HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-03-19MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 1974 - 7:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Geiger, Bazil, Higgins, Kerins, Wallin, Boyle, Porter COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None NOTE: A TAPE RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS ON FILE IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OFFICE. CONSENT CALENDAR ON MOTION BY BOYLE AND SECOND BY PORTER MINUTES OF MARCH 5, 1974 WERE APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Higgins, Kerins, Wallin, Boyle, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: None SCHEDULED ITEMS: Tentative Tract No. 5483 - A 120 lot subdivision (Cont'd from 3/5/74) Conditional Use Permit No. 73-052 (Cont'd from 3/5/74) This is a request to permit construction of a planned residential development consisting of 120 townhouses on 18.6 acres. Conditional Exception No. 73-64 (Cont'd from 3/5/74) This is a request to permit the reduction of parking requirements from 4.5 to 3.3 spaces per unit, and inclusion of a proposed lagoon for purposes of density calculations. Subdivider: Harbour Pacific Ltd. Location: Southwest corner of Edinger Avenue and Trinidad Lane Secretary Harlow addressed the Commission and gave a brief outline of the history of the applications.' He indicated that plans Al, A2, A3, and B1, B2, B3 were on display depicting plans with lagoon and without lagoon, and setbacks. Mr. John Cope, Planning staff, addressed the Commission and indicated that an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) had been distributed to the Commission at their October 17, 1974 meeting, and that action should be taken on.the EIR prior to discussion of the three applications. He noted that the Environmental Review Board had recommended 3.3 parking spaces with mitigating measures. Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, March 19, 1974 Page 2 ON MOTION BY BOYLE AND SECOND BY GEIGER ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT WAS ACCEPTED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Higgins, Kerins, Wallin, Boyle, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: None Mr. Cope outlined recommendations of the staff. Commission discussed the reduction in parking, setbacks, and the use of the lagoon as open space. A MOTION WAS MADE BY GEIGER TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 73-64 TO PERMIT REDUCTION FROM 4.5 TO 3.3 PARKING'SPACES. The motion failed for lack of a second. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BAZIL TOICONDITIONALLY APPROVE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 73-052. Commission discussed amendments to staff's recommended conditions of approval. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY HIGGINS TO CONDITIONALLY APPROVE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 73-052 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Higgins, Kerins, Boyle NOES: Geiger, Wallin, Porter ABSENT: None ON MOTION BY BAZIL AND SECOND BY HIGGINS TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 5483 WAS CONDITIONALLY APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Higgins, Kerins, Boyle NOES: Wallin, Porter ABSENT: None Conditions of approval for Tentative Tract 5483 and Conditional Use Permit No. 73-052 were as follows: 1. The Tentative Tract map dated March 14, 1974 shall be the approved tract map as amended to reflect the required 15 foot, 20 foot average setback for structures on Edinger Avenue and Trinidad Lane, and as amended by the following conditions. 2. a. The site plan indicated as Exhibit B3 shall be the approved layout, provided further that the 4.12 acre open space area shall be converted to a private lagoon, if prior to issuance of building permits the Huntington Beach Code is amended to legally permit private lagoons to be used for'density calculation purposes. b. The site plan indicated as Exhibit B3 shall be the approved layout, provided further that if prior to the issuance of building permits the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code is amended to permit a reduction in the off-street parking to 3.3 or less, then Exhibit B1 shall be the approved site plan. -2- 3/19/74 - PC Tuesday, Maich 117+1974 Page 3 2. b. If prior to the final tract being recorded the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code has not been amended to allow a reduction in the off-street parking to 3.3 or less, the Conditional Use Permit will become null and void. 3. a. Residences which are air conditioned or which are to be advertised as prepared for air conditioning will comply with local, state, or federal (FHA) thermal insulation requirements (i.e., the minimum R values of the insulation in the ceilings and exterior walls are R-19 and R-11, respectively. b. Residential structures not air conditioned shall have insulation with a minimum rating of R-13 in the ceilings and R-7 in exterior walls. 4. If a lagoon is incorporated as a part of this project, the water returned from the lagoon to the new channel shall be constructed to the requirements of the Department of Public Works and Department of Harbors and Beaches. 5. In addition to the requirements imposed by the California Water Quality Control Board, the developer shall be responsible for management and maintenance of the lagoon for a period of five years, or until the City is satisfied that the water purification system is satisfactory for swimming and other water contact sports and that the Homeowner's Association is capable of maintaining such system. 