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Cafeteria, Civic Center
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, January 31, 1977
Mayor Wieder called the adjourned regular meeting of .the City Council of the City of
Huntington Beach to order at 6:05 P.M.
Present: Bartlett, Pattinson, Gibbs, Wieder
Siebert (arrived 7:15 P.M.), Shenkman (arrived 7:35 P.M.)
Absent: Coen
Representatives of the following City boards, commissions and councils were present:
The Mayor's Advisory Committee on the Handicapped
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Design Review Board
Environmental Council
White Cappers
Orange County Transit District Committee
Personnel Board
Charter Revision Committee
Planning Commission
Special Events Committee
Board of Appeals
Mayor Wieder addressed the representatives of the various City boards and commissions
and thanked them for attending. She elaborated on the objectives of the meeting,
stating it had been called to familiarize the various groups of the City with each
other and solicit thoughts and suggestions to better direct the course of the City.
The Mayor commented on the opportunity for input at the forthcoming February 14th
public hearing, inviting the public and leadership of the City to discuss goals and
priorities of the City, how to spend General Revenue Sharing funds and Housing and
Community Development funds, and City budget appropriations. Mayor Wieder recommended
that in the future, a Council member be assigned to work with the Citizens' Advisory
Committee on Housing and Community Development.
The Council and participants briefly reviewed the Adopted Goals, dated January 10,
1977, which had been adopted by the City Council. They then reviewed the Sub -Goals
of the Adopted Goals, as follows:
Economic Base of City
Discussion was held regarding the Sub -Program Goal - Economic Base of City. The City
Administrator suggested adopting a type of policy for City improvements, where proven
cos-_.e fect1ve w4ald encourage development into tb e City.
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Ensu,r� public Safes And Welfare
Police Captain Payne reported on the current police protection level and stated that
the City's 'per man' coverage was low, in comparison with other beach communities.
He presented background information regarding the matter of protection on the State
beach, stating the possibility of the State having the City provide law enforcement,
with reimbursement to the City.
The City Administrator further reported on this matter, adding the possibility of
the City providing State beach maintenance also. He stated that the Director of
Harbors, Beaches and Development is scheduling a meeting with a representative of
the State Department of Recreation and Parks.
In response to a question by Keith Lewinger, Chairman of the Environmental Council,
the Mayor stated that the police statistics in question would be made available
to him.
Fire Chief Picard reported on the City's current fire protection level and their
future objectives.
Mayor Wieder commented on the disaster preparedness program being implemented by
George Thyden, Director of Civil Defense, and invited all in attendance to acquaint
themselves with the program.
I Management And Financial
The Assistant City Administrator spoke regarding the goal of Maximizing Leveraging
Of Ail F'unding Sources. Establishing user fees, wherever possible, was discussed.
Mr. Marcus Porter, City representative to the Orange County Transit District,
suggested a goal of establishing tighter control of accounting of financial sources
and expenditures and Mayor Wieder included that as Item No, 5 under Mana ement and
Financial, Mayor Wieder suggested that the City seek out sources of revenue which
would lighten the burden of tax -payers, and interpreted 'user fees', as berg every-
thing from refuse collection, library fees, to recreation and parks programs.
Public Works - Environmental/Cultural - Human Resources
Ruth Bailey, representing the Human Resources Council and the Public Facilities
Corporation, requested clarification of the replacement programs and financial
plans for public facilities, such as buildings, streets, etc, The City Administrator
stated that a 'sinking' fund was being created to be available when and as needed.
Carole Ann Wall, Design Review Board Chairman, requested clarification on protection
from 100 year storm of county storm channels. The Director of Public Works reported
on the matter stating that the Santa Ana River was the most important facility on
which the City has to work, as far as drainage is concerned.
,Terry Bame, Chairman of the Charter Revision Committee, commented on the goals set
for the City and indicated that they were difficult to grasp, due to the broad scope
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The Mayor asserted that the goals would be prioritized and articulated by the various
departments, with figures to be presented on the programs as they relate to the goals
Mr. Bame suggested that the Boards and Commissions be involved in contemplating the
goals, to facilitate the City's progress.
The Chairman of the Planning Commission stated that he believed commissions and boards
should be instructed to carry out City Council policies. He spoke regarding the need.
for more meetings between the Council and boards and commissions.
It was suggested that the boards and commissions respond to these goals with their
responses to be discussed at a future date.
Mike Rodgers, Chairman of the Council on Aging, suggested that the City adopt a
"Dial -a -Ride" system for the City, as has been done in other parts of Orange County.
