HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-10-16MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1973 - 7 P.M. - REGULAR MEETING COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Geiger, Bazil, Higgins, Kerins, Wallin Boyle, Porter COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None NOTE: A TAPE RECO91JING.OF THIS MEETING IS 19N FILE IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OFFICE,` CONSENT CALENDAR (LTEMS---APPROVED) ON MOTION BY BOYLE AND SECOND BY PORTER THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WERE APPROVED AS RECOMMENDED_BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: MINUTES - August 28, 1973',- Approved as transcribed and mailed. TENTATIVE TRACT N0..7743 (Continued from 9/18/73) Applicant: J.M.C. Coristruction Co. Continued to November 6, 1973 on ,,staff recommendation to allow time to meet with S.uba-ivision Committee 10/26/73. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 8412*. Applicant: Covington -.Bros. Continued to November 6',j973 at written request of the -applicant. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 73-48 APPEAL Applicant: First Western Bank Continued to November 6, 1973 at applicant's request and with staff's concurrence. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 7596.(Continued from 10/2/73) Applicant:` Donald L. Bren Co. Tentative Tract.No. 7596 is a request -for a nine month extension of time of the conditions of approval commencing October S. 1973. roperty is located crast-of Newland Street and south of Garfield venue. The Acting Secretary.4ddressed the Commission and stated that Resolution No. 1128'.-ha-. been prepared to be discussed concurrently with this application." -Chairman Kerins stated that he would like to defer discussion of,Resolution No. 1128 to the end of the meeting. > ;• Minutes: It. 13. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 16, 1973 Page 2 Mr. Harry Merrill, Vice President of Donald L. Bren Co., addressed the Commission and stated that he had no opposition to the latest conditions of approval, and that 75% of arterial wall landscaping is complete. He questioned items 1 and 2 of the Environmental Review Board's recommendations. The Commission discussed the effeciency of both gas and electric utilit*es and their effect -on conservation of energy. ON MOTION BY BOYLE AND SECOND BY BAZIL ENVIRONMENTAL'IMPACT REPORT NO. 73-14 WAS ADOPTED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil,7Iiiggins, Kerins, Boyle NOES: Wallin, Porter ABSENT: -None Discussion followed on stubbing out both electrical and natural gas utilities. ON,MOTION BY-GEIGER AND SECOND BY BAZIL ITEM 2 OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW BOARD'S RECOMMENDATIONS,,WHICH IS QUOTED BELOW, WAS DELETED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: 2. The developer shall--be-,,required at the time of construction - to stub out for both electrical and natural gas utilities for the following facilities-: clothes dryers, water heaters, cooking equipment, and -refrigeration units to minimize the possible overburden on'any one energy source. AYES: Geiger, Bazil,.Higgins,' Kerins NOES: Wallin, Porter,- Boyle ABSENT: None.. Commission then discussed suitable wording to amend -Item 2 of the Environmental Review Board.'s recommendations. ON MOTION•BY,BOYLE AND SECOND BY KERINS ITEM 2 OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW BOARD'S RECOMMENDATIONS WAS AMENDED TO SUBSTITUTE "DUAL SYSTEM FOR CLOTHES DRYERS" AND "GAS FOR WATER HEATER AND CENTRAL HEATING" BY.THE'FOLLOWI'NG VOTE: AYES: Kerins, Wallin,- Boyle,.Porter NOES: Geiger, Bazil, Higgins ABSENT: None � ON MOTION:BY GEIGER AND SECOND BY-HIGGINS AN EXTENSION OF NINE MONTHS FROM OCTOBER 5,-1973;.WAS GRANTED ON TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 7596 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: 1 Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 16, 1973 Page 3 1. The tentative map received June 23, 1972, shall be the approved layout. 2. The area north of'Yorktown Avenue, except the 12 acres east of the Edison right-of-way, shall not be developed until an agreement is reached regarding the method of constructing major drainage facilities for this area. 3. A soil report prepared by an approved soils engineer shall be submitted to the.Department of Public Works prior to recordation of:a%y,-portion of the tract. All portions of the land not satisfactory for building shall be excluded. 4. The median along, Garfield Avenue shall be landscaped and improved to P1annlmg Department and Department of Public Works' requirement's.. Such landscaping shall include the bulb at the intersection of "AA" Street. S. The street right-of-way along Garfield Avenue, across the Southern California Edison Company easement, shall be fully improved to Department of Public Works' requirements. 6. A 6 ft. high masonry wall shall be constructed along the rear of the lots backing onto the Newland School site. Also a concrete strip shall be installed between the existing chain link fence and the new wood frame or wall. 7. All Standard'Conditions of Approval of May 23, 1972 for tentative tract maps that are applicable shall be complied with. 8. The developer shall be required to install full insulation in all exterior walls and ceilings of the dwellings to minimize the burden on -heating and cooling systems. 