HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-05-17MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1977 - 7 PM COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Parkinson, Finley, Slates, Shea, Boyle Commissioner Newman arrived at 8:10 p.m. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner Gibson had an excused absence NOTE: A TAPE RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS ON FILE IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OFFICE. CONSENT CALENDAR: ON MOTION BY BOYLE AND SECOND BY SHEA THE MINUTES OF THE JOINT MEET- ING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION OF APRIL 28, 1977, WERE APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Parkinson, Finley, Slates, Shea, Boyle NOES: None ABSENT: Newman, Gibson Chairman Slates stated that due to the Warner Avenue sewer problems which affected some of the items on the Consent Calender etch•item would be taken separately.. He then requested that Mike Zambory give a report to the Commission on the Warner Avenue sewer system. Mike Zambory discussed concerns over the overloaded Warner Avenue sewer main. He stated that there were relief plans in the future. He discussed the five phases of sewer improvement. He further stated that the. Department of Public Works would continue to monitor the sewer and Wakk with the District to get a relief line under the channel. He noted that Sunset Beach uses our sewer and presently 300% more sewage flows into our lines than was originally agreed upon which adds to the problems. It was the consensus of the Commission that before action should be taken on any items in the affected area further information should be obtained on the sewer lines. Chairman Slates requested that Commissioner Boyle chair the remainder of the meeting. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 6675 CONDITIONAL USE,PERMIT NO. 76-6 CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 76-04 APPLICANT: Robert F. Maguire III This is a request for a one year extension of time on a previously approved planned residential development consisting of 266 dwelling units and the establishment of a commercial boat marina consisting of approximately 200 boat slips located on northeast side of Pacific Coast Highway approximately 4,700 feet from Warner Avenue. Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, May 17, 1977 Page 2 ON MOTION BY SLATES AND SECOND BY FINLEY REQUEST FOR ONE YEAR - EXTENSION OF TIME FOR TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 6675, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 76-6, AND CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 76-04 WAS CONTINUED TO JUNE 7, 1977, TO ALLOW TIME FOR FURTHER STUDY OF THE WARNER AVENUE SEWER LINE BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Parkinson, Finley, Boyle, Shea, Slates NOES: None ABSENT: Gibson, Newman CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 76-05 APPLICANT: Signal Landmark, Inc. This is a request for a one year extension of time on a previously approved planned residential development located on the east side of Newland, south side of Indianapolis. Commission discussion ensued. ON MOTION BY SLATES AND SECOND BY PARKINSON A ONE YEAR EXTENSION OF TIME ON CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 76-05 WAS GRANTED SUBJECT TO PREVIOUS CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Parkinson, Finley, Boyle, Shea, Slates NOES: None ABSENT: Gibson, Newman CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 76-08 APPLICANT: Huntington Harbour Yacht Club This is a request for a one year extension of time on a previously approved yacht club facility located near Pacific Coast Highway and Warner. ON MOTION BY SLATES AND SECOND BY PARKINSON CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 76-08 WAS CONTINUED TO JUNE 7, 1977, TO ALLOW TIME FOR FURTHER STUDY OF THE WARNER AVENUE SEWER LINE BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Parkinson, Finley, Boyle, Shea, Slates NOES: None ABSENT: Gibson, Newman SCHEDULED ITEMS: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 77-7/NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 77-24 APPLICANT: Ronald 0. Montaomery IN CONJUNCTION WITH TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 9757 APPLICANT: Harold E. Tobin -2- 5/17/77 - PC M 1 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, May 17, 1977 Page 3 Conditional Use Permit No. 77-7 is a request for a 19 unit Planned Residential Development located on the west side of Graham Street 50 feet north of Overland Drive. Tentative Tract No. 9757 is a request for a 21 lot subdivision located on the west side of Graham Street 50 feet north of Overland Drive. Acting Chairman Boyle opened the public hearing on Conditional Use Permit No. 77-7 and Negative Declaration No. 77-24. William Stegemann addressed the Commission. He stated that he had met with the applicant on concerns expressed at the May 3rd meeting on the drainage and erosion problems, and that the residents of Fernhill south of the project had been assured that these problems would be resolved. He stated that he did feel concern over the sewer lines. The public hearing was closed. ON MOTION BY SLATES AND SECOND BY PARKINSON CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 77-7, NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 77-24, AND TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 9757 WERE CONTINUED TO JUNE 7, 1977, TO ALLOW TIME FOR FURTHER STUDY OF THE WARNER AVENUE SEWER LINE BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Parkinson, Finley, Boyle, Shea, Slates NOES: None ABSENT: Gibson, Newman The applicant concurred with the continuance. