HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-02-17MINUTES Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Tuesday, February 17, 1976 Mayor Gibbs called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington. Beach to order at 7:00 P.M. The Invocation was given by Reverend Ralph Teagardin - First Church of the Nazarene. The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present in the Council Chamber. ROLL CALL Present; Bartlett, Wieder, Coen, Duke, Gibbs Shipley - (arrived at 8:50 P.M.) Absent: Matney PRESENTATION OF PLAQUE - .BEAN TYNDALL - HB ALLIED ARTS COMMISSION Mayor,Gibbs presented a plaque to Mrs. Jean Tyndall in appreciation for her services on the Huntington Beach Allied Arts Commission. COMMENDATION - DUANE JENKINS - RECREATION d PARKS DEPARTMENT The Mayor presented a Comnendation to Mr. Duane Jenkins, Recreation and Parks Department employee, for his idea of recycling street sweepings into compost with the resultant saving of thousands of dollars disposal costs and fertilizer purchase to the City. Councilwoman Wieder requested that this information be made available to the State Resources Management Hoare. Red Cross Tv10�r PROCLAMATION - 14WhWXWffiW - MARCH, 1976 Mayor Gibbs proclaimed the month of March, 1976 as "Red Cross Month" in the City of Huntington Beach and urging all citizens to support the American National Red Cross financially and by volunbBer service for the betterment of the community. PROCLAMATION - "YMCA MONTIV _-, FEBRUARY,_ 1976 Mayor Gibbs presented a P•Toclamation to Mr. Jack Wallace, representative of the Huntington Beach Company and Dennis Croxen, Executive Director of the YMCA, which designates the month of February, 1976 as "YMCA Month" in the City, honoring this organization which has contributed so much to making this a better community through many programs for youth. r CONTRIBUTION TO AID PROMN Fire Chief Picard, on behalf of the employees of the City, presented a check in the amount of $14,756.88 to M.:. Jack Collins, District Manager of the AID Program, -Lul Page #2 - Council Minutes - 2/17/76 COMMENDATIONS - HB OILERS & HB CHARGERS Commendations were presented by the Mayor to the members of the Central. Huntington Beach Oilers and Huntington Beach Chargers All American Junior Football. MINUTES - Approved and adopted minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of January 12, 1976, as written and on file in t:ze office of the City Clerk. r SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT - TRACT 870.3 - STELLRECHT & BARTOLI - Accepted Monument Bond #6SM166628, Faithful Performance Bond #6SM166627, Labor and Material Bond #6SM166627 - (American Motorists Insurance Corfsany); approved and authorized execution of the Subdivision Agreement as recommended by the Director of Public Works. NOTICE OF COMPLETION - FOURTH PUMPING UNIT - SLATER.STORM DRAIN PUMP STATION - CC-355 Accepted work on the installation of the fourth pumping unit in Slater Storm Drain Pump Station, completed by F. T. gaiebarth Company, for a final contract amount of $17,066.92, and directed the Cite Clerk to file a Notice of Completion upon receipt of the required guarantee bond. V v AGREEMENT - COUNTY OF ORANGE - TIWFIC SIGNAL - APPROVED - Approved an agreement between the City and the County of Orange for the installation of a traffic signal system at Sharkfin Lane, Fifth Street and Pacific Coast Highway and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same on behalf of the City; further approved plans and specifications for said construction and directed the City Clerk to advertise for bads. V TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 76--3 - JOHN If LUSK & SON - APPROVED - Approved Tentative Parcel Map No. 76-3, located on the south side of Bolsa Avenue, east of Graham Street, and authorized the City Clerk to execute same and to release for processing by the County and for recordation. v SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT - TRACT NO _6957 - SIGNAL LANDMARK - Accepted Faithful Perform- ance Band #2424521, Labor and Material Bond #2424521 - (Safeco Insurance Company of America); approved and authorized execution.of the Subdivision Agreement as recom- mended by the Director of Public Works. v SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT - TRACT NO 695:8 - SIGNAL LANDMARK - Accepted Faithful Perform- ance Bond #2424522, Labor and Mate rilal Bond #2424522 - (Safeco Insurance Company of America); approved and authorizee, execution of the Subdivision Agreement as recom- mended by the Director of Public Works. NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO 75-2 - ELLIS AVE STREET IMPROVEMENTS - CC-250 - Adopted Negative Declaration No. 75-2 - Ellis Avenue Street Improvements, Beach Boulevard to Gothard Street, AHFP #688, CC-25C, and authorized the issuance of the Notice of Determination. DEDICATED IMPROVEMENTS - TRACT 8248 - MANSION -HALL CO - Accepted improvements dedicated for public use in TractNo. 