9. The developer shall be required at the time of construction to stub out for both electrical and natural gas utilities the following facility: clothes dryers.. He shall also be required to provide gas for water heaters and central heat- ing. This condition is imposed to minimize possible over- burden on any one energy source. 10. The developer shall be required to dispose of all building spoils, such as unusable lumber, tar paper, wire, pipe and other excess.or.unusable waste, at an off -site facility that is equipped to:handle them. •1 Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 16, 1973 Page 4 11. The developer shall be required to remove all peat deposits from the lots in the project which have been designated in the report as areas having a serious peat problem. 12. The developer shall-b6l--required to locate all dwelling units at a minimum setback of••,35 feet from the travel lane of the arterial highway to reduce and attenuate the sound'pressure level to an acceptab1c .level•of between 45 and 50 dBa reading within the; dwelling -units. 13. The developer shall be.required to afford access to the adjoining Edison right;of-way on Garfield to make it avail- able for bicycle traffic -down to the high school. ti 14. The developer shall be required to furnish a list of plant materials that would,be_ acceptable in the project area, such list to be .prepared by a qualified consultant, and shall furnish a statement to be made available to the buyers of the units regarding possible earth settling in the area. . 15. The developer shall be required to,stockpile all topsoil as it is removed for construction and replace and restore it within the project after construction. 16. The Parks and Recreation fees in effect at the time Planning Commission grants an extension of time on the Tentative Tract map shall be the; approved_ fees. 17. The developer shall be required to construct all arterial highway improvements, including perimeter walls and,land- scaping, prior to release or connection of.utilities for occupancy.' AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Higgins, Kerins NOES: Wallin, Boyle, -Porter ABSENT: None MINORITY REPORT. ' I. There still remains-an=unresolved adverse impact on both elementary 'and high schools. 'This project will generate an excess of 315 children over the maximum capacity of the elementary schools;bn the,local vicinity. It will add 112 high school students -to a high school district completely beyond capacity. The elfect-of this will continue to degrade educational' quality.. > 1 1 Minutes: H. B. Planhing_Commission Tuesday, October 16, 19173 Page 5 2. -This project, in addition to the Signal Landmark project to the south, lies within the highest hazard flood zone, Class A. 3. The State of California has not reported their geological safety survey and the required standards to be applied by local jurisdictions. 4. Continued approval of projects of this magnitude (392 homes) places added burden upon electric and gas utilities, widely publicized as being in extremely short supply and insuffi- cient to meet the impact of new growth. (signed) W. M. Porter Joseph P. Boyle K. G. Wallin CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 73-05 (Continued from 9/18/73) Applicant: Rodney B. Lauter Conditional Use Permit No. 73-05 is a request to permit continued use and future expansion -of an existing church and school located on the east side of Florida, 300 ft. south of Utica in an R2 medium density residential area. The Chairman opened -the -hearing to the public. Mr. John Rohrig, representing the Evangelical Free Church, addressed the Commission and discussed keeping the existing driveway until it could be placed in another area which has been. -proposed. Landscaping was discussed. The Acting Secretary noted that 100 landscaping is required for Churches and the proposed plan calls_out__14.5% landscaping. Reciprocal parking agreement with Wycliff on adjoining property was discussed. Conditions of approval were discussed. Public hearing was closed. The Acting -Secretary noted, _that the Environmental Review Board approved Exemption Declaration No. 73-169;subject to traffic study recommendations.'"- ON MOTION BY BOYLE AND SECOND BY PORTER CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO.-7,3-05 WAS APPROVED WITH'THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: 1. The southerly driveway of the existing church facility shall be a width of 20 ft. to facilitate two way traffic -with a 30 ft. wide driveway opening at the Florida Avenue point of access. Minutes: H. B. Planning. -Commission Tuesday, October 16, 1973 Page 6 2. The Plot Plan received August 3, 1973 shall be revised to reflect the recommendations of the Traffic Study. The plan dated August 3, 1973 -shall be the approved plan for the 14.5% landscaping. - - 3. The conditional use -permit shall encompass the entire church property (286 ft. fronting on Florida Street and 300 ft. in depth). 4. A reciprocal parking agreement shall be signed and recorded with the City prior__wforissuance of building permits. S. If at a future date it is determined that the combined facilities exceed the parking allocation, additional parking shall be required to be provided on site. The number and location shall be'determined'by the Board of Zoning Adjust- ments. 