HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-08-05MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1975 - 7 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Parkinson, Bazil, Finley, Slates, Kerins COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Geiger, Shea NOTE: A TAPE RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS ON FILE IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OFFICE. CONSENT CALENDAR: TENTATIVE TRACT 8703 - Request for Extension of Time to August 6, 1975 This item was withdrawn from the Consent Calendar by the applicant at the request of Staff. MINUTES ON MOTION BY SLATES AND SECOND BY PARKINSON THE MINUTES OF JUNE 17, JUNE 24, JULY 1, JULY 8, AND JULY 15, 1975 WERE APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Parkinson, Bazil, Finley, Slates, Kerins NOES: None ABSENT: Geiger, Shea REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 75-08 Applicant: Tae Suk Chong This is a request to permit the operation of a commercial recreation school (karate studio) in an existing industrial building located at 16442 "A" Gothard Street. The existing industrial development in which the subject site is located was granted Exemption Declaration No. 73-54 by the Environmental Review Board on May 8, 1973. -- Dave Eadie stated that he had nothing further to add to the Staff Report. A vugraph was shown. The public hearing was opened. There was no one present who wished to speak for or against the proposed use and the public hearing was closed. The Commission discussed the Conditions of Approval recommended by the Staff and the additional condition regulating hours of operation from 4 P.M. to 9 P.M. Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 5, 1975 Page 2 ON MOTION BY KERINS AND SECOND BY BAZIL CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 75-08 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: FINDINGS: 1. The proposal will not generate unusual amounts of traffic so as to render the existing industrial uses incapable of function- ing normally. 2. The amount of parking required for the subject use will be adequately provided by existing on -site parking. 3. The relationship of the proposed use to its surroundings is compatible and reasonably integrates with other uses. 4. The proposed use substantially complies with the requirements of Article 984, the General Plan of land use, and development standards for the particular zoning district in effect when the industrial buildings were constructed. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The conceptual plan received June 9, 1975 shall be the approved layout. In its approval action, the Planning Commission considered the following issues relating to the conceptual plan: • Traffic circulation and drives; . Parking layout; . Type of use and its relation to property and improve- ments in the immediate vicinity; • Past administrative action regarding this property. The Department of Building and Community Development will per- form a comprehensive plan check relating to all Ordinance Code requirements upon submittal of completed structural drawings. The Planning Commission reviews the conceptual plan as a basic request for entitlement of the use applied for in relation to the vicinity in which it is proposed. The conceptual plan should not be construed as a precise plan reflecting conformance to all Ordinance Code requirements. 2. The hours of the proposed use shall be between 4:00 p.m. and 9:00 P.M. AYES: Parkinson, Bazil, Finley, Slates, Kerins NOES: None ABSENT: Geiger, Shea -2- 8/5/75 - PC I Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 5, 1975 Page 3 ZONE CHANGE NO. 74-5 Applicant: Signal Bolsa Corporation This is a request of change of zone from C4 and R2-PD-14 to Rl for property located on the northwest corner of Section 34 District Map 38. The zone change from C4 is requested because the area will not support commercial uses at this time. The change from R2-PD is to be compatible with the rezoning from C4 to R1. John Cope addressed the Commission and gave a brief history of the application. Commissioner Kerins noted that it would be desirable for the City to designate an alternative commercial site to the south of the subject property. Vice Chairman Finley opened the public hearing. Mr. George Stringer, representing the applicant, addressed the Commission and noted that the Staff Report relayed the facts concerning the application. He further stated that Signal Bolsa Corporation does intend to develop some commercial area in the Bolsa Chica, that in fact it provided an ideal opportunity for good commercial development. Mr. Gordon Offstein, a citizen of Huntington Beach, addressed the Commission and indicated that the City was unable at the present time to develop the Bolsa Chica. He spoke in opposition to the granting of a zone change. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Slates stated that the reasons for zoning the property commercial originally was that a proposed freeway was to run along the property which has since been deleted. Commission discussion ensued. Commissioner Kerins noted that the nearest major intersection southwest of this area would be well suited for commercial development. The Commission discussed the Environmental Impact Report. ON MOTION BY KERINS AND SECOND BY PARKINSON ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT NO. 74-4 WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Parkinson, Bazil, Finley, Slates, Kerins NOES: None ABSENT: Geiger, Shea -3- 8/5/75 - PC 3 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 5, 1975 Page 4 ON MOTION BY SLATES AND SECOND BY KERINS ZONE CHANGE NO. 74-5 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: FINDINGS: 1. The change of zone is in conformance with the adopted General Plan land use designation. 