73 Discussion was also held between the Council and Captains Gerspatch and LaMarsk Fire Department, regarding the function of the Nomex clothing and the mobile generator which had been requested by his department. Discussion was held between the Council and Director of Harbors, Beaches and Development regarding the water monitoring program of the department. On motion by Bartlett, Council continued the public hearing on the 1973-74 City Budget, Revenue Sharing Allocations, and the Six Year Operating and Capital Improvement Plan, to an adjourned meeting of Council to be held on May 290 1973. DEBUT OF HUNTINGTON BEACH CONCERT BAND Mayor Matney announced that the first performance of the newly organized Huntington Beach Concert Band would be held on Sunday, June 3, 1973, at 3:00 P.M. in the Golden West College theater. PURCHASE OF HUNTINGTON BEACH CITY LOGOS AUTHORIZED Mayor Matney informed Council of his recommendation that the City purchase an order of stick -on City logos in anticipation of the City's Fourth of July celebration. On motion by Green, Council authorized the City to purchase 10,000 Huntington Beach City logos at a cost of $1,350, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Dube, Matney NOES: Councilmen: Coen ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley A motion was made by Councilman Coen to direct the City Administrator to prepare a comprehensive public relations program including economic development promotion, prepared by the Public Information Officer, to be funded within the Music and Promotion Budget so that Council will be able to know more specifically the function of the Music and Promotion Fund to the City. Councilman Bartlett then spoke regarding the need for the City to have a good map, available for distribution to the comity, and discussion was held by Council regarding the possibility of the City joining with the Chamber of Commerce and the. Real Estate Board in the preparation of such a map. A vote was then taken on the motion made by Councilman Coen and was passed by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Coen, Duke, Matney NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley Page #4 - Council Minutes - 5/23/73 ADJOURNMENT On motion by Bartlett, the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned at 10:00 P.M. to Tuesday, May 29, 1973, at 5:OO P.M. in the Council Chamber. The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Coen, Duke, Matney NOES; Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley ATTEST: Alicia M. Wentworth City Clerk �7 City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk 7k, of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beech, California ney Mayor 1 . I 4 98