HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-10-07MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1975 - 7:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Parkinson, Bazil, Finley, Slates, Shea, Boyle, Kerins COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None NOTE: A TAPE RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS ON FILE IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OFFICE. CONSENT CALENDAR: 14INUTES : ON MOTION BY BOYLE AND SECOND BY BAZIL THE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 3, 1975 AND SEPTEMBER 16, 1975 WERE UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None SCHEDULED ITEMS: CONDITIONAL•USE PERMIT NO. 74-15 Applicant: Chester C. Smith - In Conjunction With TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 5813 Applicant: Conrad-Cornfeldt & W.M. Rogers A request for a continuance has been submitted by the applicant pursuant to the direction of the Planning Staff. ON MOTION BY PARKINSON AND SECOND BY BAZIL CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 74-15 AND TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 5813 WERE CONTINUED TO OCTOBER 21, 1975 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Parkinson, Bazil, Finley, Slates, Shea, Boyle, Kerins NOES: None ABSENT: None CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 75-13 Applicant: Wahlquist.West.Lawrence, Inc. Minutes:, H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October'7, 1975 Page 2 This is a request to develop an institute for religious training located at 15761.Goldenwest Street.- The Planning Commission at its meeting of September 16, 1975 directed the Staff to review and formulate proposed conditions of approval that would mitigate the concerns of the Commission and -the adjacent residents. Commission discussion ensued on the proposed conditions of approval. Chairman Slates reopened the public hearing. Mr. Reed Lawrence, an agent for the owner, addressed the Commission and stated that he had read the proposed conditions of approval and had no objection to,them; with the exception,of the condition which would limit -hours of:operation from 8:00 a.m. He requested -that this be changed to 7:00 a.m. Ms. Mickey Korba addressed the Commission and stated that while she had previously spoken in opposition to the proposed use, she had worked out differences with the developers. She did request, however, that the lights not burn all night. The public hearing was closed., ON MOTION BY KERINS AND SECOND BY BOYLE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 75-13 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: FINDINGS: 1. The proposed plan-is�in substantial conformance with -applicable provisions of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. 2. Through the implementation of the conditions of approval, the pro- posed use will be.compatible with -the surrounding residential uses, and will be complementary. -to the adjacent -college facilities. 3. The proposed site is..adequate for the function -as depicted on the conceptual site plan. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The plot plan received October 2, 1975 shall be the approved layout. 2. Prior to final inspection,�Goldenwest Street shall be°dedicated and fully improved as required by the Department of Public Works. 3. Prior to final inspection, a landscaping plan depicting plant type, size, location, and,plan for irrigation shall be submitted to the Planning Department for approval. -2- 10/7/75 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 7, 1975 Page 3 4. Prior to issuance of building permits, a soil report as required by the Department of Building and Community Development and the Department of Public Works shall be submitted to such departments for approval. 5. The water, sewer, and fire hydrant system shall be approved by the Department of Public Works and Fire Department. 6. No structure other than that shown on the approved plot plan shall be constructed. 7. The lighting system for the parking area shall be subject to the approval by the Planning Department and shall be timed so that the lighting is terminated at 10:00 p.m. 8. The hours of operation shall be limited from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on weekdays, and 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on weekends. 9. The use shall be subject to review by the Planning Commission for possible impacts on surrounding uses six months from the date of occupancy. AYES: Parkinson, Bazil, Finley, Slates, Shea, Boyle, Kerins NOES: None ABSENT: None PLOT PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 75-4- Applicant: Seabreeze Village Owners' Association Plot Plan Amendment No. 75-4 is a request to modify the requirements of Tentative Map 7628 by deleting therefrom the tot lots which were shown upon the landscaping plan submitted as supplementary information to the Planning Commission for review and approval action at the time Tentative Map 7628 was filed with the City. The subject property is located on the east side of Beach Boulevard and south of Ellis Avenue at the northeast corner of Chapel Lane and Modale Drive. Chairman Slates stated that he had attended the Board of zoning Adjustments meeting at which time this application was referred to the Planning Commission after they were unable to reach a consensus. Chairman Slates gave a brief history of the problem existing on the tot lots. Commissioner Kerins stated that when the Conditional Use Permit was approved tot lots were depicted on the plan. Secretary