HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-04-24MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS Civic Center 2000 Main Street Room B-306 Huntington Beach, CA WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1974 - 1:15 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHER CITY DEPARTMENT MEMBERS REPRESENTED: REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: Eadie, Spencer, Ford None Captain Vanderlaan Fire Department CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 74-22 (Cont. from 4/17/74) Applicant: Silvio Thomas To permit an encroachment of three (3) feet into the required ten (11) ft. rear yard setback in lieu of S. 9103.3 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the west side of Dalehurst Circle which intersects Mandeville Drive in an R-1, low density residential district. Mrs. Thomas, the applicants wife, was present. The Chairman informed the Board that this application is a cate- gorical exemption, Class 5, California Environmental Quality Act, 1970. The Chairman opened the public hearing. Mr. Spencer informed the Board that he had made a field check of the subject site and found that based on the plot plan, there is no encroachment on the rear yard setback. He further stated that he could not find any records which indicated a lot line adjustment. Mr. Spencer further commented that the subject wall is located within 3 to 4 feet of the property line. Furthermore, the proposed addition would not encroach into the required rear yard setback. As there were no parties present to speak in favor or opposition to Conditional Exception No. 74-22, the Chairman closed the public hearing. Board discussion followed. The Board noted that, according to record, no conditional exception would be required. Minutes: H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, April 24, 1974 Page 2 It was the wish of the applicant to withdraw this application. ON MOTION BY SPENCER AND SECOND BY FORD CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 74-22 WAS WITHDRAWN BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Ford NOES: None ABSENT: None ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 74-29 (Cont. from 4/17/74) Applicant: Donald V. Barker To permit the construction of an industrial building pursuant to S. 9530 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the northeast corner of Palmdale Avenue and Cedar Street in an Ml, light industrial district. Mr. Barker, the applicant, was present. The Chairman informed the Board that this application is exempt from Environmental Review Board requirements by a former Exemption Declaration No. 72-17 approved November 29, 1974. The Board discussed revised plot plan with the applicant. Additional landscaping was discussed. The location of trash bin area, placement of concrete bumpers in individual -,parking -.stalls -and the construction of a 32" decorative masonry wall were also discussed. Board discussion followed. Conditions of approval were discussed. ON MOTION BY FORD AND SECOND BY SPENCER ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 74-29 WAS APPROVED.•WITH.THE-;FOLLOWING,CONDITIONS_-AS OUTLINED BY THE FOLLOWING;,VOTE: A. TO..BE COMPLETED PRIOR,TO;.I•SSUANCE OF -BUILDING PERMITS: 1. The revised plot,;plan received -,April 2a, 1974 shall -be the, approved: layout. , Said_ plan. shall reflect: - a. ;; A 32"-decorative masonry wall. b: Location of an enclosed masonry trash bin area. C. 4' long concrete bumpers to be placed'in individual parking stalls according to Huntington Beach Ordinance -Code requirements: . Minutes: H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, April 24, 1974 Page 3 d. 6" concrete curbing to contain all landscaping areas. 2. Palmdale, Alley and Cedar right-of-way shall be dedicated to City standards at the time each parcel is developed. 3. All buildings on lots abutting a City easement shall be set back five (5) feet from the edge of such easement. 4. Soil and compaction reports as required by the Building Department and the Department of Public Works shall be submitted and approved by the City. 5. The following plans shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. a. Landscaping and irrigation plan. b. Rooftop mechanical equipment screening plan. 6. Easements for utilities or walkways shall be provided to Department of Public Works standards. B. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION: 1. Palmdale, Alley, and Cedar shall be fully improved including street trees, street signs, street lights, fire hydrants, sewer and water main extensions. 2. All utilities shall be installed underground. 3. Off-street parking facilities shall conform to Article 979. 4. There shall be no fence, structure or landscaping constructed or maintained over 3 1/2 feet high within a 10 ft. by 10 ft. triangular area at the intersection of driveways and streets or within a 25 ft. by 25 ft. triangular area at the intersection of streets. 5. Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water supply system. 6. Sewage disposal shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's sewage system. i Minutes: H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, April 24, 1974 Page 4 7. The property shall participate in the local drainage assessment district. (Contact Dept. of Public Works) 8. No structures, other than those shown on the approved plot plan, shall be constructed within the project. 