HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-08-30MINUTES Room B-8, Civic Center Monday, August 30, 1976 7:00 P.M. Mayor Wieder called the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Bartlett, Pattinson, Coen, Shenkman, Wieder Gibbs, Siebert (arrived 7:15 P.M.) Absent: Done RES. NO. 4313 - ADOPTED - SETS 1976-1977 TAX RATE - CA 76-134) Mayor Wieder addressed Council regarding matters pertaining to setting the 1976-1977 City tax rate. She informed Council that they had been provided with proposed resolutions effecting different amounts, together with additionalinformation prepared by the City Administrator. Councilwoman Gibbs and Councilman Siebert arrived at the meeting at this time. The City Administrator reported on the effect which the various proposed tax rates would have on the City, and how they would affect the property owner's tax bill. He presented slides showing adjusted revenue projections, gave an overview of the sty s fznanees, and informed Council of the reasons why he would recommend that the tax rate remain at the present level. Considerable discussion was held between the Council and staff including the financial effect of reducing the recreation and parks and music and promotion revenue in order to increase the Contingency Ftind. The City Administrator presented an alternative to Council whereby the tax rate could be reduced without affecting the Contingency Fund by a transfer of funds from the Parking Authority reduction in the Recreation and Parks tax rate and the Music and Promotion tax rate, and transfer of the increase in anticipated revenue sharing, amounting to a total of $426,000. He stated that it was still his recommendation that the tax rate remain the same. Councilman Siebert stated that he believed until the City was more financially sound that the tax rate should remain at its present level. Councilman Shenkman referred to his open letter to the City Council dated August 29, 1976, which he had provided to them stating the reasons why he believed the present tax rate should apply. He commented on the fact that the proposed Charter Amendments could affect the City's finances and also stated that he believed a Financial Impact Report should be prepared on this matter. Councilman Pattinson stated that he believed the tax rate should remain as is and cited the need for increased services to the public. 4J_G Page #2 - Council Minutes - 8/30/76 Councilwoman Gibbs stated that she would like to decrease the tax rate but due to the pending settlement of wage negotiations and other items, she would recommend retaining the present tax rate. Councilman Coen stated that he believed whatever portion possible of the Parking Authority funds should be prepaid or the monies invested in an additional revenue source, that the parking fund monies could be used to develop parks and that the music and promotion fund monies should be used to actively solicit commercial and industrial development to stimulate the city's economy. He suggested that the alternative suggested by Councilman Shenkman be followed to establish percentage parameters within which the City will not exceed. He also stated that perhaps, the City's employees could be placed under a merit plan whereby they would share percentage -wise in any money the City might save, below a conservative budget amount. Councilman Bartlett presented the reasons why he believed the present. tax rate should remain and commented on the need for better services, such as providing means for increased street cleaning. Mayor Wieder presented reasons why she believed the tax rate should be lowered, citing the City's need to provide leadership in this area. She spoke regarding the high cost of government and the action taken by many cities in reducing their tax rates. A motion was made by Gibbs, second Coen., to waive further reading and adopt Resolution No. 4313. The motion failed by the following vote: AYES: Bartlett, Pattinson, Coen, Gibbs, Siebert, Shenkman NOES: Wieder ABSENT: None Following a reading in full of Resolution No. 4313, on motion by Gibbs, second Coen, Council adopted said resolution by the following roll call vote: AYES: Bartlett, Pattinson, Coen, Gibbs, Siebert, Shenkman NOES: Wieder ABSENT: None ! CITY COUNCIL DEPARTMENT HEAD RETREAT - (CA 76-132) The City Administrator reported on the forthcoming City Council/Department Head Retreat to be held September 11-12, 1976, at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, at which time the City would study methods to implement the recommendations of the League of California Cities Team Building Capacity Final Report. The manner in which the Council Retreat Committee had selected the location and time for the retreat was reported on by Councilman Siebert. On motion by Bartlett, second Shenkman, the Council accepted the report of the City Administrator relative to the Council/Department Head Retreat. OAKVIEW COMMUNITY CENTER BID s The City Administrator reported on the bid which had been received August 30, 1976 for the construction