HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-11-06MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1973 - 7 P.M. - REGULAR MEETING COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Geiger, Bazil, Higgins, Kerins, Wallin Boyle, Porter, - COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None NOTE: A TAPE RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS ON FILE IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OFFICE. CONSENT CALENDAR ON MOTION BY WALLIN AND SECOND'BY PORTER THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WERE APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: MINUTES: September 18, September 25,,October 16, 1973 approved as transcribed and mailed. October 9, 1973 minutes approved as amended. ZONE CASE NO. 73-14 Initiated by Planning Commission Withdrawn at the request of staff. AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Higgins, Kerins, Wallin, Boyle, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: None REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS FINAL TRACT 7896 - WROUGHT IRON FENCE NOISE SURVEY . Mr. Jerry Jackson addressed the Commission and presented his findings from a noise survey: conducted at three sites with similar traffic speed limits on the adjacent arterial highways of three Landscape Standard Plan 709 cul-de-sac cutouts. The three sites are located at Newland Street on•Millbridge'Circle, Brookhurst Street'on Cape May Lane, and subject site at Magnolia Street on Henton Drive. Mr. Jackson displayed slides and vugraphs. 'He -stated that with open fence without shrubbery there is no attenuation. At 88 ft. the sound attenuation is approximately 5.5 dBa and at 160 ft. is.3.0,dBa for an average of both masonry walls. -Attenuation for.both 6 ft. and.42.inch masonry wall"is maximum at 65 ft. from the arterial. Commission discussion followed on Plan 709. PC 11/6/73 Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission November 6, 1973 Page 2 ON MOTION BY WALLIN AND SECOND BY HIGGINS ADOPTED SIX FOOT WROUGHT IRON FENCE WITH AND DIRECTED STAFF TO AMEND STANDARD P AND IRON WORK WITH DISTANCES BETWEEN BARS INCHES BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Kerins, Wallin, Boyle NOES: Geiger, Bazil, Porter ABSENT: None PLANNING COMMISSION COMPATIBLE LANDSCAPING LAN 709 TO INCLUDE PILASTERS NOT TO EXCEED FOUR.(4) PROPOSED ZONE CHANGE NO. 73-13 (from Ml-A-0 to MH, located at Newland and Pacific Coast Highway) Mr. James Palin, Environmental Review Board Chairman, addressed the Commission and displayed vugraphs. He reviewed the recommend- ations of the Environmental Review. Board which requested that the Planning Commission reconsider Zone Case No. 73-13 since (1) it was initiated prior to Edison Company expansion and (2) there is a possibility that Newland will. -be widened to four lanes and that further increase in traffic would cause further deterioration of the air quality. He stated that the cost of preparation of an Environ- mental Impact Report would be approximately $4,500. Commission discussion followed. Commissioner Higgins stated that he did not feel the cost of an Environmental Impact Report should be considered. ON MOTION BY BOYLE AND SECOND BY BAZIL STAFF WAS DIRECTED TO PREPARE A LETTER TO CITY COUNCIL REQUESTING THAT ZONE CASE NO. 73-13 BE REFERRED BACK TO PLANNING COMMISSION FOR RECONSIDERATION BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Kerins, Wallin, Boyle NOES: Higgins, Porter ABSENT: None ENVIRONMENTAL'REVIEW,BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS FOR STANDARD CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS Mr. James Palin, Environmental Review Board Chairman, addressed the Commission and stated that they would be offering mitigating measures pertaining to all Environmental Impact Reports. He further stated that until the Ordinance is amended the wording is'such that the Board is required to find that the project has a trivial or lesser effect before an Exemption Declaration can be granted. Until such time as standard conditions of approval are amended for Tentative Tract Maps and for provisions in the Ordinance Code, the Environ- mental Review Board recommends that the Planning Commission approve the three standard conditions offered by the Board on all residential development. u -2- , PC 11/6/73 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 6, 1973 Page 3 Staff was requested to furnish back-up information on supply and efficiency factors of natural gas versus electricity at the time the standard conditions of approval are before the Planning Commission for review and adoption. