HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-04-14MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION 11 ADJOURNED MEETING Room B8, Civic Center Huntington Beach, Calif. THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1977 - 7:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Parkinson, Gibson, Finley, Slates, Shea COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Boyle, Newman STAFF PRESENT: Selich, Harlow, Florian, Palin, Contreras Chairman Slates called the meeting to order. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA PRESENTATION: Mr. Ed Selich, Planning Director, made a presentation to the Planning Commission on reformulation of the Redevelopment Plan. Mr. Selich stated that it is his hope to present a workable plan which will in- clude previous testimony of concerned citizens. Mr. Selich reviewed time schedule formulated for completion of all necessary steps until adoption of the Plan by the City Council. Mr. Selich presented several drawings of plan proposals to the Com- mission and stated that these drawings will be reduced to allow Commissioners to carefully scrutinize each drawing. Mr. Selich then presented the Downtown Redevelopment Project Goals as being. 1. Revitalize Downtown Business District. 2. Improve Environmental Quality of Coastal Area. 3. Improve the Municipal Economic Base. 4. Improve traffic circulation and public transportation. 5. Preserve "community beach" atmosphere. 6. Improve public access to coastal resources. Mr. Selich proceeded to outline the Planning issues versus the redevelop- ment issues of the proposed Redevelopment Plan. -1- PC 4/14/77 H.B. Planning Commission Thursday, April 14, 1977 Page Two The Planning issues are: 1. Tourist Commercial Destination Resort Concept. 2. Intensity of development. 3. Height limits/high rise buildings. 4. Old Civic Center Site. 5. Open Space/Parks. 6. Low and Moderate income housing. 7. Traffic Circulation. The Redevelopment issues are: 1. Use of Redevelopment Law. 2. Definition of Blight. 3. Project area size. 44 4. Use of eminent domain. 5. Tax Increment Financing. 6. Lcw and Moderate Income Housing. 7. Rehabilitation. Commission discussed the above planning and redevelopment issues. Various alternatives to the proposed plan were discussed among Commission members. It was suggested that the Redevelopment Commission and Planning Commission hold a number of quasi hearings before the final public hearings. Capitol improvements were discussed in the downtown area. It was the Planning Commission's consensus to start with a smaller scale plan to assure,the public that Huntington Beach will have a workable and financially feasible Redevelopment Plan. The Commission questioned the applicability of developer fees paid in the Downtown Redevelopment Area. Specifically, the Planning Commission directed staff to inquire as to: 1. How much money has been collected to date from developers in the Townlot area? -2- PC 4/14/77 H.B. Planning Commission IrThursday, April 14, 1977 Page Three 2. Has any of these monies been spent on projects within the Townlot area? And, if so, what were those projects? 3. What amount of monies could the City expect to receive in fees from the remaining vacant land within the Townlot area? Mr. Selich stated that a memo to this effect will be directed to the Department of Public Works. It was the consensus of the Planning Commission to continue dis- cussion of the Redevelopment Plan in two weeks in a joint session with the Redevelopment Commission. There being no further business, meeting was adjourned. Edward D. Selich Secretary Rogelky. Chairman -3- PC Slates 4/14/77