HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-04-26MINUTES Council.Chamber, Civic Center. Huntington Beach, California Monday, April 26, 1976 Mayor Wieder called the adjourned regular meeting of the. City Council of..the City.of Huntington Beach to order at 7:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: pattkason, Shenkman, Gibbs, Wieder Bartlett (arrived 7:15 P.M.) Siebert (arrived 7:15 P.M.) Absent: Coen ANNOUNCEMENT RE: ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETINGS Mayor Wieder announced a new policy for the City Council whereby the business to be transacted by Council on the off Mondays would be confined to only the particular items for which each meeting had originally been called. She stated that the business of the regular meeting of May 3, 1976 was anticipated to conclude at 9:00 P.M. at which time the meeting would continue with discussion to be held between 9:00 P.M. and 11:00 P.M. between the Council and the Executive Management Team for the purpose of setting goals for the City relative to the preparation of the City budget. The Mayor stated that a public -hearing would be scheduled on May 10, 1976 for the purpose of soliciting public input for the 1976-77 City budget. SALE OF FIRE HOUSE PROPERTY ON BEACH BLVD. (CA 76-55) - BID ACCEPTED The City Clerk presented a communication from the City Administrator-recoumnding that Council accept the bid for the City property located on Beach Boulevard (former Oceanview Fire Station) Submitted by Viola B. Murray and that staff be authorized to proceed to consummate the transaction. The Deputy City Administrator reported on the matter. On motion by Gibbs, Council authorized the staff to proceed to accept the bid for the. City property located on Beach Boulevard (former Oceanview Fire Station) submitted by Viola B. Murray, and authorized the staff to proceed to consummate the transaction. The motion was passed by the following vote. - AYES: Bartlett, Pattinson, Wieder, Gibbs, Siebert, Shenkman NOES: None ABSENT: Coen GAS TAX PROTECT INDUSTRIAL PARK - (CA 76-56) - DEFERRED TO 5/3/76 The City Clerk presented a communication from the City Administrator recommending that Council immediatelyproceed with a project to complete the street work on Springdale Street, Graham Street, Boisa Avenue and McFadden Avenue. • Page #2 - Council Minutes - 4/26/76 On motion by Siebert, Council deferred action relative to said Gas Tax Project, to the May 3, 1976 Council meeting. The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: Bartlett, Pattinson, Wieder, Gibbs, Siebert, Shenkman NOES: None ABSENT: Coen RESOLUTION NO. 4227 - ADOPTED - REQUIRES SECONDS TO COUNCIL MOTIONS - (CA 76-53) The City Clerk presented Resolution No. 4227 for a reading by title - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING RESOLUTION N0. 2539 ENTITLED, "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ESTABLISHING RULES OF ORDER AND PROCEDURE IN THE CONDUCT OF COUNCIL MEETINGS AND REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 2410, "BY REPEALING SUBSECTION (c) OF SECTION 1." Following a reading by title, on motion by Pattinson, Council waived further reading of Resolution No. 4227 and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Bartlett, Pattinson, Wieder, Gibbs, Siebert, Shenkman NOES: None ABSENT: Coen ORD NO. 2058 - FIRST READING - ESTABLISHING SELF -INSURER'S LOSS FUND TRUSTEE ACCOUNT The City Clerk presented Ordinance No. 2058 for a first reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING THERETO SECTION 2.72.110 ESTABLISHING A SELF -INSURER'S LOSS FUND TRUSTEE ACCOUNT." The Deputy City Administrator reported on the intent of the proposed Ordinance. Councilman Shenkman reperted on the reasons why he believed the.City would benefit by being self -insured. The Clerk was directed to give Ordinance No. 2058 a first reading by title. On motion by Bartlett, second Siebert, Council waived further reading of Ordinance No. 2058 by the following vote: AYES: Bartlett, Pattinson, Wieder, Gibbs, Siebert, Shenkman NOES: None ABSENT: Coen ' V RES NO. 4229 - ADOPTED - AGREEMENT R L KAUTZ & CO - WORKERS' COMPENSATION LAWS The City Clerk presented Resolution No. 4229 for a reading by title - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH TERMINATING ITS POLICY WITH STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH R. L. KAUTZ AND COMPANY FOR CERTAIN SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH THE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF CITY AS A SELF -INSURER UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE WORKERS' COMPENSATION LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS A RESULT OF INJURIES TO ITS EMPLOYEES." The Personnel Director reported on provisions of the proposed agreement. 