of the Oakview Community Center. The Director of Public Works and the Planning Director also reported on the project. • ,1117 Page #3 - Council Minutes - 8/30/76 A motion was made by Shenkman, second Pattinson, to table the matter of the bid award to the September 7, 1976 Council meeting. The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: Bartlett, Pattinson, Siebert, Shenlanan NOES: Gibbs, Coen, Wieder ABSENT: None r JOINT MEETING - CITY COUNCIL, REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION! AND ECONOMIC ADVISORY COMMISSION — Roll Call - Redevelopment Commission Present: Klinge, Garofalo, Milkovich, Greenbaum Absent: Bazil Roll Call - Economic Advisory Commission Present: Johnson, Foster, Antoci, Boyd, faster Absent: Ryder, Dakto The City Administrator stated that the joint session had been called to discuss redevelopment in general. The Acting Planning Director presented a status report and overview of the redevelopment plan. He presented a memorandum to Council regarding the need to reschedule the joint public hearing of the Redevelopment Commission and the City Council. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULED CITY COUNCIL - REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION On motion by Pattinson, second Shenkman, Council scheduled a joint public hearing between the City Council and the Redevelopment Commission for October 11, 1976 at 7:00 P.M. for the purpose of considering the proposed redevelopment plan for the Huntington Beach Downtown Project Area. Motion carried. Mr. Milkovich reported on the provisions of the Montoya Bill and discussion was held. Mayor Wieder stated the need for the City to give fact sheets to the newspapers relative to' the redevelopment plan and to keep in touch with the affected parties. The Acting Planning Director reported on the City's public information project, stating that a news letter would be sent from the Project Area Committee to the affected parties in the project area and that a special issue of the City's news letter will be sent to the citizens of Huntington Beach in general. He also.stated that an explanation letter would accompany the regular notice to property owners. He reported that a City Redevelopment Coordinator had been employed by the City, who had extensive experience in the area of redevelopment. Mr. Garofalo commented on the letter dated August 23, 1976 to the Economic Advisory Commission from EAC member Dakto regarding the economic impact and tax increment financing for the Redevelopment Agency on various school taxes. The Assistant City Administrator reported that the County staff had, at the request of the Board of Supervisors, conducted a study on the subject. He stated that the League of Cities also had formed a sub -committee of cities which are currently in redevelopment, or are considering it. 43 8 Page #4 - Council Minutes - 8/30/76 Mr. Oster reported on the importance of a redevelopment policy being reviewed by the EAC for financial implications. He spoke regarding the areas in which the EAC could be of assistance. Council Shenkman requested the City Administrator and current members of the EAC to meet to determine how the areas of expertise of the EAC could be used in special projects, with the recommendation to be -returned to Council. Mr. Garofalo stated that there were three major issues relative to redevelopment -- land acquisition relocation and financing. He stated that he believed the EAC could be a valuable resource. It was determined that the City Council concurred.with the idea that the EAC would assist the Redevelopment Commission at such times as may be required. The need to develop a proper discription for the Economic Advisory Commission was also commented upon. The joint meeting between the City Council, Redevelopment Commission and Economic Advisory Commission was concluded. CAI ENERGY CONSERVATION PROGRAM Mayor Wieder thanked the Director of Defense/Emergency Services for his work in developing a new Energy Conservation Program for the City. She referred to a memorandum received from him on the matter. ?,' APPOINTMENTS - BOARD OF APPEALS - ENVIRONMENTAL COUNCIL C6uncilman Coen requested clarification relative to Item 3 of the City Administrator's - Communication regarding appointments to the Board of Appeals and Environmental Council. The Mayor and City Administrator explained the action taken at the August 23, 1976 meeting relative to the appointment of Charles Geers to the Board of Appeals and Dean Albright to the Environmental Council. EXECUTION SESSION Mayor Wieder called an Executive Session of the Council. RECESS Mayor called a recess of Council at 9:45 P.M. RECONVENE The Council meeting was reconvened by the Mayor. AT)JOURNW.NT On motion by Siebert, second Coen, the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned. Motion carried. ATTEST: Alicia M. _Wentworth City Clerk By da�e,� Deputy City Clerk Alicia M. Wentworth City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, Califo 'a $Y Deputy City Cler +ray k • Mayor'