HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-07-03I MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY, JULY 3,1973 - 7 P.M. - REGULAR MEETING COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Geiger, Kerins, Porter, Wallin, Higgins Commissioner Bazil arrived at 8:10 P.M. Commissioner Boyle arrived at 10:45 P.M. COM14ISSIONERS ABSENT: None NOTE: A TAPE RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS ON FILE IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OFFICE. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN AND VICE-CHAIRMAN ON MOTION BY PORTER AND SECOND BY WALLIN COMMISSIONER KERINS WAS NOMINATED FOR CHAIRMAN AND ELECTED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Porter, Wallin, Geiger, Higgins, Kerins NOES: None ABSENT: Bazil, Boyle Chairman Kerins presented Commissioner Porter with a plaque commending him for his outstanding participation in civic activities and his service to the City in past years. Chairman Kerins opened the nominations for Vice -Chairman. ON MOTION BY GEIGER AND SECOND BY PORTER COMMISSIONER HIGGINS WAS NOMINATED FOR VICE-CHAIRMAN. ON MOTION BY HIGGINS AND SECOND BY WALLIN COMMISSIONER BOYLE WAS NOMINATED FOR VICE-CHAIRMAN. The Acting Secretary collected the ballots and - st - ated that Commis- sioner Higgins was elected and called for a unanimous vote. AYES: Porter, Wallin, Geiger, Kerins NOES: None ABSTAIN: Higgins ABSENT: Bazil, Boyle CONSENT CALENDAR (ITEMS APPROVED) ON MOTION BY WALLIN SECOND BY HIGGINS THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WERE APPROVED AS RECOMMENDED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: PC 7/3/73 Minutes: Huntington Beach Planning Commission Tuesday, July 3, 1973 Page 2 MINUTES The Minutes of June 12, 1973 were approved as transcribed and mailed. ZONE CASE NO. 73-7, Buccola (Cont. 5/15/73) Withdrawn at the request of applicant. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 8192, Covington Bros. Continued to August 7. 1973 meeting of Planning Commission. AYES: Geiger, Kerins, Wallin, Higgins, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: Bazil, Boyle TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 7S96 (Cont. 6/19/73) Subdivider: Donald L.'�Bren Co. The Acting Secretary, Jim Palin, stated that he has been in contact with the developer, and discussed a 90 days continuance to all'ow time for the processing of the Environmental Impact Report which had been filed with the City. He further stated that Staff recommends an extension be granted for a 90 day period to October 2, 1973 to allow for this processing and adoption of said report. Gary Merrill representing Subdivider, was present and stated that they concur with Staff's recommendation. ON MOTION BY WALLIN AND SECOND BY HIGGINS EXTENSION OF 90 DAY PERIOD TO OCTOBER 2, 1973 TO ALLOW PROCESSING OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT WAS GRANTED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Kerins, Wallin, Higgins, Porter NOES: None ' I ABSENT: Boyle, Bazil TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 8289 (Cant.-6119173) In conjunction with USE PERMIT NO. 73-21 (Cont. 6/19/73) Applicant: F. A. Jones The Acting Secretary, Jim Palin, stated that Staff was prepared to review revised plot plans submitted dated June 27. Plans were displayed in background for viewing by the Commissioners. The Acting Secretary further stated that plan meets with requirements of Ordinance 931. Discussions of Conditions of Approval ensued. PC 7/3/73 I Minutes: Huntington Beach Planning Commission Tuesday, July 3, 1973 Page 3 Landscaping along Bolsa Chica was discussed. The Chairman reopened the hearing on Use Permit No. 73-21. F. A. Jones, applicant, addressed the Commission. He stated that he wished to build a development that he could be proud of and that the property was zoned for more units than he would be putting in. In response to Commissioner Wallin's question if he would be - agreeable to putting in 98 units, applicant riplied -t-hit he would be. Mr. Causey spoke in behalf of applicant and criticized the Commission for their manner of handling the application, in view of the fact that plans had been submitted numerous times in final form which were not approved,, resulting in delay. There was a discussion of the removal of eucalyptus trees and replacement of them with two trees. Mrs. Margaret Carlberg, Secretary to Environmental Council, spoke ifi