Marcus Porter, City representative to the Orange County Transit District Committee,
suggested that the County add "Establishing a Plan Which Integrates the Use _o_f_Available
and Proposed Modes of Transportation" as Item No 7 under Public Works.
Keith Lewinger, Chairman of the -Environmental Council, spoke regarding the need for
a goal regarding conservation of energy and water. The Mayor stated that this item
was currently being developed by staff, and under the heading of Environmental and
Cultural, Item No. 10 - Goal to Conserve Energy and Water, was added.
Jim DeGuelle, representing the Board of Appeals, spoke regarding the need to recognize
the importance of the Municipal Pier and the need to upgrade the facilities and
concession stands.
The Director of Recreation and Parks stated that the future of the Human Service
Program should be considered, and under the heading of Environmental and Cultural,
Item No. 11 - Human Resources Programs was added.
Carole Ann Wall commented on the visual aesthetics of the City, which was added under
the heading of Environmental and Cultural - Item No. 12.
Ron Miller, Vice Chairman of the Mayor's Committee on the Handicapped, expressed a
desire to see the handicapped and aged citizens, as part of the City's human resources,
utilized to the fullest possible extent. He stated that he believed his committee was
interested in viewing the overall needs of the city.
Mike Rodgers, Chairman of the Council on Aging, commented on the need for moderate and
low income housing.
It was mentioned that the word "continued" within Item No. 4 under Environmental and
Cultural should be deleted so that it would read "to develop parks at four acres per
thousand o ulation."
Robert Bazil, Chairman of the Redevelopment Comaniss.ion, spoke regarding the importance
of the City regarding a decision on the arterial street pattern for the downtown
area and having ingress and egress to the street pattern. Arterial Street Pattern -
Down.town Area/Ingress and Engress became Item No. 8 under Public Works.
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George Williams, Library Board Chairman, discussed the development of equestrienne,
bike and jogging trails, etc. which was added under Environmental and Cultural as
Item No. 13.
Discussion was held regarding the Public Works section and street lights, street
sweeping and maintenance, were added as Item No. 9 under Public Works.
Suzie Smith, Volunteer Write Capper, spoke regarding the need to complete current
programs before developing new programs.
Jim DeGuelle, representing the Board of Appeals, stated that he believed the
decisions made regarding the downtown area would influence the activity of the
Board of Appeals.
Roger Slates, Planning Commission Chairman, commented on the impact the adopted goals
would have on the City's General Plan.
Sal Sallmann, Chairman of the Special Events Committee stated that he hoped their
committee could participate in the development of city goals and spoke regarding
various aspects of developing goals and priorities.
Waldemar Vancott - Personnel Board, asked when a date would be scheduled for the
review of goals submitted by the boards and commissions.
Councilman Siebert arrived at the Council meeting.
Mayor Wieder suggested that a meeting be scheduled in March and that she hoped to
receive their input by February 28, and requested that their goals be prioritized.
Mayor Wieder called a recess of the Council and reconvened the meeting in the
Council Chamber.
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Mayor Wieder called the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council/Redevelopment
Agency to order. The meeting was called to conduct a continued public hearing between
the City Council/Redevelopment Agency and the Redevelopment Commission on the Proposed
Redevelopment Plan for the Huntington Beach Downtown Project area, and to consider
and act upon the final Environmental Impact Report for the project and the Redevelop-
ment Plan.
Present: Bartlett, Pattinson, Gibbs, Siebert, Shenkman, Wieder
Absent: Coen
The Chairman called the meeting of the Redevelopment Commission to order.
Present: Greenbaum, Granger, Milkovich, Perez, Garofalo, Klinge
Absent: Bazil
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The Deputy Clerk was directed to enter into the record the Notices of Adjourned
Meetings of the City Council/Redevelopment Agency and the Redevelopment Commission.
Mayor Wieder declared the hearing re -opened, stating that the hearing had been recessed
from November 18, 1977 to receive statements and testimony of those persons who had
not yet had an opportunity to speak. She reported on a communication received from
the Redevelopment Commission_ stating that further public input would not be necessary
as action otx the ,pl,an cannot be taken due to legislation effective January 1, 1977,
and that considerable revision on the plan, to take between six and nine months, would
be necessary.
Marcus Porter and Denise Jacot stated that they wished to present testimony.
A motion was made by Gibbs, second Shenkman, to receive testimony from Mr. Porter and
Mrs. Jacot. Motion carried unanimously.
