HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-08-26MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1975 7 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Parkinson, Finley, Geiger, Shea, Slates, Kerins COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Bazil NOTE:. A TAPE RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS ON FILE IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OFFICE. Councilman Matney presented a plaque to Chairman Geiger in behalf of the City Council commending him for his service to the City. At the same time he welcomed Joe Boyle who was appointed to the Commission to fill the unexpired term of Commissioner Geiger. Mayor Gibbs arrived at 7:05 P.M. and extended best wishes to Chairman Geiger and further expressed appreciation to him for his efforts while serving on the Commission. Commissioner Slates stated that he wished to publicly apologize to Councilwoman Wieder•for statements he made at the August 19, 1975 Planning Commission meeting concerning interpretations of a speech given at a recent. California League of Cities Seminar held at Coronado at the Del Coronado Hotel. SCHEDULED -ITEMS: CIRCULATION ELEMENT Rich Barnard presented the Circulation Element Background Report. The presentation emphasized the. need to provide a balanced transportation system and included a discussion of four types of alternative transportation modes: (L) Public Transportation, (2) Water Transportation, (3) Air Transportation, and (4) an analysis of the City's arterial streets and.highways. At this time Chairman Geiger announced that he would turn the meeting over to Vice Chairman Finley. He expressed his pleasure in working. with other members of the Planning Commission as well as the Staff during his term as Commissioner. Members of the Commission and Secretary Harlow, in .behalf of the Staff, commended him Eor his service and expressed their pleasure in having worked with him. LAND USE ELEMENT PHASE II Bryan,Austin,presented the findings of the Phase II Land Use Element Background Report. He reported that the Phase II Element consisted of a land use diagram, a statement of goals and policies, Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 26, 1975 Page 2 definitions of General Plan -zoning consistency, land use locational standards and recommendations .for an implementation program. Mr. Austin further stated that the Land Use Element and diagram identify the general locations and relationships of the land uses existing and desired for Huntington Beach. Also presented was a matrix that illustrated the relationships between existing zoning ordinances and the General Plan. It was noted that the R2, R3, R4, and M2 zoning categories contained provisions that are not consistent with General Plan policies. Considerable discussion by the Planning Commissioners and Staff followed. The Planning Commission requested that a new label for the Estate Residential designation be researched, that portions of the consistency matrix be expanded to allow lower density development in higher density areas, and that a methodology for amending the General Plan be contained in the General Plan Draft. CODE AMENDMENT NO. 75, 3 CONDOMINIUM AND COMMUNITY APARTMENT DEVELOPMENT Jim Palin addressed the Commission and requested that certain questions be resolved. It was the consensus of the Commission that existing apartments could be converted to condominium ownership and that the conceptual approach outlined in the May 10, 1975 draft for conversion was acceptable. The Commission further agreed with the point approach, but it was noted that anyone is eligible to file for conversion. CODE AMENDMENT NO. 75-10 "New Article 949 - EQUINE STANDARDS, COMMERCIAL" It was the consensus of the Commission that discussion on this item be continued to the September 3, 1975 meeting. WORK PROGRAM UPDATE Dave Eadie gave this report and There was also ADJOURNMENT: a brief history on each of the items listed on the Commission discussed the progress being made. a discussion on priorities. ON MOTION BY PARKINSON AND SECOND BY SHEA THE MEETING ADJOURNED AT 10:35 P.M. BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Parkinson Finley, NOES: None ABSEN • , Bazil, Kerins % Richard 'A. Harlow Secretary Shea, Slates, Kerins -GL Ruth Finley Vice -Chairman -2- 8/26/75 - PC