HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-06-10J MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 1975 - 7 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Geiger, Bazil, Higgins, Kerins, Finley, Slates COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Porter NOTE: A TAPE RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS ON FILE IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OFFICE. RESOLUTION 1150 URGING THE ORANGE COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT TO ESTABLISH A CONTINUOUS BUS ROUTE ALONG COAST HIGHWAY THROUGH ORANGE COUNTY FROM THE NORTHERN COUNTY LINE TO THE SOUTHERN COUNTY LINE. Ralph Leyva, Public Works Department, addressed the Commission and advised them of recent meetings he had attended with Orange County coastal cities and OCTD representatives concerning the need for continuous bus service from the northern to southern county line of Orange County. He indicated that the City of Newport Beach at their City Council meeting of June 9, 1975 had adopted a resolution to be transmitted to OCTD requesting such service. He felt that it would be appropriate for the Planning Commission to adopt a similar resolution for transmittal to OCTD at their meeting of June 16, 1975. Commission discussion ensued. Commissioner Geiger felt that the addition of bus service to the coastal region would possibly have an impact on other bus service in the area. He referred to the fact that Greyhound offers bus service along the coast. ON MOTION BY SLATES AND SECOND BY BAZIL RESOLUTION NO. 1150 WAS ADOPTED AND STAFF WAS DIRECTED TO TRANSMIT TO THE CITY COUNTY BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Bazil, Higgins, Kerins, Finley, Slates NOES: Geiger ABSENT: Porter Secretary Harlow advised the Commission that there had been some discussion with the City Administrator concerning the establishment of a Transportation Committee to be comprised of representatives from the Planning Department, Department of Public Works, Administration, and two members of the Planning Commission. Commission discussion ensued. Commissioner Slates stated that it was his opinion that the Cities who coordinate their efforts get more done and was in favor of such a Committee. Commissioner Geiger felt there should be a single point of contact only and did not see the need for a Committee. MINUTES: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, June 10, 1975 Page 2 AMENDMENT TO THE PHASE I LAND USE ELEMENT - MAY, 1975 Ed Seiich addressed the Commission and noted that this was the second amendment to this element and that Staff is currently working on Phase 2 of the Land Use Element. The Commission discussed the Yorktown School Site, Huntington Harbour Area, Manthei Property, Bolsa Chica and Heil Avenue Area, Signal Property, Kendall Property, Classic Development, North of Huntington Center, Hamilton School Site, and -Newland School Site which comprised the Planning Issues. Suggested changes will be incorporated into an addendum to the Phase I Land Use Element which is set for public hearing on June 17, 1975 before the Planning Commission. There was a discussion on,, -the need for a procedure which the public can use when they desire to amend the General Plan. Ed Selibti stated that this would be included in the Phase 2 Land Use Element. Chairman Kerins requested that Staff prepare•a Periodic report of. EIR's and their status. SCENIC HIGHWAYS ELEMENT Emilie Johnson presented a revised preliminary draft of the Scenic Highways Element, noting that this Element had been presented"- _• previously at the January 28 and March 4, 1975 meetings. The'revised preliminary draft incorporated changes suggested at the previous -''- meetings. Ms. Johnson discussed Pacific Coast Highway, from the Santa Ana River to Anaheim Bay as a potential Scenic Highway.. She noted that the City of Huntington Beach only has jurisdiction over six of the ten. mile stretch of Pacific Coast Highway with the.County maintaining jurisdiction over the remainder. A local system of scenic routes was also discussed, to include Bolsa Chica Street from Pacific Coast Highway to Warner Avenue, Edwards Street from Pacific Coast Highway to south of Talbert, and Slater Avenue (which is a new addition to the program) from Bolsa Chica Street to Warner Avenue. Ms. Johnson discussed the 10 miles of landscape corridors which are proposed to be located on Beach Boulevard from Adams to Pacific Coast Highway, Brookhurst Street from Hamilton to Pacific Coast Highway, Magnolia Street from Hamilton Avenue to Pacific Coast Highway, Warner Avenue from Bolsa Chica St. to Pacific Coast Highway, and Goldenwest Street from the northern boundary of Huntington Central Park to Pacific Coast Highway. Commission discussed the proposed Scenic Highways Element and complimented Ms. Johnson on her efforts and presentation. -2- PC - 6/10/75 MINUTES: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, June 10, 1975 Page 3 CODE AMENDMENT NO. 75-4: LOW DENSITY PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT The purpose of Article 931 is to establish basic development standards for low density planned residential development within certain residential districts of the City of Huntington Beach .. to encourage better land planning techniques with maximum use of aesthetically pleasing types of architecture, landscaping, and site layout and design to promote better living environment. Jim Palin addressed the Commission and gave a brief background on the preparation of this Code Amendment. - A page by page discussion ensued which concerned number of units per acre, size of driveways, variation in roof lines and building, height. Commissioners Bazil, Finley, and Slates will meet with Staff to incorporate changes as suggested at a date to be mutually agreed upon by Staff and Commission members. Chairman Kerins stated that should a homeowners association desire for the City to accept streets, provisions should be made for the streets to be constructed in compliance with City standards. It was,the consensus of the Commission that the following two .,i"ms be tabled until another study session due to the time taken up by previous items on the agenda. CODE AMENDMENT NO. 75-3: Condominium Conversion Ordinance CODE AMENDMENT NO. 75-6: High Density Planned Residential Development The above two items will be discussed by Commissioners Bazil, Finley, and Slates when they meet with Staff to discuss revisions to Code Amendment No. 75-4. ON MOTION BY BAZIL AND SECOND BY KERINS THE MEETING ADJOURNED AT 11:35 P.M. BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Geiger, Bazil, Higgins, Kerins, Finley, Slates NOES: None ABSE 7P rter R. rlow 2'. Secretary Edward H. Kerins Chairman -3- PC - 6/10/75