HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-03-29"INUffe-010 HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 1977 - 7 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Parkinson, Gibson, Slates, Shea, Newman, Boyle COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None NOTE: A TAPE RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS ON FILE IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OFFICE. SCHEDULED ITEMS: PRECISE PLAN OF STREET ALIGNMENTS NOS. 76-6 "A - D" Bryan Austin gave a presentation addressing alternatives to the provision of a north/south arterial in the vicinity of Lake Street and addressing alternative configuration for a north/south arterial along Lake Street. The first alternatives that were presented included (1) making no changes to the existing street system, (2) deemphasizing Main and Lake Street as major traffic carriers and keeping through traffic on Beach and Goldenwest, (3) realignment of Main Street without making any other changes to the existing street system, (4) constructing a primary street along Delaware. He then presented alternative configurations for Lake Street which • included (1) a one-way couplet using Main Street and Lake Street as elements of a one-way couplet, (2) utilizing Lake Street and Delaware as elements of a one-way couplet, (3) using Lake Street and Pacific Electric right-of-way as elements of a one-way couplet, (4) presenting Lake Street as a two-way primary with a frontage road on the westerly portion of the existing Lake Street right-of-way, (5) provision of an arterial highway along the Pacific Electric right-of-way and the reduction of existing Lake Street to a 65 ft. wide local street. Mr. Austin also addressed the diversion of traffic from Main Street at 17th Street and pointed out that the closure of Main Street should not occur unless Main Street is also closed at Pacific Coast Highway and that diversion of traffic would alleviate some of the anticipated traffic problems on Main Street. He further stated that Orange Avenue should be linked to Atlanta in order to provide important east/west access as is consistent with the existing Circu- lation Element. At that point Mr. Austin indicated that based on the analysis conducted,staff still felt that the original proposals most reasonably dealt with the physical conditions present in the area and the economic constraints which the City faced. He then cited the benefits and liabilities of implementing the precise plans and recom- mended Precise Plan of Street Alignment 77-6 "A-D" as initially proposed,with the exception of a closure of Main Street, and Precise Plan of Street Alignment 76-1A and 1B be set for public hearing. Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, March 29, 1977 Page 2 Commissioner Shea stated that while she felt staff had worked very diligently on this precise plan of street alignment she nevertheless thought that Lake Street should remain exactly like it is. Commissioner Newman concurred with Commissioner Shea. Chairman Slates then invited comments from the audience. Don MacAllister, resident of Huntington Beach, addressed the Com- mission and agreed with Commissioners Shea and Newman. He felt that Lake Street should remain as it is and through traffic use Goldenwest and Beach. Pat Elliott addressed the Commission and stated that he had been checking streets and is for no change from Utica to Pacific Coast Highway, but felt there could be changes in street crossings north of Utica to connect Lake with 17th in a way that would be a four-way crossing, and bringing Gothard down to Holly and dropping into Main Street. Tom Whaling addressed the Commission and supported the staff's recommendations. Mel Heckman spoke in opposition to widening Lake Street. Albert Watkins spoke in opposition to the plan and felt there would be no benefits or liabilities derived. He did feel improvement was needed on the streets but not necessarily in the form of widening them. Bob Perducci requested that he be notified of meetings. Berney Rogers, resident of Lake, expressed appreciation to Commissioners Shea and Newman for their comments. Rose Watkins addressed the City and stated that she did not feel a change would improve the traffic situation. Chairman Slates made recommendations which were incorporated into the following motion: ON MOTION BY SHEA AND SECOND BY NEWMAN THE STAFF WAS INSTRUCTED TO REMOVE PRECISE PLAN OF _STREET ALIGNMENT NO. 76-6A AND 76-6B FROM CONSIDERATION, SET THAT PORTION ONLY FROM ELLIS TO GARFIELD IN PRECISE PLAN OF STREET ALIGNMENT 76-6C FOR PUBLIC HEARING, TO PREPARE REVISED RECOMMENDATIONS ON 76-1A and 76-1B FOR A STUDY SESSION, AND DISCUSS AT THE SAME STUDY SESSION THE OTHER PORTION OF PRECISE PLAN OF STREET ALIGNMENT 76-C NOT SET FOR PUBLIC HEARING BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Parkinson, Slates, Shea, Newman NOES: Gibson, Boyle ABSENT: Finley -2- 3/29/77 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, March 29, 1977 Page 3 Commissioner Gibson spoke against the motion and questioned if the action would be in conformance with the General Plan. He disucussed the traffic engineer's report. He further felt that by removing Lake Street the City Council would not have a chance to decide on the matter. Commissioner Boyle stated that he realized that it was an emotional issue, but that by taking a look at the General Plan the proposal by the staff is the best physical planning decision to be made. Chairman Slates called a four minute recess. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 77-3. "MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS" Chairman Slates stated that no public testimony would be taken on this item. Monica Florian addressed the Commission and stated that Rich -Barnard and Chuck Clark would be making the presentation. Chuck Clark addressed the following areas: Area 2.1 - South of Ellis Avenue, West of Huntinqton Street This is a request by'Classic Development Corporation to redesignate 7.14 acres from industrial to high density residential. Staff recommended redesignation to medium density residential. Area 2.2 - North of Slater Avenue, West of Gothard Street This is a request by Robert Stellrecht to designate the 4.87 acres from industrial to low density residential. Staff recommended re - designating the property low density residential. Area 2.3 - North of Talbert Avenue, East of Gothard Street This is a request by Frank Bucella and the Planning Department to redesignate 38.7 acres from industrial to medium density residential. Staff recommended redesignating the property medium density resi- dential. Area 2.4 - Gothard Street, South of Heil Avenue This is a request by the C.E.L.S. Corporation to redesignate the property from industrial to low density residential. Staff recom- mended that it be retained as industrial designation. Area 2.5 - North of Heil Avenue, West of Gothard Street This is a request by Willis L. Miller to redesignate the property from industrial to medium density residential. Staff recommended that it be retained industrial. -3- 3/29/77 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, March 29, 1977 Page 4 Area 2.8 - South of Hamilton Avenue, West of Magnolia Street This is a request by Ponderosa Homes and Planning Department to redesignate the 47.16 acres from low density to residential. The Staff recommended redesignation to low density residential. At this time Richard Barnard discussed the following areas: Area 2.6 - South of San Diego Freeway, East of San Angelo Drive This is a request by the Planning Department to redesignate the property from planning reserve to high density residential. Staff recommending the 7.77 acres high density residential. Area 2.7 - South of Warner Avenue, East of Bolsa Chica Street This is a request by Crosman Advertising Co. et al to redesignate the area from low density residential to medium density residential. Staff recommended redesignating the 16.48 acres medium density resi- dential. Area 2.9 - South of Talbert Avenue, East of Beach Boulevard This is a request to redesignate 11.81 acres from commercial and industrial to low or medium density residential. The request is by Roselle Sommer and the Planning Department. Staff recommended redesignating the area to low density residential. Commission discussion ensued. ON MOTION BY PARKINSON AND SECOND BY BOYLE THE STAFF WAS DIRECTED TO SET THE PUBLIC HEARING ON GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 77-1. TO NO DATE CERTAIN BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Parkinson, Gibson, Slates, Shea, Newman, NOES: None ABSENT: Finley PROPOSED CODE AMENDMENT 77-5 ESTABLISHING THE "Q" (QUALIFIED CLASSIFICATION) ZONE. The proposed ordinance is a form,of conditional zoning. The staff has proposed establishment of a procedure whereby, at the time of enacting a change of zone, conditions may be placed upon the affected property to regulate uses, the physical layout, and other controls deemed necessary beyond the scope of the zoning ordinance to permit such a change. Dave Eadie addressed the Commission and discussed this proposed "Q Zone". Commission discussion ensued. -4- 3/29/77 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, March 29, 1977 Page 5 ON MOTION BY SHEA AND SECOND BY GIBSON STAFF WAS DIRECTED TO SET THIS "Q" ZONE FOR PUBLIC HEARING BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Parkinson, Gibson, Slates, Shea, Newman, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: Finley MISCELLANEOUS: There was a discussion on Chief Robitaille's letter to Mayor Wieder concerning Helicopter Orientation & Ride -Along Program. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. I�L DO-i E ward D. Selic Roger D. ates Secretary Chairman -5- 3/29/77 - PC