HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-08-06MINUTES Administrative.Annex, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Monday, August 6, 1973 Mayor Matney called the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 5:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Coen, Duke, Matney Councilmen Absent: Shipley CALIFORNIA ANIMAL COWTRAL REPORT The City Administrator informed the Council that Mr. Dennis Smith, General. Manager of California Animal Control, Inc., was in attendance to present a report regarding animal control services.and the feasibility of establishing a low-cost spay and neuter clinic in the City. Mr. Smith presented his.recomme�ndations for improved service which included the employment of an additional Animal Control Officer for night time duty and a License Inspector. He then explained the benefits which the City would derive from the added personnel. Discussion.was held by Council regarding the animal control problem in the downtown beach area and the Director of Harbors, Beaches and Development reported on the matter, recommending that a fine schedule be established. Mr. Smith then reported. on the feasibility of the City establishing a low-cost spay and neuter clinic and the fees which would be charged. Dr. Arlie Kline, local veterinarian, addressed.Council regarding the feasibility of a low-cost spay and neutering clinic and presented his recommendations on the matter. Discussion was held between the Council and Mr. Smith regarding various aspects of the animal control 'pro grsm.. Mr. Smith.etated that he would recommend a mandatory cat licensing program,*the establishment of a low cost spay and.neuter clinic and the enactment of ordinances relative to licensing of dog breeders selling puppies. Councilman Green suggested that:the City proceed with a voluntary cat licensing program, with a penalty above the. usual impoundment charges, and licensing before release to be imposed for the impounding of unlicensed cats.. The matter was referred to the City Administrator for report and recommendation. DISPOSITION OF MPERTY _ P, OS DRIVS - MARINA VIEW PLACE Discussion was held by the Council relative to the disposition of the City -owned parcel of land located at the northwest corner of Los Patos Drive and Marina View Place. Mr. Richard K. Ashby and Mr. Lawrence Redman, of J.M.C. Construction Company, 7072 Garfield Avenue, City, addressed Council concerning the stutter and presented their proposal for the use of the property. 44 Page #2 - Council Minutes - 8/6/73 Further discussion was held by Council, however, no action was taken on the matter at this time as it was on the agenda for the 7:00 P.M. meeting. VEHICLE USE POLICY The City Administrator reported on the proposed Vehicle Use Policy as it pertains to Department Heads and other personnel and discussion was held between the Council, City Administrator and staff on the matter. The City Administrator was directed to proceed with the implementation of the Vehicle Use Policy of the Management Employees' Organization, with changes as recommended by Council. ADJOUFdQ1ENT On motion by Bartlett, the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned. The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Coen, Duke, Matney NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley ATTEST: Alicia M. Wentworth City Clerk City Clerk and ex-offieio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Hisngton Beach, California Jerry A. Matney Mayor 4 MINUTES Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Monday, August 6, 1973 Mayot Matney called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:00 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present in the Council Chamber. The Invocation was given by Reverend Philip B. Wood - Community United Methodist Church. ROLL CALL Councilmen Present: Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Coen, Duke, Matney Councilmen Absent: Shipley PRESENTATION TO CITY - GOLDEN WEST HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION Mr. Ray Cornick, President of Golden West Homeowners Association,.presented a check in the amount of $150 to the Mayor for the purchase of benches to be placed next to the Freedom Tree in Huntington Central Park. WELCOME EXTENDED TO VISITING FRENCH STUDENTS Mayor Matney extended the City is welcome to the thirty visiting students from France who are spending the summer in the City as a part of the cultural exchange summer study program of the Foreign Study League and sponsored by the French National PTA and Readers Digest, Inc. He introduced Mr. Layne Neugart, teacher, who introduced Mrs. Edie Bissett, Coordinator and Miss Edith Gambieu, Student Counselor. Mr. Jean Sadet, student, extended an invitation to Council to attend the dinner to be held at Murdy Park on August llth. Mayor Matney recognized the host families in the audience and presented each visiting student with a Certificate of Welcome to the City. COMMENDATION - HUNTINGTON BEACH JAYCEES - FOURTH OF JULY PARADE The Mayor presented a Certificate of Commendation to Chairman. Mark Hammarquist and Gary Virgilio of the Huntington Beach Jaycees for their outstanding effort in staging the Fourth of July Parade and Celebration. COMMENDATION - HUIMTTINGTON BEACH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - MAYOR'S VECEPTION Mayor Matney presented a Certificate of Commendation to former Councilman and Committee Chairman George McCracken and Mr. Jerry Bame, Chamber of Commerce President, for the staging of the Mayor's Reception for the Fourth of July Parade and Celebration. PRESENTATION OF KEY TO THE CITY - SERVICES FOR BLIND Mayor Matney presented a Key to the City to Mr, Jim Judge, Youth Director and Mx. Alan Holst, Assistant Director of Services for Blind. They informed the Council of their planned trip across the United States by AMTRAK and extended an invitation to attend their kickoff at Knotts Berry Farm on August 15th. 46 Page #2 - Council Minutes - 8/6/73 CONSENT CALENDAR - (ITEMS REMOVED) Mayor Matney directed that Final Tract Map Nos. 7634, 7636 and 7637 be removed from the Agenda and re -introduced at the September 4, 1973 meting, pending a determination. by the Environmental Review Board on the ftvironmental ImMet Report . 7635 - PORTION OF - ACTION OF The City Administrator recommended that action taken by Council at their July.16, 1973 meeting approving Final Tract Map No. 7635, a portion of Tentative Tract X0. 