HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-05-31MINUTES Room B-8, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Tuesday, May 31, 1977 Mayor Pattinson called the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order. ROLL CALL Present: Bartlett, Wieder, Coen, Gibbs, Pattinson . (Siebert arrived 7:35 P.M.) Absent: Shenkman COMMENDATION TO COUNCILMAN BARTLETT FROM THE CITY OF YORBA LINDA Mayor Pattinson, on behalf of the City of Yorba Linda, presented Councilman Bartlett with a Resolution of Commendation. The resolution was in connection with those presented by other cities during the League of California Cities banquet held in Councilman Bartlett's honor. ✓,, PROCLAMATION - "EL DIA_DE-_HUNTINGTON BEACH" - TIJUANA, MEXICO Mayor Pattinson displayed a proclamation from the City of Tijuana in connection with the event to be held on June 25, 1977 in their City honoring the City of Huntington Beach. ✓.. 1977-78 BUDGET PRIORITIES - DISCUSSION The Mayor announced that at this time, Council would discuss budget priorities. The City Administrator reviewed aspects of the budget preparation and the zero base budget process with Council. He then reported on the goals previously adopted by Council, and a viewgraph of the City Counci.l's Adopted Goals - January 10 1977 was shown. The Assistant City Administrator reported on the preliminary budget as it relates to the Sub -Program Goals adopted January 10, 1977 relative to Sub -Program Goal - Economic Base of the City. Erich Matthews, Administrative Assistant, presented a review of the budget priorities as they relate to the Sub -Program Goal - Insure Public Safety and Welfare. The City Administrator reviewed the budget priorities affecting the Environmental. and Cultural Sub -Program Goals. The City Administrator stated that staff would research the matter of including the Allied Arts Commission and the Historical Society budgets with the Library budget. He also indicated he would look into the feasibility of combining those two bodies with the Library Board. Among those items commented on, were the establishment of a major sports center which for the time being would be held in abeyance, the Ocean View School Community Swimming Pool and Handicapped Pool Complex on which a memorandum dated May 31, 1977 from the Director of Recreation, Parks & Human Services was distributed, and the establishment of branch libraries in community centers which was desired, however, not planned for implementation at this time. Subsequently, he reviewed the Management 103 Page #2 - Council Minutes - 5/31/77 and Finance Sub -Program Goals. Darrel Cohoon, Senior Administrative Analyst, reviewed the proposed budget as it pertained to the Public Works Sub -Program Goal. Mayor Pattinson requested that a report showing all the City -owned property and its value be submitted to Council. The City Administrator stated that such a report was presently being prepared in the Planning Department and had also been requested by the Chamber of Commerce, The City Administrator elaborated on a report which had been prepared on City franchises, as requested by Councilman Siebert, and discussion was held. General discussion was held by Council on the various budget priorities and the City Administrator was requested to present a recommendation as to how an Allied Arts Commission budget could be included in the proposed budget. The proposed addition of personnel in the Police Department was reviewed with discussion also held on Police Department programs. The budget priority for the maintenance of City Pool Cars was reviewed, as well as the possibility of Park and Recreation dedication fee increases. Discussion was held regarding the Neighborhood Watch Program, which was compared with similar programs in other cities. Chief Robitaille stated that in his opinion, this program should stay as a.citizens' program, with citizens setting their own goals and the City's role remaining at minimum level. Counciman Siebert inquired whether any money had been allotted for the repair and maintenance of the Huntington Beach Pier, The Director of Harbors, Beaches & Development stated that in view of the large amount of expenditure involved, the matter was being reviewed under Capital Outlay. The use of the Music and Promotion Fund, and Employee Retirement Fund were also among the items discussed at this time. RECESS - RECONVENE Mayor Pattinson called a recess of the Council at 9:20 P.M. The Council was reconvened by the Mayor at 9:40 P.M. 1977-78 FY BUDGET DISCUSSION Discussion was held regarding the recommendations which were made for the City in the "State of the City" address presented by former Mayor Harriett Wieder, Councilwoman Wieder commented on what she believed to be a need for an expanded Economic Development Office, and discussion was held between Council and staff. Each City department head commented on the method by which the budget was prepared and the budget as it relates to their departments. The City department heads unanimously agreed that the budget process and concept resulted in a very workable and smooth process. Mayor Pattinson requested that each Council member review the budget and if there were any questions regarding the priorities, to contact the office of the City Administrator; and should changes still be desired they could be presented at the next Council meeting. He also suggested that this process be applied to those programs recommended for deletion. r Page #3 - Council Minutes - 5/31/77 Mayor Pattinson congratulated the City Administrator and his staff on what he considered to be a very commendable effort on the presentation of the budget. The City Administrator introduced John Roulette, Gene Helmsworth and .Terry Causey, staff members who had worked with departments on the budget preparation. ADJOURNMENT On motion by Pattinson, second Bartlett, the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned. Motion carried. ATTEST: Alicia M. Wentworth City ...Clerk IRWAF ".0, � Deputy,; Alicia M. Wentworth City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California Deputyrty Z� 1?�o