6. The water quality monitoring station shall be located at the bridge to be constructed on Trinidad (crossing the new channel to be constructed along the southerly border of Maps 7850 and 5483) or at the intersection of the existing channel with the new channel constructed along the southerly boundary of Map 7850. 7. The developer shall comply with all orders that may be issued by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. Algae blooms, if any, shall not be controlled by the use of algicides. They shall be removed by raking or other mechanical method. 8. Natural gas shall be provided at the locations of clothes dryers, water heaters, cooking units, and central heating units to eliminate the possible burden on any one energy source. 9. The dwelLngs shall be set back a minimum of 50 feet from the travel lane of Edinger to mitigate the possible noise impact upon the living quarters of the units. 10. The developer shall install individual pumpout facilities for each boat slip and dock within Tentative Tract 5483. 11. Steam cleaning and washing of construction equipment shall be restricted to a location on site which is properly equipped to control land and water pollution. Such site as well as the equipment maintenance areas shall be inspected by the City to assure proper disposal of maintenance and cleaning waste. -3- 3/19/74 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, March 19, 1974 Page 4 All wastes from these cleaning and maintenance operations shall be periodically removed and deposited at a landfill site designated to receive such wastes. 12. The grading of the lots shall be such as to minimize all possible storm runoff into the channel and lagoon. To alleviate possible erosion of the sandy beach, a rain trough shall be designed and constructed at locations of the lagoon where sand beaches are proposed so as to catch all runoff. Also, catch basins shall be constructed to eliminate the possibility of solids entering into the channels. 13. Building spoils, such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable material shall be dumped at an off -site facility equipped to handle them. 14. Water mains shall not be installed under green areas or within 10 feet of any building.' 15. Sewers shall be privately owned and maintained. No sewer mani- folds or laterals shall be installed under any unit. 16. The developer shall enter into a maintenance agreement with the City agreeing to maintain the parkway area on Edinger Avenue. Such agreement shall be finalized prior to use and occupancy of any building. 17. The channel shown as lot C on the tentative map shall be extended to its intersection with the main State channel and constructed in conjunction with Tract 5483. Construction of the channel is subject to the requirements or limitations of the appropriate jurisdiction agencies. 18. Plan and profile drawing are required on all private streets and are to be shown on Department of Public Works standard size linens. 19. Final fencing plan along Edinger shall be approved by the Planning and Public Works Departments prior to building permits being issued. 20. The developer is hereby put on constructive notice that an additional public beach is required within the remaining acreage of vacant land. The developer is encouraged to meet with the Planning, Public Works, Building and Community Develop- ment, and Harbors and Beaches Department so that an overall plan for this needed facility can be developed. No additional development in this area will be considered until this matter is resolved. 21. All landscaping plans shall be approved by the Planning Department prior to issuance of building permits. 1 -4- 3/19/74 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, March 19, 1974 Page 5 22. Access rights along Edinger Avenue, except at the inter- section of Trinidad Lane and at driveway locations as shown on the approved plot plan shall be dedicated to City of Huntington Beach. 23. The water and fire hydrant system shall be approved by the Department of Public Works and Fire Department. 24. All streets shall conform to City of Huntington Beach Standards. 25. Street trees shall be provided to City standards with 15 gallon trees on Trinidad Lane and 20 inch box trees on Edinger Avenue. The type and placement of such trees shall be approved by the Department of Public Works and Planning Department. (On -site trees shall conform to the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance.) 26. Landscaped planters shall be provided along Edinger Avenue. Such planters shall conform to the plans and specifications on file in the Department of Public Works. It is the developer's responsibility to landscape such planters and provide irrigation facilities in accordance with the Department of Public Works' specifications and requirements. 27. Street lighting shall be provided to City standards. 28. Sub -surface water rights shall be deeded to the City of - Huntington Beach. 29. Drainage of the subdivision shall be approved by the Depart- ment of Public Works prior to final recordation of any part of the approved tentative subdivision. 30. Said property shall participate in the local drainage assessment district. 31. All buildings on lots abutting a City easement shall be set back 5 feet from the edge of such easement. 