8248, located northwest of Palm Avenue and 17th Streeti authorized the release of the Faithful Performance portion of the Improvement Bond only, the Monument Bond, and termination of the Subdivision Agree- ment, and directed the City Clerk to notify the developer and the Treasurer to notify the bonding company. A-2 Page #3 - Council Minutes - 2/17/76 AGREEMENT - ARTHUR YOUNG & COMPANY - APPROVED - Approved agreement between the City and Arthur Young and Company to conduct a management audit of the Finance Department, and authorized execution by the Mayor and City Clerk, to be effected by the five per percent savings which is being done in each department. RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED Mayor Gibbs introduced Mrs. Laurie Hill, President of the Huntington Beach Coordinating Council and Mr. Scott Flanagan, Festival Coordinator, who invited the community to attend the Seventh Annual City -Wide Festival on May 15, 1976. On motion by Coen, Council directed the Clerk to read Resolution Nos. 4194 and 4195 by title; waived further reading and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES.: Bartlett, Wieder, Coen, Duke, Gibbs NOES: None ABSENT: Matney, Shipley RES NO 4194 - ADOPTED - CO•SP01gSORSHIP OF SEVENTH ANNUAL CITY-WIDE FESTIVAL "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH APPROVING CO- SPONSORSHIP BY THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AND THE HUNTINGTON BEACH COORDINATING COUNCIL OF THE SEVENTH ANNUAL CITY-WIDE FESTIVAL." RES NO 4195 - ADOPTED - EXECUTION OF CONTRACT - CALIF OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLANNING "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING A GRANT APPLICATION FOR LAW ENFORCEKENT PURPOSES AND THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT WITH THE CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF CRIMI"I.AL JUSTICE PLANNING." RESOLUTION NO 4196 - DEFERRED - FEEDBACK FOUNDATION, INC The Clerk presented Resolution No. 4196 which had been removed from the Consent Calendar for separate discussion - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A LEASE WITH FEEDBACK FOUNDATION INC., REGARDING OLD CIVIC CENTER PROPERTY." Following discussion, a motion was made by Councilwoman Wieder to defer action on Resolution No. 4196 in ordar that a new resolution might be prepared to incorporate this matter into the prese-at lease between the City and the West Orange County United Crusade,. The motion was passed by t-to- following vote: AYES: Bartlett, Wieder, Coen, Duke, Gibbs NOES: None ABSENT: Matney, Shipley 103. Page #4 - Council Minutes 2/17/76 v LETTER AGREEMENT - RUTAN d. TUCKER, ATTORNEYS AT,LAW - APPROVED The Clerk presented a communication from the City Attorney transmitting a proposet letter agreement from the law firm of Rutan & Tucker dated January 29, 1976, which they have transmitted at the request of the Costa Mesa County Water District. Said letter agreement is relative to Irvine Ranch County Water District vs. Municipal Water District, Costa Mesa County Water District, City of Huntington Beach, et al. On motion by Coen, Council approved said letter agreement dated January 29, 1976 from the law firm of Rutan d Tucker, and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same on behalf of the City. The motion w€,s passed by the following vote: AYES: Bartlett, Wieder, Coen, Duke, Gibbs NOES: None ABSENT: Matney, Shipley PROJECT AREA COMMITTEE APPLICANTS - DAVID GAROFALO APPOINTED The Clerk presented a communication. from the.Planning Department submitting Project Area Committee applicants. On motion by Gibbs, Council appoirted David Garofalo to serve on the Project Area Committee, as a member of organization within Project Area. The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: Bartlett, Wieder, Coen, Gibbs NOES; None ABSTAIN: Duke ABSENT: Matney, Shipley J RESIGNATION ACCEPTED - IVAN M MARKS - HB ECONOMIC ADVISORY COMMISSION The Clerk presented a Communication from Mr. Ivan M. Marks submitting his resignation from the Huntington Beach Economic Advisory Commission. Mayor Gibbs directed that the resignation of Mr. Ivan M. Marks from the Huntington Beach Economic Advisory Commission be accepted and that a plaque be prepared for presentation to Mr. Marks. r CONSULTING SERVICES FOR REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - RESOLUTIONS TO BE PREPARED The Clerk presented a communication from the Planning Department regarding consulting services for the Redevelopment Agency and recommending that Council accept Recommendation B - to authorize staff to have time and materials contract with Urban Projects, Inc., before