209 Page #3 - Council Minutes 4/26/76 Following a reading by title, on motion by Shenkman, second Siebert,.Council waived further reading and adopted Resolution No. 4229 by the following votes kYES:- Bartlett, Pattinson, Wieder, Gibbs, Siebert, Shenkman NOES: None ABSENT: Coen EMPLOYMENT OF AN OUTSIDE LA$OR NEGOTIATOR Mayor Wieder announced that discussion would be held regarding the feasibility of employment by.the City of an outside labor negotiator. She referred to a communication prepared by the City Attorney's Office setting forth specifications for labor relations counsel. Councilwoman Gibbs reported on a tape recording that she had received from the United States Conference of Mayors which she believed the Council would find informative. Councilman Shenkman gave reasons why he believed the employment of an outside labor negotiator was necessary and would be money:saving to the City. Discussion was held.between :the Council and staff. On motion by Pattinson, second Bartlett, Council directed the City Administrator to obtain more information including cost -wise, which would be necessary for the City to proceed in this matter. The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: Bartlett, Pattinson, Wieder, Gibbs, Siebert, Shenkman NOES: None ABSENT: Coen PRESENTATION RE• MANAGEMENT AUDIT OF FINANCE & TREASURER'S DEPT. - ARTHUR YOUNG & CO Mr. Tim Haidingir and Mr. Ed Cummins, representing the firm of Arthur Young and Company, retained to conduct management Study of the Finance and Treasurer's Department addressed Council and stated that they had been provided with copies of work plans which had been submitted to the steering committee. Mr. Haidingir reported on the review and stated that meetings had been held with the steering committee composed of two Council members, two representatives of the Huntington Beach Economic Advisory Commission and the City Administrator. Mr. Ed Cummins, presented an overall presentation of the project and reviewed the areas under study. Discussion was held between the Council and Mr. Cummins. Councilman Pattinson inquired if the firm could proceed first on the areas of the project pertaining to the City budget. Councilman Shenkman also stated that he believed items pertaining to financial matters, particularly those affecting the city.budget should be scheduled first for review. Mayor Wieder appointed Councilman Bartlett, Shenkman and Pattinson to serve on the steering committee with two members of the Economic Advisory Commission and the firm of Arthur Young and Company relative to the management study. 21C Page #4 - Council Minutes - 4/26/76 ION OF COUNCIL OFFICES Mayor Wieder announced that the Council office would be relocated to another portion of the fourth floor of City Hall. She announced that Councilman Siebert would be in the Council offices on Thursdays and that Councilmen Shenkman and Pattinson mould be in the office on Fridays. The Mayor stated that she would be in the Council offices on various days. RECESS Wieder called a recess of the Council at 8:05 P.M. E The meeting was reconvened by the Mayor at 8:15 P.M. in Room B-8. 'C"ITTF.E TO. WORK WITH CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR APPOINTED Mayor Wieder appointed a committee composed of Councilmen Siebert and Pattinson, Planning Commission Chairman Slates and Mr. Joseph Valinsky or their designees to work with Mr. George W. Thyden, newly appointed Civil Defense and Emergency Services Coordinator. CETA - COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYMENT TRAINING ACT PRESENTATION BY MANPOWER Mr. Robert Nelson, representing the Manpower Commission, addressed Council regarding the Manpower Commission and its composition. Mr. Bob Cunningham, City Manpower Director addressed Council.;, regarding the CETA Program and introduced Mr. Richard Boyle, Mr. John Mooney, and Sandy Loyns. Mr. Cunningham presented a viewgraph showing the employees under Title I of the program. Discussion was held -between the Council, Mr. Cunningham and staff. Mr. Cunningham then presented the chart showing the Title II and Title VT program employees. Mayor Wieder recommended that a review of the positions of each department he presented to Council prior to budget time. Mr. Cunningham reported that the Summer Youth Program would be in effect this year under the Title III Program, and Mr. Nelson reported on the status of the Title VI Program. Discussion was held be Council and Coastal Employment Center was reported on by Mr. Cunningham. The Personnel Director then reported on matters pertaining to Federal funding of the programs. A motion was made by Pattinson, second Siebert, to direct that the CETA Employee impact on the City Budget be explored. The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: Bartlett, Pattinson, Wieder, Gibbs, Siebert, Shenkman NOES: None ABSENTo. Coen 1 Page #5 - Council Minutes - 4/26/76 1 STATUS OF BUDGET PREPARATLON The City Administrator reported on the status of the preparation of the City budget and stated that he believed several meetings would be necessary to review the proposed budget. Considerable discussion was held by Council. The Council requested that the rough budget figures be presented at the May 3, 1976 Council meeting. ADJOURNMENT On motion by Pattinson, second Siebert, adjourned regular Council meeting of the. City of Huntington Beach adjourned. Motion carried. ATTEST: Alicia M. Wentworth City Clerk J/-O City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California ...... . . . ,lot Harriett M. Wieder Mayor