9. The sewer system shall be approved by the Department of Public Works and Fire Department. 10. All applicable City Ordinances shall be complied with. GENERAL: 1. All signs for the Proposed Development shall be submitted to the Board of Zoning Adjustments for approval. The Board of Zoning Adjustments encourages signs which reflect a common theme with respect to design materials and colors which are compatible with the architectural theme of the proposed project. 2. All required fire hydrants shall be installed, accessible and operable prior to the construction of any permanent structure using combustible material. AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Ford NOES: None ABSENT: None USE PERMIT NO. 74-13 Applicant: Franklin J. Buccella To permit the construction of a 38 unit apartment building pursuant to S. 9202.3.1.3 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the west side of Lynn Street, approximately 450 ft. north of Warner Avenue in an R-3, high density residential district. IN CONJUNCTION WITH: CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 74-20 Applicant: Franklin J. Buccella To permit a 9 ft. high building and eave overhang into a driveway in lieu of S. 9320.9 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the west side of Lynn Street, approximately 450 ft. north of Warner Avenue in an R-3, high density residential district. Mr. Buccella, the applicant, was present. 1 Minutes: H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, April 24, 1974 Page 5 The Chairman informed the Board that the Environmental Review Board granted Exemption Declaration No. 74-42 pertaining to Use Permit No. 74-13 and Conditional Exception No. 74-20 on April 16, 1974 with the following additional information: No environmental impact report has been prepared for this project, and the Negative Declaration issued for the project has been properly posted in the office of the City Clerk. Additional Information: The Board offers the following recommendations to mitigate the cumulative effect of successive construction projects of this nature: 1. If the developer proposes to provide air conditioning, the insulation in the exterior ceilings shall be a minimum of R-19 and that in the exterior walls shall be a minimum of R-11; if no air conditioning is to be provided, the insulation in the exterior ceilings shall be a minimum of R-13 and that in the exterior walls shall be a minimum of R-7. 2. All building spoils, such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable material, shall be disposed of at an offsite facility equipped to handle them. 3. Gas and electric outlets for appliances shall be stubbed in to comply with the "Concern Award" specifications. 4. Because the project is located on a fault line, it is recommended that the foundations and footings be designed to withstand earthquake stresses, as determined by the Building Department. The Chairman opened the public hearing on Use Permit No. 74-13 and Conditional Exception No. 74-20. The Chairman pointed out that the Conditional Exception request is for a second story overhang and not an eave overhang. Mr. Spencer pointed out that the Fire Department considered the overhang a hazard. Board discussed fire hydrant location and driveway location with applicant. Minutes: H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, April 24, 1974 Page 6 The applicant presented his hardship for Conditional Exception No. 74-20 as being in the nature of a better design. Mr. Buccella felt that the overhang would make a much better project and design. It was the consensus of the Board to continue these applications for plot plan revisions. As there were no further parties present to speak in favor or opposition to Conditional Exception No. 74-20 and Use Permit No. 74-13, the Chairman closed the public hearing. ON MOTION BY FORD AND SECOND BY EADIE USE PERMIT NO. 74-13 WAS CONTINUED TO MAY 8, 1974 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Ford NOES: None ABSENT: None ON MOTION BY FORD AND SECOND BY EADIE CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 74-20 WAS CONTINUED TO MAY 8, 1974 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Ford NOES: None ABSENT: None Mr. Buccella asked the Board to reconsider its decision. ON MOTION BY FORD AND SECOND BY EADIE, THE BOARD OF ZONING ADJUST- MENTS RECONSIDERED USE PERMIT NO. 74-13 AND CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 74-20 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Ford NOES: None ABSENT: None Board further discussed Conditional Exception No. 74-20 and Use Permit No. 74-13. Mr. Buccella once again stated his hardship for the overhang as being a better design. The Board informed Mr. Buccella that a hardship had not been demonstrated. _Mr. Buccella asked for his Use Permit application to be reheard one week earlier than previously motioned and further requested action on the Conditional Exception application. Board concurred with applicant's request. 