the City Council on March 1, 1976 for. approval. The City Attorney informed Council that they had been provided with copies of his memorandum dated February 17, 1976 regarding the matter. IL0 4 Page #5 - Council Minutes - 2/17/76 He stated that two resolutions relative to Redevelopment Agency Expenditures should be prepared for action by Council sitting as the Redevelopment Agency at the March 1, 1976 meeting. The Council directed the City Attorney to prepare the necessary resolutions. The Planning Director reported on aspects of the matter. A motion was made by Councilman Coen to authorize staff to have time and materials contract with Urban Projects, Inc., before the City Council on March 1, 1976. The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: Bartlett, Wieder, Coen, Gibbs NOES: None ABSENT: Matney, Shipley ABSTAIN: Duke PAC COMMUNICATION - AC UISITION OF DOWNTOWN PROPERTIES - RECEIVED d FILED The Clerk presented a communication from the Project Area Committee recommending that the acquisition of the Dcuntowm parcels presently under consideration be pursued and that proceeds from the sale of surplus properties be used for acquisition. The Mayor stated that Covacil had taken action at a previous meeting to acquire the properties in the downtown. area. On motion by Coen, Council directed that the communication from the Project Area. Committee be received and filed. The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: Bartlett, Wieder, Coen, Duke, Gibbs NOES: None ABSENT: Matney, Shipley BOLSA CHICA STUDY COMMETIE.E INTERIM REPORT ACCEPTED A motion was made by Councilwoman Wieder to accept the Interim Report to City Council dated February 13, 1976, submitted by the Balsa Chica Study Committee. Councilman Duke reported on the work being done by the Bolsa Chica Study Committee and stated that they would be preparing a recommendation to the Council following action which will be taken by the Coastal Commission. The motion made by Councilwoman Wieder was passed by the following vote: AYES: Bartlett, Wieder, Coen, Doke, Gibbs NOES: None ABSENT: Matney, Shipley ORDINANCE NO 2038 - ZONE CASE NO'75-10 - WITHDRAWN The Clerk presented Ordinance No. 2038 for a second reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR CHANGE OF ZONING ON REAL PROPERTY LOCATED WEST OF BEACH BOULEVARD ON NORTH SIDE OF RONALD ROAD (ZONE CASE NO 75-10)." 105 Page #6 - Council Minutes - 2/17/76 The Planning Director informed Council that the second reading of said ordinance should be withheld until a Tentative Parcel Map has been approved by the City Council and recorded. v ORDINANCE NO 2041 - FIRST READING - AMENDS CODE - WAIVER OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 2041 a first reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY ADDING SUCTIONS 9730.4.1 AND.9730.4.2 THERETO PERTAINING TO WAIVER OF STREET IMPROVEMEWS." On motion by Bartlett, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. 2041 by the following vote: AYES: Bartlett, Wieder, Coen, Duke, Gibbs NOES: None ABSENT: Matney, Shipley COMMUNICATION - INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATING COUNCIL OF ORANGE COUNTY - RECEIVED AND FILED The Clerk presented a communication from the Intergovernmental Coordinating Council of Orange County requesting that Council adopt an.official position regarding whether or not to strengthen the voluntary cooperative, area -wide agency to return the right to - make decisions on major issues affecting the people of Orange County to our locally - elected council members and supervisors acting in concert. It was determined by Council that a letter be forwarded to the Intergovernmental Council of Orange Councy informin€; them that no Council member would attend the meeting. It was determined by Council that the Council would not support the concept of Mini. -cog and that said communication would be received and filed. HOME COUNCIL RESOLUTION - RE: BUSINESS b INDUSTRY The Clerk presented a communicatior. from the Home Council transmitting a resolution supporting and urging the City CoL.r.cil to support the concept that the City exert maximum effort to attract and secL.re business and industry and submitting alternatives on the mater. Councilman Coen commented on the communication from the Home Council and suggested that they review the recent report prepared by the Economic Development Director. Mr. Flint Morrison, representative of the Home Council addressed Council regarding the intent of their resolution. A motion was made by Councilwoman Wieder to support the intent of the Home Council Resolution. Councilman Duke commented on the Fome Council communication and the need for commercial and industrial development. The motion made by Councilwoman Wieder was passed by the following vote: AYES: Bartlett, Wieder, Coen}Luke, Gibbs NOES: None ABSENT: Matney, Shipley Page #7 - Council Minutes - 2/17/76 HOME COUNCIL RESOLUTION - OPERATION OF MEADOWLARK AIRPORT The Clerk presented a communication from the [come Council transmitting a -resolution urging that Council take certain action relative to the operation of Meadowlark Airport and requesting permission to address Council on the matter. Councilwoman Wieder stated that a meeting had been scheduled on February 18, 1976 between the owner of the airport, two schools operating at the airport, the Federal Aviation Administration, County, State Aeronautics Board and the City Departments involved. The Council determined that no action be taken on this matter at this time. STUDENT INVOLVEMENT IN OFF -SHORE OIL LITIGATION APPROVED The Clerk presented a communication from Councilwoman Wieder informing Council of the request from students of Huntington Beach, Marina and Edison High Schools for Council endorsement and support of their efforts to collect money to defray the expense of the City's contributions to the off -shore oil litigation. A motion was made by Councilwoman Wieder to endorse and support the efforts of the students of Huntington Beach, Marina and Edison High schools to collect money to defray the expense of the City's contributions to the off -shore oil litigation. The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: Bartlett, Wieder, Coen, Duke, Gibbs NOES: None ABSENT: Matney, Shipley APPOINTMENTS TO MAYOR'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON THE HANDICAPPED - APPROVED The Clerk presented a communication from Councilwoman Wieder and Councilmen Bartlett and Shipley recommending persons for appointment to the Mayor's Advisory Committee on the Handicapped, A motion was made by Councilman Duke to appoint the following persons to serve on the Mayor's Advisory Committee on the Handicapped: Harry Tremaine Deaf/hard of hearing member Kenneth Algaze Deaf/hard of hearing member (alternate) Ron Miller Blind/partially sighted member Lynda Reynolds Blind/partially sighted member (alternate) Laurel Stephens Physically handicapped member Dayle McIntosh Orthopedically handicapped member Allen Kennedy Member at large from the community Mark Gerson Member at large from the community Gerald Hime Member at large from the community (alternate) The Mayor stated that Mr. Kennedy would serve as the convening Chairman and that the first meeting would be held at 7:30 on the fourth Wednesday in Room B8. The motion made by Councilman Duke passed by the following vote:. AYES: Bartlett, Wieder, Coen, Duke, Gibbs NOES: None ABSENT: Matney, Shipley 07 Page 08 - Council Minutes - 2/17/76 STATUS REPORT - MCFADDEN AVENUE CLOSURE The Mayor reported on the committee: meeting which had been held recently and attended by those in favor of the closure and those opposed, staff members and herself and that the suggestions which were made have been referred to staff with a report to be presented by March 1, 1976. She stated that another meeting was to be held by the committee. Councilman Coen inquired if the representatives on this issue would care to comment on the objectives which they feel might be accomplished relative to referral of this matter to staff and discussion was held by Council. Mr. Max Fraley addressed Council .gating that he was representing the citizens who were in favor of the closure of McFadden Avenue, with the 12 foot opening Left for emergency vehicles to enter and exit and for the 3� foot wall. He stated that they had requested at the committee meeting that materials be provided to the public so that everyone would be actually aware of what the expected construction was to be. He reported on the meeting of the committee. Discussion was held between the Council and Mx. Fraley. Mr. Wallace Rodacker, attorney representing Robinwood homeowners Association addressed Council and thanked them for their cooperation. REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION - COMK ILMAN BARTLETT - MOTION TO RECONSIDER ADOPTED The Clerk presented a communication from Councilman Bartlett requesting reconsideration of Council action taken at the Fetruary 2, 1976 Council meeting regarding the appeal to approval of Plot Plan Amendment. No.. 75-4, filed by Seabreeze Village Homeowner's Association on which Council overt -tiled the decision of the Planning Commission, which required the inclusion of one "tot. lot" to be centrally located within the subdivision. The City Attorney presented a repert on the matter stating that he believed the Council had discretion to act on the matter and that the February 2, 1976 action was valid. A motion was made by Councilman Bartlett that Council reconsider its action taken at the February 2, 1976 meeting overruling the decision of the Planning Commission