Denise Jacot, 215 Crest Avenue, City, representing S.O.S. (Save Our Seaside) was
administered the oath by the Deputy Cleric and presented the informal petition
mentioned at the November 22, 1977 portion of the hearing, listing approximately 3,000
signatures of residents in the area stating their concern regarding the proposed plan.
Sh-e then read the petition and gave her views on the matter.
Marcus Porter, 19561 Topeka Lane, City, representing the Home Council, was administered
the oath by the Deputy Clerk. Mr. Porter informed Council of the position of the
Home Council relative to downtown redevelopment. He referred to a series of articles
in the Los Angeles Times regarding redevelopment which might prove beneficial reading.
On motion by Pattinson, second Bartlett, the public hearing was declared closed by the
Redevelopment Agency. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Milkovich, second Garofalo, to declare the public hearing closed
by the Redevelopment Commission. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Gibbs, second Pattinson, to declare the public hearing closed by
the City Council. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Shenkman, second Pattinson, to direct staff to begin a process
to bring to the City Council, at such time as deemed appropriate, a plan for downtown
redevelopment, as ascertained from the imput derived at the public hearings and from
individual Council comments. Following discussion, the motion carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Pattinson, second Shenkman, to direct the City Administrator to
direct appropriate staff to start enforcement of all the various codes in the downtown
area for the health, safety and welfare of the citizens. Following discussion, on
motion by Siebert, second Gibbs, Council tabled the previous motion to the February 7,
1977 meeting or until such time as reports can be prepared by the Department of
Building and Community Development and the Planning Department. Motion carried.
David Garofalo, representing the Project Area Committee, suggested the formation of a
task force comprised of two Council members, two Redevelopment Commissioners and two
staff members to review and present recommendations regarding code violations. Mayor
Wieder stated that this could be discussed at the time the report is presented.
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The Vice -Chairman of the Redevelopment Commission announced that the regular
meetings of the Redevelopment Commission are held the second Thursday in the Council
Chamber and the members were interested in hearing the opinions of the community.
Councilman Siebert requested that reports from the Department of Public Works, Fire
Department and other affected departments also be included with the reports from
Planning and Department of Building Community Development on the costs and processes
involved in correcting any problem which may exist relative to blight such as street
and alley cleaning, trees, and sidewalks.
Councilman Shenkman recommended that if code enforcement is to occur, the staff should
study a system for the notification of persons in the downtown area relative to the
City's intent regarding code enforcement to give owners an opportunity to start con-
forming to code requirements.
On motion by Garofalo, second Klinge, the meeting of the Redevelopment Commission
adjourned. Motion carried.
On motion by Pattinson, second Bartlett, the Redevelopment Agency adjourned. Motion
Councilman Shenkman spoke regarding the communications received from the Huntington
Central Park Master Concessionaire and recommended that Council direct their attention
to the Huntington Central Park concession operation. He stated that he believed the
City should meet with County officials to develop a local transportation plan to
provide more accessibility to the park.
Mayor Wieder announced that a Property Tax Reform Conference would be held in the
,Council Chamber in the near future.
Mayor Wieder announced that public hearings on the use of General Revenue Sharing
Funds and on the Housing and Community Development Program and Housing Assistance
Plan were scheduled for February 14, 1977 at 7:00 P,M. in the Council Chamber. The
Mayor stated that the Council could best represent the City if citizens participated
and made known their desires.
Councilwoman Gibbs reported on her attendance at the Presidential Inauguration.
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The City Administrator reported on the examination, process and the results for the
position of the Director of Planning and Environmental Resources. He stated that the
oral board of review, consisting of members outside city service, had unanimously
recommended the appointment of Edward Selich. The City Administrator requested that
Council sustain his recommendation that Edward Selich be appointed Director of Planning
and Environmental Resources.
On motion by Pattinson, second Bartlett, Council approved the recommendation of the
City Administrator that Edward Selich be appointed Director of Planning and Environ-
mental Resources. Motion carried unanimously.
The City Administrator stated that a report would be provided to Council regarding
internal adjustments in the City departmental structure which will enable the City to
become more responsive to the developmental needs of the community.
On motion by Pattinson, second Bartlett, the adjourned regular meeting of the City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned to Monday, February 7, 1977 at
5:30 P.M. in Room B-S, Civic Center.
Alicia M. Wentworth
'City Clerk.
Deputy City Clerk
Alicia M. Wentworth
City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk.
of the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California
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Deputy City Clerk 01
_gh_� Harriett M. Wieder