1 1 Minutes: H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, April 24, 1974 Page 7 ON MOTION BY FORD AND SECOND BY EADIE CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 74-20 WAS DENIED FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: REASON FOR DENIAL: 1. The applicant failed to demonstrate a justifiable hardship in view of the fact that applicant can revise his plans to meet ordinance code requirements. AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Ford NOES: None ABSENT: None ON MOTION BY EADIE AND SECOND BY SPENCER USE PERMIT NO. 74-13 WAS CONTINUED TO MAY 1, 1974 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Ford NOES: None ABSENT: None ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 74-44 Applicant: John D. King To permit the construction of a 4 unit apartment building pursuant to S. 9231.6 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the west side of llth Street, approximately 100 ft. north of Olive in an R-4, high density residential district. Mr. King, the applicant, was present. The Chairman informed the Board that this application is a cate- gorical exemption, Class 3, California Environmental Quality Act, 1970. Board discussed plans with applicant and found same to be within ordinance code requirements. The construction of side yard balconies was discussed. Board discussion followed. Conditions of approval were discussed. ON MOTION BY FORD AND SECOND BY EADIE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 74-44 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AS OUTLINED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: Minutes: H. B. Board -of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, April 24, 1974 Page 8 A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: 1. The plot plan received April 8, 1974 shall be the approved layout. 2. llth, and Olive and Alley right-of-way shall be dedicated to City standards at the time each parcel is developed. 3. Elevations of the proposed plan received April 8, 1974 shall be the approved elevations. 4. All buildings on lots abutting a City easement shall be set back five (5) feet from the edge of such easement. 5. Soil and compaction reports as required by the Building Department and the Department of Public Works shall be submitted and approved by the City. 6. Plans depicting the fire protection systems including automatic sprinkler systems, fire hydrants, fire alarms and any required fire protection device shall be approved by the Fire and Public Works Departments. 7. Easements for utilities or walkways shall be provided to Department of Public Works standards. B. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION: 1. llth, and Olive and Alley shall be fully improved including street trees, street signs, street lights; fire hydrants, sewer and water main extensions. 2. All utilities shall be installed underground. 3. Off-street parking facilities shall conform to Article 979. 4. Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water supply system. 5. Sewage disposal shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's sewage system. 6. The property shall participate in the local drainage assessment district. (Contact Dept. of Public Works) 7. No structures, other than those shown on the approved plot plan, shall be constructed within the project. 1 Minutes: H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, April 24, 1974 Page 9 8. The sewer system shall be approved by the Department of Public Works and Fire Department. 9. All applicable City Ordinances shall be complied with. GENERAL: 1. If the developer proposes to provide air conditioning, the insulation in the ceilings shall be a minimum of R-19 and that in the exterior walls shall be a minimum of R-11; if no air conditioning is to be provided, the insulation in the exterior ceilings shall be a minimum of R-13 and that in the exterior walls shall be a minimum of R-7. 2. All building spoils, such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable material, shall be disposed of at an offsite facility equipped to handle them. 3. The developer shall be required at the time of construction to stub out for both electrical and natural gas at the location of clothes dryers, and to stub out for natural gas only at the locations of cooking facilities, water heating units, and central heating units. AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Ford NOES: None ABSENT: None ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 74-45 Applicant: John D. King To permit the construction of a 4 unit apartment building pursuant to S. 9231.6 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the northeast corner of 15th Street and Walnut Avenue in an R-4, high density residential district. Mr. King, the applicant, was present. The Chairman informed the Board that this application is a categorical exemption, Class 3, California Environmental Quality Act, 1970. Board discussed plans with applicant and found same to be within ordinance code requirements. Board discussion followed. Conditions of approval were discussed. Minutes: H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, April 24, 1974 Page 10 ON MOTION BY FORD AND SECOND BY EADIE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 74-45 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AS OUTLINED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: 1. The plot plan received April 8, 1974 shall be the approved layout. 2. 15th and Walnut and alley right of way shall be dedicated to City standards at the time each parcel is developed. 3. Elevations of the proposed plan received April 8, 1974 shall be the approved elevations. 4. All buildings on lots abutting a City easement shall be set back five (5) feet from the edge of such easement. 5. Soil and compaction reports as required by the Building Department and the Department of Public Works shall be submitted and approved by the City. 6. Plans depicting the fire protection systems including automatic sprinkler systems, fire hydrants, fire alarms and any required fire protection device shall be approved by the Fire and Public Works Departments. 