HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-02-13 (7)MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1974.- 8:25 P.M. - ADJOURNED MEETING rnMMT99TnWRR9 PRRARWT! Geiger Kerins Boyle COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner Wallin arrived at 7:32 P.M. and Commissioner Bazil arrived at 8:35 P.M. Higgins, Porter NOTE: A TAPE RECORDING OF A PORTION OF THIS MEETING IS ON FILE IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OFFICE. RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION Chairman Kerins presented Ms. Kristen Bender a Resolution of Commendation for her contribution toward preservation of the California Least Tern. Ms. Bender expressed her appreciation for the presentation and commended the City for their stand on protecting this endangered species. SEISMIC SAFETY STUDY Mr. Ed Selich addressed the.Commission and introduced Mr. Doug Moran, Chief Geologist and Vice President of Leighton -Yen Company, who was awarded the contract for the Seismic Safety Study. He stated that the report contained technical information to be used by the City for future planning in various areas. Mr. Moran addressed the Commission and outlined the various sections of the report. He requested comments from the Commission. Commissioner Boyle inquired if the'firm employed a Structural Engineer and Mr. Moran stated that it did not. Commissioner Wallin arrived at 7:32 P.M. The audience was invited to participate in question and answer discussion with Mr. Moran. Mr. Wiener addressed Mr. Moran and questioned certain ,information in the report as well as information which the report lacked. He was requested by Chairman Kerins to report back in writing, and he agreed to do so within the next three weeks. Commissioner Geiger stated that he felt the purpose of the study was in land use planning. Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Wednesday, February 13,.1974 Page 2 Chairman Kerins requested Secretary Harlow to prepare a transmittal to the Commission indicating how staff plans to utilize the report. Mr. Selich discussed the Tri Cities Seismic Study that has been made and stated that most cities are in the same position as Huntington Beach. Commissioner Bazil arrived at 8:35 P.M. CONSENT CALENDAR Minutes of January 29, 1974 ON MOTION BY BOYLE AND SECOND BY GEIGER THE MINUTES OF JANURY 29, 1974 WERE APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Kerins, Wallin, Boyle, Bazil NOES: None ABSENT: Higgins, Porter EXTENSION OF TIME - Tentative Tract 7771/Use Permit No. 72-82 (See written Communication) ON MOTION BY KERINS AND SECOND BY GEIGER EXTENSION OF TIME FOR TENTATIVE TRACT 7771 WAS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR AND PLACED UNDER WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Kerins, Wallin, Boyle, Bazil NOES: None ABSENT: Higgins, Porter ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mrs. Hearn Paschall addressed the'Commission and spoke regarding her property on which an application for Conditional Exception , had been denied in 1973. This was Conditional Exception No. 73-61 filed by Blaise Subbiondo. She stated that she felt a hardship had existed and. that she was being denied the proper usage -of her property. Mr. Dave Eadie addressed Mrs. Paschall and stated that the property could be developed without the need for a Conditional Exception. Discussion on the discrepancy in setbacks and parking problems in the area ensued. Chairman Kerins requested that Mr. Eadie prepare a letter to Mrs. Paschall outlining the circumstances involved in denial of the Conditional -Exception as well as reasons for the discrepancy in setbacks.in the area. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS CODE AMENDMENT NO. 73-31.- "Sign Code" Mr. Jim Palin addressed the Commission and stated that he had been working with the Sign Committee. Mr. Palin discussed the -2 2/13/74 - PC 1 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Wednesday, February 13, 1974 Page 3 items in the draft which need to be amended or deleted. There was a discussion on whether signs should be approved by Building or Planning Department, whether it should be under Division 8 or 9. Amortization of signs was discussed. Members of Chamber of Commerce, Home Council, Boards of Realtors, and Sign Users Council were present and their representatives addressed the Commission. Chairman Kerins recessed the meeting for ten minutes. Ms. Shirley Commons, President of Westminster/Fountain Valley Board of Realtors addressed the Commission and expressed appreciation for cooperation of staff as well as a desire to work further with them on the Sign Code. She expressed a desire for a separate section of the Code for Realtors so that they would be able to better understand their signing limitations without having to go through the entire Sign Code. Mr. Jerry gillespie, Huntington Beach Board of Realtors, addressed the Commission and discussed problems of Open House signs. He also expressed a desire to cooperate with staff and Commission on improving