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 77-6/NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 77-23 APPLICANT: Ronald 0. Montgomery IN CONJUNCTION WITH TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 9753 APPLICANT: Harold E. Tobin Conditional Use Permit No. 77-6 is a request for 10 single family units for a Planned Residential Development. Tentative Tract No. 9753 is a request for a 14 lot subdivision located on the southeast corner of Warner Avenue and Leslie Lane. Acting Chairman Boyle opened the public hearing on Conditional Use Permit No. 77-6 and Negative Declaration No. 77-23. There was no one to speak on these applications and the public hearing was closed. -3- 5/17/77 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, May 17, 1977 Page 4 ON MOTION BY PARKINSON AND SECOND BY FINLEY CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 77-6, NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 77-23, AND TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 9753 WERE CONTINUED TO JUNE 7, 1977, TO ALLOW TIME FOR FURTHER STUDY OF THE WARNER AVENUE SEWER LINE BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Parkinson, Finley, Hoyle, Shea, Slates NOES: None ABSENT: Gibson, Newman The applicant concurred on thE! continuance. CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 77-2/NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 77-33 APPLICANT: Robert F. Curtis Construction IN CONJUNCTION WITH TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 9796 APPLICANT: Robert F. Curtis Construction Conditional Exception No. 77-2 is a request to permit the reduction of the required 45 foot frontage for cul-de-sac lots to an approxi- mately 43 foot frontage. Tentative Tract No. 9796 is a requested for a Planned Residential Development of 10 lots on 2.40 acres. Acting Chairman Boyle opened the public hearing on Conditional Exception No. 77-2 and Negative Declaration No. 77-33. Charles Hermanson, reprenting the applicant, addressed the Commission and stated that he was present to answer any questions. He stated that he would concur with a continuance. The public hearing was closed.' ON MOTION BY SHEA AND SECOND BY PARKINSON CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 77-2, NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 77-33, AND TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 9796 WERE CONTINUED TO JUNE 7, 1977, TO ALLOW TIME FOR FURTHER STUDY OF THE WARNER AVENUE SEWER LINE BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Parkinson, Finley, Boyle, Shea, Slates NOES: None ABSENT: Gibson, Newman CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 77-1 APPLICANT: Mark C. Allen, Jr. Conditional Exception No. 77-1 is a request for the waiver of street improvements for a temporary compost manufacturing use approved by the Board of Zoning Adjustments on May 12, 1976. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on this request at its meeting of April 5, 1977, but because of a tie vote and subsequent requests from the applicant the matter was continued to this meeting. -4- 5/17/77 - PC Minutes: II . B . Planning Commission Tuesday, May 17, 1977 Page 5 John Cope discussed a suggested change in the conditions of approval contained in the staff report. Commission discussion ensued. ON MOTION BY SLATES AND SECOND BY FINLEY CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 77-1 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: FINDINGS: 1. The proposed project is a temporary use of the property and will not generate additional traffic count requiring full street improvement. 2. Grades on Ellis west of Gothard have not been established, there- fore the improvements at this time are unrealistic. 3. The granting of the Conditional Exception for the postponement of the street improvements will not be detrimental to the public safety, health, and welfare or injurious to properties or improve- ments in the neighborhood as the majority of the property surround- ing the use is vacant at this time and the Gothard/Main extension has not been precise planned or improved at this time. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The property owner shall install the Gothard Street improvements by April 1, 1981, or said street improvements shall be installed concurrently with the cash contract to be let by the City for the Ellis Avenue easterly extension to Gothard Street whichever is sooner. 2. The property owner shall install Ellis Avenue street improvements concurrently with the cash contract to be let by the City for the Ellis Avenue improvements between Gothard Street and Golden - west Street if said improvements are implemented prior to April 1, 1981. 3. Conditional Exception No. 77-1 shall become null and void on April 1, 1981 unless Ellis Avenue improvements are completed. AYES: Parkinson, Finley, Boyle, Shea, Slates NOES: None ABSENT: Gibson, Newman -5- 5/17/77 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, May 17, 1977 Page 6 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 77-11/NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 77-56 APPLICANT: Heinz W. Kellermann Conditional Use Permit No. 77-11 is a request to permit a two phase addition to an existing church facility. The new buildings will consist of additional Sunday school classrooms, a new administration building, and a new sanctuary. There will also be additional off-street parking and landscaping provided as required by the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. A vugraph was presented. John Cope addressed the commission and discussed the proposed appli- cation. Acting Chairman Boyle opened the public hearing. Heinz Kellermann addressed the Commission and briefly discussed the proposed project. Charles Tittle, a property owner whose property backs up to the property was