7. Easements for utilities or walkways shall be provided to Department of Public Works standards. B. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION: 1. 15th and alley and Walnut shall be fully improved including street trees, street signs, street lights, fire hydrants, sewer and water main extensions. 2. All utilities shall be installed underground. 3. Off-street parking facilities shall conform to Article 979. 4. There shall be no fence, structure, or landscaping constructed or maintained over 3 1/2 ft. high within a 10 ft. by 10 ft. triangular area at the intersection of driveways and streets or within a 25 ft. by 25 ft. triangular area at the inter- section of streets. 1 Minutes: H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, April 24, 1974 Page 11 5. Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water supply system. 6. Sewage disposal shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's sewage system. 7. The property shall participate in the local drainage assessment district. (Contact Dept. of Public Works) 8. No structures, other than those shown on the approved plot plan, shall be constructed within the project. 9. The sewer system shall be approved by the Department of Public Works and Fire Department. 10. All applicable City Ordinances shall be complied with. GENERAL: 1. If the developer proposes to provide air conditioning, the insulation in the ceilings shall be a minimum of R-19 and that in the exterior walls shall be a minimum of R-11; if no air conditioning is to be provided, the insulation in the exterior ceilings shall be a minimum of R-13 and that in the exterior walls shall be a minimum of R-7. 2. All building spoils, such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable material, shall be disposed of at an offsite facility equipped to handle them. 3. The developer shall be required at the time of construction to stub out for both electrical and natural gas at the location of clothes dryers, and to stub out for natural gas only at the locations of cooking facilities, water heating units, and central heating units. AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Ford NOES: None ABSENT: None ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 74-46 Applicant: John D. King To permit the construction of a 4 unit apartment building pursuant to S. 9231.6 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the southeast corner of 17th Street and Olive in an R-4, high density residential district. Mr. King, the applicant, was present. Minutes: H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, April 24, 1974 Page 12 The Chairman informed the Board that this application is a categorical exemption, Class 3, California Environmental Quality Act, 1970. Board discussed plans with applicant and found same to be within ordinance code requirements. Board discussion followed. Conditions of approval were discussed. ON MOTION BY FORD AND SECOND BY EADIE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 74-46 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AS OUTLINED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: 1. The plot plan received April 8, 1974 shall be the approved layout. 2. 17th and Olive and alley right of way shall be dedicated to City standards at the time each parcel is developed. 3. Elevations of the proposed plan received April 8, 1974 shall be the approved elevations. 4. All buildings on lots abutting a City easement shall be set back five (5) feet from the edge of such easement. 5. Soil and compaction reports as required by the Building Department and the Department of Public Works shall be submitted and approved by the City. 6. Plans depicting the fire protection systems including automatic sprinkler systems, fire hydrants, fire alarms and any required fire protection device shall be approved by the Fire and Public Works Departments. 7. Easements for utilities or walkways shall be provided to Department of Public Works standards. B. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION: 1. 17th, and Olive and alley shall be fully improved including street trees, street signs, street lights, fire hydrants, sewer and water main extensions. 2. All utilities shall be installed underground. I Minutes: H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, April 24, 1974 Page 13 3. Off-street parking facilities shall conform to Article 979. 4. There shall be no fence, structure or landscaping c oiistri -.i or maintained over 3 1/2 feet high within a 10 ft. by lei ii. triangular area at the intersection of driveways and strc(�t: or within a 25 ft. by 25 ft. triangular area at the inter- section of streets. 5. Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water supply system. 6. Sewage disposal shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's sewage system. 7. The property shall participate in the local drainage assessment district. (Contact Dept. of Public Works) s 8. No structures, other than those shown on the approved plot plan, shall be constructed within the project. 9. The sewer system shall be approved by the Department of Public Works and Fire Department. 