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Council Chamber, Civic Centex
Huntington Beach, California
Tuesday, May 29, 1973
Mayor Matney called the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of
Huntington Beach to order at 5:00 P.M.
The Pledge .of Allegiance was given by all present in the Council Chamber.
Councilmen Present: Shipley, Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Coen, Duke, Matney
Councilmen Absent: None
- S
Mayor Matney announced that this was the day and hour set for the continuance of a
public hearing, opened -at the adjourned regular meeting of May 23, 1973, on the
Budgetforthe. Fiscal Year 1973-74, Revenue Sharing Allocations; and the Six Year
Operating and Capital Improvement Plan. He stated.that the balance of the Department
Head's budgets, which had been deferred from the previous meeting, would be heard at
this time.
Fire Department
Fire.Chief Picard informed Council that he would recommend the purchase of Nomex
clothing but would not go with the final product that was developed by RASA
because there were no cost constraints on the product and in his opinion was too
expensive. He recommended alternate specifications which would accomplish the same
Discussion was held between the Council and Fire Chief Picard on the natter.
Police De,Rartment
Police Chief Robitaille reported on the increased personnel in his department.
Discussion was held between the City Administrator. and the Finance Director regarding
the costs involved in the employment of a city employee including all related
The Police Chief and Council discussed the cost effectiveness of the helicopter
Department of Harbors. Beaches & Development
The Director of Harbors, Beaches and Development reported on.the factors involved
in the personnel increases in his department. Discussion was held between Mr.
Moorhouse and the Council relative to the merits of purchasing a spectrophotometer
for the department.
Mr. Jerry Jackson, Environmental.Engineer, Department of Harbors.$ Beeches and
Development, addressed Council regarding his work with the department in environ-
mental matters.
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Councilman Green suggested that consideration be given to charging fees to private
concerns for environmental testing procedures performed by the City and also spoke
regarding the importance of having other agencies share in the financing of environ-
mental related services.
Mayor Matney called a recess of the Council at 6:15 P.M.
The meeting was reconvened at 7:00 P.M. by the Mayor.
(Continuance of Harbors and Beaches Report) - ADMINISTRATOR DIRECTED TO CONTACT
Councilman Bartlett inquired regarding the possibility of obtaining participation
or direction from the Regional Water Quality Control Board relative to the funding
of environmental testing procedures.
Considerable discussion was held by Council regarding the recourses available to the
City relative to the sharing of environmental responsibility for the testing and
analyzing of ocean samples.
On motion by Green, Council directed the City Administrator to contact each of the
agencies of all levels of government that have responsibility for water pollution
control activities in the beach and ocean area to determine the extent of their
responsibilities and authority in this field so that it can be determined if there are
overlapping responsibilities.
The motion was passed by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Coen, Duke, Matney
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
Department of Buildimz and Community Development
The Director of Building and Community Development addressed Council concerning the
function of his department and'stated that the increase in personnel was necessitated
by the amount of construction activity which is at an all time high.
Discussion was held between the Council and Mr. Behrens concerning the level of service
to be provided by his department in relation to the budget requested.
Councilwoman Gibbs inquired as to the amount budgeted for oil cleanup and discussion
was held on the matter.
Councilman Green inquired regarding the purchase of automobiles for the City and the
City Administrator advised Council of the procedure which had been planned relative
to this matter. Councilman Duke inquired as to the possibility of a leasing system
and the City Administrator stated that a study made last year showed that.it was more
expensive to lease than to purchase.
Public Works Department
The Director of Public Works reported.on.the personnel and equipment requests ci>ntained
in the budget for his department.
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Considerable discussion was held between the Council and Director of Public Works'
regarding.the City -owned and maintained lighting facilities in the downtown section
of the City,. and the method by which it could be brought up, to .standards .of the
Edison Company.
The Director of Public Works then addressed Council regarding the levels of service
which he would like his department to attain. He also discussed the department's
vehicle maintenance program.
1973-74 Budget _ General Discussion
Discussion was held regarding the proposed budget and Councilman Duke questioned
the ways by which the budget could be reduced and City Administrator stated that all
efforts would be made to effect a cost savings to the City whenever possible.
Councilman Green suggested that after the budget is finalized he would recommend
that the Council be informed at the time the increases in personnel are to be
Mr. Kenneth Kerins, 17392.Encino Circle, City, addressed Council regarding the
proposed budget. He suggested that a quarterly report on the budget status be
presented to Council, and was informed by the Mayor that such a.rePort is presently
provided to the Council.