on this matter. The motion passed by the following vote: AYES: Bartlett, Duke, Gibbs NOES: Coen, Wieder ABSENT: Shipley, Matney A motion was made by Councilman Dti�4 to continue this matter until the decision of the District Attorney has been made. The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: Bartlett, Shipley, Duke, Gibbs NOES: Wieder, Coen ABSENT: Matney Councilman Shipley arrived at the Council meeting at 8:50 P.M. 108 Page #9 - Council Minutes - 2/17/76 1 LIC HEARING - ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 7302 - OLD TOWN DRAINAGE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT - d PROCEEDINGS TAB The Clerk presented a comnunication from the Director of Public Works regarding Old Town Drainage Assessment District - Assessment District No. 7302, and recommending that said district be rescinded and the proceedings tabled; and that when further evaluation is made, a recommended course of future action will be presented to the Council. Mayor Gibbs declared the hearing closed. A motion was made by Mayor. Gibbs to rescind Assessment District No. 7302 - Old 'Town Drainage Assessment District and table the proceedings. The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: Bartlett, Wieder, Coen, Shipley, Duke, Gibbs NOES: None ABSENT: Matney PUBLIC BEARING CODE AMENDMENT NO 75-10 - "A" AND "B"..- APPROVED — ORD NO 2039 - FIRST READING d ORD NO 2040 - FIRST READING Mayor Gibbs announced Oct this was the day and hour set for a public hearing on Code Amendment No. 75-10 "A" ELrid "B", initiated by the Planning Commission. Said amendment will provide development .standards for the construction of temporary commercial horse stables, and also revise various existing standards for the construction of permanent commercial horse stables. Said standards relate to such requirements as yard setbacks, horse densities, corral crtd.stall sizes, landscaping requirements, etc. Said hearing continued from the Februitry 2, 1976 meeting. The Planning Director presented a resume' of the Planning Commission's reasons for recommendation approval c,f said code amendment. Mayor Gibbs declared the hearing open. There being no one present to speak on the matter and there being no protests filed either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. On motion by Shipley, Cot.ncil approved Code Amendment No. 75-10 "A" and "B" by the following vote: AYES: Bartlett, Wieder, Coen, Shipley, Duke, Gibbs NOES: None ABSENT: Matney The Clerk was directed tc give Ordinance No. 2039 a first reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON'BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY REPEALING ARTICLE 949, AMENDING SECTIONS 9700.2(4) AND 9700.5(2), AND ADDING NSW ARTICLE 938 ENTITLED "PERMANENT COMMERCIAL HORSE FACILITIES STANDARDS". On motion by Doke, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. 2039 by the following vote: AYES: Bartlett, Wieder, Coen, Shipley, Duke, Gibbs NOES: None ABSENT: Matney Page #10 - Council Minutes - 2/17/76 The Clerk was directed to give Ordinance No. 2040 a first reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AKENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY ADDING THERETO NEW ARTICLE 939 ENTITLED, "TEMPORARY COMMERCIAL HORSE FACILITIES STANDARDS". On motion by Duke, Council waived Further reading of ordinance No. 2040 by the following vote: AYES: Bartlett, Wieder, Coen, Shipley, Duke, Gibbs NOES: None ABSENT: Matney v PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL TO APPROVjU, OF C.U.P. NO 75-22 - APPEAL GRANTED Mayor Gibbs announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing on an appeal filed by Reginald De La'Cuesta to the approval by the City Planning Commission of Conditional Use Permit No. 75-22 to allow the construction of a private school facility for the pre-school education of cli-Ildren from 3 to 5� years of age. The facility will consist of approximately five cla.,:srooms, administrative offices, outdoor play areas, off-street parking areas, etc. The school is anticipated to be in operation five days a week between the hours of 9:00 A,M. and 3:00 P.M. The subject property is located north of Glencoe Avenue and east of Silver Lane in the R2 Medium Density Residential District. The Clerk informed Council that all legal requirements for publication, notification and posting had been met and that othesr than the letter of appeal she had received a copy of an informal petition submitted to the Board of Zoning Adjustments, listing approximately 13 persons in oppos:Dcion to the granting of said conditional use permit. The Planning Director informed Council that they had been provided with transmittals from the Planning Commission and ,3t;aff relative to the matter. He presented slides of the area involved. Mayor Gibbs declared