HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-08-06C MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1975 - 1:15 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS: CITY STAFF PRRARNT Jim Palin Bruce Crosby Pat Spencer Andy Vanderlaan Fire Department Civic Center 2000 Main Street Basement, Room B-8 Huntington Beach, California MINUTES: ON MOTION BY SPENCER AND SECOND BY CROSBY, MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 23, 1975, WERE APPROVED AS TRANSCRIBED. AYES: Palin, Crosby, Spencer NOES: None ABSENT: None REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 75-25 (Reactivation from 7/9/75) Applicant: Lee Electric Sign Company To permit the location of a free-standing sign within five feet of an interior property line in lieu of the required 20 feet per Section 9763.3(a) of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. Also, to permit a 3 foot reduction of the required 10 foot ground clearance per Section 9763.3(b) of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the west side of Gothard Street, approximately 100 feet north of Edinger Avenue, in a C4, Highway Commercial District. The Chairman informed the Board that this application is a categorical exemption, Class V, California Environmental Quality Act, 1970. The Chairman opened the public hearing. Mr. Bob Buerrosse was present to represent the applicant, and adressed the Board with the reasons his company feels the sign location applied for would be advantageous to the shopping center. There being no other persons to speak for or against the project, the Chairman closed the public hearing. Board discussion ensued. Pursuant to different criteria in Article 976 governing sign setbacks, the conclusion was reached that the dimensions of the southerly landscaped entry were sufficient to allow the sign to be located there. Mr. Buerrossee indicated that the plans Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, August 6, 1975 Page 2 had been revised and that location would no longer be adequate. Board questioned by what authority the plans as approved had been altered, and noted that covenants for inner circulation as originally required had not been complied with. ON MOTION BY SPENCER AND SECOND BY CROSBY CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 75-25 WAS DENIED FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: REASONS -FOR DENIAL: 1. Applicant has -failed to demonstrate any hardship as required to be shown by Article 976 and 981 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. 2. The sign is not necessarily subject to a-20-foot setback, but as designed, is subject to a 45-foot setback. AYES: Palin, Crosby, Spencer NOES: None ABSENT: None USE PERMIT NO. 75-40 (Cont. from 7/16/75) Applicant: Signal Landmark, Inc. To permit the establishment of a shopping center, pur,:uant to Section 9730.17 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located at the north- west corner of Atlanta Avenue and Magnolia Street, in a C4, Highway Commercial District. The Chairman informed the Board that Negative Declaration No. 74-135 was granted by the Environmental Review Board on September 10, 1974. The Chairman opened the public hearing. George Stringer, Bill Walkup, Bob Huntsberry, and A. J. Varesio were present to represent the applicant. Mrs. Linda Enochs, 8851 Boling Circle, spoke in opposition to the project, citing the validity of building a shopping center at this location; problems of traffic involving school children in the area; impacts to surrounding residential areas from lighting, construction activities, noise, and dust; and the compatibility of architecture and materials with surrounding uses. There being no others present to speak for or against the project, the public hearing was closed. BZA 8/6/75 -2- Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, August 6, 1975 Page 3 Board discussion ensued. Mr. Palin emphasized the fact that this hearing is considering the temporary use only, and that all permanent facilities will be required to have subsequent application and hearing. Time limits also were discussed, with a two-year limit suggested for the project. The bank in its temporary location is not properly oriented for a permanent location, and the City will require that the break in the median on Magnolia be opposite from the break in the curb at the shopping center across Magnolia to the east. In response to the Board's concerns, Mr. Stringer indicated that the property owner would be responsible for the reconstruction of the offsite improvements when the permanent use comes in; that payment of all fees on the entire acreage at this time would be satisfactory to applicant; and that, although it is their preference not to install the full sewer lines at this time, if the application cannot be approved with the chemical toilets as shown, the developer would probably put in a temporary 4-inch line and plan to abandon it in place when the permanent use is constructed. Drives installed for the temporary use will be torn out and replaced at time of permanent construction, and applicant also agreed that the surfacing would be temporary as well. ON MOTION BY CROSBY AND SECOND BY PALIN, USE PERMIT NO. 75-40 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND FINDINGS, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: 1. The conceptual plot plan for temporary use and elevations received August 4, 1975 shall be the approved'layout, sub- ject to the modification described herein: Thirty-five foot (351) driveways shall be provided. A plan delineating said