HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-10-09CORRECTED MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1973 - 7 P.M. - STUDY SESSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Geiger, Bazil, Higgins, Kerins, Wallin, Porter COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Boyle NOTE: A TAPE RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS ON FILE IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OFFICE. SPECIFIC PLAN AND MULTI -STORY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS_ TOWNLOT AREA Mr. Art Knox addressed the Commission. He stated that he was resigning as Chairman of the High Rise Committee and does not plan to attend any future meetings. His reasons included the fact that the plan has created greater density and intensity, parking has been set up to permit parking in front yard set- backs, and that he has not been given information in sufficient time for study prior to meetings. Chairman Kerins noted that of eight members appointed by the City Council to the High Rise Committee two were present. Mrs. Lorraine Fabor, who was present, agreed ' to a request by Chairman Kerins that she hold a meeting of the High Rise Committee in order to elect a new Chairman.-,-,, Commission discussion followed on whether to continue with this item or continue it to the next study session meeting. ON MOTION BY PORTER AND SECOND BY BAZIL SPECIFIC PLAN AND MULTI -STORY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS OF TOWNLOT AREA WAS CONTINUED TO OCTOBER,23, 1973 STUDY SESSION OF PLANNING COMMISSION BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Higgins, Kerins, Porter NOES: Geiger, Wallin, ABSENT: Boyle LAND USE EDP.SYSTEM STATUS Ms. Maureen Wild presented to the Commission:a review of the Urban Data Inventory of the EDP System. Commission discussion followed. Chairman Kerins stated he would like to see.sample output reports using the system and that he will be.,asking for dollars expended for the EDP system for the Planning function. Minutes: H.B. Plahning Commission Tuesday, October 9, 1973 Page 2 REVENUE/EXPENDITURE ANALYSIS OF RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, AND INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS This item was continued to October 23, 1973 Study Session. METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT Commission discussion included the undesirability of the site proposed for acquisition and the use of EIR guidelines to control site selection or place constraints on MWD. John O'Connor, Assistant City Attorney, stated that whether or not the City could assume the role of lead agency is not resolved. Staff was directed to prepare a draft letter to MWD for review by Commissioners, which would'voice the City's concern for the District's present plan for acquisition with apparent neglect (and potential impact upon the 500 acre wildlife preserve proposed) of the City's earlier recommendation of utility corridor and switch yard, and ask for their comment regarding proposal made at public hearing -over a year ago. Chairman Kerins stated that he felt the Commission should wait until new guidelines are adopted and ask the Attorney for a report and recommendations on how to proceed with mitigation of the present plan of MWD. ON.MOTION BY KERINS AND SECOND BY HIGGINS THE CITY ATTORNEY WAS,DIRECTED TO REPORT BACK ON NOVEMBER 13, 1973 MEETING WITH RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING THIS SUBJECT, ASSUMING THAT STATE GUIDELINES HAVE BEEN ADOPTED FOR EIRs BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazi 1, Higgins, Kerins, Wallin, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: Boyle MISCELLANEOUS Ms. Kristin Bender addressed the Commission and reported on the excellent progress of the least terns in the Huntington Harbour area. She stated that there are now about 30 pair of least terns, and that this was related in a letter to Planning Commission and Environmental Review Board. She stated ,that La Solano is attempt- ing to get the .relocated nesting site built and that she hoped to be on hand when construction begins. Ms. Bender felt the birds.. would adjust well to their new site when it is completed. COMMISSIONERS' COMMENTS Commissioner Wallin requested .that she be put on record as request- ing that staff provide their planned presentation -(before Coastal Commission on October 29 meeting) for Commission at October 23rd meeting. -2- P.C.' 10/9/73 1 1 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 9, 1973 Page 3 EDISON CO. EXPANSION A MOTION WAS MADE BY WALLIN AND SECONDED BY PORTER FOR STAFF TO TRANSMIT TO CITY COUNCIL THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S CONCERN THAT CONDITION OF APPROVAL HAS BEEN CHANGED FROM "PRIOR TO GRADING'',TO "PRIOR TO -OCCUPANCY", Commissioner Bazil stated that, although he would abstain from voting due to his absence at the meeting in which the Edison application was heard, it was his feeling that the Planning Commission was a recommending body. He further stated that when recommendations are sent to the City Council, unless they are sent back, the Commission should not take any further action since the City Council is the legislative body. VOTE: AYES: Wallin, Porter NOES: Geiger, Higgins, Kerins •ABSTAIN: Bazil ABSENT: Boyle THE MOTION FAILED. LABOR CAMP (CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 68-31 (Vicmora Corp.) Commissioner Porter inquired as to status of the Labor Camp. Chairman Kerins requested that a staff report be prepared as to the status of the Labor Camp. TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Commissioner Geiger passed out copies to the Commission of letters to the news media indicating progress with Orange County Transit District and with request that bus schedules be published periodically with changes so noted in schedules. STAFF'S COMMENTS Attorney John O'Connor reported on Red Carpet Realty sign. He stated that the matter is being handled by Mr. Miller in the Attorney's office. On September 13 a warning letter was issued, apprising Red Carpet of violation. Charles Gerarden stated that arraignment is set for October 16, 1973. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at K. A. Reynolds Secretary 8:30 P.M. to Tuesday, October 16, 1973 E and H. Kerins Chairman