Harlow stated that nothing was set forth on what kind of playground equipment would be required. Chairman Slates opened the public hearing on Plot Plan Amendment No. 75-4. -3- 10/7/75 - PC c Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 7, 1975 Page 4 Mr. Jery Luscie, Vice President of the Homeowners Association, discussed the tot lots, noting that a poll of residents had indicated that the majority favored no tot lots. He further stated that there is ample space for children in grassy areas. He further stated that each individual unit has large patios to keep children in if residents so desire. He asked the Commission to respect the majority of the residents' rights. Mr. Raymond Menzie, a resident, addressed the Commission and stated that one of the features pointed out by the sales representative was the tot lots to be erected, and his decision to purchase was based partially on this aspect of the development. Mr. Raymond Carlin, homeowner, concurred with Mr. Menzie. Another resident spoke who stated that he had been led to believe that there were to be three tot lots and had paid a premium price because he preferred a home which would overlook a tot lot. It was further stated that there had been a compromise among those favoring tot lots to decrease from three tot lots to one tot lot. Mr. Robert Barrett, a representative of the Homeowners Association, stated that if the tot lots were built it would add a liability for the Association. He further stated that the Association believes the problem is between the individual and the sales representatives and any recourse for misrepresentation would be against the builder. The public hearing was closed. The Commission discussed the two alternatives in the staff report. ON MOTION BY BAZIL AND SECOND BY PARKINSON PLOT PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 75-4 WAS APPROVED WITH THE DELETION OF TWO TOT LOTS AND WITH ONE TOT LOT TO BE CENTRALLY LOCATED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Parkinson, Bazil, Finley, Boyle, Kerins NOES: Shea, Slates ABSENT: None Commissioner Kerins stated that he would be more inclined to approve a motion to include the three tot lots. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 8948 Applicant: Shapell Industries, Inc. This is a request to permit the subdivision of approximately 8.15 acres of land into a 43 lot R1 Subdivision. The subject property is located on the west side of Brookhurst, approximately 720 ft. north of Banning Avenue. This property was previously designated for a school site. However, the Huntington Beach Elementary School District declared the property surplus and a subsequent land use amendment for low density development was approved for the property. I. -4- 10/7/75 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 7, 1975 Page 5 John Cope presented a vugraph of the property. Mr. George Putnam, representing the applicant, stated that he had reviewed the conditions of approval and felt they could be met. Commission discussion ensued. ON MOTION BY SHEA AND SECOND BY FINLEY TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 8948 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: FINDINGS: 1. The proposed subdivision of this 8.15 acre parcel of land zoned Rl (which allows 7 units per gross acre) is proposed to be constructed having only approximately 5.28 units per gross acre. 2. The General Plan has set forth provisions for this type of land use as well as setting forth objectives for implementation for single-family housing. 3. The property was previously studied for this intensity of land use at the time the land use designation for low density residential was placed on said property. 4. The lot size, depth, frontage, street widths, and all other design and improvements features of the proposed subdivision are proposed to be constructed in compliance with standard plans and specifications on file with the City, as well as in compliance with the State Map Act and supplementary City Subdivision Ordinance. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The Tentative Map No. 8948 received and dated October 3, 1975, shall be the approved layout. 2. The sewer, water, and fire hydrant system shall be designed to City standards. 3. The water system shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water system. 4. The sewage disposal shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's sewage system. 5. The property shall be.subject to local drainage assessment district requirements and fees. -5- 10/7/75 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, -October 7, 1975 Page 6 6. All required improvements shall be constructed under the inspection of and to the approval of the City Engineer. Cost of the in- spection shall be paid by the Subdivider. 3-1/2 percent of the amount of the improvement bond shall be deposited with the City Engineer for inspection costs. 7. All utilities shall be installed underground. 8. Drainage for the subdivision shall be approved by the Department of Public Works prior to the recordation of a final map. This system shall be designed to provide for siltation erosion control, both during and after construction of the proposed project. 9. Except where otherwise specified, a six (6) foot high decorative masonry wall shall be constructed along the exterior side lot line of all corner lots. 10. Except where otherwise specified, a six (6) foot high decorative masonry wall shall be constructed along any lot line separating subject tract from any park site or other public property as determined by the Planning Department. The height of said wall shall be measured from whichever side is higher at finished grade. 