HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-02-20T MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1974 - 7:20 P:M. - REGULAR MEETING COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Kerins, Wallin, Boyle Commissioner Porter arrived at 7:20 P.M. Geiger, Bazil, Higgins NOTE: A TAPE RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS ON FILE IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OFFICE CONSENT CALENDAR ON MOTION BY BOYLE AND SECOND BY PORTER THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WERE APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Kerins, Wallin, Boyle, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: Geiger, Bazil, Higgins Minutes of February 5, 1974 DIVISION OF LAND NO. 73-32 AND CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 73-04 Applicant: Bruer-Harrison The request is to permit a division of land which would provide for one commercial lot with less than 100' of street frontage located at the southwest corner of Garfield and Brookhurst.' Applicant requested a second continuance to allow further amendments to their plot plan which was submitted on November 20, 1973. Continued to March 5, 1974. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 73-11 Applicant: Huntington Beach Fountain Valley YMCA Conditional Use Permit No. 73-11 is a request to permit property located on the south side of Garfield 50' east of southeast corner of Garfield and Crystal Street to be used fora YMCA recreational facility. Mr. Ed Selich, Acting Secretary, addressed the Commission and briefly outlined the reasons that staff felt this application should be denied. Vugraphs of the subject property were shown. Chairman Kerins opened the public hearing. T Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Wednesday, February 20, 1974 Page 2 Mr. Jack Wallace, representing the Huntington Beach Company, addressed the Commission and indicated that the Huntington Beach Company had donated the building to the YMCA and that it had tb be moved from its present site prior to June, 1974. He stated that the request was for a five year period only and that during that time they would be attempting to find another site. Mr. Dick Wilder, representing the YMCA, addressed the Commission and discussed the activities of the organization. He stated that the maximum attendance per class was 15. Mr. Ken Kerins, President of the Home Council, addressed the Commission and spoke in favor of the project, stating that the YMCA is an asset to the community. Mr. J. T. Hudson, Rex Oil Company, addressed the Commission and stated that while he had supported the YMCA he did not feel the area was the proper place for such a use. He stated that adjoining oil wells served as a nuisance attraction to children which could prove dangerous. Mr. Don Weir, owner of a well on adjoining property, addressed the Commission and spoke in opposition to the application. He stated that he felt the YMCA, if obtaining approval of the application, should construct a masonry wall around his well to avoid.possible accidents. i Chairman Kerins closed the hearing to the public. Commission discussed the bike trail which is to be installed on Garfield. Conditions of approval were discussed. Parking ratio was discussed. ON MOTION BY PORTER AND SECOND BY BOYLE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT'. NO. 73-11 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: 1. The Conditional Use Permit shall be for a period of five years and will expire on February 20, 1979. 2. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, curbs, gutters and sidewalks shall be provided along the Garfield frontage. 3. The plot plan dated January 30, 1974 shall be the approved layout, subject to Planning staff approval of the off-street parking facilities. 4. The water and sewer systems shall be approved by the Depart- ment of Public Works of the City of Huntington Beach. 5. Recreational uses will not be permitted on the premises until I the proposed bike trail on Garfield Avenue has been,installed. i -2- 2/20/74 - PC 1 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Wednesday, February 20, 1974 Page 3 6. Off-street parking shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Department. AYES: Kerins, NOES: None ABSENT: Geiger, Wallin, Boyle, Porter Bazil, Higgins USE PERMIT NO. 73-4 - SIGN APPEAL Applicant and Appellant: Joseph Abandonato Mr. Eadie addressed the Commission and stated that the majority of the Board had recommended approval of the proposed roof sign. Chairman Kerins opened the hearing to the public. Mr. Joseph Abandonato addressed the Commission and spoke in behalf of the proposed roof sign. Commission discussed the Sign Code of Westminster which governs signs adjoining Mr. Abandonato's property. The public hearing was closed. ON MOTION BY BOYLE AND SECOND BY WALLIN SIGN APPEAL ON USE PERMIT NO. 73-4 WAS DENIED FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS AND BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: 1. Additional signage would be detrimental to the surrounding property, and would not be in conformance with the City of Westminster Sign Code which regulates the adjoining properties. 