2. State Planning Law mandates that zoning shall be consistent with the City's General Plan. 3. The proposed low density residential zoning will provide for a more compatible land use with the surrounding area. 4. The subject site is no longer suited for commercial development. 5. More efficient long range commercial development alternatives will exist in the unincorporated "Bolsa Chica Area", which in turn will provide the necessary commercial service needs for the existing and future populations of the area. 6. The Planning Commission determines that a major intersection to the southwest of the subject site would be more ideally suited for commercial development. AYES: Parkinson, Bazil, Finley, Slates, Kerins NOES: None ABSENT: Geiger, Shea ZONE CHANGE NO. 75-05 Applicant: S & S Construction Co. This is a request for a change of zone from CF-E, Community Facility - Education, to R1 on property located on the west side of Magnolia north of Yorktown. In early 1975 the Huntington Beach Union High School District announced the deletion of the school site from its Master Plan and Zone Change No. 75-05 has been filed to allow development of a single family residential subdivision on the site. Negative Declaration No. 75-49 was granted by the Environmental Review Board at its meeting of July 15, 1975, having found that the proposed project will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment. John Cope addressed the Commission and gave a brief history of the application. A vugraph was shown. Vice Chairman Finley opened the public hearing. Mr. George R. Putnam, Vice President of S & S Construction Co., ad- dressed the Commission and stated that he found the Staff Report to be accurate and that the recommendations contained therein met with his approval. -4- 8/5/75 - PC e Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 5, 1975 Page 5 A resident of the area spoke in opposition to the proposed use stating that she felt a park should be located there. She further stated that the Little League presently uses the land for their activities and that the development would also create a parking problem. The Commission discussed the need for an alternative site for Little League activities. Mr. Putnam stated that there will be a:park within the subdivision. The public hearing was closed. Further discussion among the Commissioners ensued. ON MOTION BY SLATES AND SECOND BY PARKINSON ZONE CHANGE NO. 75-05 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: FINDINGS: 1. The requested change of zone is in conformance with the adopted General Plan land use designation. 2. State Planning Law mandates that zoning shall be consistent with the City General Plan., 3. The proposed residential zoning will provide for compatible land uses with the surrounding areas. AYES: Parkinson, Bazil, Finley, Slates, Kerins NOES: None ABSENT: Geiger, Shea ON MOTION BY KERINS AND SECOND BY PARKINSON STAFF WAS DIRECTED TO PREPARE A TRANSMITTAL TO PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT INDICATING ACTION ON ZONE CHANGE NO. 75-05 AND REQUESTING THEIR ASSISTANCE IN ATTEMPTING TO LOCATE ANOTHER SITE FOR LITTLE LEAGUE ACTIVITIES BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES:. Parkinson, Bazil, Finley, Slates, Kerins NOES: None ABSENT: Geiger, Shea ZONE CHANGE NO. 75-06 Applicant: S & S Construction Co. This is a request for a change of zone from CF-E, Community Facility -Educational, to R1 for property located north of Surfcrest Drive, 352 ft. west of Brookhurst. Negative Declaration No. 75-50 was granted by the Environmental Review Board on July 15, 1975, having found that the project will not have a significant adverse effect upon the physical environment. -5- 8/5/75 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 5, 1975 Page 6 John Cope stated that he had nothing further to add to the in- formation contained in the Staff Report. He noted that this was a surplus school site which had been deleted from the Master Plan of the Huntington Beach Elementary School District. A vugraph was shown. Vice Chairman Finley opened the public hearing. Mr. George Putnam, Vice President of S & S Construction Co., ad- dressed the Commission and stated that he concurred with the Staff's recommendations. The public hearing was closed. Commission discussion ensued. ON MOTION BY KERINS AND SECOND BY SLATES ZONE CHANGE NO. 75-06 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: FINDINGS: 1. The requested change of zone is in conformance with the adopted General Plan land use designation. 2. State Planning Law mandates that zoning shall be consistent with the City General Plan. 3. The proposed residential zoning will provide for compatible land uses with the surrounding areas. AYES: Parkinson, Bazil, Finley, Slates, Kerins NOES: None ABSENT: Geiger, Shea ZONE CHANGE NO. 75-07 Applicant: Kae A. Ewing Zone Change No. 75-07 is a request for a change of zone from R5 to R2-PD-10 on property located on the east side of Delaware, 430 ft. south of Adams. This change of zone was requested in order to allow the continuation of a Planned Residential development approved by the Planning Commission in October, 1974. John Cope addressed the Commission and stated that the present property owner has now requested the appropriate zoning for the development to continue and a development plan has been submitted showing how the two sites can be phased together. He further stated . that the request is in conformance with the adopted Land Use Element. An aerial view was shown. -6- 8/5/75 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 5, 1975 Page 7 Vice Chairman Finley opened the public hearing. Mr. Kae A% Ewing, applicant, addressed the Commission and stated that he was in agreement with the facts and recommendations con- tained in the Staff Report. The public hearing was closed. Commission discussion ensued. ON MOTION BY SLATES AND SECOND BY BAZIL ZONE CHANGE NO. 75-07 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: FINDINGS: 1. The requested change of zone is in conformance with the adopted General Plan land use designation. 