HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-07-17MINUTES IIUNTIN(.TON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Coinicil Cli.imbors, CiViC C011tet' Huntington 'Beach, California TUESDAY, JULY 17, 1973 - 7 P.M. - REGULAR MEETING COMMISSIONERS'PRESENT: Geiger, Kerins, Wallin, Higgins Commissioner Bazil arrived at 7:10 P.M. Commissioner Porter arrived at 7:25 P.M. COMMISSIONE-RS ABSENT: -,Boyle NOTE: A7APE,RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS ON FILE IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OFFICE. CONSENT CALENDAR,(ITEM DELETBD) 7he minutes Gf,the June,19 Planning Commission meeting were removed 'from't-he'' c,on-s.ent calendar for further review prior to approval. ,CONSENT CALENDAR (ITEMS APPROVED) ,ON -MOTION BY H ' IGGI i NS SECOND BY WALLIN-THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WERE APPROVED AS,RECOMMENDED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL -VOTE: -MINUTES,.-,J,une 26,' 1973 - Approved as transcribed and mailed.. ZONE -CASE NO. 7-3-15 TO ti at _,hy the.Planning.Commission Q ' ont ' inu-e-d to August 7., 1973-to.-allow the processing of an exemption declaration,,. MASTE ' R P ' LAN AMENDMENT NO. 73-6 Initiated,by the Planning Commission �Continued to August *7,, 1973 to allow the processing of an exemption a T' at i.o- n . PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 73-7 initiated by the Planning Commission C ' ont ' inued to August 7�, 1973 to allow the processing of an exemption declaration.. AYES: Geiger, k6ts: None ABSENT�: Boyle, Kerins, Wallin, Higgins Bazil, Porter PC 7/17/73 Minutes: Huntington Beach Planning Commission Tuesday, July 17, 1973 Page 2 REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 7155 Subdivider: A. J. Hall Corp. Tentative Tract No. 7155 is a request for 241 lots located between 17th Street and Goldenwest Street, north of Palm Avenue. The porperty is zoned Rl-O. The Acting Secretary, Mr. Jim Palin, stated that the applicant has requested an extension of time to July 18, 1974. An environ- mental impact report has been adopted by the Environmental Review Board and the Board's recommendations have been submitted to the Planning Commission. Commissioner Bazil arrived at 7:10 P.M. and assumed his duties. Commissioner Higgins abstained from discussion of Tentative Tract No. 7155. Mr. Ron Dickerson, A. J. Hall Corp., was present and stated that he concurs with all recommended conditions of the Staff and the Environmental Review Board. -r,-, f � - Commissioner Wallin inquired as to the':'fr'a'_r'1'�fef-of open space to the homeowners association upon termination of oil activities and Mr. Dickerson stated that he thought this would be covered by the CC&Rls. Commission discussion followed, including discussion of the desirability of undergrounding utilities, particularly on 17th Street. There is approximately 600 ft. frontage on 17th Street and the estimated cost of undergrounding is $40 per foot. Commissioner Porter arrived at 7:25 P.M. and assumed his duties. ON MOTION BY BAZIL SECOND BY WALLIN, THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT ON TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 7155 WAS ACCEPTED, INCLUDING THE RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW BOARD AND AN EXTENSION OF TIME WAS GRANTED TO JULY 18, 1974 SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND THE APPLICANT INVESTIGATING THE FEASIBILITY OF UNDERGROUNDING THE UTILITIES, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: 1. The tentative map the phases within layout. received July 3, 1973 which re-establishes the development shall be the approved PC 7/17/73 I Minutes: Huntington Beach Planning Commission Tuesday, July 17, 1973 P ag c 3 2. 'The applicant shall be subject to the required park dedication in effect at the time the Planning Commission grants the one year extension of time on Tentative Tract Map No. 5419. 3. Full insulation of all exterior walls and ceilings of dwel- ling units to minimize the burden on heating and cooling systems. 4. Disposal of building spoils: unusable lumber, tar paper, wire, pipe and other excess or unusable waste be dumped at an off -site facility equipped to handle them. S. All standard conditions of approval �or tentative maps dated May 23, 1972 that are applicable shall be complied with. 6. All applicable conditions of the previously approved tentative map and use permit shall be complied with. AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Kerins, Wallin, Porter NOES: None ABSTAIN: Higgins ABSENT: Boyle USE PERMIT NO. 73-32 (Cont. 7/3/73) CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 73-23 (Cont. 7/3/73) APPEAL Applicant: Shelter Industries, Inc. Use Permit No. 73-32 is a request to permit a 296 unit apartment complex in the R3 zone on 12.442 acres of property located at the southwest corner of Edinger Avenue and Newland Street. Conditional Exception No. 73-23 is to permit zero side and rear yard setback for carports in lieu of S. 9320.13(c) of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. The City of Westminster has appealed the decision of the Board of Zoning Adjustments approving the