2. The proposed sign is not in conformance with the original plot plan as initially approved by the Planning Commission for the project. 3. The existing identification pole sign does have adequate exposure and is not hindered by overhead utilities. AYES: Kerins, Wallin, Boyle, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: Geiger, Higgins, Bazil ZONE CASE NO. 73-26 Applicant: Frank H. Ayers & Son Zone Case No. 73-26 is a request for a change of zone from R5 and R5-0 to PD R2 for property located on the northeast corner of Memphis Avenue and Delaware Avenue. The reason for this request is to allow applicant to place 9.75 units per acre on a planned development concept. This Zone Case was continued from the meeting of February 5, 1974 to allow applicant the opportunity to determine if the R5-0, R5 and C4 property fronting on Beach Blvd. could be included in the proposed development. ' -3- 2/20/74 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Wednesday, February 20, 1974 Page 4 Mr. Ed Selich addressed the Commission and stated that the property in question is 4.25 acres and is predominately vacant. The owner has indicated that he would be willing to negotiate with applicant for purchase of property. The owner of the oil rights has also indicated he will be willing to negotiate with applicant. He recommended that the application be continued pending completion of the Old Town Study which is scheduled for completion for the first study session in April. Vugraphs of the subject property were shown. Chairman Kerins opened the hearing to the public. Mr. Mike Jagger, representing Frank H. Ayers & Son, addressed the Commission. He stated that he would be agreeable to a continuance to allow for staff completion of the Old Town Study. Chairman Kerins closed the public hearing. ON MOTION BY BOYLE AND SECOND BY WALLIN,ZONE CASE NO. 73-26 WAS CONTINUED TO MAY 7, 1974 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Kerins, Wallin, Boyle, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: Geiger, Higgins, Bazil ZONE CASE NO. 73-19 Applicant: Initiated by the Planning Commission Zone Case No. 73-19 is a request to change the existing R1 zone to ROS Recreation Open Space. The existing use is a golf course. Acting Secretary Selich gave a brief resume on the staff report. Vugraphs of the property were shown. Chairman Kerins stated that the Planning Commission had requested the City Attorney's office to advise them the proper method of changing the zoning for this property in December of 1972. The hearing was opened to the public. Mr. B. Carroll, President of Meadowlark Homeowners Association, addressed the Commission and stated that some 7,000 signatures had been obtained in a petition to change the zone to Recreational Open Space. Mr. Ken Kerins, President of the Home Council, addressed the Commission and stated that he concurred with Mr. Carroll and en- dorsed the zone change. He urged the Planning Commission to send a memo to the City Council urging them to promptly acquire the property as it has been in limbo for over a year and a loss of funds could result. -4- 2/20/74 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Wednesday, February 20, 1974 Page 5 Mr, Robert Jacobs, Attorney representing the owners, addressed the Commission and spoke against the zone change, stating that it was unfair to downzone the property on the eve of acquisition by a prospective buyer. Mr. Jerry Hollingsworth, a partner of Sims and Sims and owners of the Meadowlark Golf Course, addressed the Commission and spoke against the zone change. He indicated that he did not feel they should take a financial loss, that they are entitled to the highest and best use of the property. Mr. Cecil Hollingsworth addressed the Commission and stated that the golf course had been constructed in 1925 and that there was a danger of serious injuries to people in adjacent areas near certain fairways. Mr. W. J. Wojtosze addressed the Commission and spoke in favor of the zone change. Ms. Norma Brizien addressed the Commission and spoke in favor of the zone change and stated that she did not feel anyone in the area was greatly endangered by the possibility of being hit by a golf ball. Mr. Jerry Shea spoke in opposition. There being no further persons wishing to speak for or against the zone change, the Chairman closed the hearing to the public. Commission discussed the staff report. ON MOTION.BY WALLIN AND SECOND BY PORTER ZONE CASE NO. 73-19 WAS APPROVED FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS AND BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: 1. The proposed change of zone will comply with the Land Use Element designation of Recreational Facilities and bring zoning into conformance with General Plan as required by the State Legislature. 