7495 be rescinded, as procedures relative to the Evviroiemtal Impact Report had not been finalized. The Assistant City Attorney informed Council of the legal ramifications of the matter and read the applicable sections of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. Mr. George Stringer, 620 N. Beach Boulevard, La Habra, Engineer for the developer, addressed Council and objected to the rescinding of approval of the tract map. In response to a question by Council, the Assistant City Attorney stated that it was his opinion that Council should rescind the action approving the Final. Tract Map and informed Council of"the reasons for his recommendation. At this time Mayor Matney directed that the item pertaining, to the Subdivision Agreement for Tract No. 7635 be deleted from the Agenda, until such time as the Final Tract Map is again placed on the Agenda. A motion was made by Councilman Green to reconsider the action taken at the July 16, 1973 meeting on Final 'Tract Map No. 7635, a portion of Tentative Tract No. 7495. The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Coen, Duke, Matney NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley On motion by Green, Council rescinded the action taken at the meeting of July 16, 1973 on Final Tract Map No. 7635, a portion of Tentative Tract No. 7495, and continued the matter to the meeting of September 4, 1973 or as soon as Environmental Impact Report 73-6 has been finalized. The motion was gassed by the.following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Coen, Duke, Hatney NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley Mr. William Allen, Counsel for Signal Landmark, Inc., addressed Council and stated that he would like to give notice of protest in this action and believed it unwarranted. CONSENT CALENDAR - (ITEMS APPROVED) On motion by Green, the following items were approved as recommended by the follow#g; roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Coen, Dyke, Matney NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley 47 Page #3 - Council Minutes-.8/6/73 MINUTES - Approved and adopted minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of July X6, 1973 and the regular meeting of July 16, 1973, as written and on file in the office of the City Clark. CLAIM NO. 73-4 - GOLDIE R. OKffF - DENIED - Claim No. 73-45 filed by Mrs.. Goldie R. Orloff for alleged personal injuries from a protruding handle of =whole cover on Garfield Avenue on or about April 19, 1973. CLAIM NO. 73-46 - ARLINE McCALLUM - DENIED - Claim No. 73-46 filed by Arline McCallum for alleged damage to vehicle by a City vehicle in the Market Basket parking lot at Magnolia Street and Garfield Avenue on or about July 10, 1973. CLAIM NO. 73-47 - ROBERT CLARK - DENIED - Claim No. 73-47 filed by Burton & Blodgett, Attorneys at Law, on behalf of Robert Clark, for alleged personal injuries on or about June 15, 1973, in the vicinity of Ellis Avenue and Birch Street. SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT TRACT NO. 7635 - SIGNAL 1ANDMARii INC. Accepted Faithful Performance Bond No. 2061313, Labor and Material Bond No. 2061313 - .(Safeco Insurance Companies); and authorized the execution of the Subdivision Agreement for Tract`No. 7872, as recommended by the Director of Public Works. SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT - TRACT NO. 8139 - COVINGTON BROS. - Accepted Monument Bold No. 2-208863, Faithful Performance Bond No. 2=208862, Labor and Material Bond No. 2-208862 - (Safeco Insurance Companies); and authorized execution of the Subdivision Agreement for Tract No. 8139 as recommended by the Director of Public Works.. SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT - TRACT NO. 8167 - SIGNAL LANDMARK INC. - Accepted Faithful Performance Bond No. 2060894, Labor and Material Bond No. 2060894 - (Safeco Insurance Companies); and authorized the execution of the Subdivision.Agreement for Tract ft. 8167, as recommended by the Director of Public Works. I SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT - TRACT NO. 7871 - SIGNAL LANDMARK, INC. - Accepted Faithful Performance Bond No. 2060897 and Labor and Material Bond No. 2060897 - (Safeco Insurance Companies); and authorized the execution of the Subdivision Agreement for Tract No. 7871, as recommended by the Director of Public Works. SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT - TRACT NO. 8224 - MANSION -HALL CO. - Accepted Monument Bond No. B.100,812, Faithful Performance Bond No. B100,813, Labor and Material Bond No. B100,813 - (Surety Company of the Pacific); and authorized the execution of the. Subdivision Agreement for Tract No. 8224, as recommended by the Director of Public Works. SPEER AVENUE STORM DRAIN - CC-263 - Approved plans and specifications for the con- struction of Speer Avenue storm drain and authorized the City Clerk to advertise for bids. CIVIC ART PROGRAM CONSULTANT AGREEMENT - APPROVED - Approved agreement between the City and Mr. Joseph Young, for his services as advisor and consultant in in community goals established by the Allied Arts Commission in the amount of $2,650; and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same on behalf of the City. .. 48 Page #4 - Council Minutes - 8/6/73 FINAL TRACT MAP NO. 8183- ALL OF T.T. 8183 - COVINGTON BROS. - Accepted the offer of dedication and improvement as shown on Final Tract. Map No. 8183, all of Tentative Tract Map No. 8183, located on the north side of Ellie Avenue and 348 feet west of Beach Boulevard; Acreage: 3.2; Lots: 13;.Developer: Covington Bros., Fullerton, California; adopted the map subject to standard conditions set forth by. the Department of Public Works and the Planning Department in Resolution No. 3056, adopted October 20, 1969, with the additional stipulations that Park and Recreation Fees shall be paid prior to recordation of the final map and that the final map shall be recorded prior to the expiration of Tentative Tract Map No. 8183 on March 20, 1974. Exemption Declaration No. 73-89 was filed and approved by the Environmental Review Board on January 2, 1973. Further instructed the. City Clerk that she may affix her signature to the map and deposit same with any licensed title company after receipt of a writing from such. title company stating that it will not record said map or cause it to be recorded until conditions have been complied with, and receipt by such title company of prior written consent to record said map from the City Clerk. FINAL TRACT MAP NO. 7692 - A