behalf of the Environmental Impact Report, and stated that it is required by State law to justify removal of trees'and replace- ment thereof. At 8:10 P.M. Commissioner Bazil arrived. Public hearing was closed. There was further discussion of Xecommendations and conditions of approval. The Chairman read conditions of approval recommended by staff as amended and recommendations of Environmental Review Board as amended. Commissioner Geiger suggested the elimination,of Item S of the Environmental Review Board's recommendations and Commissioners and Staff concurred. I ON MOTION BY HIGGINS AND SECOND BY SAZIL TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 8289 AND USE PERMIT NO. 73-21 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: 1. The tentativid tract map and precise plan received June 27, 1973 shall be the approved layout. A revised plot plan shall provide a minimum of a 2 ft. landscape area along the side of each structure that abuts a driveway. PC 7/3/73 Minutes: Huntington Beach Planning Commission Tuesday, July 3, 1973 Page 4 A 6 ft. high decorate masonry wall shall be constructed along the south property line and the east property line adjacent to Bolsa Chica. 3. The CC&RIs and Association rules shall contain a clause limit- ing the total number of votes allocated to occupants of rental units to 49% of the total number of votes of the association. Wording may be modified to be determined by legal counsel. 4. The minimum offset for all dwelling units to the normal travel lane on Bolsa Chica shall be 35 feet. S. Forced air ventilation shall be made available to all dwelling units. 6. Full insulation of all exterior walls and ceilings of the dwellings shall be required to help minimize the burden on heating and cooling systems and to help reduce noise levels. 7. Disposal of building spoil: unusable lumber, tar paper, wire, pipe and other excess and unusable waste shall be disposed of at an off -site facility equipped to handle them. 8. The additional mitigating measures as proposed within the final Environmental Impact Report --Should also be a require- ment of the developer, with the exceptions noted below: a. Paragraph 7, page 5SI.' reference to portable/temporary traffic,control signals should be deleted. Public Works has found that these controls do not work out satisfacto- rily. b. Third mitigating measure, page 54: Board recommends rewording of this measure to read 11. . . organically rich soil will be stripped,,stockpiled, and re -used within the landscaped areas of the project." 9. Board recommends that the developer be offered the alternatives of leaving the existing eucalyptus grove within the proposed project by cleaning up and pruning of the healthy trees and/or of removal and replacement, based upon a ratio of two trees to be replaced for each tree removed. Replacement trees are to be a minimum size of 3011 boxed specimen material; this replacement planting is to be in addition to the standard tree planting required for a planned development, which is equivalent of one 3011 boxed tree per unit. The Board further recommends thit if any trees are removed the replacement trees PC 7/3/73 N Minutes: Huntington Beach Planning Commission Tuesday, July 3,,1973 Page I be equally distributed throughout the landscaped areas, with emphasis on the landscaped area along Bolsa Chica and Pearce Streets. 10. CC&R1s shall state that no boats, trailers and similar vehicles may be stored in this project. 11. All,applicable conditions of the standard conditions of approval for tentative maps dated May 23, 1972 shall be Complied with. AYES: Geiger, Bazil,,,Kerins, Higgins NOES: Porter, Wallin ABSENT: Boyle MINORITY REPORT Commissioner Wallin stated that Article 931 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code aoes allow discretionary action on conditions of approval and that in her opinion some of the conditions of approval thai'would make for a beitterqu'ality of life'for thlose residents has been removed by the'iva'jority' vote. Chairman Kerins requested that the minority report be recorded in the Minutes. ADDENDUM TO MINORITY REPORT TENTATIVE TRACT 8289/USE PERMIT-73-21 The following written minority report was submitted to Acting Secretar� Pa'lin'for'reco-rding in min�ies'-. Other than personal preference, the applicant has not demonstrated any extenuating circumstances to the deleii6n of'the folloyiIng conditions heriletofore' re'quiied on all Y�sidential'develbpments reviewed by the Environmental Review Board. 