HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-11-26MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1974 - 7:00 P.M. - ADJOURNED MEETING COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Geiger, Higgins, Kerins, Finley, Porter Commissioner Boyle arrived at 7:08 P.M. Commissioner Bazil arrived at 7:11 P.M. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None NOTE: A TAPE RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS ON FILE IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OFFICE. Discussion on Flood Insurance Act as it effects the City of Huntington Beach: Monica Florian, Senior Planner, made a brief presentation of the City's status in the National Flood Insurance Program. She pointed out that the City entered the program in 1971 and is now operating under Emergency Status. HUD has identified the City as flood prone, and the City has complied with re- quired minimum land management regulations. After detailed studies are completed next year, the City will be on the Regular Program and be required to implement strict land management controls. She outlined appeal measures available to the City and presented Planning Department recommendations. Discussion followed. Discussion on Proposed Code Amendment 74-6: "Article 979 Revisions" The intent of this proposed code amendment being to implement the recommendations of the off-street parking study and other minor revisions. John Cope addressed the Commission and presented an outline of -the proposed code amendment. Mr. Cope discussed the graphic portrayal of an "intensified land plan". It was noted that a provision already exists in the code pertaining to the six percent landscaping, whereby the six percent of landscaping must be distributed among the entire parking area. It was further noted that the City of Huntington Beach has no typical landscaping requirements, i.e., normal size and location of plants. Commissioner Higgins expressed concerns regarding the time it takes for a plant to mature versus the screening effects it should have at time of planting. Mr. Cope commented that the staff looked for full maturity of most plants within 18 ,,,to 24 months. Mr. Cope further stated, if a time limit is set as to when plants must be mature, the developer may tend to choose Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 26, 1974 Page 2 a lesser quality plant, looking only for rapid growth, instead ,of long term aesthetic environment. It was Commissioner Higgins' feeling that a time limit of 18 to 36 months maturity of plants should be inserted into the code amendment. Mr. Cope stated that it was his feeling that as much flexibility as possible should be given the developer to allow ;for quality landscaping. i Commissioner Bazil discussed the type and width of the screening wall. Safer provisions in lieu of eliminating the 4 inch wall was discussed. The majority of the Commission preferred a 6 inch wall for safer parking. Parking for fixed seating was discussed. It was noted that the occupancy load should be checked out by the Fire Department. Mr. Palin stated our statistics for one (1) parking space per 120 square feet was derived from the medical facilities within the City, counting employees, doctors, turnover, etc. He further stated that this figure was based on actual observation conducted by the City. It was the final consensus that the Staff should return to the Planning Commission with more information on the provision of 6 inch wall, provision for existing buildings, Fire Department standards for guest seating and screening maturing must be within 18 - 24 months. Discussion on Proposed Code Amendment 74-3 "Planned Residential Development Rewrite" Mr. Palin outlined seven additional recommendations of the Sub- committee of the Planning Commission and Staff regarding the Planned Residential Development Rewrite. 41. Developments having less than the 50 units per development minimum was rejected by the Commission. #2. Low Density Planned Residential Development, Multi -family Planned Residential Development, and a conversion to con- dominiums of existing apartments was discussed by Commission. Commission was in concurrence with Staff that the new direction should be a Low -Density Planned Residential Development, Multiple - family Planned Residential Development.and a conversion to condominiums of existing apartments. #3. Commission concurred with Staff to use the word "heterogeneous" as a general statement in the low -density PRD which would encourage the "heterogeneous" type of development and the orientation of units to the site to enhance the living environment. r� J Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 26, 1974 Page 3 #4. The Commission concurred with Staff that the use of garages versus carports should be utilized within planned develop- ments. #5. Commission minimum of floor -level a sun deck. concurred with Staff's recommendation that a 120 square feet be provided for above -ground units through the use of balconies and/or #6. Staff recommended that the recreational facility (clubhouse) be of sufficient size to accommodate at least one person for each unit proposed within the development. Commission instructed Staff to present additional information as to size of the facility. V . Commission discussed recreational storage facilities and concurred that words "either/or" should be incorporated. Discussion ensued regarding further amendments to the proposed code amendment. Commission and Staff discussed input received from the Subcommittee Meeting held July 9, 1974 on subject code amendment. Commission directed Staff to make further amendments to the proposed code amendment and present draft to Commission for further review. Discussion on Proposed Code Amendment 74-11: "Administrative Revisions" Dave Eadie outlined the code amendment. The Commission generally concurred with the concept of the amendment. The Staff indicated; they would be adding to the proposed code amendment criteria for review and approval by the Department of Building and Community Development and perhaps some type of review by the Planning Department. This will be determined shortly and all revisions will be incorporated into a new draft and distributed to the Planning Commission for final review prior to setting the code amendment for public hearing. The Commission again reiterated the concern that all review and approval by the Planning Director should appear on a consent calendar on the Board of Zoning Adjustments minutes so as to have a public record of the Planning Director's activities and provisions for appeal. Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 26, 1974 Page 4 Discussion on Proposed Code Amendment 74-17: "Upgrading of the Automobile Related Standards" Dave Eadie outlined Code Amendment 74-17. After review and discussion of the issues set forth in this proposed code amendment, the Planning Commission directed the Staff to set Code Amendment No. 74.-17 for public hearing on all of the concepts except auto dismantling provisions. The Commission expressed a concern to the staff requesting investigation of special locational characteristics for automobile dis- mantling uses. The Staff indicated that the code amendment will be delayed until more definitive information regarding automobile dismantling and its locational aspects is drafted and presented or they will proceed with the remainder of the' code amendment and address automobile dismantling uses in the meantime. Discussion of the Bicycle Trails System in the City of Huntington Beach Parking along the bike lanes was discussed. A letter from Bill Hartge, Director of Public Works, was discussed. Mr. Hartge outlined that in 1973 Huntington Beach's bicycle accident rate was 0, and that in 1974 the accident rate for bicyclists was 1. It was his feeling that the bicycle lanes were a safe investment and it was the only thing that could be done at the present, budget wise. ' Commission directed Ed Selich, Planning Program Administrator, to meet with the Police Department and prepare a detailed report to be presented to the Commission on bicycle safety. Discussion on Re -zoning of the"Garfield School Site .- It was the consensus of the Commission to discourage the rezoning of the Garfield School Site at the present time. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: A letter was received and filed from Don Kiser, Dept. of -Public Works,regarding a seven foot walkway easement vacation. Under the State Government Code, a finding -of conformity with the General Plan is necessary. Commission concurred with Mr. Kiser's letter. 1 1 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 26, 1974 Page 5 ON MOTION BY KERINS AND SECOND BY HIGGINS, MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 10:50 P.M. BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Higgins, Kerins, Finley, Boyle, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: None -- C - � 6 V-/� Richard A. Harlow Secretary 1 11 c.Ri1.�Yt.� Edward H. Kerins Chairman