32. Retaining walls may be required by the Building Department where there is a difference in elevation of one (1) foot between adjoining lots or lots abutting City right-of-way. Determination of this requirement shall be made at the time grading plans are approved. 33. Preliminary and final soil reports shall be submitted by an approved private soils engineer to Department of Public Works prior to issuance of building permits. 34. Fire alarm system conduit and appurtenances shall be installed by the developer at locations and to specifications provided by the Fire Department. -5- 3/19/74 -PC j Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, March 19f 1974 Page 6 35. The exterior elevations of all buildings constructed on lots that side -on or back -on Edinger Avenue shall be subject to approval by the Planning Department prior to issuance of building permits. 36. All utilities shall be installed underground. ON MOTION BY BAZIL AND SECOND BY BOYLE CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 73-64 WAS DENIED FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON AND BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: Proposal did not evidence sufficient hardship to justify granting of Conditional Exception. , AYES: Bazil, Higgins, Kerins, Wallin, Boyle, Porter NOES: Geiger ABSENT: None MINORITY REPORT: Commissioner Mark Porter submitted the following Minority Report for recording in the Minutes: 1. The project is objectionable because of distribution of dwellings and parking (exclusive of waterfront units) which could be alleviated by reduction of unit count and relocation. 2. Units facing on the waterways as proposed are excessive in build- ing length and distribution and do not allow sufficient open space connecting the interior of the project to the waterways. 3. Project is in an as yet undefined seismic hazard area. 4. The high school does not have adequate facilities to house additional students. 5. "Project" flood hazard is as yet unmitigated. Tentative Tract No. 8578 Applicant: Covington Bros. This is a request for 68 R1-600 lots on 15.95+ acres located at the northwest corner of Brookhurst & Banning. Secretary Harlow addressed the Commission and indicated that an Exemption Declaration had been granted. A vugraph was shown. Chairman Kerins opened the hearing to the public. -6- 3/19/74 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission '"' : "'�r • °` Tuesday, March 19, 1974 Page 7 Mr. Barry Zimmerman, representing Covington Bros., addressed the Commission and stated that they had problems to overcome in development of the property. An architectural rendering of proposed layout was on display for viewing by Commission. Mr. Zimmerman called attention to meandering sidewalks concept and the proposed landscaping plan. The hearing was closed to the public. There was a discussion on noise element. Further discussion was held on staff's recommendations and conditions of approval. ON MOTION BY KERINS AND SECOND BY HIGGINS TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 8578 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: 1. The Tentative Tract map received February 6, 1974, shall be the approved layout as amended by the following conditions. 2. Vehicular access rights along Banning Avenue and Brookhurst Street except at the intersection of the local collector street shall be dedicated to the City of Huntington Beach — 3. Banning Avenue and the City of Huntin, the final map. 4. All public streets Banning Avenue and including: street hydrants, sewer an, Brookhurst Street shall be dedicated to 3ton Beach at the time of recordation of proposed within the project as well as Brookhurst Street shall be fully developed trees, street signs, street lights, fire 3 water main extensions. 5. The parkway width on Brookhurst Street shall be 13 ft. with the location of the perimeter wall landscaping design and sidewalk design to be constructed pursuant to Standard Plan No. 709. A 6 ft. wide landscaped area shall be provided adjacent to the right-of-way on Banning upon lot 30. 6. The sewer, water and fire hydrant system shall be designed to City standards. 7. The water system shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water system. B. Sewage disposal shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's sewage system. 9. Subject property shall be subject to local drainage assessment district requirements and fees. 10. All utilities shall be installed underground. -7, 3/19/74 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, March 19, 1974 Page 8 11. Drainage for the subdivision shall be approved by the Depart- ment of Public Works prior to recordation of the final map. Said systems shall be'designed to provide for siltation and erosion control from within the proposed development. 12. Soils and compaction reports shall be submitted to Building and Community Development Department and Department of Public Works prior to issuance of building permits. Such reports shall be submitted by qualified soils engineer to insure that the structural design of the building and footing will conform to the G factor recommended for the property. 13. Structural engineer shall submit calculations on the structural design of the buildings and footings taking into consideration the G factor recommended by the soils engineer. 