the hearing open. Mrs. Barbara Smith, 6052 Gl_iawood Drive, City, applicant, addressed Council and presented information relative to the type o_`�7 operation proposed and the hours which the facility would be open. Mr. Reginald De La Cuesta, 7811 Glencoe Avenue, City, appellant, addressed Council, and presented reasons why he oppo;,ed the granting of said conditional use permit and distributed pictures and slides o:_ the area. Discussion was held between the Council and Planning Director. Mrs. Margaret De La Cuesta, 7811 Glencoe Avenue, addressed Council and gave reasons why she and other property owners oppOSed said use. There being no one present to speak on the matter and there being no further protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. Considerable discussion was held between Council, staff and Mrs. Smith. Page #11 - Council Minutes - 2/17/76 A motion was made by Councilman Coen to overrule the decision of the Planning Commission and deny Conditional Use Permit No. 75-22 based on the fact that the proposed use is incompatible with this particular neighborhood as currently developed, noise element and lack of access. The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: Bartlett, Wieder, Coen, Shipley, Duke NOES: Gibbs ABSENT: Matney Y v PUBLIC HEARING - AMENDMENT TO THE GENERAL PLAN 76-1A AND B - HEARING CLOSED 6 DEFERRED TO 3715776 Mayor Gibbs announced tbat this was the day and hour set for a public hearing on an amendment to those portions of the General Plan known as the Phase I Land Use Element and the Master Plan of Streets and Arterial Highways. This amendment concerns thirteen specific areas ()f the City: 6-1A 1. Downtown - generally- bounded by the Pacific Ocean, Goldenwest Street, Walnut AvenuC, Fourteenth Street, Orange Avenue, Eighth Street, Palm Avenue, Alabama Street, Chicago Avenue and Beach Boulevard. ZLIB 2. North of Main Street, east of Huntington Street, west of Delaware Street; 3. North of Main Street, west of Huntington Street; 4. Approximately 620 feet south of the southeast corner of Ellis Avenue and Beach Boulevard; 5. Northeast corner of Garfield Avenue and Beach Boulevard; 6. Northeast corner of Clay Avenue and Florida Street; 7. East of Bolsa Chica Street, north of Pearce Drive and west of Roosevelt Street; 8.. Maguire Property in the Huntington Harbour area generally located northeast of Pacific Coast Highway between Anderson Street and Admiralty Drive; 9. East of the San Diego Freeway, south of McFadden Avenue west of the City limits; 10. South of Edinger Avenue, west of Newland Street, east of the San Diego Freeway; 11. Center Drive, approximately 1275 feet north of Edinger Avenue between Gothard Street and Beach Boulevard; 12. Slater Avenue betweea Graham Street and the proposed Bolsa Chica Street extension; 13. Talbert Avenue betwe,a-a Edwards Street and the proposed Bolsa Chica Street extensiori. The Clerk informed Council that all legal requirements for publication and posting had been met and that she had :received a communication from Mr. A. C. Marion requesting that a certain portion of Said amendment be continued to March 1, 1976. ill Page #12 - Council Minutes - 2/17/76 Tn response to a question from Councilman Coen regarding a possible conflict of interest to Section 4 of General Plan Amendment B, the City Attorney informed him that he could abstain from consideration of this section and that it would be permissible to vote on the remainder of said amendment. RECESS Mayor Gibbs called a recess of the Council. RECONVENE The meeting was reconvened by Mayor Gibbs. Mr. Ed Selich, Assistant Planning Director, presented a review of the proposed amendment to the General Plan and the recommendation of the staff, Planning Commission and Project Area Committee. He presented a vi.ewgraph of the area and Mayor Gibbs declared the hearing open. Mr. Robert Jarrard, representing the Project Area Committee, addressed Council and requested that prior to Council referring this matter to the Planning Commission that the Council give direction as to their desires relative to General Plan Amendment 76-1A. Mr. lance Jacot, 215 Crest Avenue, City, addressed Council regarding the proposed amendment and expressed his concern relative to high-rise planning. Mr. Leonard Wright, 606 15th Street, addressed Council regarding the proposed amendment and the areas of the plan which he! supported. Mr. Bob Becker, 321 9th Street, City, addressed council in opposition to the plan and gave reasons why he did not believes high-rise was compatible. Mrs. Sally.Tunstall, 423 9th Street, City, addressed Council and stated that she believed provisions should be made to prov2.de for low cost housing for senior citizens. There being no one further present: to speak on the matter and there being no further protests filed either oral or written, the hearing on Amendment to the General Plan No. 76-1A was closed by the Mayor. Considerable discussion was held between the Council and staff, and the Council presented their views as follows on the areas contained in the Planning Commission transmittal dated February 10, 1976 regarding General Plan Amendment 76-1A (Downtown Planning Area) 4A - (old Civic Center Site) It was determined by Council, with Councilman Duke in opposition, to direct that 4A - old Civic Center Site, be to�isidered to be placed in a Planning Reserve for the valid reasons presented by the Assistant ;Planning Director. 