project. The Acting Secretary stated that the public hearing on the appeal was closed at the July 3, 1973 meeting. Mr. Palin stated that a response has been received from the State Department of Transpor- tation and copies have been provided each Commissioner. No response has been received from Orange County Sanitation Districts relative to the sewerage capacity of the district's facilities in the area of the proposed development. IPC 7/17/73 Minutes: Huntington Beach Planning Commission Tuesday, July 17, 1973 Page 4 Commission discussion followed concerning the appropriateness of acting on the Environmental Impact Report at this time. Mr. Sam Barnes representing Shelter Industries inquired as to whether the public hearing would be reopened and he was informed by the Chairman that it would not be reopened at this time. ON MOTION BY PORTER SECOND BY WALLIN, USE PERMIT NO. 73-32 AND CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 73-23 WERE CONTINUED TO AUGUST 21, 1973 PENDING RESOLUTION OF CONFLICTING INFORMATION CONCERNING THE ADEQUACY OF SEWERAGE FACILITIES IN SANITATION DISTRICT NO. 3 AND IN ANTICIPATION OF SOME ACTION BY THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RELATIVE TO THE FREEWAY RIGHT OF WAY, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Kerins, Porter, Wallin NOES: Bazil, Higgins ABSENT: Boyle Mr. Barnes, Shelter Industries, inquired as to whether he would be allowed to present additional evidence at the August 21, 1973 meeting and he was informed by the Chairman that he would have that opportunity. MISCELLANEOUS Mid -Year Status Report Planninz Commission Goals The Acting Secretary stated that the Planning Commission has received the Mid -Year Status Report and that a flow chart was posted reflecting the staff's projections on project completion. In reviewing the report, the Planning Commission requested the following: Place on the Planning Commission agenda for discussion August 21, 1973 - Underground Utilities Commission.. Submit a staff report in October 1973 outlining the objectives of 181 Oil Landscaping. Submit alternate recommendations on the Townlot with the Multi -Story Suffix in August 1973. Presentation to be made to the Planning Commission August 7, 1973 on the target date for the Central Industrial Study and the "void" area at Garfield and Clay. PC 7/17/73 1 Minutes: Huntington Beach Planning Commission Tuesday, July 17, 1973 Page 5 Present target dates to the Planning Commission on August 7, 1973 for completion of the Residential Lot Size StudX and Public Facilities Location . Present in September 1973 a status report on Land Use/EDP System with subsequent attendance at a Planning Commission study session of Finance Director Frank Arguello. Multi -Story Suffix - Commissioner Porter stated that he was in fa-vor of going back to what was proposed originally, however, he would wait until August 14, 1973. If progress has not been made by that time, he recommended that the Commission revert back to the 7th draft of the Multi -Story Suffix. Commissioner Wallin questioned whether the Planning Commission should be proceeding with a specific plan in the Townlot area in view of the City Council action relative to the VTN study. Mr. Reynolds, Planning Director, stated that the VTN Study involved only a five block area and the Multi -Story Suffix goes much beyond that. Commissioner Wallin inquired as to whether the staff is preparing an environmental impact report with the Multi -Story Suffix and Mr. Reynolds stated that is has not yet been initiated. S�ecial Events Ordinance - The Deputy City Attorney will report the status of the speciFl events ordinance at the August 7, 1973 meeting and will have a projected completion date. Repeal $10 Application Fee - Administrative Review - Care of Non - Related - The Planning Uo-mmission requested this code amendment be expedited. Noise Element - Public Safety Element - Master Plan - Planning Direct�r _K. A. R'�_ynolds reported that the State has not completed the guidelines required, therefore, work cannot proceed on these elements of the Master Plan. Policy Plan The Planning Director, K. A. Reynolds, informed the Commission that the City Council, at a meeting held July 16, 1973, referred the Society and Culture Section of the Policy Plan to the City Administrator and City Attorney for their comments and recommend- ations and referred the Environment and Resources Section to the Chamber of Commerce for their comments. Commission discussion followed, PC 7/17/73 Minutes: Huntington Beach Planning Commission Tuesday, July 17, 1973 Page 6 ON MOTION BY PORTER SECOND BY WALLIN, THE PLANNING DIRECTOR WAS INSTRUCTED TO SEND A LETTER TO THE CHAIRMAN OF THE CITIZENS CO,NLNIITTEE ON GOALS AND OBJECTIVES, MR. BOB SUTAKE, INFORMING HIM OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S ACTION AND THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECO.'