PORTION OF T.T. 7692 - SIGNAL LANDMARK INC. - Approved and authorized execution by the Mayor and City Clerk of the agreement and accepted bond guaranteeing dedication of land for park sites or payment.of a fee in lieu thereof, accepted the offer of dedication and improvement as shown on Final Tract Map No. 7692, a portion of Tentative Tract Map No. 7692, located at the southwest corner of Adams Avenue and Magnolia Street; Acreage: 26.339; Lots: 131 and Lot A; Developer: Signal Landmark, Inc., Santa Ana, California; adopted the map subject to standard conditions set forth by the Department of Public Works and the Planning Department in Resolution No. 3056, adopted October 20, 1969, with the additional stipulations that the Performance Bond for Park and Recreation fees shall be accepted prior to recordation of the final map and that the final map shall be recorded prior to the expiration of Tentative. Tract Map No. 7692 on April 3, 1974. Environ- mental Impact Statement No. 73-2 was approved by the Environmental Review Board on April 24, 1973. Further instructed the City Clerk that she may affix her signature to the map and deposit same with any licensed title company aflWr receipt of a writing from such title company stating that it will not record said map or cause it to. be recorded until conditions have been complied with, and receipt by such title company of prior written consent to record said map from the City Clerk. CLAIM NO. 73-49 - THOMAS LEE KITCHELL - DENIED - Claim No. 73-49 filed by Thomas Lee Kitchell for alleged damages caused by the impounding of his vehicle by the Police Department on or about July 2, 1973. CLAIM NO. 73-50 - JOHN F. BOOS - DENIED - Claim No. 73-50 filed by John F. Boos for alleged damage to his vehicle by a City truck on or about July 24, 1973.. CLAIM NO. 7 -51 - KAREN TROOLINES - DENIED - Claim No. 73-51 filed by George Shibata, Attorney at Law, on behalf of Karen Troolines, for alleged personal damages on or about April 19, 1973 in the vicinity of Pacific Coast Highway between Main and Lake Streets. SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT - TRACT NO. 7692 - SIGNAL LAMMARK, INC. Accepted Faithful Performance Bond No. 2061609, Labor and Material Bond No. 2061609'- ($afeco Insurance Companies); and authorized the execution of the Subdivision Agreement for Tract No. 7692, as recommended by the Director of Public Works. Page #5 - Council Minutes - $/6/73 PUBLIC HEARING, -. ENV & -RESOURCES SECTION - DEVELOPMENT PIM - COM _TO__V4/73 Mayor Matney announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing for the purpose of considering recommendations by the Citizen's Steering Committee for Goals and Objectives regarding the Environment and Resources Section of the Policy Plan which will become an adopted part of the Master Plan for the City of Huntington Beach. The Mayor stated that it was the recommendation of the City Administrator that the public hearing be continued to the September 4, L973 meeting,.to allow the City Administrator, City Attorney and Goals and Objectives members to review it together with the other sections of the Development Plan. A motion was made by. Councilman Bartlett to continue the public hearing on the Environment and Resources Section of the Development Plan to the.September 4, 1973 meeting, pending review by the City Administrator, City Attorney and Goals and Objectives members. Discussion was held by Council and Councilman Green requested that the City Administrator study this matter relative to the requirement that an Environmental Impact Report be prepared on any element that is to become part of the Master P1An of the City. The motion made by Councilman Bartlett was then passed by the following vote: AYES Councilmen: Bartlett, Green, Coen, Duke, Matney NOES: Councilmen: Gibbs ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL TO CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - USE PERMIT NO. 73-21 & T.T. NO. 8289 Mayor Matney announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing on an appeal filed by American Empire Builders,'Inc., to conditions of approval to Use Permit No. 73-21 and Tentative Tract 8289, to allow the construction of a 100 unit planned residential development on an 8.3 acre parcel of land in the R3 Medium High Density Residential District, on property located at the southwest corner of Pearce Avenue and Bolsa.Chica Street. The City Clerk informed Council that all legal requirements for notification, publication and posting had been met, and that other than the letter of appeal, she had received no communications or written protests to Use Permit No. 73-21 and Tentative Tract No. 8289. Mr. James Palin, Senior Planner, presented a rest' of the Planning Commission's reasons for recommending conditional approval of said Use -Permit and Tentative Tract. Mayor Matney declared the hearing open. Mr. Norman Causey, 2200 E. Pacific Coast Highway, Long Beach, Attorney for the appel- ant, addressed Council and presented reasons why he believed the conditions imposed" by the Planning Commission were not warranted. Mr. F. A. Jones, President of American Empire Builders, Inc., 3116 E. 7th Street,, City, addressed Council and gave reasons why he objected to the conditia imposed by the Planning Commission. 50 Page #6 Council Minutes - 8/6/73 Considerable discussion was held between the Council, Mr. Jones and Mr. Causey regarding the proposed development and the appellant's objections relative to the portion of Condition #1 regarding the providing of a minim = of a 2 foot landscaped area along the side of each structure abutting a driveway, and Condition #9 regarding the disposition of the eucalyptus grove. In response to a question by Councilman Coen, Mr. Jones stated that if Condition Nos. 1 and 9 were deleted he would withdraw all objections in regard to this matter. Discussion was held regarding the Environmental Impact Report prepared on the project and the Secretary of the Huntington Beach Environmental Council addressed the Council regarding their position relative to the eucalyptus trees. The Senior Planner reported on various aspects of the Planning Commission's recom- mendations on the matter. On motion by Coen, Council sustained the decision of the Planning Coamaission requiring the imposition of the conditions of approval as set forth in Mr. Palin's transmittal to Council with the deletion of the second sentence of Condition #1, leaving Condition #1 to read "The tentative tract map