11. Requireikent for forced air ventilation (ERB 02) I 2. Requirement for ba�gxiced poKer usage to avoid sinsu. Isr kip-opn on utility'resbuirces. The applicant has proposed to build an all -electric devplopmej�t which is,' in the opinio-n' -of the 'm-inor)Lty mekbi ' ' rsp #n W�Tkecessary burden on an al ad u rp, y pyprtaxed utility Fpso rce. PC 7/3/73 Minutes: Huntington Beach Planning Commission Tuesday, July 3, 1973 Page 6 Additionally, the requirement for forced ventilation is reasonable in view of the lesser number of openings provided in common wall residential units as opposed to standard detached residential dwellings even though both units may have the same floor area (1200 - 1300 square feet). For the above reasons, it is requested that the City Council reimpose the aforementioned conditions if it is appealed to that Body. /s/ M. M. Porter and K. Wallin TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 6948 SUBDIVIDER: John D. Lusk & Son The Acting Secretary stated that Mr. Lusk had submitted landscape plans and displays which were displayed for the Commission review. He also informed the Commission that a letter had been,submitted by the.Orange County Road Department on the closure'of McFadden Avenue between Graham and Bolsa Chica,Streets for'review by the Commission at this time., Mr. John Stephenson, of the John D. Lusk Co., addressed the Commission and indicated that.he was in,complete agreement with the conditions recommended by i�e Staff. Commissioner Wallin requested information concerning placement of signs. Mr. Stephenson outlined their plans for sign placement, indicating that it was their plan to place a sign on flood,control property if it could be allowed, otherwise signing would be in a landscaped area. The conditions of approval recommended by Staff were discussea with the Commission. Mr. George Lusk addressed the'Commission clarifying proposed increase in lot size on five parcels which would create 4 parcels with lots of 1251 ft. I 'I ON MOTION BY PORTER AND SECOND BY BAZIL TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 6948 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: 1. Tentative Map received May 21, 1973 for the general layout of street and lot design west of.,Graham Street shall be the approved layout. I I 1 -1 - 2. No final map shall record on'the area at"the northwest corner of Graham and McFadden until there has been a determination made on the possible removal of McFadden from the Master Plan of Arterial Streets and Highways. PC 7/3/73 Minutes: Huntington Beach Planning Commission Tuesday, July 3, �973 Page 7 1 3. A minimum 15 ft. frontyard setback shall be required for all structures fronting the local streets within that portion of the approved map west of Graham Street. 4. All plans filed with the City for B ' oard of Zoning Adjustments review shall have a stamp of approval for compliance with the developers CC&R's and general site plan layout. S. A landscape `p*la� for the design for the entrance on McFadden from Springdale,shall be approved prior to,the recordation of any additional final map for,this subdivision. 6. Y All previous conditions required by the Planning Commission and subsequently'amended by the City Council for Tentative Map No. 6948 shall be complied with. 7. All standard conditioni of approval that are applicable shall be complied with. I AYES: Porter, B4zil, Kerins, Higgins, Wallin, Geiger NOES: None ABSENT: Boyle ON MOTION BY PORTER AND SECOND BY HIGGINS STAFF WAS DIRECTED TO MAKE A STUDY OF THE CLOSURE OF MCFADDEN WEST OF,GRAHAM BY TH.E FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Porter, Bazil, Kerins, Higgins, Wallin., Geiger NdES: None ABSENT: Boyle A TEN MINUTE RECESS WAS CALLED BY THE dHAIRMAN'AT 9:15 P.M. ZONE CASE NO. 73-16 (Cont'd. from 6/19/73), APPLICANT: Mobil Oil Corp. The Acting Secretary stated that Commissioner Geiger had reviewed the tape from June 19, 1973 Planning Commission at which time there were not enough votes to carry or deny the application. ON MOTION BY PORTER AND SECOND BY, WIL THE -COMMISSION MOVED TO ALLOW COMMISSIONER GEIGER TO VOTE ON ZONE CASE 73-16 IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Kerins, Wallin, Porter, Bazil NOES: None ABSTAIN: Higgins ABSENT: Boyle PC 7/3/73 Minutes: Huntington Beach Planning Commission Tuesday, July 3, 1973 Page 8 Commissioner