%R�IENDS A STUDY SESSION BE SCHEDULED WITH THE CITY COUNCIL TO REVIEW ANY COMMENTS OR PROPOSED CHANGES, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Higgins, Kerins, Wallin, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: Boyle RECESS AND RECONVENE At 9:20 P.M. the Chairman called a recess. The meeting was reconvened at 9:32 P.M. Commissioner Higgins was excused at 9:33 P.M. and left the meeting.. -'-- Easements - Property Located in Area of Warner/Simms/Green Streets The Acting Secretary reported that a chronological history is being compiled on the property in question to determine whether easements were conveyed with the deeds and other information relative to the property. When the City Attorney has this infor- mation he will investigate recourse owners may have as a result of possible illegal conveyance of ownership. A preliminary report is expected from the City Attorney on August 7, 1973. Scientific Resources Inventory ON MOTION BY GEIGER SECOND BY WALLIN� THE FOLLOWING STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS WERE APPROVED AND STAFF WAS DIRECTED TO TRANSMIT THE RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE CITY COUNCIL WITH THE SCIENTIFIC RESOURCES INVENTORY, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: 1. That the City Council direct the Historical Society to perform the role,of an Antiquities Commission as described in the ARI Study and that they work with the Planning Department in the development of that portion of the Open Space and Conservation Element. 2. That the City Council direct the Historical Society to recommend a suitable location for a central depository as recommended by ARI. PC 7/17/73 I I I Minutes: Huntington..Beach Planning Commission Tuesday, July 17, 1973 Page 7 3. That staff commence with the development of an antiquities ordinance concurrently with the Open Space and Conservation Element. 4. That the Planning, Building and Public Works Departments develop a procedure whereby developers are notified of the potential encounter of paleontological or archaeological sites and a procedure would be set up whereby proper excavation or testing could take place without any undue delay upon the developer. This would be an interim procedure until an ordinance is enacted. 5. That preservation of 10% plus one of the archaeological sites as identified by ARI be a goal of the Open Space Element. 6. That efforts by the City to preserve the Newland House continue. AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Kerins, Porter, Wallin :40ES: None ABSENT: Boyle, Higgins Newland House The Planning Director reported that negotiations have been concluded on.preservation of the Newland House. The house will not have to be relocated nor will there be any exchange of money between the'City and Signal. Certain credits will be given by the City on drainage and park fees. The size and configuration of the park have also been worked out. COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS Tentative Tract No. 8025 Subdivider: Stellrecht-Bartoli The Chairman stated that a condition of approval on Tentative Tract No. 8025 required 50% participation by the developer in undergrounding utilities on Goldenwest Street. It has been determined that this participation is not allowed by the Public Utilities Commission. Discussion followed concerning possible extension of the undergrounding district. City Engineer Bill Hartge will negotiate a settlement of the matter. IPC 7/17/73 Minutes: Huntington Beach Planning Commission Tuesday, July 17, 1973 Page 8 Undergrounding of 34KV on Arterials ON MOTION BY PORTER SECOND BY WALLIN, STAFF WAS DIRECTED TO PREPARE A CODE AMENDMENT TO UNDERGROUND EXISTING UTILITIES OF LESS THAN 34 KV ALONG ARTERIAL HIGHWAYS AS THE PROPERTY DEVELOPS, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Kerins, Wallin, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: Boyle, Higgins The City Attorney was requested to research the legality of requiring undergrounding existing utilities as the property develops prior to the Planning Commission adopting the proposed code amendment. Talbert Reali2nment Commissioner Porter stated that in discussing the possible realign- ment of Talbert Avenue to Gothard and across Ellis Avenue, additional right of way would be required along Gothard. Commissioner Porter said that the Mayor thinks the Planning Commission should look into the matter. It may be possible to obtain funds from EDA. Mr. Porter inquired of the Planning Director what the Planning Commission can do, if anything, to protect the easement. Mr. Reynolds will report back to the Planning Commission. South Coast Regional Coastal Commission Pursuant to Planning Commission's action on June 26, 1973, the Planning Director was instructed to forward a letter to the South Coast Regional Coastal Commission recommending that the Coastal Commission not approve any projects which are not accompa- nied by a plan approved by the City of Huntington Beach. VTN Downtown Plan Commissioner Porter requested the Planning Director to report periodically to the Planning Commission on the VTN Downtown Plan. Bicycle Trails Commissioner Porter suggested designating Sabot Street from Goldenwest to Heil to Murdy Park as a bicycle route rather than Goldenwest Street. PC 7/17/73 1 Minutes: Huntington Beach Planning Commission Tuesday, July 17, 1973 Pa, �e 9 Resolution No. 1125 ON MOTION BY PORTER SECOND BY WALLIN, RESOLUTION