and precise plan received June 27, 1973 shall be the approved layout" and that Condition #9 relative to the eucalyptus grove be deleted. The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, Green, Coen, Matney NOES: Councilmen: Gibbs, Duke ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL - ZONE CASE NO. 73-16 - DENIED Mayor Matney announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing on an appeal filed by Mobil Oil Corporation, Downey, California, to the denial by the Planning Commission of a petition for a change of zone from C4 Highway Commercial District to C4-SS Highway Commercial District - Service Station Suffix, on property located at the southwest corner of Beach Boulevard and Talbert Avenue. The City Clerk informed Council that all legal requirements for notification, publication and posting had been met and that other than the letter of appeal, she had received no communications or written protests to Zone Case No. 73-16 or to the recommendation of denial by the Planning Commission. The Senior Planner presented a resume' of the Planning Commission's reasons for recommending denial of Zone Case No. 73-16. Mayor Matney declared the hearing open. Mr. Donald Robbins, representing Mobil Oil Corporation, 9901 S. Paramount Blvd., Downey, addressed Council regarding the history of the property involved and gave reasons why he believed the zone change should be granted. Mr. Le Roy Collins, 8649 E. 7th Street, Downey, addressed Council and gave reasons why he believed the location of a service station in this area was desirable. i. There being no one present to speak further on the matter and there being no further protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing V.s closed by the Mayor. i 51 Page #7 - Council Minutes - 8/6/73 I Following discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Coen to sustain the decision of the Planning Commission and deny Zone Case No. 73-16 based on the finding of fact as stated in No. 1 of the Planning Commission's reasons for denial - that Beach Boulevard presently has one-third of all service stations in Huntington Beach. The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Gibbs, Green, Coen, Duke, Matney NOES: Councilmen: Bartlett ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley PUBLIC HEARING - LIST OF WEED ABATEMENT CHARGES FOR 1$73 HEARING OF PROTESTS - RES. NO. 3741 - ADOPTED...,„ _ _ �_... Mayor Matney announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing to hear objections of property owners shown on the list of Weed and Rubbish Abatement charges for the.year 1973, as posted at the outside entrance to the Council Chamber, in accordance with Government Code, Chapter 13, Article 3, State of California to the charges listed thereon. The City Clerk presented the Affidavit of Posting Notices of Weed Abatement Charges as sworn to by H. E. Hartge, Street Superintendent. Mayor Matney declared the hearing open. There being no objections voiced, the Mayor declared the hearing closed. The City Clerk was directed to read Resolution No. 3741 by title - "A RESOLUTION ,OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH CONFIRMING REPORT OF COST OF WEED ABATEMENT, 1973 SEASON, ON LOTS WITHIN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH." On motion by Gibbs, Council waived further reading of Resolution No. 3741 and adopted same by the following roil call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Coen, Duke, Matney NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley On motion by Green, Council directed that any charges listed thereon be certified to the County Assessor for inclusion on the 1973-74 tax roll. The motion was passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Coen, Duke, Matney NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley RECESS Mayor Matney called a recess of the Council at 9:52 P.M. RECONVENE The meeting was reconvened at 10:00 P.M. by the Mayor. Page #8 - Council Minutes - 8/6/73 RESOLUTIONS WITHHELD FROM CONSENT g&j&M , Mayor Matney directed that Resolution No. 3735 pertaining to rules and regulations governing personnel activities be deleted from the Agenda. It was requested that separate discussion also be held on Resolution Nos. 3737 pertaining to a Special Municipal Election and Resolution No. 37.43 regarding application for grant to the California Council on Criminal Justice. RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED On motion by Green, Council directed the Clerk to read Resolution Nos. 3732, 3733, 3734 and 3736 by title; waived further reading and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Coen, Duke, Matney NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley RES. NO. 3732 - ADOPTED - SUPPORTS LEGISLATION REAPPORTIONMENT OF DISTRICTS "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH IN SUPPORT OF SENATE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT NO. 1 RELATING TO REAPPORTIONMENT OF LEGISLATIVE AND CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS." RES. NO. 3733 - ADOPTED - AUTH. PURCHASE - EASEMENT PORTION - YORKTOWN COMMUNITY PARK "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF THE HOLTZ EASEMENT PORTION OF THE YORKTOWN CMMUNITY PARK." RES. NO. 3734 - ADOPTED - INTENTION TO VACATE A PORTION OF McFADDEN AVENUE "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH OF INTENTION TO VACATE A PORTION OF McFADDEN AVENUE." RES. NO. 3736 - ADOPTED - RELOCATES OPENING OF FRONTAGE ROAD ADJACENT TO ADAMS AVENUE "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH RELOCATING THE OPENING TO THE FRONTAGE ROAD ADJACENT TO ADAMS AVENUE TO ALIGN WITH THE CENTER LINE OF SHOREWOOD CIRCLE." RESOLUTION NO. 3737 - ADOPTED - CALLING FOR SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION - NOV. 61 1973 The City Clerk gave Resolution No. 3737 a reading by title - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING, CALLING, PROVIDING FOR AND GIVING NOTICE OF A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON NOVEMBER 6, 1973 FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF SAID CITY AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY CHARTER PERTAINING TO APPOINTMENT OF THE CITY ATTORNEY, CITY CLERK AND CITY TREASURER, AND CONSOLIDATING SAID ELECTION WITH THE SPECIAL STATEWIDE ELECTION TO BE HELD ON SAID DATE." Discussion was held by Council concerning the proposed resolution and Mr. Brian Parkinson, Chairman of the Charter Revision Committee addressed Council on the matter. Councilman Green read provisions of the City Charter pertaining to election procedures for the information of Council. 