Higgins asked to be excused because he had not had the opportunity to review the tape of June 19th Planning Commission Meeting and had not attended the June 19th meeting. Commissioner Geiger stated that he could find no adverse impact on the environment due to a service station being located on the proposed corner. lie further stated that under the new service station ordinance the proposed service station would improve the looks of Beach Boulevard since it is presently an open field. Commissioner Porter spoke against permitting a zone change to allow a service station when there is not enough gasoline now. Commissioner Wallin stated that a service station would not enhance Beach Boulevard. Commissioner Kerins referred to an article from Daily Pilot which stated the number of independent service stations going out of business at present time. Commission discussion followed. It was noted by the Commission that a zone change is a discretionary act on the part of the Planning Commission and the applicant has no right to a zone change. A MOTION WAS MADE BY GEIGER AND SECONDED BY BAZIL TO APPROVE ZONE CHANGE NO. 73-16 FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: Location does comply with all criteria for the location of a service station suffix and with staff's recommendations. THE MOTION FAILED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil NOES: Kerins, Porter, Wallin ABSTAIN: Higgins ABSENT: Boyle Commission discussion followed, A MOTION WAS MADE BY WALLIN AND SECONDED BY KERINS TO DENY ZONE CHANGE 73-16 FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: Under Article 948, Intents and Purposes - a service station would not be in the best interest of the City at this location. THE MOTION FAILED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: PC 7/3/73 Minutes: Huntington Beach Planning Commission Tuesday, July 3, 1973 P age 9 AYES: Kerins, Porter, Wallin NOES: Geiger, Bazil ABSTAIN: Higgins ABSENT: Boyle Leroy Tomlin spoke in favor of the zone change, and requested a decision in lieu of a continuance. Commissioner.Hi,ggins�addres�sed Mr.,O'Conner, City Attorney, and inquired if his position with Standard -,Oil would prevent him -from voting on th-is item at some later datedue to conflict of interest. Mr. O'Conrier. replied that he did- not think a conflict of interest would be involved.in his case. It was noted,by'the Commissibn,that a,'zone,change is a,discretion- ary act on the part of the Planning Commission and the applicant has no right to a change of zone. Commission discussion followed. ' I ON MOTION BY PORTER,AND SiCOND BY WALLIN THE COMMISSION MOVED TO RECONSIDER LAST ACTION BY THE FOLLOWING ROM. CALL VOTE: AYES: Po ' rtex, Wallin, Kerins, Geiger,,Bazil NOES: None., ABSTAIN: Higgins ABSENT: Boyle A MOTION WAS MADE BY GEIGER AND SECOND BY PORTER TO DENY ZONE CASE NO.�73-,16,. - I ;! � , , I I - - I I The,motion was withdrawn by,Geiger as he did not agree with the reasons which were,stated for denial. ON MOTION BY WALLIN AND SECOND BY PORTER ZONE,CASE NO. 73-16 WAS DENIED WITH REASONSJOR DENIAL BEING RESTATED AS FOLLOWS BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: 1. Beach Boulevard presently has 1/3 of all service stations in Huntington Beach.- 2. Energy crises is anticipated to last another 3 years. 3. Closing,of.other service -stations could be a blight on the City. I PC 7/�j�3_ Minutes: Huntington Beach Planning Commission Tuesday, July 3, 1973 Page 10 AYES: Geiger., Porter, Wallin, Kerins NOES: Bazil ABSTAIN: Higgins ABSENT: Boyle MINORITY REPORT Commissioners Bazil and Geiger stated that this location meets all criteria for service station suffixes, that the other 3 corners are already developed so there is no danger of a second service station being built at this intersection. He further stated that there are no other service stations in Huntington Beach on Talbert, and that two major oil companies have gone on record to state that they, expect no fuel shortage. Commissioner Geiger also stated that he has changed his vote to allow the applicant an opportunity to appeal this item up to City Council. , USE PERMIT NO. 73-32 CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 73-23 - APPEAL Applicant: Shelter Industries, Inc. Appellant: City of Westminster The Acting Secretary stated that there were,not sufficient copies of the Environmental Impact Report originally to provide Commission- ers with copies, however