concerned about having small children playing in that area. He also discussed the wall which needed repair. Louis Larson addressed the Commission and expressed concerns over the need for fence repairs. James Knotch, representing the church, stated that the fence belongs to the property owners and is not the responsibility of the church. Commissioner Newman arrived at 8:10 p.m. The public hearing was closed . Commission discussion ensued. ON MOTION BY SHEA AND SECOND BY FINLEY NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 77-56 WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Parkinson, Finley, Boyle, Shea, Newman, Slates NOES: None ABSENT: Gibson ON MOTION BY SHEA AND SECOND BY PARKINSON CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 77-11 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: FINDINGS: 1. The proposed facilities are in substantial conformance with the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. 2. The subject site is suitable for the proposed expansion of the existing use, and will be compatible with surrounding uses. -6- 5/17/77 - PC m Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, May 17, 1977 Page 7 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The conceptual plan dated May 2, 1977 shall be the approved layout. 2. -Soil reports as required by the Department of Building and Com- munity Development and the Department of Public Works shall be submitted to such departments prior to the issuance of building permits. 3. Overnight storage of transportation vehicles exceeding 6500 gross pounds shall be prohibited. 4. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for Phase II, a detailed floor plan and elevation plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. 5. The maximum occupancy for the new sanctuary building shall be 450 persons. 6. If the developer proposes to provide air conditioning, the in- sulation in ceilings and exterior walls shall be a minimum of R-19 and R-11, respectively. If no air conditioning is to be provided, the insulation in ceilings and exterior walls shall be a minimum of R-13 and R-7, respectively. 7. All building spoils, such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable material, shall be disposed of at an offsite facility equipped to handle them. 6. Natural gas and 220V electrical shall be stubbed in at the lo- cations of cooking facilities, water heaters, and central heating units. AYES: Parkinson, Finley, Boyle, Shea, Newman, Slates NOES: None ABSENT: Gibson Acting Chairman Boyle suggestea tnat perhaps the property owners or residents in the area would meet with the ciiurc:: of f-cials and come to an agreement about the block wall. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 77-9/NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 77-27 APPLICANT: John Biondi Conditional Use Permit No. 77-9 is a request to permit the construction of a 5,500 square foot storage building and the addition of 34 off- street parking spaces. These facilities will provide storage and additional parking for the existing Pacifica Hospital complex. -7- 5/17/77 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, May 17, 1977 Page 8 John Cope stated that he had no information to add to that contained in the staff report. Acting Chairman Boyle opened the public hearing on Conditional Use Permit No. 77-9 and,Negative Declaration No. 77-27. Mr. Yuppa, representing Mr. Biondi, addressed the Commission and discussed the proposed use of the building. The public hearing was closed. ON MOTION BY SHEA AND SECOND BY NEWMAN NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 77-27 WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Parkinson, Finley, Boyle, Shea, Newman, Slates NOES: None ABSENT: Gibson ON MOTION BY SHEA AND SECOND BY NEWMAN CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 77-9 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: FINDINGS: 1. The proposed hospital storage building and additional off-street parking are in conformance with the provisions of the recently adopted Pacifica Community Plan. 2. The additional storage space will reduce a deficiency which presently exists at the hospital. 3, The proposal will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of people or properties in the immediate vicinity. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The site plan dated April 19, 1977, shall be the approved layout subject to the following modifications: a. The open parking space on the southerly property line adjacent to the existing office complex shall be deleted and this area incorporated into landscaping to the westerly property line. b. The number of covered parking spaces shall be reduced to nine. These nine spaces shall be spaced so as to provide some design relief into the building. A revised plan indicating the above shall be submitted to the Planning Department for approval. 2. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the developer shall submit to the Planning Department a comprehensive set of building elevations for review and approval. Said elevations shall be consistent with the existing office building to the south. -8- 5/17/77 - PC M Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, May 17, 1977 Page 9 3. 111he approved structure shall be utilized as a storage building only and shall not be used for any administrative or medical office purposes. 4. If the developer proposes to provide air conditioning, the insulation in ceilings and exterior walls shall be a minimum .of R-19 and R-11, respectively. If no air conditioning is to be provided, the insulation in ceilings and exterior walls shall be a minimum of R-13 and R-7, respectively. 