53 Page #9 - Council Minutes - 8/6/73 A motion was made by Councilman Bartlett to waive further reading of Resolution No. 3737.and passed by the following roll, call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Coen, Duke, Matney NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley Councilman Coen requested that the record reflect that he was abstaining from voting, on the matter because of his inability to sever that portion of the resolution pertaining to the City Treasurer. Councilman Coen requested and was granted permission to abstain from voting. On motion by Bartlett, Council adopted Resolution No. 3737 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Duke, Matney NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley ABSTAIN: Councilmen: Coen On motion by Bartlett, Council directed the City Clerk to read Resolution Nose. 3738, 3739 and 3740 by title; waived further reading and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Coen, Duke, Matney NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley RES. NO._3738 - ADOPTED - RE VEST TO CONSOLIDATE SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ORANGE TO CONSOLIDATE A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 6, 1973 WITH THE SPECIAL STATEWIDE ELECTION TO BE HELD ON SAID DATE, PURSUANT TO SECTION 23302 OF THE ELECTIONS CODE." RES. NO. _3739 - ADOPTED - AUTH. CITY COUNCIL TO FILE WRITTEN ARGUMENTS "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING THE CITY COUNCIL TO FILE WRITTEN ARGUMENTS FOR VARIOUS CITY NEASURES." RES....NO. 3740 - ADOPTED - URGES ADOPTION OF PORTIONS OF 1973 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ENDORSING THE PROMPT AND UNIFORM ADOPTION OF PORTIONS OF THE 1973 EDITION OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE PERTAINING TO ELIMINATION OF ARCHITECTURAL AND PHYSICAL BARRIERS IN BUILDINGS." RESOLUTION NO, 3743- ADOPTED - AUTH. APPLICATION TO CALF . COUNCIL ON CRIMINAL JUSTICE The City Clerk presented Resolution No. 3743 for a reading by title - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING THE APPLICATION TO THE CALIFORNIA COUNCIL ON CRIMINAL JUSTICE FOR A GRANT UNDER SECTION 301 (B) OF THE OMNIBUS CRIME CONTROL AND SAFE STREETS ACTION OF 1968; PL 90-351 AS AMENDED BY OMNIBUS CRIME CONTROL ACT OF 1970; PL 91-644." Mr. Jim Gilmore, representing the Office of Special Projects of the Huntington Beach Union High School District, addressed Council sad eXa-kified matters pertaining to.the grant application and the purpose of the project. 5 Page #10 - Council Minutes - 8/6/73 Following a reading by title by the City Clerk of Resolution No. 3743, on motion by Bartlett, Council waived further reading and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Coen, Duke, Matney NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley RES. NO. 3744 - ADOPTED AS AMENDED - MOBILE SCIENCE LABORATORY The City Clerk presented a communication from the Environmental Council requesting an opportunity to address Council regarding their recommendation that the City make application to the State Department of Resources for a grant of approximately $40,000 for the Mobile Science Laboratory vehicle and equipment. Mrs. Harriett M. Wieder, 16261 Tisbury Circle, City, Chairman of the Environmental Council, addressed the Council concerning their support of the proposed Mobile Science Laboratory and introduced Dr. Peter Green, Environmental Council member, Biology Professor, Golden West College and Vice President of the Orange County Environmental Education Association. Dr. Green addressed Council and presented his reasons for recommending Council approval of the Mobile Science Laboratory. He explained the various uses for which the mobile laboratory could be employed and spoke regarding the financial aspects of the matter. Councilman Green expressed his concern relative to the reference in the proposed resolution to the expansion of the City's coastline study and spoke regarding the report prepared by the County regarding the various agencies having responsibility for coastline monitoring. Mr. Jim Gilmore, representing the Office of Special Projects of the Huntington Beach Union High School District, addressed Council on the matter. Discussion was held by Council. Councilman Green suggested that the words "City's Coastline Study" be deleted from the title of Resolution No. 3744, and replaced by the words "Environmental Monitoring Study", and that the words "its Coastline Study to include" be deleted from the first sentence of the proposed resolution. The City Clerk was directed to read Resolution No. 3744 by title with the amended wording suggested by Councilman Green - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS TO PARTICIPATE IN PROGRAM TO EXPAND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING STUDY AND DIRECTING MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS THEREFOR." On motion by Green, Council waived further reading of Resolution No. 3744 as amended, and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Coen, Duke, Matney NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley r--1 L 55 Page # 11 - Council Minutes - 8/6/73 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS - MEDIAN IMSCAPING - NON-IANDSCA22 TRUTMENTS The City Clerk presented a communication from the Design Review Board regarding their recommendations for the upgrading treatment of non -landscaped portion of street medians. Mrs. Carole Ann Wall, Chairman of the Design Review Board, addressed Council regarding the Board's recommendation and presented slides showing areas in the City where stamped concrete and reliable rock have been used. Mrs. Beverly Kenefick, Design Review Board member, addressed Council and spoke regarding the appearance of the entrances to the City. ' The City Administrator presented a cost comparison of the two types of surfaces. Mr. Edward Kerins, 20061 Colgate Circle, City, Planning Commission Chairman, addressed Council and urged that the City set a policy regarding the use of stamped concrete and stated that if the City cannot afford to have the stamped concrete throughout the median strips in the City, that he would recommend that it be accomplished through a phasing program. Discussion was held by the Council regarding the desirability of establishing stamped concrete medians at the major entrances to the City