10. All applicable City Ordinances shall be complied with. GENERAL: 1. If the developer proposes to provide air conditioning, the insulation in the ceilings shall be a minimum of R-19 and that in the exterior walls shall be a minimum of R-11; if no air conditioning is to be provided, the insulation in the exterior ceilings shall be a minimum of R-13 and that in the exterior walls shall be a minimum of R-7. 2. All building spoils, such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable material, shall be disposed of at an offsite facility equipped to handle them. 3. The developer shall be required at the time of construction to stub out for both electrical and natural gas at the location of clothes dryers, and to stub out for natural gas only at the locations of cooking facilities, water heating units, and central heating units. AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Ford NOES: None ABSENT: None Minutes: H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, April 24, 1974 Page 14 ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 74-47 Applicant: John D. King To permit G 4 unit apartment building pursuant to S. 9231.6 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the southeast corner of 18th Street and Olive in an R-4, high density residential district. Mr. King, the applicant, was present. The Chairman informed the Board that this application is a categorical exemption, Class 3, California Environmental Quality Act, 1970. Board discussed plans with applicant and found same to be within ordinance code requirements. Board discussion followed. Conditions of approval were discussed. a ON MOTION BY FORD AND SECOND BY EADIE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 74-47 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AS OUTLINED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: 1. The plot plan received April 8, 1974 shall be the approved layout. 2. 18th, and alley and Olive right of way shall be dedicated to City standards at the time each parcel is developed. 3. Elevations of the proposed plan received April 8, 1974 shall be the approved elevations. 4. All buildings on lots abutting a City easement shall be set back five (5) feet from the edge of such easement. 5. Soil and compaction reports as required by the Building Department and the Department of Public Works shall be submitted and approved by the City. 6. Plans depicting the fire protection systems including automatic sprinkler systems, fire hydrants, fire alarms and any required fire protection device shall be approved by the Fire and Public Works Departments. 7. Easements for utilities or walkways shall be provided to Department of Public Works standards. Minutes: H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, April 24, 1974 Page 15 i B. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION: 1. 18th, and alley and Olive shall be fully improved including street trees, street signs, street lights, fire hydrants, sewer and water main extensions. 1 2. All utilities shall be installed underground. 3. Off-street parking facilities shall conform to Article 979. 4. There shall be no fence, structure or landscaping constructed or maintained over 3 1/2 feet high within a 10 ft. by 10 ft. triangular area at the intersection of driveways and streets or within a 25 ft. by 25 ft. triangular area at the intersection of streets. 5. Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water supply system. 6. Sewage disposal shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's sewage system. 7. The property shall participate in the local drainage assessment district. (Contact Dept. of Public Works) 8. No structures, other than those shown on the approved plot plan, shall be constructed within the project. 9. The sewer system shall be approved by the -Department of Public Works and Fire Department. 10. All applicable City Ordinances shall be complied with. GENERAL: 1. If the developer proposes to provide air conditioning, the insulation in the ceilings shall be a minimum of R-19 and that in the exterior walls shall be a minimum of R-11; if no air conditioning is to be provided, the insulation in the exterior ceilings shall be a minimum of R-13 and that in the exterior walls shall be a minimum of R-7. 2. All building spoils, such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable material, shall be disposed of at an offsite facility equipped to handle them. Minutes: H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, April 24, 1974 Page 16 3. The developer shall be required at the time of construction to stub out for both electrical and natural gas at the locations of clothes dryers, and to stub out for natural gas only at the locations of cooking facilities, water heating units, and central heating units. AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Ford NOES: None ABSENT:- None ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 74-48 Applicant: John D. King I - To permit the construction of a 4 unit apartment building pursuant to S. 9201.2 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the west side of 18th Street, approximately 50 ft. north of Olive in an R-3, medium high density residential district. Mr. King, the applicant, was present. The Chairman informed the Board that this application is a categorical exemption, Class 3, California Environmental Quality�Act, 1970. Board discussed plans with applicant and found same to be within Ordinance Code requirements. Board discussion followed. Conditions of approval were discussed. ON MOTION BY FORD AND SECOND BY EADIE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 74-48 WAS'APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AS OUTLINED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: 1. The plot plan received April 8, 1974 shall be the approved layout. 