14. Street trees shall be provided to City standards with 15 gallon trees on all local streets and 20 inch box trees on all arterial highways. The type and placement of such trees shall be approved by the Department of Public Works and Planning Department. (On -site trees shall conform to the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance.) 15. A decorative masonry wall shall be constructed to City speci- fications along lots 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12 and 13-30 backing onto Brookhurst Street. Said wall shall be six (6) inches wide and six (6) feet high. The height of said wall shall be measured from whichever side is higher at finished grade. The architectural design of said wall shall be approved by the Planning Department. Structural design shall be approved by the Department of Public Works and shall be included as a part of the Street Improvement Plans. The intent of this condition is to improve the street scene along arterial highways. 16. The architectural design of the perimeter wall and the type and placement of street trees shall conform with standard plans 706, 707, 708, 709, and 710. 17. Landscaped planters shall be provided along all -arterial highways. Such planters shall conform to the plans and specification on file in the Department of Public Works and the requirements of the Planning Commission. It is the developer's responsibility to landscape such planters and provide irrigation facilities in accordance with the Department of Public Works' specifications and requirements. 18. Street lighting shall be provided to City standards. 19. Sub -surface water rights shall be deeded to the City of Huntington Beach. -8- 3/19/74 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, March 19, 1974 Page 9 20. The exterior elevations of all buildings constructed on lots that side -on or back -on an arterial highway shall be subject to approval by the Planning Department. The intent of this requirement is to improve the street scene by having the developer provide architectural features and variations in building materials on the exterior surfaces of buildings that are viewed from an arterial highway. 21. The rear exterior corner of a reverse corner lot shall be modified to exclude the ten (10) foot by ten (10) foot triangular area that abuts the side lot line of the adjacent lot. Such area shall be included as a portion of the adjacent lot. 22. A six (6) foot high decorative masonry wall of same material as arterial wall shall be constructed along the exterior side lot line of lots 7, 11, 14,-48, 51, 57 and 67. 23. Except where otherwise specified, a six (6) foot high decorative masonry wall shall be constructed along any lot line separating the subject tract from any school site, park site or other public property as determined by the Planning Department. The height of said wall shall be measured from whichever side is higher at finish grade. 24. All existing oil equipment shall be removed prior to construction on subject property. All such oil tanks and wells shall be abandoned to City and State standards. 25. The meandering sidewalk concept, as shown on Exhibit D, shall be required throughout the tract. 26. Lots 12 and 13 shall be referred to Planning staff for approval of the single story structures with turn -in driveways. The garages shall be so located as to buffer noise from the traffic on Brookhurst Street. Said structures shall have no windows on Brookhurst Street. 27. The Final Map shall reflect a landscaped street median on the entrance street from Brookhurst. Said street median and landscaping are subject to approval by the Planning Department. In order to accomplish this the developer shall be permitted to delete one lot from the final map. 28. Specimen trees on the rear fence line for lots 1 through 5 shall be provided for screening purposes and to minimize the noise impact arising from the adjoining multiple family development. -9- 3/19/74 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, March 19, 1974 Page 10 29. The configuration of lots and the construction of dwelling units shall be as shown on Exhibits A, B, and C. 30. a. Residences which are air conditioned or which are to be advertised as prepared for air conditioning will comply with local, state, or federal (FHA) thermal insulation requirements (i.e., the minimum R values of the insulation in the ceilings and exterior walls are R-19 and R-11, respectively). b. Residential structures not air conditioned shall have insulation with a minimum rating of R-13 in the ceilings and R-7 in exterior walls. 31. Developer to dispose of all building spoils, such as lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus and unusable material, at an offsite facility equipped to handle them. 32. Natural gas shall be provided as required for the "Concern Award" construction, as presented in the applicant's supplementary report. 33. A structural engineer shall design the calculations on the footings and the bearing walls to meet the G factor required for this location. 34. Noise attenuation provisions shall be incorporated into the development as follows: a. Minimum offset from dwelling location to the highway centerline, should be 95 feet. b. A six (6) foot concrete block wall should be placed on the property line between the highway and the homes. C. Homes to have air ventilation providing from 5 to 8 changes of air in each room. d. Attic and roof vents to be placed on the sides of the homes away from the highway. The total area of these vents must satisfy the Huntington Beach Building Code. e. All two story homes bordering the highway, to have a double slider type window, Sheet 4, or a fixed plate glass (1/4 inch thick) window in upper story bedroom spaces facing the highway. f. Homes positioned closer to the highway centerline than 95 feet, to have double slider type windows, Sheet 4, or a fixed plate glass (1/4 inch thick) in all bedroom and living room spaces facing the highway. Homes should be no closer than 85 feet from the highway centerline. 