6. All applicable conditions of approval of Conditional Use Permit No. 73-01 shall be complied with. 7. Within one year, the northerly driveway shall be converted to landscaping. AYES: Geiger, Bazil; Higgins, Kerins, Wallin, Boyle, Porter NOES:_ None ABSENT: None And for the following reasons: 1. The proposed use wi1l.,not be detrimental to the value of property or improvements within the vicinity. 2. The proposed use sha1 not.have'an adverse effect on the general health,'welfare- -safety and convenience of the neighborhood or the City as a whole. CODE AMENDMENT NO. 73-21:-,--Guest Parking_Revision-: z To amend subsections relating to guest parking requirements within multiple residential districts and to'require said parking to be located on -site. The Acting Secretary and Commission concurred for withdrawal of this item for the agendaw- Staff was directed to incorporate Planned Development stree-t=se:ctions in draft. 1 Minutes: H. B. Planning -Commission Tuesday,-October'16, 1973 Page 7 MISCELLANEOUS LETTER TO METROPOLITAN.WATER DISTRICT OF.SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Commission reviewed and edited draft of a letter to MWD which y. had been prepared bstaff in opposition to MWD.acquiring a utility corridor and-srlitchyard in the Bolsa Chica. Staff was directed to prepare final letter incorporating changes. RESOLUTION NO. 1128 A Resolution of the City Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach adopting criteria to serve as guidelines for landscaping along arterial highways. Commission discussed the proposed Resolution and stated that Mr. Hartge was in agreement with the Resolution. ON MOTION BY KERINS AND SECOND BY BOYLE RESOLUTION NO. 1128 WAS APPROVED AS AMENDED BY THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil; Higgins, Kerins, Wallin, Boyle, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: None SPECIAL CENSUS Mr. Ed Selich gave a brief presentation on special census to be taken in City of Huntington Beach and requested Commissioners' comments on questions to be asked during the census that the City has no answers for at this time. This additional information would greatly benefit the City. It was noted that information has to be finalized by October 23, 1973. Commissioner Geiger felt -data would be of minimum use to anybody and would probably be inaccurate. Commissioner Bazil fe-lt- questions should be directed -toward those which would provide factual answers rather than opinions. Commissioner.'Wallin felt'it_could be a positive approach. Chairman Kerins suggested the question he preferred would be "Do you want the City to take steps to limit population growth of Huntington Beach?" Commissioner Porter thought the question of place of occupation o,f-head of household might be beneficial. Minutes: H.B. Planning•Commission Tuesday, October 16,-'I973 Page 8 Chairman Kerins thought that No. 1 priority should.be placed on question of number,.of cars/unit. REAR YARD SETBACK WITHIN HUNTINGTON HARBOUR Staff and Commission discussed setbacks and open space. ON MOTION BY KERINS AND SECOND BY BOYLE STAFF WAS DIRECTED TO PREPARE A CODE AMENDMENT INDICATING THE THREE MODIFICATIONS LISTED BELOW BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: 1. 10' setback on channelized bulkhead. 2. Minimum width of 100 ft. 3. Eliminate 5 ft. from the flood control channel. AYES: Geiger, Kerins, NOES: Bazil, Higgins ABSENT: None COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS Wallin, Boyle, Porter Staff directed to provide Planning Commission with updated standard conditions for tentative maps for review and adoption within one month. Commission discussed Shelter Industries and noted that the project would be up for reconsideration at November Sth City Council Meeting. Commissioner Porternote'd that Saturday, October 20, at 2:00 P.M. on CBS Channel 2 there will be a presentation on "What is Energy Crises All About? Chairman Kerins req`u'esx�d -staff present at October 23rd study session a review of material to be presented at October 29 Coastal Commission meeting. i Chairman Kerins recq ested that copies of the Jensen letter be mailed out in Friday'sNpacket. Commissioner Wallin requested cost revenue data be included in all future staff reports. Commissioner Wallin discussed enforcement of Coastal Commission Conditions of Approval and discussed the possiblity of a Code Amendment being prepared that would assist in implementation. She requested that it be put on Coastal Commission agenda for their October 29th meeting. r� Minutes: ' H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 16, 1973 Page 9 Attorney John O'Connor was directed to report back to Commission on how Selby Decision could be applied to ' Huntington Beach. Commissioner.Geiger discussed open-end Cul-de-sac treatment. Chairman Kerins discussed his reasons for appealing the i Ralph's sign at'Goldenwest & Warner which had been approved by the BZA. Commissioner Boyle requested staff to study other techniques of energy conservation. ADJOURNMENT -> > The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. to the October 23 Study Session".meeting. K. A.Reyn 1 war H. Kerins Secretary Chairman 1