by,July 9th they,would be available in the Planning Department. Public hearing was opened. Attorney for Shelter Industries addressed the Commission and stated they would be pleased to answer any questions. Mr. Frank Schuma, Planning Director of the City of Westminster, spoke in opposition to the project. Mr. Philip Anthony, Mayor of Westminster, spoke in opposition to the project. Mr. Robert Wilson, President of Maybrook Homeowners Association, addressed the Commission and spoke in opposition to the project. Hearing was closed. Commission discussion followed. It was consensus of Commission that they would like to review the HIR prior to action on the appeal. I PC 7/3/73 Minutes: Huntington Beach Planning Commission Tuesday, July 3, 1973'- P age 11 ON MOTION BY GEIGER AND SECOND BY WALLIN USE PERMIT NO`., 7-3-32 AND CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO.�73i23 WERE CONTINUED TO JULY 17, 1973 BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: I . I I AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Higgins, Kerins, Wallin, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: Boyle Staff was directed to submit a letter to Orange County Sanitation District #3 asking for m6re definitive report and its effect on sanitation, with a copy of communication to Councilman Green. I Commissioner Wallin requested Staff to direct a letter of inquiry to Right -Of -Way Division of State Division of Highways requesting State's policy with regard to developer's proposed plans. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 73-25 ADDlicant: Druz -A -Rama. Gord6n Hatch Photokra�hsyer6 displa ed and Vugraphs shown, ly The Chairman opened the public heiring. The applicant, MT,, Gordon Hatch, owndi and operator of Drug -A -Rama, was present and addressed the Board,,'" Slides were shown by ��e,Acting Secretary. The applicant stated that he wa's late in occupying the center because of problems with developer and by the time that he was able to occupy the premises signs had been granted to all other stores in center with no space available for his use. He also informed the -Commission that the proposed sign could be added to the existing Alpha Beta sign until such time as Alpha Beta is required to bring their sign up to Code standards. At 10:45 �.'M. Commissioner Boyle arrived, Commissioner Wallin expressed concern over granting special privilege to the shopping center. Commissioner Higgins noted that improper planning had occurred on the part of the,,developer. Commissioner Bazil indicated that he had been aware of the hard- ship on the part of the developer at the time the project was begun with the result that a different developer had to finish the center. PC 7/3/73 Minutes: Huntington Beach Planning Commissi , on Tuesday, July 3, 1973 Page 12 Commission discussion followed. ON MOTION BY HIGGINS AND SECOND BY BAZIL CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 73-25 WAS DENIED FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS AND BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: 1. Sign proposed exceeds by threefold the square footage allowed by Ordinance Code. 2. Added structure to a non -conforming structure. AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Higgins, Kerins, Wallin, Porter, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: None MISCELLANEOUS Scenic HiRhway DesiRnation at Goldenwest Street Commissioner Wallin stated that at the time information was provided to the Planning Commission on February 27, 1973, outlining the procedure to designate Goldenwest Street as a Scenic Highway she felt this was an information item only,,,4nd.did not understand an action to pursue a Scenic Highway designafion would negate the previous Commission's decision to initiate change of zone along Goldenwest Street to M-l-A light industrial district. Commissioner Bazil stated that he felt it had to be the Commission's intent to pursue amendments to the M-1 district rather than to blanket the area with a M-l-A zone. However, it was his feeling that both courses of action would be pursued, to the M-1 district as well as the Scenic Highway designation. Commissioner Kerins concurred with Commissioner Bazills interpre- tation. The Acting Secretary will investigate the progress made by Staff on the M-1 Code Amendment and report back to the Commission. Further discussion followed. Commissioner Wallin outlined three possible courses