5. All building spoils, such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable material, shall be disposed of at an offsite facility equipped to handle them. 6. Natural gas and 220V electrical shall be stubbed in'at the lo- cation of central heating units. AYES: Parkinson, Finley, Boyle, Shea, Newman, Slates NOES: None ABSENT: Gibson Chairman Slates excused himself from the meeting at 8:30 p.m. APPEAL: ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 77-66 APPLICANT: Lowell D. Zehnder IN CONJUNCTION WITH: APPEAL: CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 77-18 APPLICANT: Lowell D. Zehnder This is a request to permit construction of a triplex which exceeds the allowable site coverage by 500 sq. ft. and exceeds the allowable building square footage by 1,100 sq. ft. (or 300) at property lo- cated on the east side of 15th Street, approximately 50 feet north of Walnut Avenue in Townlot Specific Plan, Area One, Section B. The above applications were denied by the Board of Zoning Adjust - at its April 20, 1977 meeting A vugraph was shown. The public hearing was opened by Acting Chairman Boyle. 16 Mr. Zehnder addressed the Commission and spoke in favor of the application, stating that he felt the plan represented good land use. The public hearing -was closed. -9- 5/17/77 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, May 17, 1977 Page 10 Commission discussion ensued. Commissioner Shea felt that there should be some way the Conditional Exception could be approved and commended Mr. Zehnder on his work. ON MOTION BY PARKINSON AND SECOND BY NEWMAN APPEAL TO DENIAL OF ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 77-66 AND CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 77-18 WAS DENIED FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: 1. The size of the lots was taken into consideration in the adoption of the ordinance establishing the Specific Plan, and that is the reason for the varying lot frontages in the calculation tables for density and number of units allowed. 2. Granting of this request would set an undesirable precedent which would greatly increase the administrative load in the application of the Specific Plan ordinance. 3. Sufficient hardship has not been demonstrated to justify the granting of the request as submitted. AYES: Parkinson, Finley, Boyle, Newman NOES: Shea ABSENT: Gibson, Slates Acting Chairman Boyle requested that staff determine the number of lots in that area which were of unusual size and come back with suggestions on how to handle these lots. CODE AMENDMENT NO. 77-5 AND NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO.77-52 ESTABLISHING THE QUALIFIED CLASSIFICATION CHANGE OF ZONE The staff has proposed establishment of a procedure whereby, -at the time of enacting a change of zone, conditions may be placed upon the affected property to regulate uses, the physical layout, and other controls deemed necessary beyond the scope of the zoning ordinance to permit such a change. Dave Eadie addressed the Commission on the proposed code amendment and Commission discussion ensued. Acting Chairman Boyle opened the public hearing on Code Amendment No. 77-5 and Negative Declaration No. 77-52. There was no one present to speak on this application or the Negative Declaration and the public hearing was closed. — ON MOTION BY PARKINSON AND SECOND BY SHEA NEGATIVE DECLARATION 77-52 WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Parkinson, Finley, Boyle, Shea, Newman NOES: None ABSENT: Ginbson, Slates -10- 5/17/77 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, May 17, 1977 Page 11 ON MOTION BY FINLEY AND SECOND BY PARKINSON STAFF WAS DIRECTED TO SET CODE AMENDMENT 77-5 FOR PUBLIC HEARING BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Parkinson, Finley, Boyle, Shea, Newman NOES: None ABSENT: Gibson, Slates ON MOTION BY PARKINSON AND SECOND BY FINLEY THE COMMISSION POLICY WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Parkinson, Finley, Boyle, Shea, Newman NOES: None ABSENT: Gibson, Slates MISCELLANEOUS DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED NOISE CONTROL ORDINANCE Monica Florian addressed the Commission and noted that the proposed ordinance had been presented to them with the request that the Commission recommend to the City Council that the proposed Ordinance be approved to permit City participation in the Orange County Noise Control Program. She then turned the presentation over to Emilie Johnson. Emilie Johnson discussed the contents with the Commission and answered questions. ON MOTION BY PARKINSON AND SECOND BY SHEA THE COMMISSION RECOMMENDED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE THE PROPOSED NOISE ORDINANCE TO PERMIT CITY PARTICIPATION IN THE ORANGE COUNTY NOISE CONTROL PROGRAM BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Parkinson, Finley, Boyle, Shea, Newman NOES: None ABSENT: Gibson, Slates Secretary Selich discussed a letter from Manuel Torres, Chairman of the Wintersburg Home Owners group in which Mr. Torres requested that this group would like a change of zone from R-2 to R-3. The sta::f was directed by the Commission to study this area for a change of zone and return to the Commission with their recommendations at a later date. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None COMMISSIONERS' COMMENTS: None -11- 5/17/77 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, May 17, 1977 Page 12 STAFF'S COMMENTS: Secretary Selich discussed the action of the City Council at its May 16, 1977, meeting. ADJOURNMENT: ON MOTION BY'SHEA AND SECOND BY NEWMAN THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 9:20 P.M. BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Parkinson, Finley, Boyle, Shea, Newman NOES: None ABSENT: Gibson, Slates Edward D. Selich Ro er D. Secretary Chairman ates 1 [1 -12- 5/17/77 - PC