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 7743 (Continued from 10/16/73) USE PERMIT NO. 72-82_ (Continued from 10/16/73) Applicant: J.M.C. Construction Co. Tentative Tract No. 7743 is a request for 14 lots, on 2.616 acres located west of Marina View Place, north of Los Patos, southeast of Warner Avenues. Use Permit No. 72-82 is a request to permit 13 unit planned residential development at said location. The Secretary, Mr. Ken Reynolds, stated that the applicant has been in contact with the staff, and by telephone requested a continuance. A letter confirming this request would be forth- coming. Commissioner Porter spoke against a continuance, stating that applicant has had sufficient time to prepare revised plans. The Chairman opened the hearing to the public. Mr. Bill Wynn, representing Homeowners Association of Marina View Place, spoke against the project, stating that his Association would prefer that the area be developed R1. The Chairman closed the public hearing. Mr. Reynolds stated that applicant had advised him that he would not be at November 6, 1973 meeting since he had asked for a continuance. Commissioner Bazil stated that he was in favor of continuance and definitely preferred a planned development on -the site. He further stated that he would like a schematic of wall section required by the City if the property is developed R1. The Secretary indicated that a straw poll indicated three Commissioners were,in favor of planned development if units would be lowered from'13 to 11. The original plan called for 15 units: He'further stated that two Commissioners preferred R1 and two Commissioners were willing to accept the planned develop- ment as presented. ON MOTION BY'BAZIL AND SECOND BY BOYLE TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 7743 AND USE PERMIT NO. 72-82 WERE CONTINUED TO DECEMBER 4, 1973 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: -3- PC 11/6/73 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 6, 1973 Page 4 AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Higgins, Kerins, Wallin, Boyle NOES: Porter ABSENT: None Staff was directed to inform the applicant the Commission does not favor any other continuances. Staff was further directed to apprise applicant of what is expected in the way of drawings and revisions of plans and any other pertinent information for presentation to the Commission on December 4, 1973. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 8412 (Continued from 10/16/73) Applicant: Covington Bros. Tentative Tract No. 8412 is a request to permit 15 lot subdivision consisting of four-plexes located on the south side of Heil St., approximately 435 ft. east of Bolsa Chica. Secretary Ken Reynolds addressed the Commission and stated that the Public Works Department had -requested that an.additional condition of approval be added to those listed in'the staff report concern- ing the construction of a drainage structure to the proposed street. Vugraphs were shown. Mr. Bob Fitzpatrick, representing Covington Bros., addressed the Commission and stated that he was prepared to answer any questions concerning the proposed development. Commissioner Wallin noted that trees were not shown on the displayed plot plan which had lieen discussed at Subdivision Meeting. There was a discussion on perimeter walls. A MOTION WAS MADE BY-WALLIN AND SECONDED BY PORTER TO APPROVE TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 8412 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. No Parking shall be permitted on Heil. 2. Reciprocal easements for driveway access shall be recorded con- current with the final tract. 3. All plantings and landscaping in the driveway medians and street median shall meet with the approval of the Planning and Public Works Departments. 4. Landscaping at the end of the cul-de-sac and along the west property line shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Department. 5. The tentative map stamped "received" October 29, 1973 shall be the, approved map. 6. Landscaping along Heil shall meet with the approval of the Planning Department. -4- PC 11/6/73 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 6, 1973 Page 5 7. On site landscaping shall be provided with an irrigation sprinkling system. 8. All applicable conditions of the Standard Conditions of Approval dated May 23, 1972 shall be complied with. 9. A drainage structure acceptable to the Department of Public Works shall be constructed from Tract 7805 to the proposed street. 10. The developer shall be subject to the proposed acoustical controls as outlined in the report; i.e., thermal paned windows, relocation of the roof vents, and density of insulation to reduce the noise levels within the living and sleeping quarters of the units to a maximum of 50 dBa. 11. The project shall be constructed with full insulation of all exterior walls and ceilings to reduce the burden on heating and cooling systems. 12. Building spoils, such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable material shall be dumped at an off -site facility equipped to handle them. 13. Both natural gas and electricity shall be stubbed in for clothes dryers, cooking facilities, water heaters, refrigeration units, and central heating units to alleviate the possible drain on any one energy source. 14. The south side of Heil Avenue shall be posted "no parking" as the City has proposed a bicycle trail at this location. 15. Except for the Heil Avenue frontage, the perimeter wall shall be constructed to a minimum height of 7 1/2 ft. to mitigate the noise levels. 