2. State Planning Law mandates that zoning shall be consistent with the City General Plan. 3. The proposed residential zoning will provide for a more compatible land use with the surrounding areas. AYES: Parkinson, Bazil, Finley-, Slates, Kerins NOES: None ABSENT: Geiger, Shea TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 8636 Applicant: Harbour Pacific Ltd. Tentative Tract Map No. 8636 filed on April 8, 1974 is a request to permit the subdivision of approximately 33.3 acres of land into a 349 R1 subdivision. The subject property is located approxi- mately 600 ft. south of Edinger Avenue on Trinidad Lane. It is vacant property and zoned R1 at the present time. Jim Palin addressed the Commission and indicated that the Staff had a number of concerns on the map displayed, and that Bill Duncan, representing Harbour Pacific Ltd., was present, as well as Dr. Milburn, the City's Consultant, to answer questions. A vugraph was shown. Mr. Palin indicated there were concerns over the likelihood that a danger would exist with swimmers and boats being in the same area as the beach. There was a discussion on where the beach should be placed and the possibility of it being placed off of the main channel because of the boat traffic. Mr. Bill Duncan, representing Harbour Pacific Ltd., addressed the Commission and stated that he had presented a plan which he felt the South Coast Regional Coastal Commission would approve. -7- 8/5/75 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 5, 1975 Page 8 Dr. Milburn answered questions of the Commission on the Environmental Impact Report. A lengthy discussion ensued concerning the walkway requirements, greenbelt area, location of beach, and layout of the streets. Captain Vanderlaan, Fire Department, stated that when there was an island with one access to a development they would like as much internal circulation as possible. There was a discussion on the need for an Association to be established by the developer. Mr. Duncan stated that he had a Resolution of the Board of Directors of Huntington Harbour Property Owners Association supporting the proposed development. Susie Newman, representing the Huntington Harbour Homeowners Association, spoke in favor of the proposed plan. While the Commission was in sympathy with Harbour Pacific's problems in meeting Coastal Commission requirements, it was the desire of some of the Commissioners that they should approve the plan which they felt would be the best use of the land. There was a discussion on continuance to allow more time for the developer to meet with the Staff and Subdivision Committee members to discuss revisions. Mr. Duncan agreed to a continuance. ON MOTION BY KERINS AND SECOND BY PARKINSON TENTATIVE TRACT NO.,8636 WAS CONTINUED TO AUGUST 19, 1975 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Parkinson, Bazil, Finley, Kerins NOES: Slates ABSENT: Geiger, Shea CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 75-21 - APPEAL Applicant: Golden State Bank Appellant: QRS Corporation, Agents for Golden State Bank Conditional Exception No. 75-21 is a proposal to construct a 52 sq. ft. double faced monument sign within an existing shopping center. The proposed monument sign would be the second detached sign within the shopping center. On June 25, 1975, the Board of Zoning Adjustments conditionally approved Conditional Exception No. 75-21 allowing the additional detached sign. Condition No. 2 of the Conditions of Approval stated that the existing pole sign shall comply with the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code in all respects, including height, prior to completion of the monument sign. ' The Appeal is on the above stated Condition No. 2 which would require the applicant to lower the sign. Slides of the sign were shown. -8- 8/5/75 - PC Minutes: H.B.. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 5, 1975 Page 9 Dave Eadie briefly reviewed the signing for the Warnerdale Shopping Center., Vice Chairman Finley opened the public hearing. Mr. Bob Van Gerren, representing Golden State, spoke on Condition No. 2 and the cost of replacing the sign. He stated the bank had suffered from lack of identification. Mr. Spark.s, owner of the center, addressed the Commission and stated that the•sign had cost approximately $20,000 when built. The public hearing was closed. Further discussion ensued. A MOTION'WAS MADE BY SLATES'AND SECONDED BY BATIL TO APPROVE THE APPEAL AND�THEREBY ELIMINATE CONDITION NO.. 2 OF CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 7.5-21 FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS.:- 1. The cost of bringing the existing pole_ sign into compliance with the Ordinance would.be�prohibitive. 2. There is an Ordinance which is being processed that would make this sign not non -conforming and only -subject to change as the center's name changes.. 