11. The rear exterior corner of the reverse corner lot shall be modi- fied to include the 10' x 10' triangular area that abuts the side lot line of the adjacent lot. Such area shall be included as a portion of the adjacent lot. 12. Specimen trees shall be required to be placed along the rear property line of lots'19 through 30 to provide for screening purposes and to minimize the noise impact arising from the adjacent multi -family development. 13. If the developer proposes to provide air conditioning, the in- sulation in ceilings and exterior walls shall be a minimum of R-19 and R-11, respectively. If no air conditioning is to be provided, the insulation in ceilings and exterior walls shall be a minimum of R-13 and R-7, respectively. 14. All building spoils, such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable material, shall be disposed of at an offsite facility equipped to handle them. 15. Natural gas and 220V electrical shall be stubbed in at the location of clothes -dryers, and natural gas shall be stubbed in at the locations of cooking facilities, water heaters, and central heating units. 16. An engineering geologist shall be engaged to submit a report indicating the ground surface acceleration from earth movement for the project property. -6-. 10/7/75 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 7, 1975 Page 7 17. All structures proposed for construction within this subdivision shall be constructed in compliance with the g-factors as indi- cated by the geologist's report. 18. Calculations for footings and structural members to withstand anticipated g-factors shall be submitted to the City for review. 19. A chemical analysis, as well as tests for physical properties of the soil on property, shall be submitted to the City for review prior to the issuance of building permits. 20. All streets shall be constructed in compliance with standard plans and specifications on file with the City. AYES: Parkinson, Bazil, Finley, Slates, Shea, Boyle, Kerins NOES: None ABSENT: None TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 8945 Applicant: Shapell Industries, Inc. This is a request to permit the subdivision of approximately 51+ acres of land into a 246 lot Rl Subdivision. The proposal is for 245 single family detached homes and one lot for an approximate 2.5 acre park site. The property is located at the northwest corner of Yorktown Avenue and Magnolia Street. It was previously designated for a school site. However, the Huntington Beach Union High School District declared the property surplus and a subsequent land use amendment for low density development was approved for the property. Jim Palin addressed the Commission and discussed the additional conditions of approval. Commission discussion ensued. Mr. George Putnam stated that he was in agreement with the recommended conditions of approval. ON MOTION BY BOYLE AND SECOND BY FINLEY TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 8945 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: FINDINGS: 1. The proposed subdivision of this 51 acre parcel of land zoned R1 (which allows 7 units per gross acre) is proposed to be constructed having only approximately 5.05 units per gross acre. 2. The General Plan has set forth provisions for this type of land use as well as setting forth objectives for implementation for single family housing. -7- 10/7/75 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 7, 1975 Page 8 3. The property was previously studied for this intensity of land use at the time the land -use designation for low density residential was placed on said property. 4. The lot size, depth, frontage, street widths, and all other design and improvements features of the proposed subdivision are proposed to.be constructed in compliance with standard plans and speci- fications on file with the City, as well as in compliance with the State Map Act and supplementary City Subdivision Ordinance. %CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: I. The Tentative Map No. 8945, received and dated September 3, 1975 shall be the approved layout. 2. The sewer, water and fire hydrant system shall be designed to City standards. 3. The water system shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water system. 4. The sewage disposal shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's sewage system. 5. The property shall be subject to all local drainage assessment district fees and requirements. 6. All required improvements shall be constructed under the inspection of and to the approval of the City Engineer. Cost for inspection shall be paid by the subdivider. 3-1/2 percent of the amount of the improvement bond shall be deposited with the City Engineer for inspection costs. 7. All utilities shall be installed underground. 8. Drainage for the subdivision shall be approved by the Department of Public Works prior to the recordation of the final map. This system shall be designed to provide for siltation and erosion control, both during and after construction of the proposed project. 