16. The developer shall be encouraged to participate with the school districts (elementary and high school) in providing facilities for the children generated by this development. A MOTION WAS MADE BY GEIGER AND SECONDED BY BAZIL TO AMEND CONDITION NO. 13 AS FOLLOWS: 13. Both natural gas and electricity shall be stubbed in at clothes drier locations. Commission discussion followed. VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Higgins, Boyle, Porter NOES: Kerins, Wallin ABSENT: None -5- PC 11/6/73 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 6, 1973 Page 6 THE AMENDMENT TO THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PASSED. Commission discussed Condition No. 15. concerning the height of the perimeter wall. A MOTION WAS MADE BY HIGGINS AND SECONDED BY KERINS TO AMEND CON- DITION NO. 15 AS FOLLOWS: 15. The perimeter wall shall be constructed to a minimum height of 6 ft. VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Kerins, Higgins NOES: Geiger, Wallin, Boyle, Porter ABSENT: None THE AMENDMENT TO THE CONDITION OF APPROVAL NO. 15 FAILED. VOTE ON MOTION TO APPROVE TENTATIVE TRACT 8412 WITH THE CONDITION AS AMENDED AND NOTED ABOVE: AYES: Geiger, Higgins, Kerins, Wallin, Boyle, Porter NOES: Bazil ABSENT: None THE MOTION PASSED. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 8477, Applicant: Stellrecht-Bartoli Tentative Tract No. 8477 is a request to permit 11 lots (Rl) on 2.13 acres located on the northwest corner of Springdale and Heil. Mr. Bob Stellrecht addressed the Commission. He discussed the lot adjacent to Church parking lot and stated that the driveway for the Church on adjacent property will remain for the use of the Church. Conditions of approval were discussed. In response to Commissioner Porter's question as to what power will be used, Mr. Stellrecht stated that the stove will be gas or electric, water heater gas, and heating will be gas. ON MOTION BY HIGGINS AND SECOND BY BAZIL TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 8477 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: 1. The wall height on the corner of Lots 1 and 11 shall be reduced to 42 inches in height and meet with the approval of the Planning Department. 2. A thirteen foot parkway with meandering sidewalk shall be pro- vided according to City standards along Springdale. -6- PC 11/6/73 Minutes: H.B. Planning Department Tuesday, November 6, 1973 Page 7 3. A 6' decorative masonry wall shall be constructed along the east, north, and south side of the tract. The wall shall be integrated with that wall existing on the west side. Color contrasts shall not be garish and shall be approved by the Planning and'Public Works Departments. 4. The developer shall plant trees and shrubs along the rear yards of the tract so as to buffer aesthetically and physically the uses on the north and south sides of the tract. The existing wall on the west shall also be buffered so as to soften the ominous view. Landscape plans shall be submitted to the Planning Department for approval., 5. The map stamped September 24, 1973 is the approved map. 6. All applicable conditions of the standard conditions of approval dated May 23, 1972 shall be complied with. 7. Applicant shall provide unit plotting and architectural treat- ment for corner lots #1 and-11. 8. If a retention condition is created at the rear wall (property line), existing wall shall be rebuilt or modified to City specifications,, 9. If core samples indicate the need, then developer will pro- vide for reconstruction of Springdale Street to center line. 10. The project shall be constructed with full insulation of all exterior walls and ceilings to reduce the burden on heating and cooling systems. 11. Building spoils, such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable material shall be dumped at an off -site facility equipped to handle them. 12. Both natural gas and electricity shall be stubbed in at clothes drier locations. AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Higgins, Kerins, Wallin, Boyle, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: None CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 73-48,APPEAL (Continued from 10/16/73). Applicant: First Western Bank Appellant: Heath and Company Conditional Exception No. 73-48 is a request for a free-standing sign at 43 ft. from side lot line located on the north side of Warner Ave. 200 yards west of-Goldenwest Street. -7- PC 11/6/73 Minutes: H.B. Planning Department Tuesday, November 6, 1973 Page 8 On September. 