and Mayor Matney stated the.ueed for a cost breakdown showing the points which voul.d be: 'fes.sible at this time. It was determined by Council that Points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7, on -the map submitted by the Design Review Board were major entrances to..which consideration should be given. On motion by Duke, Council adopted the policy of the Design Review Board coming in with recommendations regarding priorities and costs for stamped concrete for the major entrances to the City. The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Coen, Duke, Matney NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley DESIGN REVIEW BOARD - RE VEST FOR CODE AMENDMENT The City Clerk presented a communication from the Design Review Board requesting Council approval for the Board to investigate and recommend changes in the ordinance code which would better define Board jurisdiction and bring policy and the code into proper correspondence. Mr. Stephen Kellogg, Secretary of the Design Review Board, addressed Council concerning the reasons for the Board's request in this matter. A motion was made by Councilman Green to approve the Design Review Board's request to investigate and recommend changes in the ordinance code which would better define Board jurisdiction. Councilman Coen stated that he believed the Council should give more specific direction to the Design Review Board at this time. The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Duke, Matney NOES: Councilmen: Coen ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley 56 Page #12 - Council Minutes - 8/6/73 SCIENTIFIC RESOURCES INVENTORY - ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH, INC. - STAFF REPORT ADOPTED The City Clerk presented a transmittal from the Planning Commission of Scientific Resources Inventory conducted for City by Archaeological Research, Inc., together with the Planning Department Staff report and recommendations. Mr. Roger Desautels, President of Archaeological Research, Inc., 3303 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa, addressed Council regarding the manner in which their report had been. prepared. He presented slides of the sites of archaeological importance in the City. He stated that Archaeological Research, Inc., concurred with the six recommendations contained in the Planning Department Deport dated July 10, 1973, as follows:' 1. That the City Council direct the Historical Society to perform the role of an Antiquities Commission as described in the ARI Study and that they work with the Planning Department in the development of that portion of the Open.Space.and Conservation Element. 2. That the City Council direct the Historical Society to recommend a suitable location for a central depository as recommended by ARI. 3. That staff commence with the development of an antiquities ordinance concurrently with the Open Space and Conservation Element. 4. That the Planning, Building and Public Works Department develop a.procedure whereby developers are notified of the potential encounter of paleontological or archaeological sites and a procedure would be set up whereby proper excavation or testing could take place without any undue delay upon the developer. This would be an interim procedure until an ordinance is enacted. 5. That preservation of 10% plus one of the archaeological sites as identified by ARI be a goal, of the Open Space Element. 6. That efforts by the City to preserve the Newland House continue. A motion was made by Councilwoman Gibbs to approve the recommendation of the Planning Commission and adopt the above six recommendations of the Planning Department Staff Report. The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Coen, Duke, Matney NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley REQUEST - ALLIED ARTS COMMISSION - LOCATION OF 0. C. CULTURAL ARTS CENTER The City Clerk presented a communication from the Allied Arts Commission requesting Council permission to pursue the possibility of the Orange County Cultural Arts Center being located in the City. A motion was made by Councilman Green to approve the request of the Allied Arts Commission for permission to pursue the possibility of the Orange County Cultural Arts Center being located in the City. Discussion was held by Council regarding the function of the cultural center and the matter of establishing a projection of the space need for the center. 1 l] 1 57 Page #13 - Council Minutes - 8/6/73 The motion by Councilman Green was passed by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Coen, Duke, Matney NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley ORDINANCE NO. 1865 - AMENDS CODE PERTAINING TO APPEAL PROCEDURES - DEFERRED TO 9/17/73 The City Clerk presented Ordinance No. 1865 for a second reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTIONS 9815.1, 9815.1.1, 9815.1.2, 9815.2., 9815.4.2, 9815.5 AND 9881; AND ADV 6 SECTION 9811.6.1 PERTAINING TO APPEAL POCEDURES," Mayor Matney informed Council of a request from the City Administrator that considera- tion of Ordinance No. 1865 be deferred to the September 17, 1973 meeting. On motion by Green, Council continued action on Ordinance No. 1865 to the meeting rf September 17, 1973 by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Coen, Duke, Matney NOES: Councilmen: Nome ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION On motion by Green, Council directed the City Clerk to read Ordinance Nos. 1859, 1860, 1861 and 1862 by title; waived further reading and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Coen, Duke, Matney NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley ORD. NO. 1859 - ADOPTED - AMENDS CODE - LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS & CONMRCIAL PARKING LOPS "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY REPEALING SECTION 9792.2.3, AMENDING SECTIONS 9792.2 AND 9792.2.2; AND ADDING SECTION 9730.28 PERTAINING TO LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR COMMERCIAL PARKING LOTS." ORD. NO. 1860 - ADOPTED - AMENDS CODE - R3 REGULATIONS & SERVICE STATION STANDARDS "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY REPEALING SECTIONS 9203.4, 9203.4.1, AND 9203.4.2, AND AMENDING SECTIONS 9203.2.2 AND 9481.10 TO AMEND R3 REGULATIONS AND SERVICE STATION STANDARDS." ORD. NO. 1861 - ADOPTED - ZONE CASE NO. 73-11 "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR CHANGE OF ZONING ON REAL PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF ADAMS AVENUE AND BAST OF MAGNOLIA STREET (ZONE CASE NO; 73-11) ." ORD. No. 1862 - ADOPTED - ZONE CASE NO. 73-12 "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE' CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR CHANGE OF ZONING ON: REAL PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF INDIANAPOLIS AVENUE AND NEWIAND STREET .