modification shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Board. If such plan complies with the modification outlined by the Board, said plan shall be approved and made a permanent part of the administrative file. In its approval action, the Board of Zoning Adjustments considered the following issues relating to the conceptual plan: Traffic circulation and drives; Parking layout;. Lot area; Lot width and lot depth; Type of use and its relation to property and improvements in the immediate vicinity; Past administrative action regarding this property. BZA 8/6/75 -3- Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, August 6, 1975 Page 4 A. 2. The following plan shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Board: Landscape and irrigation plan complying with Article 979 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code and,landscaping specifications on file in the Department of Public Works. 3. Soil and compaction reports shall be submitted by a certi- fied soils engineer. Said reports shall be submitted to the -Department of Building and Community Development and shall be subject to approval by that Department. 4. Fire protection systems, including automatic sprinkler sys- tems, standpipe systems, fire hydrants, fire alarm systems, and any other required fire protection and detection dev- ices or systems shall comply with the specifications of the Huntington Beach Fire Code. Plans for such -systems -and devices shall be submitted to the Fire Department and shall be subject to approval by the Department of Fire and Public Works. 5. The developer shall participate in the local drainage assessment district. 6. The developer shall participate in the Orange County Sani- tation District No. 3 Sewer Annex District. 7. All applicable fees shall be paid prior to issuance of build- ing permits. B. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION: Magnolia Street shall be improved to the center line of such right-of-way. Said improvement shall include sidewalks, street trees, and street lights, in full compliance with the City of Huntington Beach street standards and requirements. C. GENERAL CONDITIONS: After a maximum time period of two years, a subsequent Use Permit shall be required for the total project, to provide reconstruc- tion of all onsite and offsite facilities for the total project as may be approved by the City. FINDINGS OF THE BOARD: 1. The establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use will not be detrimental to: a. t,The general welfare of persons residing or wor?:ing in the vicinity. b. Property and improvements in.the vicinity of such use or building. 7 'J BZA 8/6/75 -4- Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, August 6, 1975 Page 5 2. The granting of a Use Permit will not adversely affect the Master Plan of the City of Huntington Beach. 3. The proposal is consistent with the City's General Man of Land Use. AYES: Palin, Crosby, Spencer NOES: None ABSENT: None ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 75-97 (Cont. from 7/23/75) Applicant: Fotomat Corporation To permit the establishment of a photo service building, pursuant to Section 9430.2 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the west side of Magnolia Street, approximately 150 feet north of Adams Avenue, in a C2, Community Business District. The Chairman informed the Board that this application is a categorical exemption, Class III, California Environmental Quality Act, 1970. Don Paulin was present to represent the applicant. The Board discussed the plans with Mr. Paulin, pointing out the traffic difficulties inherent in the proposed location and sug- gesting that the building be moved westerly by one bank of parking stalls to better accommodate in -and -out traffic movements. ON MOTION BY PALIN AND SECOND BY CROSBY, AND WITH THE CONCURRENCE OF THE APPLICANT, ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 75-97 WAS CONTINUED TO THE MEETING OF AUGUST 13, 1975, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Palin, Crosby, Spencer NOES: None ABSENT: None USE PERMIT NO. 75-8 (Cont. from 7/30/75) Applicant: Lanny E. Ludwick To permit the construction of a six -unit apartment building, pursuant to Section 9162.3.1 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the west side of Ash Street, approximately 385 feet south of Cypress Avenue, in an R2, Medium Density Residential District. The Chairman informed the Board that Negative Declaration No. 75-15 was granted by the Environmental Review Board on July 22, 1975. John King and Mr. Lanny Ludwick were present to represent the applicant. The Chairman opened the public hearing. BZA 8/6/75 -5- Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, August 6, 1975 Page 6 There being no one present to speak for or against the proposed project, the public hearing was closed. The Board discussed with the applicants several possible alternate layouts which could be utilized to bring the project into con- formance with code. ON MOTION BY PALIN AND SECOND BY SPENCER, AND WITH THE CONCURRENCE OF THE APPLICANT, USE PERMIT NO. 75-8 WAS CONTINUED TO THE MEETING OF AUGUST 13, 1975, TO PERMIT SUBMITTAL OF REVISED PLANS, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Palin, Crosby, Spencer NOES: None ABSENT: None TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 75-6 Applicant: Sid Lance Construction To permit a two -lot subdivision, pursuant to Section 9930.1 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located at the northwest corner of Product Lane and Research Drive in a 100 Ml-A-20,000 Restricted Manufacturing District. The Chairman informed the Board that the application is covered by Environmental Impact Report No. 73-16, approved by the Environmental Review Board on March 18, 1974. Donald Simons and Sid Lance were present to represent the applicant. Board discussion ensued. ON MOTION BY PALIN AND SECOND BY CROSBY, TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 75-6 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO USE OR OCCUPANCY OF SAID PARCELS FOR ANY PURPOSE: 1. The tentative parcel map received by the Planning Department on July 25, 1975, shall be the approved layout (with the amendments as noted thereon). 