19, 1973, the'Board of Zoning Adjustments denied the application for Conditional Exception No. 73-48 because (1) Applicant failed to demonstrate justifiable hardship, and (2) Granting of this Conditional Exception would constitute a special privilege. Chairman Kerins opened the hearing to the public. Mr. E. Briesemeister, 3225 Lacy Street, Los Angeles, California, addressed the Commission. He introduced Mr. Jim Freeman of the First Western Bank who addressed the Board, and explained the hard- ship involved in the Bank's request. There was a discussion on traffic pattern and the possible elimination of one curb break to make room for a planter which would accommodate the sign. Other alternatives were discussed. Mr. Freeman stated that the Bank was on purchased property and not leased property, and that the utilization is independent of the center development insofar as drive-thru window requirements. Secretary Reynolds indicated that reciprocal parking agreements should be pursued. ON MOTION BY PORTER AND SECOND BY BOYLE APPEAL OF CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 73-48 WAS DENIED, AND DECISION OF THE BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS UPHELD, FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS AND BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: 1. Applicant has not shown sufficient hardship. 2. Project has 4 stalls more than required for bank structure and as staff indicated loss of one parking stall would seem practical. AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Higgins, Kerins, Wallin, Boyle, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: None RALPH'S MARKET POLE SIGN - APPEAL Appellant: Edward H. Kerins, Chairman, -Planning Commission This is an appeal to Board of Zoning Adjustment's approval of a 106 sq. ft. pole sign at the southwest corner of Goldenwest Street and Warner Avenue. Chairman Kerins stated that he had reviewed the tape of the Board of Zoning Adjustment meeting of October 3 as well as minutes from Board of Zoning Adjustments, Planning Commission, and City Council on the sign issue. The Chairman opened the hearing to the public. Mr. Bill Finkelberg, of Heath & Co., spoke in behalf of Mr. Woods, Vice President of Ralph's;`stating that Mr. Woods was ill and had -8- PC 11/6/73 Minutes: H.B. Planning Department Tuesday, November 6, 1973 Page 9 requested that if possible he would prefer a postponement in order that representatives from Ralph's could speak in behalf of the sign. Staff's recommendations and a history of signing for the center were discussed. The Chairman closed the hearing to the public. There was further discussion on Use Permit No. 72-33 and Condition No. 13 therein. ON MOTION BY BOYLE AND SECOND BY BAZIL APPEAL OF RALPH'S SIGN BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION WAS APPROVED AND APPROVAL OF BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS ON OCTOBER 3, 1973 DENIED FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON AND WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITION BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: REASON Condition No.. 13 of Use Permit No. 72-33. CONDITION Before approval could be given for such a sign a Plot Plan Amendment would have to be filed. Reference is made to S. 9811.4 of the Code. VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Higgins, Kerins, Wallin, Boyle, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: None COMMISSIONERS' COMMENTS Commissioner Boyle requested the ERB staff to work on the energy crisis and designate those facilities that can be powered by a most efficient energy source. He stated he felt water heaters should be gas with a choice for clothes driers, and that he felt there was no need to have both gas and electricity for every facility. Commissioner Boyle stated he felt communication should be made to the BZA indicating signs as structures should be processed through a Use Permit. Commissioner Wallin stated that she would like to require the platting of units on a Tentative Tract for Planning Commission approval. -9- PC 11/6/73 Minutes: H.B. Planning Department Tuesday, November 6, 1973 Page 10 Chairman Kerins inquired about the sign ordinance and Secretary Reynolds stated that a draft would be presented at their December 11, 1973 Study Session. Chairman Kerins asked if there was anything new on State Guidelines. Assistant City Attorney John O'Connor stated that he would follow up and present his findings at the November 13 meeting. Chairman Kerins requested a press release on the Growth Policy and Secretary Reynolds stated that distribution had been thoroughly covered including the press. STAFF'S COMMENTS Assistant City Attorney John O'Connor briefly discussed letter directed to Planning Commission which had been passed out at the meeting stating that Attorney's office had some concern that procedures were not being followed at Commission meetings and the purpose of the letter was to apprise Commission and Planning Department of various procedures and hope that they will be adhered to in the future. Secretary Reynolds discussed modification of Agenda to allow time estimates on certain items which would allow staff and applicants to approximate time of hearing or presentation and result in saving time for both staff and applicant. Secretary Reynolds briefly discussed the Taylor Street Specific Plan and what had transpired at City Council Meeting November 5, 1973. ADJOURNMENT ON MOTION BY KERINS AND SECOND BY BAZIL THE MEETING ADJOURNED AT 11:15 P.M. TO NOVEMBER 13, 1973 STUDY SESSION BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Higgins,.Kerins, Wallin, Boyle, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: None 6 X. A. ReynbldW Edward H. Ke in Secretary Chairman -10- PC 11/6/73