HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-07-31G MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS Civic Center 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1974 - 1:15 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Eadie, Spencer, Crosby BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: None OTHER CITY DEPARTMENT Captain Vanderlaan MEMBERS REPRESENTED Fire Department AGENDA ITEMS CONTINUED OR WITHDRAWN: DIVISION OF LAND NO. 74-21 (Cont. from 7/24/74) Applicant: Robert Stellrecht Rm. B-306 Calif. To permit the division of one legal parcel of land into three parcels of land pursuant to S.9811.3 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the southeast corner of Slater Avenue and Jefferson Lane in an R-2, medium density residential district. The Chairman informed the Board that this application is pending finalization of Exemption Declaration No. 74-93 and further proposed a one week continuance. ON MOTION BY EADIE AND SECOND BY SPENCER DIVISION OF LAND NO. 74-21 WAS CONTINUED TO AUGUST 7, 1974 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Crosby NOES: None ABSENT: None DIVISION OF LAND NO. 74-24 (Cont. from 7/24/74) Applicant: Forest E. Olson, Inc. To permit the consolidation of two legal parcels of land into one parcel pursuant to S.9811.3 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the west side of Brookhurst Street, approximately 742 ft. south of Garfield Avenue in a C-2, community business district. Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, July 31, 1974 Page 2 IN CONJUNCTION WITH: ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 74-110 (Cont. from 7/24/74) Applicant: Forest E. Olson, Inc. To permit the expansion of an existing commercial building pursuant to S.9430.1 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the west side of Brookhurst Street, approximately 742 ft. south of Garfield Avenue in a C-2 community business district. The Chairman informed the Board that the applicant requested a continuance of one week to allow him time to submit revised plans and submit additional applications. Board concurred with con- tinuance. ON MOTION BY EADIE AND SECOND BY CROSBY DIVISION OF LAND NO. 74-24 WAS CONTINUED TO AUGUST 7, 1974 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Crosby NOES: None ABSENT: None ON MOTION BY EADIE AND SECOND BY CROSBY ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 74-110 WAS CONTINUED TO AUGUST 7, 1974 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Crosby NOES: None ABSENT: None REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: DIVISION OF LAND NO. 74-19 (Cont. from 7/24/74) Applicant: Robert Stellrecht To permit the division of one legal parcel of land into four parcels pursuant to S.9811.3 of the Huntington beach Ordinance Code located on the west side of Graham Street, approximately 398 ft. south of Heil Avenue in an R-1, low density residential district. Mr. Stellrecht, the applicant, and Mr. Don Baker of Valley Consultants, representing the applicant, were present. The Chairman informed the Board that the Environmental Review Board granted Exemption Declaration No. 74-92 July 30, 1974 with the following additional information: The Board wishes to bring to the attention of the Board of Zoning Adjustments the location of the trees on the property and the need for a determination on Graham Place and possible dedication for public use. Findings are based upon information contained in the Exemption Declaration Reauest_ Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, July 31, 1974 Page 3 Board discussed findings of Environmental Review Board. ON MOTION BY CROSBY AND SECOND BY SPENCER, THE BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS ADOPTED EXEMPTION DECLARATION NO. 74-92 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Crosby NOES: None ABSENT: None Board discussed the proposal with the applicant and his representative. Location of streets on property and the need for a determination on Graham Place and dedication for public use was discussed. It was the consensus of the Board that the City pursue a precise plan of alignment on Graham Place. Existing trees on the property was discussed. The applicant indicated that the existing trees would remain due to the nature of the location of these trees being located along the side yard. Board discussion followed. Conditions of approval were discussed. ON MOTION BY CROSBY AND SECOND BY SPENCER DIVISION OF LAND NO. 74-19 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AS OUTLINED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO USE OR OCCUPANCY OF SAID PARCEL FOR ANY PURPOSE: 1. This Division of Land shall not be effective until a covenant and agreement furnished by the Huntington Beach Planning Department is signed and recorded with the Orange County Recorder agreeing to these Conditions of Approval. 2. The tentative parcel map received by the Planning Department on June 21, 1974 shall be the approved layout. 3. A parcel map shall be filed with and approved by the Department of Public Works and recorded with the Orange County Recorder. (prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy) 4. A copy of the recorded parcel map and covenant and agreement shall be submitted to the Planning Department. Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, July 31, 1974 Page 4 5. The private street (Graham Place) shall be offered for dedication at such time that the property develops. 6. Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water system at the time said parcel is developed. 7. Sewage disposal shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's sewage system at the time said parcel is developed. 