of action as outlined: 1. Designation of Goldenwest as Scenic Highway could not be accomplished prior to 19741. r 2. Amendments to the M-1 District. PC 7/3/73 1 I I I Minutes: Huntington Beach Planning Commission Tuesday, July 3, 1973 Page 13 3. Designation of a Civic District Suffix along Goldenwest Street. ON MOTION BY WALLIN AND SECOND BY BAZIL STAFF WAS DIRECTED TO SET PUBLIC HEARINGS ON THE PREVIOUSLY DESIGNATED PROPERTY ALONG GOLDENWEST STREET BETWEEN HUNTINGTON CENTRAL PARK AND THE CIVIC CENTER TO CIVIC DISTRICT SUFFIX BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Higgins, Kerins, Wallin, Boyle, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: None In addition to reporting on status of M-1, Staff is also to report at July 17, 1973 Planning Commission meeting on the status of the Civic District Suffix, being applied to Pacific Coast Highway from the approximate area of Highway 39 north to city limits. Planning Commission Transportation Subcommittee In response to question by Commissioner Boyle, it was noted that information has been transmitted to the Plapning Commission by the Planning Director on the work accomplished to date on the matter of transportation within the City of Huntington Beach. Commissioner Geiger stated he felt that progress is inadequate and in view of Orange County Transit District having funds available, the City of Huntington Beach should make its needs known immediately. Commissioners Boyle and Geiger set up a meeting with Planning Director Mr. Ken Reynolds at 9 A.M. on July 9, 1973. Central City Park - Environmental Impact Statement Commissioner Porter expressed the concern that requirements for fencing which may be imposed by the City Council on the perimeter of the park will be of a lesser quality and will not meet standards required of private developers. With reference to a possible realignment of Talbert Avenue in the Central Park area, Commissioner Porter recommended as a possible alternative Talbert be curved down to Gothard and then redirected along Ellis or a modified alignment of Ellis to a terminus at Bolsa Chica Road. Growth Policy Commissioner Kerins inquired when the preliminary draft of the growth policy would be transmitted to the Commission. Based on previous information it had been anticipated that this draft would I-- PC 7/3/73 Minutes: Huntington Beach Planning Commission Tuesday, July 3, 1973 Page 14 be distributed to the Planning Commission on Juno 29, 1973. The Planning Director, Mr. Ken Reynolds, responded to Mr. Kerins inquiry. Commissioner Wallin requested pertinent information included in Orange County's policy be incorporated in the draft of the City's policy to be submitted to the Commission. PlanninR Commission Goals and Obiectives Mid Year Status ReDort Commissioner Kerins requested that the Mid Year Status Report be submitted to the Commission at the July 10, 1973 Study Session. USE PERMIT NO. 73-7 Applicant: P. Weatherly Commissioner Kerins stated that the City Council approved Use Permit No. 73-7 with modified conditions. Acting Secretary, Mr. James Palin, reported on the modifications to the conditions of approval. Subdivision Map Act Commissioner Wallin requested that Staff prepare a summary of recent amendments to the Act for Commissioner's information. Signs I Commissioner Wallin directed Staff to obtain copies of the Costa Mesa publications on signing for distribution to the Planning Commission. Transportation Corridor Commissioner Bazil inquired as to the status of the requested legal opinion on requiring dedication along the corridor. Deputy City Attorney, John O'Conner, stated that the matter was under study by the City Attorney's Office. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Commissioner Wallin submitted a report on course completed in June at U.C.I., "The Planning Revolution in Southern California - What New Roles for Local Government, the Developer and the Citizen?" — Commissioner Wallin requested Commii-s--lon to-con-sider points brought forth. PC 7/3/73 1 I I I Minutes: Huntington Beach Planning Commission Tuesday, July 3, 1973 Page 15. STAFF COMMENTS Mr. Ken Reynolds, Director of Planning, reviewed City Council action on planning matters taken at City Council meeting of July 2, 1973,',with Commission. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, at 11:50 P.M. the meeting was adjourned. 2, K. A. Reyn6lds Secretary wr"ak r d r. i n' s Chairman PC 7/3/73