4B - Medium density area bound by 5th Street Walnut Ave 6th Street and Orange Ave.) That the area be modified to reflect commercial along Fifth_ Street_. The Mayor commented that there wars no controversy relative to the recommendation for this area. 4C - (Area oftheadjacent to the beach between 7th and 6th Streets)_ It was determined by Councl,l to directthestaff to present further information to Council on this area. 112 Page #13 - Council Minute, - 2/17/76 The Counci specialty around the 1 concurred with the recommendation of commercial designation be expanded to pier itself. the Planning Commission, that the include the west side of the pier and 4E - (Trian l��e created by _the proposed realignment of Atlanta Avenue) The Council concurred withthe Planning Commission recommendation that the triangle created by the proposed realignment of Atlanta Avenue be designated general commercial since the realignment creates a small section of medium density property and isolates it from a contiguous similar use. 4F - (Proposed ark site designated in the vicinity of Delaware and Chico o Streets The Council felt that the recommendation of the Planning Department, Planning Commission and Recreation and Parks Commission would be preferable. 4G - ('Ito Medium density _areas at the intersection of Beach Boulevard and Atlanta Avenue west of Beach Boulevard and south of Atlanta it was determined by Council to refer 4G to the Planning Commission for further study. 4H -_(That the high dens.ty residential designation on the cit -owned propertZ bound .by Beach Boulevard and P�kclflc Coast Highway be changed to tourist commercial The Council concurred with the Planning Commission and Project Area Committee recommendation that the high density residential designation on the city -owned property bound by Beach Boulevard and Pacific Coast Highway be change to tourist commercial. A motion was made by Councilman Duke that these items be looked into by the Planning Commission for report to Council on March 15, 1976 and that a meeting be scheduled between the Council, Planning Commission and Project Area Committee: The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: Bartlett, Wiedcr, Coen, Shipley, Duke, Gibbs NOES: None ABSENT: Matney Mayor Gibbs opened the hearing on General Plan Amendment 76-1B. Mr. Jerry Bame, representing Mr. A. C. Marion, owner of property at the southeast corner of Ellis Avenue and Beach Boulevard, addressed Council, and requested that Specific Area #4 - (Apprc,ximately 620 feet south of the southeast corner of Ellis Avenue and Beach Boulevard) be referred back to the Planning Commission for further study and report. He advised Council that it was the request of the owners of the particular parcel that the. area be partially zoned commercial and partially residential. Mr. R. Muller, city resie.ent, addressed Council regarding the disposition of the property located at Constantine Drive and Beach Boulevard, stating that he concurred with the Planning Commis.ion's recommendation - Mr. Gray, representing th.e.Buccola Corupany, addressed Council in agreement with Mr. Muller. There being no one further present to speak on the matter and there being no further protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. Page #14 - Council Minutes - 2/17/76 A motion was made by Councilwoman Wieder to refer Amendment to the General Plan 71-B back to the Planning Commission for the purpose of reviewing the request presented by Mr. Bame on behalf of Mr. A. C. Marion. The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: Bartlett, Wieder, Shipley, Duke, Gibbs NOESt None ABSTAIN. Coen ABSENT: Matney ABSENCE OF COUNCILMAN MATNEY FROM COUNCIL MEETINGS APPROVED On motion by Duke, Council approved the absence since January 5, 1976, of Councilman Matney from City Council meetings. The motion was passed by the following ipote: AYES: Bartlett, Wieder, Coen, Duke, Gibbs NOES: None ABSENT: Matney, Shipley Y CITY POSITION - STATE COASTAL COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING ON LAND SITE ACQUISITION Councilwoman Wieder clarified the intent of the position statement which she had prepared as an individual