1 -10- 3/19/74 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, March 19, 1974 Page 11, 1974 35. Backfill of the landscaped area shall be carried out pur- suant to the following provisions. a. All general landscape areas shall be graded in a manner which will allow backfill to a depth of approximately 18" with a chemically and physically suitable import soil. b. Prior to backfilling, the exposed subsoil should be treated with the following amendments. AM'T/1000 SQ. FT. 200 lbs. Agricultural gypsum 20 lbs. Soil sulfur The above materials should be distributed uniformly and thoroughly incorporated to a depth of 8'10". C. The import soil can consist of either fine sand or a loamy sand texture soil and our specifications would be the following. Silt plus clay content of this soil should be no greater than 25% by weight. The boron content,.of the soil shall be nogreater than 1 part per -million as measured on the saturation extract. The.sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) shall not exceed-6 and electrical conductivity of the saturation extract of this Boil shall not exceed 3,0 millimhos per centimeter at 25 C. In order to insure conformance, the import, -soil should be analyzed prior to backfilling. d. All plant material selected for this site should show some salt tolerance. In addition, to the extent possible it would be advisable to backfill landscape areas after service and utility installation has been completed. AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Higgins, Kerins, Wallin, Boyle NOES: Porter ABSENT: None USE PERMIT NO. 73-46 (Referred by Board of Zoning Adjustments) Applicant: Steverson Bros. This is a request to permit the phasing of.improvements for an existing non -conforming use located on the east side of Gothard St. approximately 270 f t. south of Talbert Avenue. Mr. John Cope add'ressed'the-Commission and discussed the background of this application. Chairman Kerins opened the hearing to the public. -11- 3/19/74 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, March 19, 1974 Page 12 Mr. Carl Steverson, one of the owners, addressed the Commission. Mr. Steverson indicated that he had met with staff a number of times and had attempted to comply with requirements. He stated that he had not received a copy of the staff report, however, until arrival at Commission meeting. He discussed the improvements which had been made. There being no one further to speak for or against the application, the public hearing was closed. The conditions of approval as recommended by staff were discussed with deletions, additions and amendments suggested by the Commission. Commission advised applicant that conditions of approval which had been prepared are according to Code. ON MOTION BY BAZIL AND SECOND BY GEIGER USE PERMIT NO. 73-46 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: A. TO BE COMPLETED WITHIN TWELVE (12) MONTHS OF APPROVAL DATE OF USE PERMIT NO. 73-46. 1. The plot plan received March 4, 1974 shall be the approved layout as amended by any of the following conditions. 2. Harriman Avenue shall be dedicated and fully improved as required by the Department of Public Works. Applicant may post a bond for such requirements, if provided within sixty (60) days of notice of need and necessity of dedication and improvement by the Department of Public Works. 3. The 54.32 feet of Gothard Street frontage property, under ownership to the applicant, shall be dedicated and fully improved as required by the Department of Public Works. Applicant may post a bond within sixty (60) days of notice of need and necessity of dedication and improvement by the Department of Public Works. 4. The Gothard Street access to the property shall be paved subject to the Department of Building and Community Development requirements. 5. A six (6) foot split -faced block wall shall be provided on the west property line where such wall does not presently exist. Said wall shall set back five (5) feet from the property line to provide a landscaping area. The landscape plan shall be subject to Planning Department approval. 6. There shall be no fence, structure or landscaping constructed or maintained over 3 1/2 ft. high within a 10 ft. by 10 ft. triangular area at the intersection of Harriman Avenue and Gothard Street, and the driveway and Gothard Street. 7. Twenty-five (25) off-street parking spaces, and all required parking area landscaping shall be provided subject to all requirements of Article 979. n L1 1 -12- 3/19/74 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, March 19, 1974 Page 13 8. Applicant shall submit a detailed landscaping plan for all required landscape areas, said plan shall be subject to Planning Department approval, and shall include the following information: (a) A list including quantities and sizes for each species of plant and all ground cover material. (b) Irrigation layout to include meter location, pipe sizes, sprinkler head types, etc. (c) Fencing materials and detail drawings. 9. The property shall participate in the local drainage assessment district. B. TO BE COMPLETED WITHIN EIGHTEEN (18) MONTHS OF THE APPROVAL DATE OF USE PERMIT NO. 73-46. 