2. A -parcel map shall be filed with, and approved by, the Depart- ment of Public Works, and recorded with the Orange County Recorder. 3. Compliance with all applicable City Ordinances. 4. A copy of the recorded parcel map shall be filed with the Planning Department. BZA 8/6/75 -6- Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, August 6, 1975 Page 7 AYES: Palin, Crosby, Spencer NOES: None ABSENT: None ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 75-108 Applicant: General Telephone Company of California To permit the construction of additional floor area to contain equipment pursuant to Section 9530 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located at the southwest corner of Gothard Street and Slater Avenue in an M1-CD - Light Industrial, Civic District. The Chairman informed the Board that this application is a categorical exemption, Class I, California Environmental Quality Act, 1970. Kenneth S. Wing, Jr. was present to represent the applicant. The Board discussed the project, including landscaping and applicability of the design review process. ON MOTION BY PALIN-AND SECOND BY CROSBY ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 75-108 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: 1. The conceptual plot plan received July 25, 1975, shall be the approved layout. In its approval action, the Board of Zoning Adjustments considered the following issues relating to the conceptual plan: Traffic circulation and drives; Parking layout; Lot area; Lot width and lot depth; Type of use and its relation to property and improvements in the immediate vicinity; Past administrative action regarding this property. 2. Soil and compaction reports shall be submitted by a certi- fied soils engineer. Said reports shall be submitted to the Department of Building and Community Development and shall be subject to approval by that Department. AYES: Palin, Crosby, Spencer NOES: None ABSENT: None BZA 8/6/75 -7- Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, August 6, 1975 Page 8 ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 75-109 Applicant: The Dogfather, Inc. To permit the increase of an existing overhead electrical service, pursuant to Section 9730.9 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located at the northwest corner of Pacific Coast Highway and Sixth Street in a C3, Community Business District. The Chairman informed the Board that this application is a categorical exemption, Class I, California Environmental Quality Act, 1970. No one was present to represent the request. ON MOTION BY PALIN AND SECOND BY CROSBY, ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 75-109 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND -FINDINGS BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The plot plan received July 28,-1975, shall be the approved layout. 2. The applicant shall install a service panel to facilitate con- version'to underground utilities at a future date, pursuant to Section 9730.11 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. FINDINGS OF THE BOARD: The Board has considered all guidelines for approval of overhead utilities, and all criteria have been satisfied, pursuant to Section 9730.10 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. AYES: Palin, Crosby, Spencer NOES: None ABSENT: None ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 75-110 Applicant: Mi-Shar Contractors Equipment Disposal To permit the establishment of a storage and sales yard for construction equipment pursuant to Section 9530 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the northeast corner of Ellis Avenue and Gothard Street, in an Ml, Light Industrial District. The Chairman informed the Board that this application is a categorical exemption, Class I, California Environmental Quality Act, 1970. Charles Miller was present to represent the applicant. The Board reviewed the request, noting that the zoning does not permit the retail sales activity that the applicant is proposing. BZA 8/6/75 -8- Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, August 6, 1975 Page 9 ON MOTION BY CROSBY AND SECOND BY PALIN, AND WITH THE CONCURRENCE OF THE APPLICANT, ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 75-110 WAS WITHDRAWN BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Palin, Crosby, Spencer NOES: None ABSENT: None ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 75-111 Applicant: John D. King To permit the construction of a 14,000 square foot industrial building pursuant to Section 9511 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code located on the southwest corner of Chemical Lane and McFadden Avenue in a 100-M1-A-20,000, Restricted Manufacturing District. The Chairman informed the Board that this application is covered by Environmental Impact Report No. 73-16, approved by the Environmental Review Board on March 18, 1974. John King was present to represent the applicant. The Board reviewed the request. ON MOTION BY CROSBY AND SECOND BY PALIN, ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 75-111 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: 1. The conceptual plot plan and elevations received July 29, 1975 shall be the approved layout, subject to the modifica- tion described thereon. In its approval action, the Board of Zoning Adjustments considered the following issues relating to the conceptual plan: Traffic circulation and drives; Parking layout; Lot area; Lot width and lot depth; Type of use and its relation to property and improvements in the immediate vicinity; Past administrative action regarding this property. 