citizen, dated February 3, 1976 relative to the proposed acquisition of the Bolsa Chica area as recommended by the Coastal Commission and which had been submitted to the State Coastal Commission on February 3, 1976. Said position statement was formally endorsed by the City Council on February 9, 1976. v ATTENDANCE AT STATE COASTAL COMMISSION MEETING AUTHORIZED Councilman Duke requested permission to attend the State Coastal Commission meeting in San Francisco on February 19, 1976 and present a report to the Council. A motion was made by Councilman Bartlett to approve the request of Councilman Duke to attend the State Coastal Commission meeting in San Francisco on February 19, 1976. Considerable discussion was held by Council. Councilman Coen moved to amend Councilman Bartlett's motion to authorize the attendance of Councilman Duke at the State Coastal Commission meeting in San Francisco on February 19, 1976 at city expense and in addition thereto, to present the majority position of this Council to the Commission. The amendment to Councilman Bartlett's motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: Bartlett, Coen, Shipley, Gibbs NOES: Wieder ABSTAIN: Duke ABSENT: Matney The motion made by Councilman Bartlett was passed by the following vote: AYES: Bartlett, Coen, Shipley, Gibbs NOES: Wieder ABSTAIN: Duke ABSENT: Matney 1 [1 114 Page #15 - Council Minutes - 2/17/76 1 NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES CONGRESSIONAL CONFERENCE - WASHINGTON .D.C. Councilwoman Wieder brought Council's attention to the forthcoming National League of Cities Congressional Conference to be held in Washington, D.C., March 14-16, 1976. She stated that she believed it was important to attend said conference due to the topic of revenue sharing. COMMITTEE FOR CHARTER REVISION_' J motlorn was made by Mayor s that a Charter Revision Committee be formed to look at the Charter for revision. Councilman Coen spoke regarding the need for legal counsel as was employed for Charter Revision Committee work in 1965. A citizen suggested that the League of California Cities be contacted for advice in this matter. The motion made by Mayor Gibbs was passed by the following vote: AYES: Bartlett, Wieder, Coen, Shipley, Duke, Gibbs NOES: None ABSENT: Matney SHAUTON BEACH INN LEASE - (DRIFTWOOD INN) Mayor Gibbs stated that she would like to meet with representatives of the E(riftwood Inn Lease and the Mobile P.ome Park regarding the current dissatisfaction of the tenants over recent rental increases. Councilman Coen stated that he would like the record to reflect Appointed official of the City is authorized to involve himself Driftwood situation on the advice of the City Attorney as well. COOPERS b LYBRAND REPORT that no elected or or.herself in the Councilwoman Wieder requested that the City Administrator inform Council of the time that Council will be discussing the Coopers d Lybrand report on the Finance Department. MEETING BETWEEN CITY COUNCIL - PLANNING COMMISSION & PROJECT AREA COMMITTEE SCHEDULED The City Administrator informed Council that Wednesday, March 3, 1976, was the date scheduled for the joint meeting between the City Council, Planning Commission and Project Area Committee. REPORT - LIBRARY BOARD MEETING Councilman Shipley reported that he had attended the last meeting, of the Library Board at which time they had requested that two Council members meet with them to discuss certain issues. The Mayor appointed Councilwoman Wieder and Councilman Coen to meet with the Library Board. COUNCIL RETREAT The City Administrator requested Council directidu as to the date they would like the Council retreat scheduled. It was determined by Council that the Council would meet half days on February 24 and 25. Page #16 _ Council Minutes - 2/17/76, J Y REQUEST TO ADDRESS COUNCIL - HERB CHATTERTON Mr. Herb Chatterton addressed Council and stated his concern regarding the Position Statement of Council relative to the proposed acquisition of the Bols.a Chica area as recommended by the Coastal Commission.. Discussion was held between the Council, Planning Director and Mr. Chatterton regarding the matter. ITEMS RECEIVED b FILED BY THE CITY COUNCIL 1. Town Hall Announcement - Candidates Might - Wednesday, February 25, 1976. 2. Intergovernmental Coordinating Council of Orange County - Resolution Service. 3. First 7 Months Safety Accident: Report - Submitted by Warren G. Hall, City Treasurer/Risk Manager. 4. Police Department - Monthly Report - January, 1976. ADJOURNMENT On motion by Bartlett, the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned to Mon4ay, February 23, 1976 at 6:00 P.M. in the Council Chamber. Motion carried. ATTEST: City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California Alicia M. Wentworth Norma Brandel Gibbs City Clerk Mayor