3. They would be removing the sign which they have direct control over from the pole sign. Commissioner Finley stated that she was -going to abstain because she refused to be placed in position of a vote that appears to condone a Board of Zoning Adjustments" action she disagreed with, although the condition appealed was not valid. VOTE: AYES: Parkinson, Bazil, Slates, Kerins NOES None ABSTAIN: Finley ABSENT: Geiger, Shea CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 74-15 Applicant: Chester C. Smith A.I.A.. In Conjunction With TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 5813 Subdivider:, Conrad Cornfeldt & W. M'. Rogers Conditional Use Permit No.. 74-15 is a.request to -permit the con- struction of a 56 unit planned residential.development on the east side of Pacific Coast Highway and"north,of Anderson Street. -9- 8/5/7.5 - PC ki Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 5, 1975 Page 10 Tentative Tract No: 5813 is a request for one lot subdivision on South Pacific Coast Highway approximately 130 ft. north of Anderson Street. John Cope stated that the applicant has requested a 30 day continuance on the above referenced applications to allow further negotiations on a property exchange that would affect access to the proposed development. He stated that the Staff recommended that the public hearing be opened and the two applications continued to September 2, 1975. Vice Chairman Finley opened the public hearing. Mr. Schureman, representing Huntington Marina, requested that he be advised when the applications would be heard before the Commission. ON MOTION BY PARKINSON AND SECOND BY SLATES CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 74-15 WAS CONTINUED TO SEPTEMBER 2, 1975 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Parkinson, Bazil, Finley, Slates, Kerins NOES: None ABSENT: Geiger, Shea ON MOTION BY SLATES AND SECOND BY PARKINSON TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 5813 WAS CONTINUED TO SEPTEMBER 2, 1975 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Parkinson, Bazil, Finley, Slates, Kerins NOES: None ABSENT: Geiger, Shea MISCELLANEOUS DATIVE. TRACT NO. 8746 - Request for Modification of Condition Applicant & Subdivider: Huntington Beach Industrial Park Tentative Tract 8746 was conditionally approved by the Planning Commission on November 19, 1974. This was a request to permit subdivision of industrial land into lots not less than 20,000 sq. ft. per M1A-20,000 located on McFadden Avenue 1160 ft. west of and 1320 ft. south of McFadden/Graham. John Cope gave a brief background on this property. He stated that the industrial developer prepared necessary paperwork to finalize Final Tract 8920 and in so doing was preparing for the construction of the wall as required by the Planning Commission. It was indicated to the developer that adjacent property owners felt that an 8 ft. wall may be excessive since they have small rear yards which could create a "walled in" feeling. The developer met with the property owners to reach a consensus on the site. The meeting indicated that a 6 1/2 ft. high wall would be most desirable. A petition is on file with signatures of adjacent property owners. -10- 8/5/75 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 5, 1975 Page 11 Commission discussion ensued on the modification of Condition No. 9 imposed on Tentative Tract No. 8746. ON MOTION BY SLATES AND SECOND BY PARKINSON CONDITION OF APPROVAL NO. 9 IMPOSED ON TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 8746 AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 19, 1974 WAS MODIFIED TO READ AS FOLLOWS BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: 9. A six and one-half (62) foot high decorative masonry wall shall be constructed along the westerly property line of lots 1 through 22. Such wall shall be constructed at the time of initial development of the subdivision and shall be installed'as one project to eliminate the intrusion upon the R1 areas to the west. AYES: Parkinson, Bazil, Finley, Slates, Kerins NOES: None ABSENT: Geiger, Shea UPDATE REPORT - 1975/1976 WORK PRIORITIES Copies of this report were furnished -Commissioners for their review. This will be on the agenda at the Study Session of August 26, 1975. COMMISSIONERS' COMMENTS: Commissioner Slates discussed the Post Office's requirement for mailboxes in the sidewalks and potential hazard they present as well as their unsightliness. Vice Chairman Finley discussed a possible meeting to discuss the new Subdivision Map Act. Jim Palin will coordinate this with the Commission. Commissioner Slates discussed the Planning Institute held in San Diego July 30 through August 1, 1975 and stated that it will be an annual event. He felt more Commissioners should attend at the next session to take advantage of concurrent work shops. This is sponsored by California League of Cities. STAFF'S COMMENTS: Dave Eadie noted that the Commission had been furnished copies of Draft 3 - Staff Review - Proposed Code Amendment No. 75-7, generally referred to as "Estate Residential District". He requested that the Commission review this Code Amendment prior to the meeting of August 26, 1975 at which time it will be discussed. -11- 8/5/75 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 5, 1975 Page 12 ADJOURNMENT: ON MOTION BY SLATES AND SECOND BY PARKINSON THE MEETING ADJOURNED AT 10:56 P.M. BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: -- Parkinson, Bazil, Finley, Slates, Kerins NOES: None ABSENT: Geiger, Shea , -Z V.- va'� C - Ri and A7 Harlow Secretary I Ruth Finley Vice Chairman 1 -12- 8/5/75 - PC