2. The following plans shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Board: a. Landscaping and irrigation plan complying with Article 979 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code and landscap- ing specifications on file in the Department of Public Works. BZA 8/6/75 -9- Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, August 6, 1975 Page 10 b. Rooftop mechanical equipment screening plan. Said plan shall indicate screening of all rooftop mechani- cal equipment and shall delineate the type of material proposed to screen said equipment. 3. Soil and compaction reports shall be submitted by a certi- fied soils engineer. Said reports shall be submitted to the Department of Building and Community Development and shall be subject to approval by that Department. 4. Fire protection systems, including automatic sprinkler systems, standpipe systems, fire hydrants, fire alarm sys- tems, and any other required fire protection and detection devices or systems shall comply with the specifications of the Huntington Beach Fire Code. Plans for such systems and devices shall be submitted to the Fire Department and shall be subject to approval by the Departments of Fire and Public Works. B. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION: McFadden Avenue shall be improved to the center line of such right-of-way. Said improvement shall include curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paving, street trees, street lights, street signs, street drainage, and sewer and water main extensions, in full compliance with such plans as may be approved by the City. C. GENERAL CONDITIONS: The wall construction along the westerly property line shall be constructed prior to issuance of building permits. AYES: Palin, Crosby, Spencer NOES: None ABSENT: None MISCELLANEOUS: ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 75-51 (Approved 6/4/75) Applicant: H. H. Eighmy, D.D.S. To permit the construction of an office -professional building, pursuant to S.9401 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code (Revised Plan) located at 4900 Edinger Street, Huntington Beach, California. The Board reviewed the revised plan as submitted, noting that it involves only a reduction in floor area with no revision to the site layout. BZA 8/6/75 -10- 1 Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, August 6, 1975 Page 11 ON MOTION BY PALIN AND SECOND BY SPENCER, THE REVISED PLAN FOR ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 75-51 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The revised plot plan received July 30, 1975 shall be the approved layout. 2. All prior conditions of approval shall apply. AYES: Palin, Crosby, Spencer NOES: None ABSENT: None SIGNS: Applicant: Parson Sign Company File #6437 5522 Research Drive Huntington Beach, California Request: 1 - 216" x 5' Monument Sign Location: 5522 Research Drive Huntington Beach, Calif. No one was present to represent this application. The Board reviewed the request and determined that it conforms with the ordinance code. ON MOTION BY PALIN AND SECOND BY CROSBY, SIGN REQUEST NO. 6437 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The sign plan received August 4, 1975, shall be the approved layout. 2. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of Article 976 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. AYES: Palin, Crosby, Spencer NOES: None ABSENT: None Applicant: Lee Electric Sign Co. File #6050 2930 Grace Lane "F" Costa Mesa, Calif. 92627 Request: Pole Sign BZA 8/6/75 -11- Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, August 6, 1975 Page 12 Location: West side of Gothard Street, north of Edinger Avenue, in a C4, Highway Commercial District. No one was present to represent this application. The Board reviewed the sign request. ON MOTION BY PALIN AND SECOND BY SPENCER, SIGN REQUEST NO. 6050 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: rnNDITInNS nF APPROVAL! 1. The sign plan received June 24, 1975, shall be the approved layout, subject to the modification in location of the sign as indicated thereon. 2. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of Article 976 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. AYES: Palin, Crosby, Spencer NOES: None ABSENT: None Applicant: Home Federal Savings and Loan 811 Mansion Ave. Huntington Beach, California Request: To permit two 6' x 12' identification signs located within the setback to face onto Mansion Avenue and Goldenwest Street, respectively. Location: 811 Mansion Avenue The Board reviewed the request and determined that additional clari- fication was required. The representative of the Building Department, Pat Spencer, will arrange a meeting with the applicants to discuss the sign request. THEME BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED. r, -- - - J. W. Palin, Secretary Board of Zoning Adjustments BZA 8/6/75 -12-