NO. 1125, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH COMMENDING BETTY J. OSWALD FOR HER SERVICE TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION WAS ADOPTED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Kerins, Porter, Wallin NOES:- None AtSENT: Boyle, Higgins Resolution No. 1126 ON MOTION BY PORTER SECOND BY BAZIL, RESOLUTION NO. 1126, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH COMMENDING JANA M. HARTGE FOR HER SERVICE TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION WAS ADOPTED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Baz'il, Kerins, Porter, Wallin NOES: None ABSENT: Boyle, Higgins City Yard Construction C ommissioner Bazil st , ated that he felt a procedure should be established whereby the city is required to comply with all requirements made upon private developers, including compliance with 14ndscaping, fencing and setbacks. Commissioner Bazil cited the fencing and landscaping of the city yard as an example of where this has not been done. ON,MOTION BY BAZIL SECOND BY PORTER, STAFF WAS DIRECTED TO INVESTIGATE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A PROCEDURE TO REQUIRE COMPLIANCE OF THE CITY WITH ALL ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: �Yis: Geigei, Bazil, Kerins, Porter, Wallin NOES: None I ABSENT: Boyle, Higgins Surplus Property Sale State of California Commissioner Wallin inquired about the possible sale by the State of California of surplus property in the area of Pacific Coast Highway, the Santa Ana River to the beach. The Acting,Secretary commented on the State's proposed plans for the area including a 31 acre P�eserve to reestablish ' the marshlands. Commissioner Porter noted that in any event, nothing can happen within the PC 7/17/73 Minutes: Huntington Beach Planning Commission Tuesday, July 17, 1973 Page 10 coastal corridor (Coast Freeway alignment and right of.way) as a result of State legislation involving a transportation corridor on the property. I - Quality of,Environmental Impact Reports Commissioner Wallin criticized the quality of some -environmental impact reports being received. Cumulative Effect of Planning Commission Actions Commissioner Wallin suggested that a butcher paper chart reflecting the cumulative effect of Planning Commission actions be posted in the Council Chamber for Commission's information. The chart would contain such information as number of units approved and population generation. Chino Hills Airport Commissioner Geiger requested the staff to obtain a copy of the consultant's report on the Chino Hills Airport. Balanced Power and Forced Air Ventilation ON MOTION BY GEIGER SECOND BY BAZIL STAFF WAS DIRECTED TO OBTAIN EDUCATIONAL MATERIAL ON BALANCED POWER AND FORCED AIR VENTILATION FOR INFORMATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Kerins, Porter, Wallin NOES: None ABSENT: Boyle, Higgins Transportation Study Commissioner Geiger reported that two concepts are under consider- ation; 1) dial -a -ride and Pacific Electric right of way for a transportation corridor and 2) transportation centers at Huntington Center and the,beach with interconnecting bus routes. Commissioner Geiger requested a consensus of the Commission that the Pacific Electric right of way be developed as a transportation corridor and the designation of an appropriate easement on each side of the right 'of way suitable for trails purposes'with designation thereof on the trails element. The Commission agreed to the consensus requested. PC 7/17/73 I I I Minutes: Huntington Beach Planning Commission Tuesday, July 17, 1973 Page 11- Request for Meeting Environmental Council Chairman Kerins stated that he Mrs. Hariet Weider, Chairman o for a meeting of the Executive and the Planning Commission. determined that the Chairman w specific information as to the proposed meeting. Tentative Tract No. 7950 Modification of PRD Ordinance has received a request from f the Environmental Counciliasking Board of the Environmental Council Following discussion, it was ill call Mrs. Weider for more subjects of discussion at the Chairman Kerins informed the Commission that the City Council has overruled the Planning Commission and granted the use permit and tentative tract. Further, the City Council has directed the Planning Commission to initiate a code amendment to provide that distance between units of detached dwellings be modified to less than 25 ft. Commission discussion followed. The Chairman directed the staff to modify the Planned Residential Development ordinance to allow single family detached units a degree of flexibility from the 25 ft. setback requirements. Commissioner's Report San Francisco Planning Seminar Chairman Kerins scheduled discussion of the Commissioner's Report on the San Francisco Planning Seminar'for August 14, 1973, tentatively at 4:00 P.M. ADJOURNMENT ON MOTION BY BAZIL SECOND BY PORTER, THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 11:25 P.M. BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Kerins, Wallin, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: Boyle, Higgins .0�- ftz ,-� "P K—.-A. Reynol�Ys ETW-aid H. Keri`hs Secretary Chairman PC 7/17/73