9. Except where otherwise specified, a six (6) ft. high decorative masonry wall shall be constructed along the exterior side lot lines on all corner lots. 10. Except where otherwise specified, a six (6) ft. high decorative masonry wall shall be constructed along any lot line separating subject tract from the future park site or any other public property as determined by the Planning Department. The height of said wall shall be measured from whichever side is higher at finished grade. -8- 10/7/75 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 7, 1975 Page 9 11. A decorative masonry wall shall be constructed to City speci- fications along Yorktown Avenue and Magnolia Street. Said wall shall be six (6) inches wide and six (6) f t. high. The height of said wall shall be measured from whichever side is higher at finished grade. The architectural designs of said walls shall be approved by the Planning Department. The structural design shall be approved by the Department of Public Works and shall be included as a part of the street improvement plans. The intent of this condition is to improve the street scene along Yorktown Avenue and Magnolia Street. 12. Landscape planter shall be provided at locations along York- town Avenue and Magnolia Street as shown on the approved tentative map. Such planter shall conform to the plans and specifications on file with the Department of Public Works and the requirements of the Planning Commission. 13. A site plan showing the location of all homes proposed for the lots along the westerly boundary of the subdivision shall be submitted to the Board of Zoning Adjustments for review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits. The exterior rear elevations of these proposed dwellings shall have architectural features similar to those required for exterior elevations of buildings along the arterial highways. 14. A site plan for the location of the homes on each side of the pedestrian access way into the Edison right-of-way shall be submitted to the Recreation and Parks Commission for review and recommendation. The treatment of the landscaping, walkway, and block wall to be constructed in these areas by the developer shall also be submitted to the Recreation and Parks Department for review by their Commission prior to the issuance of building permits. 15. If the developer proposes to provide air conditioning, the insulation in ceilings and exterior walls shall be a minimum of-R-19 and R-11, respectively. If no air conditioning is to be provided, the insulation in ceilings and exterior walls shall.be a.minimum of R-13 and R-7, respectively. 16. All building spoils, such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable material, shall be disposed of at an offsite facility equipped to handle them. 17. Natural gas and 220V electrical shall be stubbed in at the location of clothes dryers, and natural gas shall be stubbed in at the locations of cooking facilities, water heaters, and central heating units. -9- 10/7/75 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 7., 1975 Page 10 18. An engineering geologist shall be engaged to submit a report indicating the ground surface acceleration from earth movement, for the project property. 19. All structures proposed for construction within this subdivision shall be constructed in compliance with the g-factors as indicated by the.geologist's report. 20. Calculations for footings and structural members to withstand anticipated g--factors shall be submitted to the City for review. 21. The structures on subject property, whether attached or detached, shall be constructed,in compliance with the State Acoustical Standards set:forth.for all�units:that jie within the 60 CNEL contours of the property. 22. All streets shall be constructed in compliance with standard plans and specifications on file with the City. 23. The property shall be subject to Sanitation District No. 3 fees and requirements.., 24. The exterior elevations of all buildings constructed on lots that side on or back•on an.arterial highway shall be subject to approval by the.Planning Department. AYES: Parkinson, Bazil, Finley, Slates, Shea, Boyle, Kerins NOES: None ABSENT: None Mr. Putnam commended the Staff for their cooperation in working with the developer on the maps., TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 8995 Applicant: Signal Landmark, Inc. This is a request to permit a subdivision of approximately 95 acres of land into an R1 Subdivision. The property is located south of Talbert Avenue 500 ft. west of Edwards Street. Chairman Slates explained.Alternative,Maps,,A and B,, and stated that Recreation and Parks Commission were in agreement with the maps. There was some discussion on acquisition of adjoining land on Talbert, and the oil well sites. George Stringer addressed the Commission and stated that the 3 wells belong to Burma Oil and they are negotiating to purchase them if a price can be agreed upon. A vugraph was shown— - ON MOTION BY KERINS AND SECOND BY BAZIL TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 8995 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL' BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: -10- 10/7/75 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 7, 1975 Page 11 FINDINGS: 1. The proposed subdivision of this 95+ acre parcel of -land zoned R1 (which allows 7 units per gross acre) is proposed to be constructed having only approximately 4.76 units per gross acre. 2. The General Plan has set forth provisions for this type of land use as well as setting forth objectives for implementation for single-family housing. 3. The property was previously studied for this intensity of land use at the time the land use designation for low density residential was placed on said property. 