2. 18th and Olive and alley right of way shall be dedicated i to City standards at the time each parcel is developed. i 3. Elevations of'the proposed plan received April 8, 1974 t shall be the approved elevations. f 4-. All buildings on lots abutting a City easement shall be set back five (5) feet from the edge of such easement. I " I i < 4D= I. ! Minutes: H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, April 24, 1974 Page 17 5. Soil and compaction reports as required by the Building Department and the Department of Public Works shall be submitted and approved by the City. 6. Plans depicting the fire protection systems including automatic sprinkler systems, fire hydrants, fire alarms ! and any required fire protection device shall be approved by the Fire and Public Works Departments. 7. Easements for utilities or walkways shall be provided to Department of Public Works standards. B. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION: 1. 18th, and alley and Olive shall be fully improved including street trees, street signs, street lights, fire hydrants, sewer and water main extensions. 2. All utilities shall be installed underground. 3. Off-street parking facilities shall conform to Article j 979. I • 1 4. 'Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington { Beach's water supply system. 5. Sewage disposal shall be through the.City of Huntington j Beach's sewage system. 6. The property shall participate in the local drainage assessment district. (Contact Dept. of Public Works) 7. � No structures, other'than those shown on the approved plot plan, shall be constructed within the project. 8. The sewer system shall be approved by the.Department of j Public Works and Fire Department. 9. All applicable City Ordinances shall be complied with. - GENERAL: i 1. If the developer proposes to provide air conditioning, the insulation in.the ceilings shall be a minimum of R-19 and j that in the exterior walls shall be a minimum of R-11; if no air•conditioning is to be provided,,the insulation in the exterior ceilings shall be a minimum of R-13 and that { in the exterior walls shall be a minimum of'R-7. i I Minutes: H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, Apri1.24, 1974 Page 18 2. All building spoils, -such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or.unusable material, shall be disposed of at an offsite facility equipped to handle them. 3. The developer shall be required at the time of construction to stub out for both electrical and natural gas at the location of clothes dryers, and to stub out for natural gas only at - the locations of cooking facilities, water heating units, and central heating units. AYES: Eadie, NOES: None ABSENT: None Spencer, Ford CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION-NO..74-24 Applicant: La Cuesta-- To permit the reduction of the minimum 900 sq. ft. open space area of 3 lots in Tract 8050 in.lieu of S 9103. of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the west side of Homestead Lane within the southeast corner=of Garf ield.Avenue-and Bridgeway Lane in an R-1, low density residential district. - Mr. Mike Jager, representing the applicant; was present. The Chairman informed the Board that this application is a categorical exemption, Class 5, California Environmental Quality Act, 1970:.1 The Chairman opened the public hearing. Mr. Jager presented his hardship to the Board as�having to build the houses further back within Tract 8050 thus allowing a smaller back yard than possible. It,was-Mr. Jager's opinion that a larger back yard could.be better utilized than a larger front yard area. It was the consensus of the, Board that the applicant had failed to demonstrate a justifiable hardship. Various alternatives to creating a larger back yard were discussed. Thus, the applicant wished to withdraw his application. As there were no parties present to speak in favor or'opposition to -Conditional Exception No. 74-24, the Chairman closed the public hearing: ON MOTION BY EADIE AND SECOND BY.SPENCER'CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 74-24 WAS WITHDRAWN BY THE'FOLLOWING VOTE: 1 Minutes: H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, April 24, 1974 Page 19 AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Ford NOES: None ABSENT: None MISCELLANEOUS ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 72-111 Huntington Beach Executive Park WALL SIGN THEME Mr. Everett Dodge, representing the applicant, was present. Board discussed sign theme. It was the consensus of the Board that no other signs need to come back before the Board of Zoning Adjustments if they conform with the approved wall sign theme. ON MOTION BY EADIE AND SECOND BY SPENCER WALL SIGN THEME WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITION BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: 1. All signs shall be subject to compliance with requirements of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Ford NOES: None ABSENT: None VARIATION OF BLACK WALL REQUIREMENT pursuant to S. 9792.1.1.1 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code Mr. Everett Dodge was present to discuss the proposal of landscaping in lieu of a block wall. It was the impression of Mr. Dodge that he was conforming to Ordinance Code requirements with the proposed landscaping in lieu of a block wall.. Mr. Daryl Smith, of.the Department of Public Works submitted a'communication to the Board stating his view that a wall should be constructed in lieu'of land- scaping. Mr. Dodge felt that a much better job could be done with landscaping. 