8. The property shall participate in the local drainage assessment district at the time said parcel is developed. (Contact Department of Public Works for more information.) AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Crosby NOES: None ABSENT: None DIVISION OF LAND NO. 74-20 (Cont. from 7/24/74) Applicant: Robert Stellrecht To permit the division of one legal parcel of land into three parcels pursuant to S.9811.3 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the west side of Graham Street, approximately 131 feet south of Heil Avenue in an R-1, low density residential district. Mr. Stellrecht, the applicant, and Mr. Don Baker of Valley Consultants, representing the applicant, were present. The Chairman informed the Board that the Environmental Review Board granted Exemption Declaration No. 74-91 July 30, 1974 with the following additional information: The Board wishes to bring to the attention of the Board of Zoning Adjustments the location of trees on the property and the need for a determination on Graham Place and possible dedication for public use. Findings are based upon information contained in the Exemption Declaration Request: Board discussed findings of Environmental Review Board. ON MOTION BY CROSBY AND SECOND BY SPENCER, THE BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS ADOPTED EXEMPTION DECLARATION NO. 74-92 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Crosby NOES: None ABSENT: None 1 Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, July 31, 1974 Page 5 Board discussed the proposal with the applicant and his representative. Location of streets on property and the need for a determination on Graham Place and dedication for public use was discussed. It was the consensus of the Board that the City pursue a precise plan of alignment on Graham Place. Existing trees on the property was discussed. The applicant indicated that the existing trees would remain due to the nature of the location of these trees being located along the side yard. Board discussion followed. Conditions of approval were discussed. ON MOTION BY CROSBY AND SECOND BY SPENCER DIVISION OF LAND NO. 74-20 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AS OUTLINED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO USE OR OCCUPANCY OF SAID PARCEL FOR ANY PURPOSE: 1. This Division of Land shall not be effective until a covenant and agreement furnished by the Huntington Beach Planning Department is signed and recorded with the Orange County Recorder agreeing to these Conditions of Approval. 2. The tentative parcel map received by the Planning Department on June 21, 1974 shall be the approved layout. 3. A parcel map shall be filed with and approved by the Department of Public Works and recorded with the Orange County Recorder. (prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy) 4. A copy of the recorded parcel map and covenant and agreement shall be submitted to the Planning Department. 5. The private street (Graham Place) shall be offered for dedication at such time that the property develops. 6. Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water system at the time said parcel is developed. 7. Sewage disposal shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's sewage system at the time said parcel is developed. 8. The property shall participate in the local drainage assessment district at the time said parcel is developed. (Contact Department of Public Works for more information.) Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, July 31, 1974 Page 6 AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Crosby NOES: None ABSENT: None DIVISION OF LAND NO. 74-22 (Cont. from 7/24/74) Applicant: Shelton & Associates To permit a division of one parcel of land into four parcels pursuant to S.9811.3 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the northwest corner of Memphis Avenue and Beach Boulevard in a C-4, highway commercial district and R-3 office professional district. Miss Elin Motherhead, representing the applicant, was present. The Chairman informed the Board that the Environmental Review Board granted Exemption Declaration No. 74-96 July 30, 1974 with the following additional information: The project is only for the Division of Land and does not constitute any construction; therefore, the Board reserves the right to review each use as proposed on these sites. Findings are based upon information contained in the Exemption Declaration Request. Board discussed findings of the Environmental Review Board and discussed proposal with the applicant's representative. Miss Motherhead stated that her client wished to divide the land for inheritance purposes. The layout of the proposal was discussed, and it was the consensus of the Board that the parcels could be separated more efficiently to prevent future zoning and development problems. Miss Motherhead agreed to discuss the reconfiguration of the parcels with her client, and therefore, requested a continuance of one week. Board concurred with continuance. ON MOTION BY SPENCER AND SECOND BY CROSBY DIVISION OF LAND NO. 74-22 WAS CONTINUED TO AUGUST 7, 1974 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Crosby NOES: None ABSENT: None 1 C 1 Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, July 31, 1974 Page 7 CONDITONAL EXCEPTION NO. 74-43 (Cont. from 7/24/74) Applicant: E. L. Anderson To permit a five (5) foot encroachment into the minimum interior side yard setback in lieu of S.9103.2.1 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the south side of Adams Avenue, approximately 50 ft. east of Park Street in an R-1, low density residential district. The applicant was not present. The