4. The lot size, depth, frontage, street widths, and all other design and improvements features of the proposed subdivision are proposed to be constructed in compliance with standard plans and specifications on file with the City, as well as in compliance with the State Map Act and supplementary City Subdivision Ordinance. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The Tentative Tract Map No. 8995, received and dated August 13, 1975, shall be the approved layout. Prior to the recordation of any final map on the area north of a line formed along "A" Street, "H" Street, "Q". Street, and "R" Street, a determination shall be made on the Circulation Element either to retain Talbert Avenue as a primary and/or a redesignation of Talbert for a secondary highway. Should Talbert Avenue be retained as it is presently delineated on the Circulation Element, a final map may be recorded for that area north of the streets previously stated pursuant to Alternative ;'B". However, if Talbert Avenue is redesignated as a secondary highway, a final map may be recorded on the area north of the subject streets pursuant to Alternative "A". 2. The sewer, water and fire hydrant system shall be designed to City standards. 3. The water system shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water system. 4. The sewage disposal shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's sewage system. 5. The property shall be subject to the local drainage assessment district requirements and fees. -11- 10/7/75 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 7, 1975 Page 12 6. All required improvements shall be constructed under the construction of and to the approval of the City Engineer. Cost for the inspection shall be paid by the Subdivider. 3-1/2 percent of the amount of the improvement bond shall be deposited with the City Engineer for inspection costs.. 7. All utilities shall be'installed•underground. 8. Drainage for the -subdivision shall be approved by the'Department of Public Works prior to the recordation of a final map.' This system shall be designed to'provide for siltation and erosion control both during and after construction of the proposed project. 9. A decorative-masonry°wall shall be'constructed to'City specifications along Talbert. Avenue and Springdale Street. Said wall_ shall be six ( 6 ) inches `wide and ' six" -(6) `feet .high. _ The height of said wall shall be measured from whichever side"is higher at finished grade. The architectural design of said wall shall be approved by the Planning Department.' The structural design -shall be approved by the Depart- ment of Public Works'-and'shall'be-included as part of'the street improvement' plans:"`The'intent of thi's condition is to improve -the street scene-talong�Talbert Avenue and'Springdale Street. 10. Landscape planter, area -shall be'provided at locations along Talbert Avenue and Springdale Street as shown'on the approved tentative map. Such planter shall conform to the plans and specifications on file with the Department_ of Public Works'and.requirements,of the Planning Commission. ` 11. The developer'sha11-"insta11'fuli street improvements in compliance with the sketch for'temporazy turnarounds on the following streets: "B"81 "C"I "W"IV' "ZF' -"N" IT "O" and "R".' These facilities are temporary in'nature"and shall be totaily removed'with new streets reconstructed when -the areas beyond these stub -streets are proposed for development. 12. If the developer proposes to provide air conditioning, the insulation in ceilings and exterior walls shad be a minimum of R-19 and R-11 respectively. ''If no air conditioning -is to be provided, the insulation'in�ceilings and exterior walls shall be a minimum of R-13 and R-7, respectively. 13. All building spoils, such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe and other surplus or unusable material, -shall be disposed of at an offsite facility equipped to handle them. 14. Natural gas`and 22'OV-electrical shall be stubbed in at the locations of clothes dryers, and natural gas shall be stubbed in at the location of'cooking facilities, water heater, and central heating units. 1 -12- 10/7/75 - PC I 1 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 7, 1975 Page 13 15. Double paned windows shall be installed in all walls of units facing onto the adjacent arterial highway. 16. An engineering geologist shall be engaged to submit a report indicating the ground surface acceleration for earth movement for the project property. 17. All structures proposed for construction within this subdivision shall be constructed in compliance with the g-factors as indicated by the geologist's report. 18. Calculations for footings and structural members to withstand anticipated g-factors shall be submitted to the City for review prior to the issuance of building permits. 19. A chemical analysis, as well as tests for physical properties of the soil on subject property, shall be submitted to the City for review prior to the issuance of building permits. 20. The structures on subject property, whether attached or detached, shall be constructed in compliance with the State Acoustical Standards set forth for all units that lie within the 60 CNEL contours of the property. 21. A site plan, showing the location of all homes proposed for cul-de-sac lots, shall be submitted to the Board of Zoning Adjustments for review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits. 22. A detailed plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department for the treatment, landscaping, architectural design of the screening wall on all lots having off -island wells prior to the issuance of building permits. 