(ZONE law_ ' NO. 73-12)." Page #14 - Council Minutes - 8/6/73 ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION On motion by Coen, Council directed the City Clerk ro read Ordinances No. 1866 by title, and waived further reading by the followirit,, dote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Coon, Duke, Matney NOES: Councilmen: Nona ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley ORD. NO. 1866 - FIRST READING - "FOOD HANDLING ESTABLISHMENTS" "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY REPEALING ARTICLE 331, AND ADDING A NEW ARTICLE 331 ENTITLED, "FOOD HANDLING ESTABLISHMENTS". TY - LOS PATOS DRIVE/MARINA The City Clerk presented a communication from the City Administrator recommending that Los Patos Drive remain as an access point to and from Warner Avenue. A motion was made by Councilman Coen to direct the City Clerk to read Resolution No. 3742 by title, deleting therefrom the last paragraph of the legal description, and waive further reading of same - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH DECLARING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY OF SAID CITY SURPLUS AND STATING ITS INTENTION TO SELL SUCH SURPLUS PROPERTY." The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Coen, Duke, Matney NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley A motion was made by Councilman Coen to adopt Resolution No. 3742 and passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, Green, Coen, Matney NOES: Councilmen: Gibbs, Duke ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley Councilman Coen commented on the fact that at such time as the property is appraised and sold it is his understanding that deed restrictions will be included that will cause the property to forever continue to remain open space and stated that the water tower is required for a period of years, until such time as the well ceases to be productive. He stated that if it were ever to be removed it would be advisable for the Huntington Beach Historical Society to submit an opinion on the matter. Mayor Matney requested that the record reflect that the Council accepted the recommendation of the City Administrator that Los Patos Drive remain as an access point to and from Warner Avenue. PETITION - FLOOD CONTROL CHANNEL - REFERRED The City Clerk presented an informal petition submitted by Mr. Clair P. Dougherty, listing approximately 19 signatures requesting cleaning of the Flood Control Channel between Bolsa and McFadden Avenues. Mayor Matney directed that this matter be referred to the Orange County flood Control District and that the staff be is communication with the District to see if the problem can be abated. 1 59 Page #15 - Council Minutes - 8/6/73 RESOLUTION NO. 3746 - ADOPTED - URGES CERTAIN FLOOD CONTROL MEASURES - PRADO DAM The City Clerk presented Resolution No. 3746 for a reading by title - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH URGING LIMITATION OF THE MAXIMUM DISCHARGE FROM PRADO DAM AND REQUESTING TRH: UNITED STATES CORPS OF ENGINEERS TO PROCEED WITH STUDY REQUIRED FOR SUCH LIMITATION." Discussion was held by the Council and staff regarding the proposed resolution. On motion by Matney, Council directed the City Clerk to read Resolution No. 3746 by title, waived further reading and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES.: Councilmen: Bartlett, NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley ABSTAIN: Councilmen: Coen Gibbs, Green, Duke, Matney Mayor Matney directed that copies of Resolution No. 3746 be forwarded to Councilman Ed Just, Orange County League of Cities and Supervisor Ronald Caspers, member of the Orange County Board of Supervisors. RESOLUTION NO. 3745 - ADOPTED - URGES LEGISLATION - RE: TAX BURDEN ON COASTAL ZONE CITIES The City Clerk presented Resolution No. 3745 for a reading by title - "A RESOLUTION OF. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH URGING THE CALIFORNIA STATE LEGISLATURE TO ENACT LEGISLATION THAT WILL ALLEVIATE THE TAX BURDEN ON COASTAL ZONE CITIES HAVING REGIONAL PUBLIC BEACH AREAS." The City Administrator reported briefly on the matter. On motion by Green, Council directed the City Clerk to read Resolution No. 3746 by title, waived further reading and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Coen, Duke, Matney NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 73-036 & T.T. MAP No. 7950 1 The City Administrator addressed Council regarding the need for clarification of the action taken at the July 16, 1973 Council meeting relative to the appeal filed by Daniel/Webb Construction, Inc., to the denial by the Planning Commission of Conditional. Use Permit No. 73-036 and Tentative Tract Map No. 7950 - to allow the construction of a 24 unit planned residential development on a 3.86 acre parcel of land in the R1-PD Low Density Residential District - Planned Residential District. The subject property is located on the south side of Holland Drive and 265.5 feet east of Beach Boulevard. It was recommended by the City Administrator that a motion to reconsider their previous action be made by Council. He then presented the alternative motions which could properly and legally be made by the Council upon reconsideration of the matter. Mr. James Palin, Senior Planner, addressed Council regarding the work being done by the Planning Department and the City Attorney's Office -on flexibility to the Planned Development Ordinance, and discussion was held between Mr. Palin and Council on the matter. Mr. Richard Daniel, developer of the project addressed Council regarding the present status of the development. r Page #16 - Council Minutes - 8/6/73 Mr. Floyd Belsito, Executive Assistant, spoke regarding various aspect of the matter and considerable discussion was held by the Council regarding their intent in the matter. A motion was made by Councilman Coen to reconsider action taken at the July 16, 1973 meeting on Conditional Use Permit No. 73-036 and `tentative Tract Map No. 7950. The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Coen., Duke NOES: Councilmen: Matney ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley A motion was made by Councilman Coen to.adopt Recommendation #1 presented by the City Administrator as follows: Overruling the Planning Commission and modifying the plot plan to show a 25' separation of buildings in accordance with Section 9310.19 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code and approving the Tentative Tract No. 7950 and Conditional Use Permit: No. 73-036 subject to the conditions in the staff report with the exception of Condition No. 4 - relative to breezeway construction. The motion failed to pass by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Coen NOES: Councilmen: Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Duke, Matney ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley A motion was made by Councilman Duke to adopt Recommendation No. 2 presented by the City Administrator as follows: Refer the matters of Tentative Tract No. 7950 and Conditional Use Permit No. 73-036 to the Board of Zoning Adjustments for processing of a conditional exception in conformity with Board of Zoning Adjustment procedures. The motion was passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Matney NOES: Councilmen: Coen, Duke ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley ATTENDANCE AUTHORIZED - CITY ADMINISTRATOR - INTERNATIONAL CITY MANAGERS CONVENTION On motion by Matney, Council approved the attendance by the City Administrator at the International City Managers Annual Convention to be held in Boston, Massachusetts on September 23 - 27, 1973. The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Coen, Duke, Matney NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley NOMINATIONS FOR LEAGUE REPRESENTATIVE _ BOARD OF DIRECTORS - 0. C, TRANSIT DISTRICT Councilwoman Gibbs asked if Council intended to send a letter relative to the nomination of a person to serve as Orange County League of Cities Representative to the Board of Directors of the Orange County Transit District. Following discussion, Council declared their support for the nomination of Mr. Al Hollindin to serve as League Representative to the Board of Directors of the Orange County Transit District, with Ms. Robin Young designated as the alternate nominee. 1 1 1 (A Page #17 Council Minutes - 816173. EXECUTIVE SESSION CALLED Mayor Matney called an Executive Session of the Council to discuss pending litigation and personnel matters. RECESS The Mayor called a recess of the Council at 12:45 A.M. RECONVENED The meeting was reconvened at I:30 A.M. by the Mayor. CITY TREASURER - FULL TIME POSITION - APPROVED . A motion was made by Councilman Green to make the position of City Treasurer full time with the additional duties of investment Officer, at a total salary. of $20,486 .per year beginning September 1, 1973. The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Coen, Duke, Matney NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley APPOINTMENT - ACTING DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC [CORKS & CITY ENGINEER H. E. HARTGE - APPROVED A motion was made by Councilman Duke to appoint Mr. F.-E. Hartge as Acting Director of Public Works and City Engineer and to direct the staff to advertise the position utilizing the services of the State Personnel Board. The motion was passed by the following vote:' AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Coen, Duke,'Matney NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley REQUEST FOR COUNCIL SUPPORT OF HELP -LINE, INC._- APPROVED The. City Administrator informed Council of a request from Mrs. Hanna Alkoumbides,' Executive Director of Help -Line, Inc., 222 Fifth Street, City, that they be provided with a letter of endorsement from the City Council as their organization is making application.to the West Orange County Unit.ed.Crusade for funds. A motion made by Councilwoman Gibbs that the Council go on record in support of Help- Line., Inc. was passed by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Coen, Duke NOES: Councilmen: Matney ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley MAYORS BI-CENTENNL4L COMMISSION Mayor Matney spoke regarding the desirability of establishing a Bi-Centennial Commission and recormnended that the City advertise for volunteers to serve. Following discussion, Mayor Matney was authorized to select.a Bi-Centennial Commission and Mr. Bill Reed, Public Information Officer,was appointed to serve as Staff Coordinator for the Commission. Page #18 - Council Minutes - 8J6/73 ITEMS RECEIVED AND FILED BY THE CITY COUNCIL P-1. Monthly Report - Harbors & Beaches Department. P-2, Monthly Report - Building & Community Development Department, Oil Division. P-3. Monthly Report - Recreation & Parks Department. P-4. Communication from Assemblyman Kenneth Cory, 69th District re: SB 90. P-5. Communication from Edison High School Drill Team thanking the Mayor and City Council for their efforts in initiating fund raising drive. P-6. Resolution -from City of Yorba Linda recommending a change in the meeting schedule for Orange County Mosquito Abatement District. P-7. Monthly Report - Fire Department. P-8. Employment by Industry Report,. City of Huntington Beach. P-9. Communication from City of Placentia urging support for the nomination of Placentia Mayor Bob Langer, for the position of League Representative to the Orange County Transit District Board of Directors. P-10. Comparison Report of Parks & Open Space Among Orange County Cities. P-11. Resolution from Orange County Board of Supervisors regarding Orange County Flood Control District. P-12. Communication from Orange County Sanitation District.urgi.ng that Council withhold support of the City of Westminster Resolution relative to legislation designed to give each City discretionary control of the routes selected for rights of way in public streets by County Sanitation Districts and other similar districts. P-13. Resolution - City of Newport Beach urging California State Legislature to enact legislation to alleviate tax burden on Coastal Zone Cities having regional public beach areas. ADJOURNMENT On motion by Bartlett, the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned at 1:40 A.M. to Monday, August 20, 1973, at 5:30 P.M. in the Admin- istrative Annex. The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Bartlett, Gibbs, Green, Coen, Duke, Matney NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: Shipley City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California ATTEST: Alicia M. Wentworth City Clerk d­ 14ayor 1 I