Chairman informed the Board that this application is a categorical exemption, class 5, California Environmental Quality Act, 1970. It was the consensus of the Board to continue this application for one week to allow the applicant to be present at the meeting. ON MOTION BY EADIE AND SECOND BY CROSBY CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 74-43 WAS CONTINUED TO AUGUST 7, 1974 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Crosby NOES: None ABSENT: None USE PERMIT NO. 74- 32 (Cont. from 7/24/74) Applicant: Snyder -Langston Inc. To permit the construction of a used car lot and automobile storage lot pursuant to S.9472.1 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the west side of Beach Boulevard, approximately 488 ft. north of Slater Avenue in a C-4, highway commercial district. The applicant was not present. The Chairman informed the Board that this application is a categorical exemption, class 3, California Environmental Quality Act, 1970. The Chairman opened the public hearing. It was the consensus of the Board to continue this application to allow the applicant to be present at the meeting. There being no parties present to speak in favor of or opposition to Use Permit No. 74-32, the Chairman closed the public hearing. ON MOTION BY EADIE AND SECOND BY SPENCER USE PERMIT NO. 74-32 WAS CONTINUED TO AUGUST 7, 1974 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Crosby NOES: None ABSENT: None Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, July 31, 1974 Page 8 The applicant, Mr. Langston, arrived. ON MOTION BY EADIE AND SECOND BY SPENCER THE BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS RECONSIDERED USE PERMIT NO. 74-32 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Crosby NOES: None ABSENT: None Board discussed plans with applicant. The alignment of driveways with the existing median was discussed and agreed upon. A shortage of landscaping was noted, and the applicant was informed that he was required to bring landscaping into ordinance code conformance. Signs were discussed. It was agreed upon that all signs for the proposed project were to come back to the Board of Zoning Adjustments for review and approval. Reciprocal agreements for ingress and egress and circulation was discussed. There being no parties present to speak in favor of or opposition to Use Permit No. 74-32, the Chairman closed the public hearing. Conditions of approval were discussed. ON MOTION BY EADIE AND SECOND BY CROSBY USE PERMIT NO. 74-32 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AS OUTLINED AND WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: 1. The conceptual plot plan and elevations received July 2, 1974 shall be the approved layout subject to the modifications described herein. a. Addition of landscaping to meet ordinance code requirements. A plan delineating said modifications shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Board. If such plan complies with the modifications outlined by the Board, said plan shall be approved and made a permanent part of the administrative file. 2. The following plans shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Board: a. Landscape and irrigation plan complying with Article 979 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code and landscaping :specifications on file in the Department of Public Works. 1 Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, July 31, 1974 Page 9 b. Rooftop mechanical equipment screening plan. (if appli- cable) Said plan shall indicate screening of all rooftop mechanical equipment and shall delineate the type of material proposed to screen said equipment. c. Other plans as described herein: Building Elevations and Floor Plan. 3. Soil. and compaction reports shall be submitted by a certified soils engineer. Said report shall be submitted to the Department of Building and Community Development and shall be subject to approval by that Department. 4. Fire protection systems, including automatic sprinkler systems, fire hydrants, fire alarms, and any required fire protection devices shall comply with the specifi- cations of the Uniform Fire Code. Plans for such systems shall be submitted to the Fire Department and shall be subject to approval by the Departments of Fire and Public Works. 5. Reciprocal agreements for ingress and egress and circulation shall be submitted to the Planning Department. The form and content to be approved by the City Attorney. 6. The top of drive "V shall be a minimum of two (2) feet from the property line. B. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION: 1. Beach Boulevard shall be improved to the center line of such right-of-way. Said improvement shall include curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paving, street trees, street lights, street signs, street drainage, and sewer and water main extensions in full compliance with the City of Huntington Beach street standards and requirements. GENERAL: 1. No loud speaker systems shall be utilized on the subject site. The Board reserves the right under the Use Permit Application to consider location of building in relation to the site. FINDINGS: 1. The proposed plan is consistent with the objectives of the City's Policy Plan. 2. The establishment, operation, and maintenance of the subject use would not be materially detrimental to the health and general welfare of the people residing in the immediate vicinity. Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, July 31, 1974 Page 10 AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Crosby NOES: None ABSENT: None ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 74-116 Applicant: William & Carole Stapleton To permit the construction of a drive thru photo kiosk to be located within an existing shopping center pursuant to 5.9430 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the west side of Magnolia Street, approximately 210 ft. north of the center line of Adams Avenue in a C-2, community business district. Mrs. Stapleton, the applicant, was present. The Chairman informed the Board that this application is a categorical exemption, class 1, California Environmental Quality Act, 1970. Mrs. Stapleton outlined her proposal to the Board. Accessibility to the proposed kiosk was discussed. It was the consensus of the Board that the present location of the kiosk was undesireable due to traffic and circulation problems. The possibility of relocation of the kiosk was discussed. It was Mrs. Stapleton's wish to continue the proposal for two weeks to allow her time to acquire a more suitable location for the kiosk. Board concurred with continuance. ON MOTION BY EADIE AND SECOND BY CROSBY ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 74-116 WAS CONTINUED TO AUGUST 14, 1974 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Crosby NOES: None ABSENT: None CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 74-44 Applicant: Gene Cline To permit construction of a garage along the interior side property line, an encroachment of five (5) feet into the interior side yard setback in lieu of 5.9163.2.1 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the east side of Delaware Street, approximately 200 ft. south of 17th Street in the R-2, medium density residential district. IN CONJUNCTION WITH: Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, July 31, 1974 Page 11 USE PERMIT NO. 74-30 Applicant: Gene Cline To allow the construction of an 18 unit apartment building pursuant to 5.9162.3.1 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the east side of Delaware Street, approximately 200 ft. south of 17th Street in the R-2, medium density residential district. The applicant was not present. The Chairman informed the Board that Conditional Exception No. 74-44 and Use Permit No. 74-30 were exempt from Environmental Review Board requirements by a former Exemption Declaration No. 74-100 approved by the Environmental Review Board July 30, 1974. The Chairman opened the public hearing. Mr. Jack Hardt, representing the Delaware Townhouse Association addressed the Board and stated that a great congestion of parking was in existence due to the numerous amount of apartment buildings that had been previously built. He felt that ad- ditional apartments would create more trash, which he stated was not being picked up now, the street sweeper is unable to do a proper job due to the parked cars. Mrs. Barbara Kuff addressed the Board and stated her opposition to the proposal. She felt that there is a definite lack of off- street parking at the present time. Mr. John Pet addressed the Board and stated that the proposal was backing onto his property. He inquired as to what type of fencing was to be used separating the proposal with his property. As there were no further parties present to speak in favor of or opposition to Conditional Exception No. 74-44 and Use Permit No. 74-30, the Chairman closed the public hearing. Board discussion followed. It was the consensus of the Board to continue these applications to mitigate problems with driveway relocation and to more efficiently use open space. The Chairman stated that the Board would take the off-street parking problem into consideration. Mr. Spencer posed a two week continuance in order for the Board to analyze effects of the project in the field and to further meet with the applicant to discuss his plans. ON MOTION BY EADIE AND SECOND BY CROSBY CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 74-44 WAS CONTINUED TO AUGUST 14, 1974 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, July 31, 1974 Page 12 AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Crosby NOES: None ABSENT: None ON MOTION BY EADIE AND SECOND BY CROSBY USE PERMIT NO. 74-30 WAS CONTINUED TO AUGUST 14, 1974 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Crosby NOES: None ' ABSENT: None USE PERMIT NO. 74-35 Applicant: D'Ambra, Inc. To permit the alteration of a building having a non -conforming yard pursuant to S.9719 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the south side of Via Carona Drive, approximately 340 ft. west of El Nopal Lane in an R-1, low density residential district. IN CONJUNCTION WITH: CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 74-46 Applicant: D'Ambra, Inc. To permit a reduction in the minimum open space requirement in lieu of S.9103. of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the south side of Via Carona Drive, approximately 340 ft. west of E1 Nopal Lane in an R-1, low density residential district. Mr. Dennis D'Ambra, the applicant, was present. The Chairman informed the applicant that the Use Permit application was filed in error, and further stated that a Use Permit was not required due to the building placement. ON MOTION BY EADIE AND SECOND BY SPENCER USE PERMIT NO. 74-35 WAS WITHDRAWN BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Crosby NOES: None ABSENT: None The Chairman opened the public hearing on Conditional Exception No. 74-46. The Chairman informed the Board that Conditional Exception No. 74-46 was a categorical exemption, class 5, California Environmental Quality Act, 1970. Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, July 31, 1974 Page 13 Mr. D'Ambra outlined his proposal to the Board. He stated that the addition was to be a family room. He stated his justifi- cations as that the home is presently located on the setback line and due to more expense involved in building a two story, he wished to expand the present structure. Mr. D'Ambra stated that there would still be sufficient open space for children's play area, and stated that the addition would not be a nuisance to the neighborhood. He further stated that the addition is architecturally designed to compliment the present structure. Mr. Gene Bellknap, Mr. G. W. Barnard, Mrs. Denise Adams, Mrs. Helen Schnorr, Mrs. Carolyn Allen, and Mr. Hansen stated their objections to the project as follows: They felt that the proposal opposes environmental standards, that the project would have an adverse effect on the west side creating a stucco wall, the overhang would only be 30 inches from the fence separating the lots, it would block the morning sun, open space to the east would be reduced, it would reduce the market value of the neighborhood, and that no hardship exists. Furthermore, the neighbors do not wish a precedence to be set by this addition. Mr. D'Ambra stated that he felt the addition would enhance the neighborhood, and stated that if the homeowners were to be required to build on another story, they would be able to look down onto the immediate three lots. As there were no further parties present to speak in favor of or opposition to Conditional Exception No. 74-46, the Chairman closed the public hearing. Board discussion followed. ON MOTION BY EADIE AND SECOND BY SPENCER CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 74-46 WAS DENIED FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: 1. The reduction of the minimum open space on -site is substantial and justification presented to the Board failed to demonstrate a hardship. AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Crosby NOES: None ABSENT: None ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 74-117 Applicant: Vincent B. Ruh To permit the construction of an industrial building pursuant to S.9511 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the west side of Computer Lane, approximately 266 ft. south of center line of McFadden Avenue in a 100-M1-A, 20,000 restricted manufacturing district. Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, July 31, 1974 Page 14 The applicant was not present. The Chairman informed the Board that this application is exempt from Environmental Review Board requirements due to the adoption of Environmental Impact Report No. 73-16 by the City Council on March 18, 1974. It was the consensus of the Board to continue this application for submittal of revised plans and also for discussion between staff and officials of the Lusk Company. ON MOTION BY EADIE AND SECOND BY SPENCER ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 74-117 WAS CONTINUED TO AUGUST 14, 1974 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Crosby NOES: None ABSENT: None MISCELLANEOUS: OIL ACTIVATION PERMIT NO. 74-5 (Cont. from 5/15/74) Applicant: Huntington Beach Oil Company To permit the activation of an oilwell (Clark #2) pursuant to S.2392 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the north side of Ellis, between Goldenwest and Edwards in an RA-0-CD residential agricultural civic district combined with oil production. The applicant was not present. The Chairman informed the Board that the Environmental Review Board granted Exemption Declaration No. 74-5 May 7, 1974 with the following additional information: 1. The Board recommends that the developer does not oil any of the service roads because of the detrimental effect this practice has upon water quality. 2. The operation shall remain in full compliance with all pro- visions of the oil ordinance. Board discussed additional information transmitted by the Environmental Review Board. ON MOTION BY EADIE AND SECOND BY SPENCER, THE BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS ADOPTED EXEMPTION DECLARATION NO. 74-5 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Crosby NOES: None ABSENT: None Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, July 31, 1974 Page 15 The Chairman presented a transmittal to the Board from Herb Day, Oilfield Superintendent, stating that the proposed activation is now in conformance with Huntington Beach Ordinance Code requirements. Conditions of approval were discussed. ON MOTION BY SPENCER AND SECOND BY CROSBY OIL WELL ACTIVATION PERMIT NO. 74-5 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITION BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: 1. A plot plan of the proposal shall be submitted to the Planning Department for the permanent record. AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Crosby NOES: None ABSENT: None ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 74-76 ELEVATIONS Applicant: Breuer -Harrison Board discussed elevations and found same to be within ordinance code conformance. ON MOTION BY SPENCER AND SECOND BY EADIE ELEVATIONS FOR ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 74-76 WERE APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Crosby NOES: None ABSENT: None SIGNS: Applicant: Security Pacific Bank 65 SQ. FT. POLE SIGN 169 Algonquin Street Huntington Beach, Calif. Location: Same Sign Co.: Q.R.S. Corp. 1120 Towne Ave. Los Angeles, Calif. Board discussed sign and found same to be within ordinance code requirements. ON MOTION BY SPENCER AND SECOND BY EADIE 65 SQ. FT. POLE SIGN WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Eadie, Spencer, Crosby NOES: None ABSENT: None Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, July 31, 1974 Page 16 THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, MEETING ADJOURNED. D�,iA Eadie, Secretary & Chairman Board of Zoning Adjustments I