the Sign Code. Mr. Ken Kerins, President of the Home Council, addressed the Commission and complimented the Planning Department on communications. He discussed the needs for proper signs in the City. Mr. Arden Berg, representative of the Sign Users Council of California, addressed the Commission and expressed a willingness to work with Mr. Palin. Mr. Palin stated that he will attempt to prepare a copy of new draft for presentation to Sign Committee prior to March 12th meeting. There was a discussion on further meetings with Sign Committee. At 9:10 P.M. the Chairman called for a fifteen minute recess. CODE AMENDMENT NO. 73-24 - "Alternative Residential Suffix District" Mr. James Palin addressed the Commission and discussed the two alternatives listed in the staff report concerning the area of the City to be affected. There was also a discussion on changes to be made on side yard setback requirements. ON MOTION BY BOYLE AND SECOND BY WALLIN STAFF WAS DIRECTED TO MAKE REQUESTED CHANGES IN CODE AMENDMENT AND SET FOR PUBLIC HEARING BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Kerins, Wallin, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: Higgins, Porter -3- 2/13/74 - PC I Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Wednesday, February 13, 1974 Page 4 PARKING STUDY Mr. Savoy Bellavia addressed the Commission. He stated that the study is to be used as a basis for Code Amendment, and requested direction from the Commission. Mr. Bellavia outlined the staff's recommendations and indicated that there is a need for multi -story area standards to be included with the study. ON MOTION BY BOYLE AND SECOND BY BAZIL STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION WERE APPROVED, INCLUDING THE RECOMMENDATION FOR INCLUSION OF MULTI -STORY REQUIREMENTS IN THE PARKING STUDY, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Geiger, NOES: None ABSENT: Higgins, DISCUSSION 1974 WORK PROGRAM Bazil, Kerins, Wallin, Boyle Porter Mr. Dave Eadie addressed the Commission and discussed the flow chart on Code Amendment status. He suggested a subcommittee be formed to find out what action is desired by Commission on all Code Amendments contained within the Work Program. Commission concurred. Chairman Kerins requested that list of Code Amendments be furnished Commission for which a committee should be appointed to work on. Mr. Ed Selich discussed the Work Program for the Advance Planning staff. He presented four charts. Mr. Selich indicated the three teams in Advance Planning consist of the following: 1. Physical - Land Use 2. Environmental Planning 3. Housing element and Growth Policy Chairman Kerins requested an organization chart of the Advance Planning Division. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: Memo from Fire and Building Departments Mr. Andy Vanderlaan discussed the high rise problems and automatic sprinklers. He stated that they are in the process of rewriting their Code which will come under the mandates of Section 1807, a part of the Uniform Building Code. Commission requested of Building representative the anticipated date of adoption of Uniform Building Code. 1 -4- 2/13/74 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Wednesday, February 13, 1974 Page 5 Stellrecht-Bartoli Tract 7805 Letter from Willis Mevis re Stellrecht-Bartoli Tract 7805 out- lines sequence of events which led to final recordation of the map. Commission discussion followed. Mr. Ralph Leyva was directed to report back to Commission to explain last paragraph of Mr. Mevis's letter. Chairman Kerins requested the staff to prepare and transmit a letter to the City Administrator from the Planning Commission concerning Tract 7805 stating that action taken, substantiated by City Attorney's memo, should be rectified and administrative procedures established to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future. Commission would like to be apprised of any action taken to rectify this specific case. Tentative Tract 7771 (from Consent Calendar) Extension of time requested by applicant was discussed and staff was directed to schedule for the meeting of March 5, 1974. STAFF COMMENTS Secretary Harlow discussed eliminating some Study Session meetings to allow staff more time to work on assigned duties. He suggested forming committees composed of Commission members, staff, and possibly citizen groups, who could meet informally to work on various projects. COMMISSIONERS' COMMENTS Growth Policy Transmittal - Staff was directed to prepare transmittal to City Council recommending adoption of Resolution 1132, and requesting their verification of (1) control rate of growth, (2) distribution of growth,and (3),size. Attach Summary Report, Abstract, and Resolution 1132. ON MOTION BY BOYLE AND SECOND BY BAZIL THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 12:45 A.M. BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil, NOES: None ABSENT: Higgins, Porter RVhard A. Harlow Secretary Kerins, Wallin, Boyle X A � �0_ � &1Zti� Edward H. Kerins Chairman -5- 2/13/74 - PC