1. The remaining'sixteen (16) parking spaces shall be provided subject to all requirements of Article 979. C. TO BE COMPLETED WITHIN THIRTY-SIX (36) MONTHS OF THE APPROVAL DATE OF USE PERMIT NO. 73-46. 1. An eight (8) foot solid masonry wall shall be provided on the north, east, and south property lines except for ingress and egress areas as depicted on the plot plan dated March 4, 1974. Solid gates at wall height shall be provided at all ingress and egress areas. 2. The east property line wall shall set back ten (10) feet from the property line to provide for anticipated future transit right-of-way. 3. If the conditions of approval are not completed within the specified time periods, the Use Permit shall become null and void. The Commission will review annually the progress of implementation of the conditions of approval. AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Higgins, Wallin, Boyle NOES: Kerins, Porter ABSENT: None The Chairman called a 15 minute recess at 9:30 P.M. CODE AMENDMENT NO. 73-24 - ALTERNATIVE RESIDENTIAL SUFFIX DISTRICT (-AR) Secretary Harlow addressed the Commission and stated that staff had'been instructed by Commission at its February 13, 1974 meeting to incorporate revisions to Code Amendment No. 73-24 and set for public hearing. -13- 3/19/74 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, March 19, 1974 Page 14 Chairman Kerins opened the hearing to the public. There being no one present to speak for or against Code Amendment No. 73-24 the public hearing was closed. ON MOTION BY BOYLE AND SECOND BY GEIGER CODE AMENDMENT NO. 73-24 WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Higgins, Kerins, Wallin, Boyle, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: None LABOR CAMPS - Status Report Conditional Exception No. 68-31 Use Variance No. 657 A status report on the labor camps was prepared and furnished Commission for their review. Mr. Andy Vanderlaan, Fire Department, addressed the Commission and stated that the State would be making an inspection of the Labor Camp in conjunction with Huntington Beach Fire Department and the Building Department sometime in April, and at that time he would report back to Commission on their findings. It was the consensus of the Commission that if there is a need for such facilities that they should be brought up to standard conditions. Otherwise, if they are substandard they should be abated. Mr. Vanderlaan stated that the State preempts the City Fire Department and Building Department in decisions concerning safety of buildings. ON MOTION BY KERINS AND SECOND BY BAZIL FURTHER STUDY ON LABOR CAMPS WAS CONTINUED UNTIL RECEIPT OF REPORT FROM FIRE DEPARTMENT AFTER MEETING WITH STATE INSPECTOR BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Higgins, Kerins, Wallin, Boyle, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: None MISCELLANEOUS Chairman Kerins introduced Mr. Dave Diamond, President of the Home Council. STAFF'S COMMENTS Secretary Harlow discussed the City Council Meeting of March 18, 1974. He stated that Commission would be meeting with City Council on April 1 at 5:30 P.M. in the new Civic Center at special study session. Secretary Harlow advised the Commission that the Code Amendment on gross acreage and parking is to be a part of -the PRD rewrite. Mr. Pat Spencer, Building and Community Development, stated that the Building Department in conjunction with the Police Department are enforcing sign regulations. -14- 3/19/74 - PC 1 Minutes: H.B. Planning Department Tuesday, March 19 1974 Page 15 Mr. Jim Palin, Environmental Resources, discussed the rewriting of the EIR on the consolidated apartment standards Code Amendment. He stated that it would be ready for typing and printing April 12, set for hearing at ERB meeting April 16, posted for public comment and public hearing on May 21, and incorporated into final report which will be before ERB on May 28, and will be before the Planning Commission at June 4, 1974 meeting. Mr. Ed Selich, Advance Planning, advised the Commission that he will arrange to have Mr. H. Kimmel present at a meeting of the Planning Commission as soon as possible. Commissioner Boyle requested that this be arranged so that inconsistencies in the report could be discussed. COMMISSIONERS' COMMENTS Commissioner Bazil discussed at some length the widening of Lake Street and the abandonment of Main Street and 14th Street as main arterials of traffic. He stated that he felt traffic should be diverted to Lake and 17th. Mr. Ralph Leyva, Public Works, was directed to advise Commission of traffic count on Lake Street and number of lanes and width that would be required if Commission decides to initiate steps to widen Lake Street. Commission directed John O'Connor to report back in writing the authority of City to require underground water resources for approval of tract map. Commission discussed City Attorney's office making discretionary judgments rather than judgments of law. Chairman Kerins requested that Commissioners try to make motions more specific on Conditional Use Permits. Chairman Kerins noted that more realty pole signs were appearing at shopping centers. Commission discussed City's acquiring 15 acres for park site from Oceanview School District. Commissioner Kerins discussed action of City Council re Final Map 7805 and the Abandonato sign appeal. The meeting adjourned at 10:40 P.M. n Riz1fard A. Harlow ward H. Kerin -15- 3/19/74 - PC