The City Administrator informed the Council that at the beginning -of this fiscal
year the Council would be provided with a resume' of the monthly budget and
financial report prepared by the Finance Director.
Mr. Jerry Bame, President of the Huntington.Beach Chambe.r,.of Commerce addressed
Council and stated'that Council had been provided with copies of a communication'
from the Chamber of Commerce regarding the Preliminary Budget and.Revenue Sharing.
He then spoke regarding the service which the Council renders to'the City and stated
that he believed their concern that the City adopt a sound fiscal budget was.conmendable.
The City Administrator informed Council that he had no changes to present relative to
the Revenue Sharing Allocations recommendations which were previously presented to
Mr. Jerry Brine, President of the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce spoke ,regarding
the points which were raised in the letter submitted by their organization,,and
read portions of same for Council's information.
Mr. Kenneth Kerins, President of the Home Council reviewed the recommendations for
revenue sharing allocations proposed by their organization.
The Finance Director spoke regarding the revenue sharing funds which are available
for expenditure.
Discussion was held between the Council and Director .af Public Works regarding the
Murdy and Edwards Channel relining, and the matter of the relocaatton of the Warner
Avenue Fire Station was also discussed with the Flare Chief.
The Council suggested that they be provided with a list of recommended priorities
which the City Administrator feels would be most beneficial to the City.
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The City Administrator stated that the report would be revised for resubmittal to the
Council at a future date.
There being no one 'further present to speak on the matters and there being no protests
filed; either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor.
Report_- Employment of License Inspector & Varitypist
The City Administrator informed Council that it was the recommendation of the Finance
Director and himself that the employment of an additional License Inspector be held
in abeyance for the present time. He stated reasons why it would be advantageous to
employ a varitypist, who would also perform other work.
The City Administrator informed Council that it was the recommendation of the Director
of Harbors, Beaches and Development and himself, that if the surfers will cooperate
with lifeguards and observe the 11:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. regulations, that they be
provided the opportunity to continue their activities beyond the 11:00 A.M. limit on
cold and windy days when no swimmers are on the beach subject to department approval.
He stated that this would be predicated on continuous cooperation with the City during
the other times when many bathers want to enter the water. He stated that if there
is no such cooperation, a recommendation would be made to Council that all surfing be
eliminated east and/or south of the pier.
The Director of Harbors, Beaches and Development addressed Council and stated that
this matter had been discussed with his staff. He spoke regarding the problems
encountered by his department during the past weekend relative to removing surfers
from the crowded area. Mr. Moorhouse stated that every attempt would be made by his
department to work this matter out.
Mayor Matney stated that following discussion with staff it had been recommended that
the parking fees along Pacific Coast Highway between 12th Street and Bolsa Chica State
Beach remain the saute, and the City Administrator reported on the demand for parking in
this area.
Following discussion, on motion by Green, Council directed the City Attorney to amend
the ordinance code to permit the Department of Harbors, Beaches and Development to
set up new regulations for surfing. The motion was passed by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Coen, Duke, Matney
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
The City Administrator spoke regarding the surfer sculpture created by Mr. Edmund
Shumpert pursuant to an agreement signed in September, 1971, stating that it was the
consensus of'some"of the Council members, staff and members of the Allied Arts
Commission that its potential could be better realized at a location other than the
Civic Center site.
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The Director of Harbors, Beaches and Development addressed Council regarding the
terms of the contract between the City and Mr. Shumpert which stipulated that the
art work would be displayed at the Civic Center He stated that the matter had: been
discussed with Mr. Shumpert and it was determined that as he had created the sculpture
for a very modest charge to the City and for the purpose of being placed at the Civic
Center site,a consideration of $1500 would compensate him in this matter.
On motion by Green, Council approved a relocation of the surfer sculpture to an
alternate site and authorized said payment in the amount of $1500 to Mr. Edmund.
Shumpert, by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, Green, Coen, Duke, Matney
NOES: Councilmen: Gibbs
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
On motion by Shipley, Council directed that the cost of the sculpture,that presently
comes out of the Civic Center Bond money be reimbursed from the General Fund. The
motion was passed by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Coen, Duke, Matney
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
On motion by Bartlett, the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the
City of Huntington Beach adjourned at 9:30 P.M. to Monday, June 4, 1973, at 5:00. P.M.
in the Administrative Annex. The motion was passed by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Shipley, Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Coen, Duke, Matney
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk
of the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California