2. The proposed zoning designates a zone classification which is designed to accommodate uses such as a golf course. 3. The zone change will not be detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of adjacent people and property. 4. This zone change will not deprive property owners of economic use of the properties. AYES: Kerins, Wallin, Boyle, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: Geiger, Bazil, Higgins -5- 2/20/74 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Wednesday, February 20, 1974 Page 6 The Chairman called a 15 minute recess at 9:50 P.M. ZONE CASE NO. 73-30 Applicant: Initiated by the Huntington Beach Planning Commission Zone Case No. 73-30 is a request to change zone from R1 to ROS. The property is utilized by Huntington Harbour Beach and Yacht Club and is located on the north side of Warner Avenue between Edgewater Lane and Sceptre Lane. The Acting Secretary addressed the Commission and indicated that Frank Jannette, President of the Huntington Harbour Beach Club, had written a letter to the Planning Department requesting a one week postponement to this hearing. Mr. Selich gave a resume of the staff's recommendation. Chairman Kerins opened the hearing to the public. There being no one present to speak for or against the application, he closed the hearing to the public. Commission discussion followed. Commission directed staff to process a zone change on all waterways in Huntington Harbour to Recreational Open Space District. ON MOTION BY PORTER AND SECOND BY BOYLE ZONE CASE NO. 73-30 WAS APPROVED FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS AND BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: 1. The proposed change of zone will comply with the Land Use Element designation of Institutional/Quasi-Public. 2. The proposed zoning designates a zone classification which is designed to accommodate facilities such as this one. 3. The proposed zone change for this facility will not be detrimental to the health, safety, or general welfare of adjacent people or property, nor will it restrict present use or economic benefit of present owners. 4. Zoning conforms to Master Plan as required by State law. AYES: Kerins, Wallin, Boyle, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: Geiger, Higgins, Bazil ON MOTION BY BOYLE AND SECOND BY PORTER STAFF WAS DIRECTED TO MAKE ZONE CHANGES ON ALL WATERWAYS IN HUNTINGTON HARBOUR TO RECREATIONAL OPEN SPACE (ROS) DISTRICT BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Kerins, NOES: None ABSENT: Geiger, Wallin, Boyle, Porter Higgins, Bazil -6- 2/20/74 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Wednesday, February 20, 1974 Page 7 ZONE CASE NO. 73-31 Applicant: In bated by Huntington Beach Planning Commission Zone Case No. 73-31 is a request for change of zone from R1-0 and R4-01 to ROS-0, R1-01, and ROS-01 on property located at the west end of Palm Avenue approximately 2000 ft. west of Goldenwest St. This proposed zone change encompasses the property utilized by Seacliff Golf Course. Vugraphs of the property were shown. Acting Secretary Selich stated that the legal notices which were mailed out, erroneously omitted Zone ROS-01 and the =01 after Rl. It was the consensus of the Commission to act only on the golf course, that is a change from R1-0 to ROS-01, and take separate action at a later date on the oil islands. Chairman Kerins opened the hearing to the public. Mr. Jerry Shea, representing the Huntington Beach Company, addressed the Commission and spoke against the change of zone. He stated that each of the oil islands contained three acres and that he understood ROS zoning applied only to parcels of five acres or more. He felt that the zoning should be under unclassified uses. He stated that there appeared to be an effort on the part of the City to reduce the value of the golf course property with the possibility of acquiring the property at a much reduced value some day. Mr. Mike Harman spoke in favor of the rezoning and stated that he felt the public interest would be better served by changing the area to ROS. There being no one further to speak for or against the zone case, the public hearing was closed. Commission discussed staff's recommendations. ON MOTION BY BOYLE AND SECOND BY KERINS ZONE CASE NO. 73-31 WAS APPROVED AS AMENDED FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS AND BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: 1. The proposed change of zone for the golf course will comply with the Land Use Element designation of recreational facilities. 