'Mr. Spencer felt that an elevation drawing reflecting the wall should be submitted to the Board. -Mr.-Dodge f eit'that the requirements of a block wall could have been mentioned at the time of the original discussion of the plot plan and thereby could have been easily modified at that time. The Chairman indicated his concern. for having a 32" wall as the width_of landscaping was only 3-feet. It was the consensus,of the Board to defer action on the variation of block wall requirement proposal until the submittal of a rendering from Mr. Dodge. Minutes: H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, April 24, 1974 Page 20 ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-113 Applicant: Charles G. Ball The Chairman -informed the Board that the proposed wall sign was not included in the wall sign theme approval for this shopping center. Mr. Kirkpatrick, of Business Properties, Mr. Price of Pioneer Chicken, and Mr. Taylor of Rich Sign Company were present. Board discussed sign with applicant's representatives and found same to be within ordinance code requirements. ON MOTION BY FORD AND SECOND BY EADIE WALL SIGN WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITION BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: l.- Subject signs shall be subject to compliance with Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Ford NOES: None ABSENT: None CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 74-17 Applicant: Dolf in Pools WALL DESIGN Applicant requested slump stone wall instead of cinder block. Board concurred with applicant's request'. USE PERMIT NO. 73-61 REVISED PLOT PLAN Applicant: B's Red Worms Board discussed revised plot plan and found same to be within Ordinance Code requirements. ON MOTION BY EADIE AND SECOND BY FORD REVISED PLOT -PLAN FOR USE PERMIT NO. 73-61WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Ford NOES: None ABSENT: None Discussion regarding Use Permit No. 74-11 and Conditional Exception No. 74-25 Mr. Spencer", maker of the motion to approve the'subject applications wished to clarify his reasons and findings for approval. He instructed the Secretary to add into minute action,the issues which were not outlined in the motion for approval. Mr. Spencer stated regarding the Conditional Exception that his reasons for approval were as previously noted and in addition he noted that-S. 9811.1.1(a)(c)(d)(e) Minutes: H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, April 24, 1974 Page 21 had been established by the Board. In reference to the Use Permit he reiterated the previous findings and added that S. 9811.2 et sequence had also been included as part of his motion as findings - of approval. SIGNS: ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 73-208 CONDITION NO. B-3 Applicant: Colonial Real Estate POLE SIGN CONCEPT Board discussed Pole Sign Concept. ON MOTION BY SPENCER AND SECOND BY FORD POLE SIGN CONCEPT WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: 1. Sign shall be subject to compliance with ordinance code requirements. AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Ford NOES: None ABSENT: None USE PERMIT NO. 73-61 Applicant: B's Red Worms TWO WALL SIGNS Board discussed wall signs. ON MOTION BY EADIE AND SECOND BY SPENCER TWO WALL SIGNS WERE APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: 1. Signs shall comply with Article 976 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. 2. Applicant shall submit sign permit to Building Department. AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Ford NOES: None ABSENT: None Applicant: Francis L. Butts 32 SQ. FT. WALL SIGN 15241 Cascade Lane Huntington Beach, Calif. Location: 301 - 5th Street Huntington Beach, Calif. Board discussed sign and found same to be within ordinance code requirements. Minutes: H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, April 24, 1974 Page 22 ON MOTION BY SPENCER AND SECOND BY EADIE WALL SIGN WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: 1. The wall sign approved shall be submitted on the building elevations plan dated received by the Building Department April 23, 1974. 2. Any future signs proposed for this business shall conform to the colors and design of the approved wall sign; white back- ground with red letters having gold trim. AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Ford NOES: None ABSENT: None Applicant:' Superior Electrical Co. 1700 W. Anaheim Long Beach, Calif. Location: Tamura Furniture Co. 8881 Warner Huntington: Beach, Calif. 108 Sq. Ft. POLE SIGN 25 ft. high Board discussed sign and found same to be within ordinance code requirements. ON MOTION BY FORD AND SECOND BY SPENCER POLE SIGN WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITION BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: 1. Sign shall be located in the landscaped area adjacent to the west side of the most easterly driveway. AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Ford NOES: None ABSENT:• None THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, MEETING ADJOURNED. Dave Eadie, Secretary & Chairman Board of Zoning Adjustments 1