23. Except as otherwise specified, a six (6) foot high.decorative masonry wall shall be constructed along exterior side lot lines of all corner lots within the proposed subdivision. 24. The exterior elevations of all buildings constructed on lots that side on or back on an arterial highway shall be subject to approval by the Planning Department. 25. The subdivision shall be subject to Sanitation District No. 11 fees and requirements. AYES: Parkinson, Bazil, Finley, Slates, Shea, Boyle, Kerins NOES: None ABSENT: None -13- 10/7/75 - PC 9 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 7,;1975 Page 14 CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 75-35 - APPEAL Applicant: Business Properties - Charles G..Ball Appellant: Business Properties - Charles G. Ball This Appeal was filed on September 11, 1975 and is to the denial of Conditional Exception No. 75-35 by the Board of Zoning Adjustments. The request was to allow an increase in sign height to 30'6" in lieu of the required maximum 25' height and to allow a ground clearance of 5' minimum in lieu of -the required 10'.as required by Article 976 (City Sign Code). The subject property is located at the southwest corner of Bolsa Avenue and Goldenwest Street in the C-2 Community Business District. Jim Palin presented several slides of the existing sign. The Chairman opened the public hearing., Charles G. Ball, the applicant, addressed the Commission and explained economic hardships encountered by the tenants due to lack of sign coverage. A plan of the proposed sign was,presented by Mr. Ball for viewing by the Commission. There was a discussion on the marquee signs and Commissioner Finley felt that if the increase in sign height was permitted -the -marquee sign should be eliminated. Further discussion ensued. The Chairman closed the public hearing., , A MOTION WAS MADE BY KERINS.AND SECONDED,BY BOYLE TO DENY THE APPEAL TO CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION,35-35. VOTE: AYES: Boyle, Kerins NOES: Parkinson,,Bazil, Finley, Slates, Shea ABSENT: None w. THE MOTION FAILED. ON MOTION BY SLATES AND SECOND BY SHEA APPEAL TO CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 75-35 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITION OF APPROVAL BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: FINDINGS: 1. There is.an economic hardship on the property because of its location in relation to a competing shopping center in Westminster with a sign 31 feet high. 2. Because of the design and configuration, not all shops have adequate exposure to the street. I 1 -14- 10/7/75 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, October 7, 1975 Page 15 3. As there are no abutting commercial uses and the developer has attempted to consolidate signs upon the property, the request will not adversely affect other signs in the area. The sign as requested is equal in height to a lawfully permitted sign east across Goldenwest. 4. The sign as proposed will not obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic because sufficient separation distance exists from the sidewalk and entry drives. CONDITION OF APPROVAL: 1. No additional identification or sign area shall be allowed for Bolsa Avenue and Goldenwest Street within the Shopping Center. AYES: Parkinson, Bazil, Slates, Shea, Boyle NOES: Finley, Kerins ABSENT: None Commissioner Finley stated that her reason for voting against approval was that while she agreed with the need for such signs she would only approve if the existing additional marquee sign was removed. Lacking this assurance, she voted against it. CODE AMENDMENT NO. 75-8 (Fourth Draft) "General Revision of Miscellaneous Provisions". The Chairman opened the public hearing. There was no one present to speak on this Code Amendment and the public hearing was closed. Staff and Commission discussion ensued. ON MOTION BY KERINS AND SECOND BY BOYLE THE FOURTH DRAFT OF CODE AMENDMENT NO. 75-8 WAS ADOPTED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Parkinson, Bazil, Finley, Slates, Shea, Boyle, Kerins NOES: None ABSENT: None MISCELLANEOUS: Chairman Slates announced that Commissioner Shea had resigned from the Oil Landscaping Committee and Commissioner Finley had been appointed to the Committee. Secretary Harlow gave a brief summary of City Council action at its meeting of October 6, 1975. Request for approval by Planning Commission from Public Works for vacation of portion of Magnolia Street -15- 10/7/75 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday,'October 7,,1975 Page 16 ON MOTION BY SHEA AND SECOND BY BAZIL VACATION OF THAT PORTION OF MAGNOLIA STREET DESCRIBED IN AREA MAP FURNISHED BY PUBLIC WORKS WAS FOUND TO BE IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CITY'S GENERAL PLAN BY A UNANIMOUS VOTE. Chairman Slates discussed,the possible need for Commissioners to attend the Board of Zoning Adjustments meetings, stating that developers would be;receptive to concerns, expressed by a Planning Commissioner,.particularly,with respect to,signing problems. Commissioner Kerins requested that when possible the Staff should include large maps rather than reduced_ ones.which were difficult to read. Chairman Slates concurred. " There was a discussion on portable signs, and the Commission directed the Staff to consider a code amendment to legally prohibit portable signs in the City of Huntington Beach and to be prepared to discuss at a Study Session,in November. ADJOURNMENT: ON MOTION BY SLATES AND SECOND BY SHEA THE MEETING -WAS ADJOURNED AT 9:45 P.M. BY.A UNANIMOUS VOTE. Richard A. Harlow Secretary r -16- 10/7/75 - PC