2. The zone change for the golf course will not be detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare of adjacent people and property. -7- 2/20/74 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Wednesday, February 20, 1974 Page 8 3. The zone change will comply with Master Plan as required by State law. 4. Owner is not deprived of economic use of property. AYES: Kerins, Wallin, Boyle, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: ; Geiger, Bazil, Higgins CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 74-02 TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 8000 Applicant: Gregg P. Kent This is a request for single lot subdivision to construct 71 condominium units at the southeast corner of Algonquin and Pearce. Mr. Jim Palin addressed the Commission and compared plot plans previously submitted to the revised plot plan. He stated that the plan complies with Article 931. Chairman Kerins opened the hearing to the public. The Commission discussed the bedroom count, patio areas, landscaping in alleys, areas of trash collection. Chairman Kerins stated that there should not be more than 8 units in a row, and that there should be an open space of Z5 ft. between the units of 8. Mr. Kent addressed the Commission and stated that he would welcome any questions the Commission had and that he wanted to work with them in any way to meet their approval. Mr. Ed Ross, representing the engineers on the project, addressed the Commission and stated that it had been a pleasure to work with Mr. Kent as he had been concerned that the project meets, if not exceeds, in some instances the requirements imposed by the City in their PRD ordinance. The Chairman closed the hearing to the public. Commissioner Porter stated that he would not vote for the project because he didn't feel the area could support such an increase in population, and that it would create a burden on the schools. For this reason, it was the consensus of the Commission that the applications should be continued to a later date when all or more Commissioners would be present. Mr. Kent concurred with this continuance. LI -8- 2/20/74 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Wednesday, February 20, 1974 Page 9 ON MOTION BY KERINS AND SECOND BY BOYLE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 74-02 AND TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 8000 WERE CONTINUED TO MARCH 5, 1974 TO ALLOW APPLICANT TO CHANGE PLANS TO REMEDY THE BULK PROBLEM. AYES: Kerins, Wallin, Boyle, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: Geiger, Bazil, Higgins WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: Two letters from H. E. Hartge, Director of Public Works, regarding Tract 7805 and Slater Avenue Sewer Trunk were received and filed. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. STAFF COMMENTS: Mr. Jim Palin outlined changes in 8039. He stated that Mr. Harlow had requested that he indicate changes to Commission and that the map was in compliance with City's requirements. Mr. Ed Selich noted that Commission had been furnished copies of 1974 Work Program with space provided for Planning Commission Subcommittees. Chairman Kerins requested that this item be placed on agenda of February 26th. Mr. Ed Selich stated that he was attempting to determine status of letter written by City Council re Metropolitan Water District and had been unsuccessful so far in determining if it had been received by addressee. Mr. Ed Selich indicated to Commission that the following_ copies of letters were included in miscellaneous packets: (1) Letter to Mrs. Paschall from Mr. Dave Eadie, and (2) Transmittal letter and enclosures to City Council on Growth Policy. Mr. John Cope requested Commission to set another date for Mr. Ken Reynolds' presentation of Award of Merit since Mr. Reynolds would be unable to attend any Tuesday meetings. Commission to discuss at February 26th meeting. COMMISSIONERS' COMMENTS Chairman Kerins directed Acting Secretary Selich to see that henceforth Conditional Exception and Conditional Use Permit application copies are included in packets. Chairman Kerins directed staff to put date of application at top of staff report. -9- 2/20/74 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Wednesday, February 20, 1974 Page 10 Commissioner Porter discussed traffic through parking lot in Huntington Harbour. Chairman Kerins requested staff to include in Conditions of Approval that PRD's should be restricted to 8 units maximum length together to reduce bulk. Chairman Kerins requested Mr. Pat Spencer to investigate the Jolly Ox sign to see if it met Code requirements and if permit had been issued for it. ADJOURNMENT ON MOTION BY PORTER AND SECOND BY KERINS THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED TO A 4:30 P.M. MEETING FEBRUARY 26, 1974 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Kerins, Wallin, Boyle, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: Geiger, Higgins, Bazil .ov A A. A/ fdwa_rZ1 D. Selich dward H. Kerin Acting Secretary Chairman -10- 2/20/74 - PC